5/2-5/6/2005 Meetings for the week of May 2nd - May 6th Page 1 of 1 The City of Saint Paul MUM Meetings for the Week of May 2nd, thru May 6th, 2005 MONDAY - May 2nd No Meetings Scheduled TUESDAY -May 3rd *Ramsey County Board 9:00 AM Council Chambers, City Hall/Court House Legislative Hearing 10:00 AM Room 330, City Hall Legislative Hearing 1:30 PM Room 330, City Hall WEDNESDAY - May 4th *Ad Hoc Legislative Agenda Committee 2:00 PM Council Chambers, City Hall *City Council--- see Agenda 3:30 PM Council Chambers, City Hall *City Council Public Hearing 5:30 PM Council Chambers, City Hall THURSDAY - May 5th No Meetings Scheduled FRIDAY - May 6th Planning Commission 8:30 AM Room 40, City Hall * Cablecast live and repeated on Saint Paul Channel 18. Interpreter service for the hearing impaired will be provided at public meetings upon request.Request can be made by calling(651)266-8509(Voice and TDD)Monday thru Friday, 8:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M.A minimum of two days notice is required. For more information on any of these meetings,you can send Email to: citizen.service@ci.stpaul.mn.us, or call the Saint Paul Citizen Service Office at 651-266-8989 http://www.ci.stpaul.mn.us/depts/meetings.html 4/29/2005 tine Haas- Fwd: Next Meeting of the Ad Hoc Legislative Agenda Committee is May 4, 2005 at 2:00 p.m. Page 1 From: Shari Moore To: Haas, Christine Date: 4/27/2005 5:09:31 PM Subject: Fwd: Next Meeting of the Ad Hoc Legislative Agenda Committee is May 4,2005 at 2:00 p.m. for the weekly meeting list >>> Donna Sanders 4/27/2005 4:58:04 PM >>> The next meeting of the Ad Hoc Legislative Agenda Committee is scheduled for Wednesday, May 4, 2005 at 2:00 p.m. in the council chambers. See agenda attached. I have also included a copy of the agenda below. Donna Sanders Secretary to Councilmember Lee Helgen 320A City Hall 651-266-8650 AD HOC LEGISLATIVE AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Wednesday, May 4, 2005 2:00 p.m. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 3RD FLOOR City Hall and Court House 15 West Kellogg Boulevard AGENDA ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF MINUTES NEW BUSINESS 1. Update from Nancy Haas, Deputy Chief of Staff on the 2005 legislative session and progress of St. Paul's Legislative Priorities, and ; a. TnT-Taxpayers Satisfaction Survey b. Proposed property tax freeze in Senate File 318 c. Proposed Human Rights Bill d. Star Bonding Issue 2. WiFi - Committee formation and work plan including periodic updates of broadband progress in the City of Saint Paul - Karen Johnson and Trudy Moloney 3. Followup to the joint meeting with Minneapolis - Councilmember Lee Helgen and Trudy Moloney 4. Update on federal legislation taking place in the House Telecommunication Subcommittee concerning legislation limiting or abolishing cable franchises in order to aid the provision of new"Internet Protocol" video, voice and data services - Mike Reardon - Director, Cable 5. Amendments to section 45.03 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code (Lobbyists)- Councilmember Lee Helgen 6. Proposed Metro Transit Service Cuts Update - Kenneth Smith, Council Research Future Items 'ltine Haas- Fwd: Next Meeting of the Ad Hoc Legislative Agenda Committee is May 4, 2005 at 2:00 p.m. Page 2 OLD BUSINESS NEXT MEETING DATE May 18, 2005 Time: 1:00 p.m. ADJOURNMENT Christine Haas-Fwd: April 20, 2005 Ad Hoc Legislative Agenda Committee Meeting - CANCELLED Page 1 From: Shari Moore To: Haas, Christine Date: 4/12/2005 3:01:14 PM Subject: Fwd: April 20, 2005 Ad Hoc Legislative Agenda Committee Meeting -CANCELLED >>> Donna Sanders 4/12/2005 11:00:33 AM >>> The April 20, 2005 Ad Hoc Legislative Agenda Committee Meeting scheduled for 1:00 p.m., has been cancelled. The next Ad Hoc Legislative Agenda Committee Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, May 4, 2005 at 2:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers. s SAINT PAUL - RAMSEY COUNTY Elb COMMUNITY HEALTH SERVICES Mik A A A A ADVISORY COMMITTEE TO THE SAINT PAUL CITY COUNCIL AND THE RAMSEY COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 555 Cedar Street imorsmi Saint Paul,Minnesota 55101-2260 RAMSEY COUNTY 651-266-1200 A RECEI FD MEETING NOTICE APR 2 9 2005 WEDNESDAY, MAY 4, 2005 CITY CLERK SAINT PAUL - RAMSEY COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH Ramsey County Government Center West (RCGC-West) 50 West Kellogg Boulevard, Suite 930 - STAR Room Saint Paul (Enter on the river side/back of the building.) AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. Update on the New No Smoking Ordinances - Joe Hibberd 3. Approval of Summary Meeting Minutes from April 6, 2005 4. Chairperson's Report 5. Director's Report 6. Discussion on Recommendations to Prevent Childhood Obesity 7. Adjourn CHSAC Public Meeting will begin at 5:30 p.m. NEXT MEETING JUNE 1, 2005 PACKET ENCLOSURES 1. April 2005 Minutes 2. April 2005 Section Updates ** Attention CHS Advisory Committee Members ** Please contact Jan Pierson if you will not be attending the meeting: Phone: 651-266-2408 E-Mail: jan.pierson(aco.ramsey.mn.us N 1 SAINT PAUL - RAMSEY COUNTY '4* COMMUNITY HEALTH SERVICES A A A A ADVISORY COMMITTEE TO THE SAINT PAUL CITY COUNCIL AND THE RAMSEY COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 555 Cedar Street dirommis Saint Paul,Minnesota 55101-2260 RAMSEY COUNTY 651-266-1200 MINUTES COMMUNITY HEALTH SERVICES ADVISORY COMMITTEE APRIL 6, 2005 MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS EXCUSED MEMBERS ABSENT Mary Ackerman Betsy Garcia Jennifer Rauch Shannon Heitz Kalia Lo Graham Thompson Joan Johnson Murray Sagsveen Joanne Westergard Debbie Luna Tyler Schmidtz Mary Anne Mathews Esther Tatley STAFF/GUESTS Theresa McConnon Alyssa Vang SuzAnn Stenso-Velo Jack Rossbach Mark Wolf Julie Seiber Sheri Smith Barb Schommer Mark Wolf Rob Fulton Richard Ragan Preparing for a Public Health Emergency— SuzAnn Stenso-Velo, Planner with EP3. Among the public health staff there is a growing core group of staff with knowledge about emergency preparedness. On May 30 and 31, EP3 conducted workshops on Emergency Preparedness and Public Health Response. Staff got another overview training on the Incident Management System and more specific information on conducting a Mass Dispensing Site (now called a point of distribution or POD). This fall there will be additional training on communication and transportation including a tabletop exercise. In the spring of 2007 there will be training on the Strategic National Stockpile. The trainings are attempting to prepare the staff for a multitude of possible scenarios. Planning and coordination is occurring among many organizations, including the Red Cross. The EP3 staff is currently focusing on how to keep essential personnel safe and healthy during a time of crisis. EP3 is currently recruiting volunteers for the Medical Reserve Corps. The mission of the Medical Reserve Corps is to allow local volunteer medical and health professionals to contribute their skills and expertise during times of community need such as in a public health emergency. The MRC of Ramsey County became registered with the Surgeon General in March of 2004 under the President's Freedom Act. The health department received a Homeland Security Grant ($80K) to develop the program, recruit volunteers and train. As of April 5, 2005, 78 health volunteers have made application to the MRC. The goal is to have 200 volunteers by the end of 2005. The next orientation is scheduled for May 10, 2005. The MRC of Ramsey County information and application forms can be accessed at www.co.ramsev.mn.us/ph/mrc. Implementation of the Steps to a Healthier Saint Paul Grant— Julie Seiber, Grant Coordinator and Barb Schommer, Quality Supervisor Steps to a Healthier St. Paul is a new initiative funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Center for Disease Control. This 5-year program promotes health through a 1 strong emphasis on proven interventions and existing science in the following areas: healthy eating and improved nutrition, increased physical activity and reduced tobacco use and exposure. The goal of the STEPS grant is to reduce the burden of chronic disease with an emphasis on diabetes, obesity and asthma. St. Paul was funded for this program along with Minneapolis, Rochester and Willmar. The project will be coordinated by the Minnesota Department of Health. The first phase of the program from January through September 2005 involves organizing a leadership team and community consortium to assess, plan, implement and evaluate community efforts in the three health promotion areas. Members of the consortium include: Ramsey Tobacco Coalition, St. Paul Public Schools, Active MN, Active Learning by Design, Cater to Health, CLIMB Theatre, Just do It, RAP. For more information contact: Julie Seiber @ 266-2593 or Julianne.Seiber(a co.ramsev.mn.us. Summary Meeting Minutes A motion to approve the minutes was made by Mary Anne Mathews, seconded by Joan Johnson and approved by everyone. Director's Report The staff is celebrating National Public Health Week. Staff is busy reviewing requests to be exempt from the no-smoking ordinance. There have been only 2 complaints regarding violations since 3/31. ANSR will be publishing a smoke-free restaurant guide. Epidemiologists have noted an increase in the number of cases of Pertussis (Whooping Cough) in the last month. In a normal season there are 500 cases in MN and it is expected there will be twice that many this season. The Department is working with the State MDH on a Pertussis grant. Wisconsin is experiencing an epidemic. Mrs.Toni Carter is the new Ramsey County Commissioner. She has a strong interest in public health. Dave Twa, the County Manager, has released the new budget process. Beginning in 2006, each department will prepare a two-year budget covering both 2006 and 2007. At a meeting on April 1, Dave outlined some of the factors driving the next two years of expenses. These include: 1. Continued state and federal cuts which will be structural imbalances until taxes are raised. 2. Continued shift of commercial levy onto residential levy. 3. Increase in employee health insurance for 2006 of 18%. 4. Increase in retiree health insurance of$1.4Million. 5. Increase in employee and county contributions to PERA. Based on these factors, each department will budget for 2006 and 2007 using a 0% increase in local tax levy. This will impact our activities, as we are unlikely to have additional revenues or additional grants to offset our increased expenditures. The budget timetable has our department meeting with the County Manager in early June and the final budget being released in late August or early September. This is later than previous budget timelines. This 2 means that we can share the final budget with staff in late August. Section Managers will be working on budgets during the next eight weeks. The Counties are discussing how best to share the Bioterrorism grant with the State. The committee will review its learnings on prevention of obesity in children and formulate several recommendations at the next meeting. There will also be a program update provided by staff. The meeting was adjourned at 7:05. 3 191 AAA' Ham.eyCounty Saint Paul- Ramsey County Department of Public Health Section Updates - Aprilzoo5 MEDICAL DIRECTOR REPORT During April, a resident from the Regions Family Practice Residency,Dr.Ali Khan,will participate as an observer in the Tuberculosis Clinic. The residency director, Dr. Kathie Culhane-Pera,is interested in the residents learning about tuberculosis treatment and control as part of their month's rotation in Community Medicine. I continue to serve on the Residency Advisory Committee for the Regions Occupational Medicine Residency and for Mayo's Preventive Medicine Residency and Fellowship. The Tuberculosis Clinic continues to be very busy. Drs. Sanne Magnan and Michael Kamp are seeing patients regularly in the clinic. Recently GeGe Nowicki and I went on a house call to a person with a serious tuberculosis problem. I am attending the Annual Meeting of the American Association for the History of Medicine in Birmingham, AL,April 7-10. Dr. John Eyler of the University of Minnesota Program in the History of Medicine will give the association's highest honor,the Garrison Lecture, at the historic Sixteenth Street Baptist Church and associated Birmingham Civil Rights Institute. ADMINISTRATION SECTION HEALTH INFORMATION PRIVACY& SECURITY WEEK April 10-16 is National Health Information Privacy& Security Week. Health Information Privacy and Security Week was designed to raise awareness among health care professionals,their employers,and the public of the importance of protecting the privacy, confidentiality, and security of personal health information. Key chains were distributed this week,reminding us, as Public Health employees,that"you are the key to health information privacy& security." Public Health and the HIPAA arena The Privacy Rule permits covered entities to disclose PHI,without authorization,to public health authorities or other entities who are legally authorized to receive such reports for the purpose of preventing or controlling disease, injury, or disability. This includes the reporting of disease or injury; reporting vital events(e.g.,births or deaths); conducting public health surveillance, investigations, or interventions; reporting child abuse and neglect; and monitoring adverse outcomes related to food (including dietary supplements),drugs,biological products, and medical devices [45 CFR 164.512(b)]. To protect the health of the public,public health authorities might need to obtain information related to the individuals affected by a disease. In certain cases,they might need to contact those affected to determine the cause of the disease to allow for actions to prevent further illness. 1 To receive PHI for public health purposes,public health authorities should be prepared to verify their status and identity as public health authorities under the Privacy Rule.To verify its identity,an agency could provide any one of the following: • if the request is made in person,presentation of an agency identification badge,other official credentials, or other proof of government status; • if the request is in writing,the request is on the appropriate government letterhead; • if the request is made verbally,identification of agency,name, official credentials.Also,be prepared to leave a phone number so you can be reached for call backs. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SECTION Mercury Free Zone Program Pete Miller and Karen Reilly, Solid and Hazardous Waste Compliance program,have been working with the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency(MPCA)to implement the Mercury Free Zone(MFZ)program in Ramsey County. The program works with schools to remove mercury-bearing equipment and chemicals from their buildings. Participating schools sign a pledge stating they will inventory their buildings,properly dispose of any mercury,purchase non-(hyphen)mercury substitutes,cooperate with the MPCA during mercury assessments and properly clean up any discovered mercury. Current activities include mercury assessments at the junior and senior high schools in St. Paul. A typical assessment includes a physical inspection of the science rooms,nursing stations,gyms and boiler rooms. Air readings are also taken in each area to determine if any contamination has occurred. Ramsey County Smoke Free Restaurant Ordinance Update This is an update on the implementation of the Ramsey County Smoke Free Restaurant Ordinance;two weeks after the Ordinance went into effect. As was true of the first week,this last week has been a quiet week,with hardly any media attention,few public inquiries,and fewer exemption requests. Calls and Complaints The Department is directing public inquiries and complaints about the ordinance to two places, a 24/7 Smoke Free Telephone hotline(651-773-4476)or an email address smokefree@co.ramsey.mn.us <mailto:smokefree@co.ramsey.mn.us>. Through April 15 the telephone line had received 21 calls, 9 of which were complaints. Through the same data there had been 17 emails, 3 of which were complaints. Most inquiries are asking questions about the ordinance. While the Department did not expect a large number of complaints,we continue to be surprised at the low volume,having received only 12 complaints since March 31. Most of the complaints have fallen into our"other"category,and don't relate to specific violations of the ordinance. One complaint, for example, related to the Minnesota Clean Indoor Air Act as it related to an exempt Bar-the complaint was that the bar did not have a non-smoking section as it should have. Exemptions The Environmental Health Section has been processing exemption applications since the day of the mailing at the end of January that included exemption forms.As of Friday, April 15,the Department had granted 152 exemptions,and 95%of those were bars. 68%of the exemptions have been granted to establishments in Saint Paul. As before,exemption applications are being processed within about a week of receipt, and Certificates of Exemption are being mailed as exemptions are granted. The Department continues to work with establishments seeking exemptions by constructing a Bar from their current Restaurant(floor-to-ceiling wall,closeable door,negative air pressure, separate license). These exemptions are being approved as the standards in the ordinance are met. So far,the Mermaid 2 (Mounds View),Mancini's(Saint Paul),Washington Square Bar and Grill(White Bear Lake), and Fabulous Ferns(Saint Paul)have met the standards. Those that are still working on facility changes are 01' Mexico(Roseville), and North St. Paul Bar and Grill (North Saint Paul),the Best Western Maplewood Inn(Maplewood)DeGidio's Bar(Saint Paul),Tin Cup's(Saint Paul),and Awada's (Saint Paul). Several establishments have received"provisional"exemptions,which, as provided for the Ordinance, last for six months. These are establishments that did not meet the 50%alcohol sales requirement,but have put forth a business plan and affidavit that they are making business changes to reach that level. If, after six months,their tax records show that they met the 50% standard,they will receive an exemption for the remainder of the year. If they do not meet the standard,they have signed an affidavit saying that they will revert to smoke-free status. Outreach and Education The Department's Smoke-Free web page remains as the best source of information for inquiries about the Ordinance. It can be found at <http://www.co.ramsey.mn.us/phisfrordinance/index.asp>. Since the effective date,media inquiries have dropped substantially. In the past week the Department fielded a few media calls,but there was no coverage identified that related to the Ordinance.We expect further media attention later in April, when there will be some examination of the effect of the Ordinance, and as the April 30 deadline for exemption application approaches. HEALTHY COMMUNITIES SECTION Minnesota Cross Walk Law Enhancement Bill As part of our Injury Prevention Program,Healthy Communities staff has been working to promote a change in the State Crosswalk Law in order to prevent injuries and deaths of pedestrians in Ramsey County and around the State. The legislation that has been developed to accomplish this change is modeled after a highly successful program in Washington State,where fine revenues from tickets written for crosswalk violations are divided to fund driver and pedestrian education, engineering improvements (signage, street markings), and to help cover costs of enforcement by local law enforcement,in addition to providing revenue to the state's general fund. On April 12th the House Committee on Transportation Finance heard the Bill(House File 1153);testifying in support were Ramsey County Board Chair Victoria Reinhardt and Terri and Tim Wald,parents of an 11-year old White Bear Lake child who was struck and seriously injured in a school crosswalk by a Dodge Ram truck last Fall. The Bill passed unanimously, and was referred on to the House Public Safety Committee; the Senate version(Senate File 1144) unanimously passed the Senate Transportation Committee on March 10`h. The current draft of the Senate Omnibus Transportation Funding Bill contains funding for education of motorists and pedestrians as outlined in SF 1144. There is still a long way to go,but we are very thankful and hopeful about the potential that this proposed change in State law holds for real,lasting improvement in the health and safety of people in our communities and throughout Minnesota. Wakanheza Project Update On April 6th, Darleen Simmons, Grit Youngquist,and Kathy Hedin conducted a very successful Wakanheza Train the Trainer session. There were 30 attendees from around Ramsey County and the State. On April 12th a group of Community Human Services Social Workers were trained and 55 Property Records and Revenue staff was trained on April 15`h. Wakanheza provides simple tools to help others out: lending a hand, smiling, giving a parent or child a compliment, or striking up an unrelated conversation. Wakanheza teaches people the power of empathy. During the Wakanheza Train the Trainer workshops community members are provided with knowledge 3 and tools of how to support parents,youth, and families who are in stressful settings. Wakanheza continues to work throughout Ramsey County. HEALTHY FAMILIES SECTION Three Bolivian nursing students,accompanied by faculty and staff from the College of Saint Catherine, met with Public Health and County representatives in mid-April to share information on health issues in their native country and the U.S. Both Healthy Families' Alpha and Beta work groups and other staff, including C&TC, Policy&Planning, MFIP Program, Healthy Communities, Epidemiology-Policy- Planning-Preparedness,Environmental Health,Administration,Preventive Health Services, Correctional Health, and WIC shared in the conversation and enjoyed a Spanish lunch together. In the afternoon,the Bolivian students accompanied Home Visiting Public Health Nurses to visits with pregnant and parenting Hispanic families. The Alpha and Beta work groups are jointly sponsoring several conferences and trainings on Hispanic topics. The first presentation,to an overfilled auditorium,presented information on immigration issues;a second presentation on April 29 at Snelling Office Park/St.Paul will discuss Spanish demographics and acculturation issues. Please contact the Public Health Registration Line, 651- 266-2444(select#3, Spanish-Speaking Community)for reservations. PREVENTIVE HEALTH SECTION The Refugee/Immigrant Health Program reports the year 2004 brought an extraordinary volume of newly arrived refugees to Minnesota. During the fiscal year 2004(Oct. 1,2003-Sept. 30,2004)6,084 new refugees resettled in our state! These people hailed from many parts of the world. Of the 3,619 arrivals from Africa,2,297 were from Somalia alone. In June 2004,our first Hmong arrived from Wat Tham Krabok in Thailand. Exactly 1,968 Hmong made Minnesota their new home during this time frame. All new refugees to Minnesota should complete a refugee health screening. This exam ensures the health of the new refugee as well as protects Minnesota residents from infectious disease common in many parts of the world. While this goal is usually accomplished by public health clinics, during this time of such great need,there were other Ramsey County Clinics recruited to help with the screening,due to the large number of arrivals expected in a short period of time. We recently received an announcement&congratulatory message from Dianne Mandernach, Commissioner at the Minnesota Department of Health,that the refugee health screening for the above time frame was more than 90%,which was described as"an incredible accomplishment during a very challenging time." She added that some of the screening forms are yet to be returned, so over time,the rate will only increase. Our Program continues to be busy screening all refugees arriving in Ramsey County&presently is seeing all the Hmong refugees arriving from the Wat. WIC SECTION We are delighted to report that after a few months of declining caseload,we have rebounded and are once again above the 17,000 mark! In March,we served 17,015 participants. 4