6/5-6/9/2006 Meetings for the week of June 5th - June 9th Page 1 of 1 L The City of Saint Paul *AAA, Meetings for the Week of June 5th, thru June 9th, 2006 MONDAY - June 5th Legislative Hearing 10:00 AM Room 330, City Hall Board of Zoning Appeals 3:00 PM Room 330, City Hall TUESDAY - June 6th *Ramsey County Board Meeting 9:00 AM Council Chambers, City Hall Legislative Hearing 10:00 AM Room 330, City Hall Legislative Hearing 1:30 PM Room 330, City Hall WEDNESDAY - June 7th *City Council --- see Agenda 3:30 PM Council Chambers, City Hall Community Health Services 5:30 PM RCGC- West 50 W Kellogg Blvd. Advisory Committee Ste 930 Enter on the River side. *City Council Public Hearing 5:30 PM Council Chambers, City Hall THURSDAY - June 8th Legislative Hearing 10:00 AM Room 330, City Hall Zoning Committee 3:30 PM Council Chambers, City Hall FRIDAY - June 9th No Meetings Scheduled *Cablecast live and repeated on Saint Paul Channel 18. Interpreter service for the hearing impaired will be provided at public meetings upon request.Request can be made by calling(651)266-8509(Voice and TDD)Monday thru Friday, 8:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M A minimum of two days notice is required For more information on any of these meetings,you can send Email to: citizen.service@ci.stpaul.mn.us, or call the Saint Paul Citizen Service Office at 651-266-8989 httn.//www_ci.stnaul_mn.us/rlentc/meetinoc html 6/90 06 )11N1 ST PAUL CITY COUNCIL CITY OF SAINT PAUL Dept. of Planning and Public Hearin IyQiiED Economic Development t(;t�V Phone: (651)266-6589 ROMA MAY 2 5 2006 Fax: (651)228-3220 ..�... r%TY CLERK File# 06-083- Purpose: Appeal of a Planning Commission denial of a conditional use permit for outdoor used car sales and a car cleaning and detailing business Property Address: 1229 Payne Ave, File Name: Suzanne Snaza Hearing Date: Wednesday, June 7,2006, at 5:30 p.m. You may send written comments to the City Council at the address listed on the reverse side of this Location of Hearing: card. Please call 651-266-6639, or e-mail City Council Chambers patricia.james@ci.stpaul.mn.us, or call your District Third Floor Council representative at 651-774-5234, if you have City Hall/Court House any questions. 15 West Kellogg Blvd. Mailed: May 26. 2006 4 SAINT PAUL - RAMSEY COUNTY COMMUNITY HEALTH SERVICES Mit A A A A ADVISORY COMMITTEE TO THE SAINT PAUL CITY COUNCIL A THE RAMSEY COUNTY BOARD OF COMMIS,�IONERS 555 Cedar Street ND E Saint Paul,Minnesota 55101-2260 UEIVED RAMSEY COUNTY 651-266-1200 JUN09epos MEETING NOTICE C17 y CLERK WEDNESDAY, JUNE 7, 2006 SAINT PAUL - RAMSEY COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH Ramsey County Government Center West (RCGC-West) 50 West Kellogg Boulevard, Suite 930 - STAR Room Saint Paul ** Enter on the river side/back of the building. ** AGENDA R C 3_ / F Q 1. Call to Order 2. Director's Updates 3. Administrative Items Per 4. Planning for Future Meetings 5. Adjourn CHSAC Public Meeting will begin at 5 :30 p.m. NEXT MEETING SEPTEMBER 6, 2006 PACKET ENCLOSURES 1. May 3, 2006 Meeting Minutes 2. May 2006 Section Updates ** Attention CHS Advisory Committee Members ** Please contact Jan Pierson if you will not be attending the meeting: Phone: 651-266-2408 E-Mail: jan.piersoneco.ramsey.mn.us SAINT PAUL - RAMSEY COUNTY COMMUNITY HEALTH SERVICES A A A A ADVISORY COMMITTEE TO THE SAINT PAUL CITY COUNCIL AND THE RAMSEY COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 555 Cedar Street Saint Paul,Minnesota 55101-2260 RAMSEY COUNTY 651-266-1200 MINUTES COMMUNITY HEALTH SERVICES ADVISORY COMMITTEE MAY 3, 2006 MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS EXCUSED MEMBERS ABSENT Mary Ackerman Rhoda Erhardt Kalia Lo Hanna Cooper Debbie Ibarra-Luna Jennifer Rauch Coral Garner Bruce Larson Kristine Gjerde Tyler Schmidtz STAFF Soyini Guyton Rob Fulton. Regina Rippel Deb Hendricks Jack Rossbach Richard Ragan Barbara Rowe Barb Schommer Murray Sagsveen Julie Seiber Sheri Smith Grit Youngquist Esther Tatley Alyssa Vang Mark Wolf Chairperson Mary Ackerman, called the meeting to order at 5:42. Draft Recommendations Paper The first order of business was to review and discuss the draft recommendations of the committee to the City Council and County Board. Staff gave a short presentation regarding the draft recommendations and then took questions. Committee members made the following suggestions to revise the paper: • title each of the recommendations • describe the successful results of the teen parenting program • change the heading to "challenge/opportunity" • add "maintain the safety net" to the recommendation on Mind the Gap • describe the obstacles the built environment poses to a healthy lifestyle • note that chronic disease puts a burden on society as well as the care system • recommend making the Teen Wakanheza training available to the community Dick will make the revisions, share with the Chair, and bring to the final meeting in June. 1 • Committee Administrative Issues The committee discussed meeting during the summer months and voted unanimously to not meet during the months of July or August. A large percentage of the committee's members are either up for reappointment or have served out their full term. Dick will work with staff in the City and the County to get reappointments or new appointments accomplished during the summer months. The Committee will meet for an organizing/orientation/update meeting in September and then a joint CHSAC meeting is being planned with Hennepin and Minneapolis in October. Planning for the next Program Year -Sept 06-May 07 Rob described some of the challenges the Committee will investigate in the 06/07 program year. The challenges include: • Immunizations—there are gaps in rates between ages 1 and 5 years old. • A community health assessment is conducted every five years. Staff will be actively engaged in the planning process beginning Fall 06. The committee will be asked to critique both the process and the final product. There will be 6 primary focus areas with 6 action plans. • Staff is beginning to implement what is called Wakanheza "lite." • Universal health care coverage (at least for children)will be a hot topic around election time and the Committee should investigate the ramifications of such a system. • The committee will be asked to investigate the social marketing of public health. Director's Report Planning to deal with the prospect of pandemic influenza is consuming a large amount of staff resources. Fortunately, what we learn while planning to deal with a pandemic is easily applied to other emergencies we deal with on a more common basis such as: mumps, STDs, food borne illness and TB. The Department developed a 2-year budget for the first time this year. The Department is anticipating a shortfall in revenues for 07, and will hold vacancies to avoid layoffs. The Department is using funding to underwrite several Twin Cities Public TV shows in the Fall in order to get a public or environmental health message out to the public. The Environmental Health Section has been assigned the task of writing an ordinance to deal with methamphetamine labs in residential properties. The properties become a problem when contaminated with solid and hazardous wastes. There are some Federal monies available to deal this problem. Mary Ackerman thanked Jack Rossbach and Murray Sagsveen for their active participation on the Committee. Chairperson Mary Ackerman, adjourned the meeting at 7:39. 2 ,r;�r1 I ' Fi MIA* 9.1 Mk Ham^.ey Gounty Saint Paul- Ramsey County Department of Public 3(ealth Section Updates - .May, 2006 MEDICAL DIRECTOR • I am hosting occupational medicine senior resident, Dr. Heidi Roeber Rice, from the Regions Hospital occupational medicine residency program for May and June 2006 • I remain active as member of the Minnesota Department of Health Tuberculosis Advisory Committee • I was named to be on the executive committee of the Minnesota Department of Health Maternal and Child Health Advisory Committee • I am serving as chair of the Minnesota Department of Health Heart Disease and Stroke Advisory Committee • I hosted second-year resident Asima Yasin from the University-St. Joseph's family medicine residency program for April 2006 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SECTION • The Environmentally Preferable Purchasing Workshop &Vendor Fair held April 25 at the Maplewood Community Center drew about 60 people from Ramsey County, City of St. Paul, suburban municipalities, and school districts in Ramsey County. This event was coordinated by Environmental Health, Contract and Analysis Services, the St. Paul Mayor's Office, St. Paul Public Works,the City of Maplewood, and the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. Vendors of products and services for the office,building and grounds maintenance, fleets and vehicle maintenance were on hand to help local government consider options that work well while offering benefits to the environment or human health. • Yard Waste Program: > BRUSH COLLECTION: The four yard waste sites that accept brush received over 24,000 cubic yards of brush during the first 5 weeks of operation. Mulch is available at the four sites that accept brush. > FINISHED COMPOST: The yard waste sites have run out of the supply of finished compost. Compost will not be available through the remainder of 2006. ➢ For more information on site hours and locations go to: <http://www.co.ramsey.mn.us/ph/by/composting_and_yard_waste.htm> 1 • Household Hazardous Waste(HHW)Program: > NEW SITE OPEN The.Arden Hills mobile HHW collection site opened for the first time on May 5th. The site is located just north of the County Public Works facility; north of the intersection of Hwy 96 and Hamline Ave. The site is open Fridays 10 a.m. -6 p.m. and Saturdays 9 a.m. -4 p.m. through May and will return to this location in September at these same hours. The site received 625 visits the first weekend it was open. For more information on hours and locations for all HHW sites go to: <http://www.co.ramsey.mn.us/ph/by/household_hazardous_waste.htm> > MERCURY THERMOSTAT COLLECTION PILOT PROJECT Starting in May, Ramsey County's HHW program and 12 other county-run HHW facilities in Minnesota began participating in a state pilot project with the Product Stewardship Institute, Inc. (PSI) and the Thermostat Recycling Corp. (TRC)to determine the feasibility of accepting mercury- containing building thermostats for recycling at HHW facilities. The pilot will run through the end of December of this year in Illinois, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Washington State, and Florida at approximately 50 locations. Under the pilot, permanent HHW collection facilities and short-term collection events will be outfitted with special bins to accept mercury thermostats. Ramsey County had already been collecting mercury containing devices including thermostats for a number of years. Thermostats collected under the pilot project will be sorted from other mercury-containing products and will ultimately be transported to a manufacturer site to be recycled at no charge to consumers. The pilot is part of a comprehensive mercury emissions reduction strategy PSI and TRC have developed to reduce the chances of mercury from thermostats being released into the environment. Mercury pollution is a problem across the nation,with many rivers and lakes subject to mercury fish advisories. People can get exposed to mercury by eating contaminated fish. Thermostats and other mercury containing products can lead to contamination when thrown in the trash, where they might be crushed, incinerated, or otherwise mismanaged in a way to cause airborne releases, after which mercury falls back to earth in rainwater EP3 (Epidemiology, Policy, Planning and Preparedness) EPIDEMIOLOGY • Investigation of suspect mumps cases has been the focus for the disease prevention and control team,beginning in April. Ramsey County has had three confirmed and 18 suspect cases as of April 30, 2006. None of Ramsey County's confirmed cases is linked to the Iowa outbreak. As the information changes,we have been sending updates to keep clinics, colleges, schools and the public aware of the latest guidance on diagnosis, lab testing and control measures. • Paula Henry recently completed the Ramsey County TB Community Profile for 2005. Contact her for more information on this. POLICY • The Department has completed two position papers which will help to define our thoughts on issues important to public health. The first paper is on Thimerosal and Childhood Vaccines; the second on Public Health Services to Immigrants. Look for these to soon appear on the Department web site. 2 PLANNING • Community Assessment: Planning is underway for conducting SPRCDPH next Community Assessment. Last one completed in 2003. PREPAREDNESS • Medical Reserve Corps of Ramsey County: Now has a total of 533 health care professional volunteers including registered nurses,physicians, licensed practical nurses, dentists, pharmacists, psychologists, etc. to assist in case of a public health emergency. About half have gone thru orientation so far and many more have taken advantage of emergency preparedness training opportunities. • Section staff have been giving presentations throughout the community on preparing for pandemic flu. Audiences have included business,professional, neighborhood groups and elected officials. • The County Board received a series of 5 presentations followed by discussions on preparing for pandemic flu. • Information on Public Heath Preparedness, including pandemic flu,have been developed and posted on the department web page. • In late March the entire department staff attended training on pandemic flu and public health emergency response. The training was taped and a DVD was made for other groups or individuals to view. HEALTHY COMMUNITIES SECTION INITIATIVE FOR VIOLENCE FREE FAMILIES AND COMMUNITIES IN RAMSEY COUNTY • Darleen Simmons and Donald Gault traveled to Pittsburg, Kansas to provide violence prevention training to staff and community participants in the statewide Kansas DELTA Project. DELTA Projects are CDC-funded efforts designed to promote primary prevention of domestic violence. WAKANHEZA WOMEN'S ADVOCATES • Healthy Communities Staff have been working with Women's Advocate's, a Battered Women's Shelter,to implement the principles of Wakanheza within their agency. What has been happening at Women's Advocates will be used as a model for other shelters across the metro area. CHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT DIVISION • Healthy Communities staff facilitated a Wakanheza Project Implementation training for 140 employees of the Child Support Enforcement Division of the County Attorney's office. Participants discussed how The Wakanheza principles of Judgment, Culture, Powerlessness, Empathy, Environment and The Moment can be incorporated into their work to reduce moments of tension that at times lead to harsh treatment of children. INJURY PREVENTION • The Injury Prevention Program staff provided information and an interactive poison prevention display/game for the annual Senior High Elementary Health Fair at Highland Senior High School May 10th and l lth. This was a collaboration of the Saint Paul School District, the Ramsey County Medical Society Alliance and other community agencies and organizations. HEALTHY FAMILIES SECTION • Sharon Cross co-authored Development of the Public Health Nursing Competency Instrument which appears in the current issue of Public Health Nursing(Vol. 23 No. 2, pp. 108-114). This 3 paper describes the development and initial testing of an instrument to measure population-based public health nursing competencies. Send an email to Sharon Cross at sharon.cross@co.ramsey.mn.us if you would like a copy of the article. • MaiKia Moua and Kong clan leader Mr. Pang Chang Kong co-presented "The Hmong Decision Making Model" at the last of 5 Hmong Odyssey Project Provider Workshops on April 25th. The workshops provided practical information for providers in the community working with new Hmong arrivals. The presentation's purpose was to increase awareness of how death and dying relates to Hmong health decision making, and to describe the process of decision making on healthcare choices in Hmong families. PREVENTIVE HEALTH SERVICES SECTION • The TB Control Program has been very busy the last few months. In March, 2005,we had 553 client visits, while in March of this year,we had 940 client visits. This is a 70% increase in the number of client visits for the month of March. Much of this increase has been due to the increase in number of TB cases,that is,persons with active TB disease. Our goal is to provide directly observed therapy(DOT),where we observe the patient take their daily TB medicine either in their home or the clinic, to every patient, as this is the standard of care for patients with TB disease. During the week of May 8th,2005, we were providing directly observed therapy to 27 patients, of which one was multi-drug resistant. Currently, we are providing DOT to 34 patients (a 25% increase), of which 6 are multi-drug resistant. Multi-drug resistant patients require more staff resources, as they are initially on IV therapy,have more side effects to the medications, and are typically on treatment for 2 years. • We have a new staff member in the TB Clinic, filling a recent vacancy. Shoua Kue,RN, started May 15th, and will greatly add to our capacity to provide necessary services to our patients. Welcome, Shoua! • GeGe Nowicki and Patty Seflow presented at a statewide conference, entitled, "TB Case Management for Public Health Nurses." This 2 1/2 day conference, April 26-28, was sponsored by the Heartland National TB Center in San Antonio, Texas, and the Minnesota Department of Health. This provided an excellent opportunity to learn the latest in the treatment and control of TB disease as well as network with other individuals working in the area of TB." 4 NOTICE OF LEGISLATIVE HEARING Khaled Aloul Maryland Amoco/BP Market Place 1200 White Bear Avenue North Saint Paul, Minnesota 55106 Mr. Aloul: Several letters of objection have been received to the issuance of your license application for Gas Station and Retail Food Grocery License (change of ownership only) for the Maryland One Stop Food & Fuel Market Inc. d/b/a Maryland Amoco/BP Market Place, 1200 White Bear Avenue North. You are invited to attend and participate in a hearing before the Legislative Hearing Officer regarding these objections. The Legislative Hearing will be held on: DATE: Thursday, June 8, 2006 TIME: 10:00 a.m. PLACE: Saint Paul City Hall/Ramsey County Courthouse Third Floor, Room#330, Committee Hearing Room 15 Kellogg Boulevard West Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 At this hearing,the Legislative Hearing Officer will take testimony from all interested people. At the end of this hearing, the Legislative Hearing Officer will make a recommendation as to whether the licenses should be approved, approved with conditions, or referred to an Administrative Law Judge. The City Council will have the final authority to grant or deny these licenses. c: Councilmember Bostrom District 2 Community Council Complainants Rachel Gunderson, City Attorney's Office LIEP Staff Notice Mailed: 5/25/2006 Christine Haas- Meetings of the Week Calendar Page 1 From: Racquel Naylor To: Haas, Christine Date: 5/24/2006 4:38:17 PM Subject: Meetings of the Week Calendar Please add the following to the calendar: Legislative Hearing for Gopher Bar Monday, June 5, 2006 10:05 a.m. Room 330 Courthouse. Thank you in advance. -Racquel, 6-8573 SAINT Saint Paul City Council P A U L 041 Public Hearing Notice AAAA Ratification of Assessment OWNER OR TAXPAYER COUNCIL DISTRICT#7 PLANNING COUNCIL#01 FILE#18928A03 ASSESSMENT#6006 RECFI1lrn PROPERTY ADDRESS MAY 1 9 2006 PARCEL ID CITY CLERK PROPERTY TAX DESCRIPTION THE TIME: WEDNESDAY, JUNE 7, 2006 AT 5:30 P.M. PUBLIC PLACE: City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall-Court House HEARING Written or oral statements by any owner will be considered by the Council at this hearing. PURPOSE To consider approval of the assessment for: INSTALLATION OF A SANITARY SEWER AND SERVICE CONNECTIONS IN SNOWSHOE LANE AND OGDEN COURT AT 2225 SNOWSHOE LANE AND 2212 OGDEN COURT. (WORK COMPLETED) ASSESSMENT The proposed assessment for the above property is $. If the City council approves the INFORMATION assessment you will have 30 days to pay without interest. Any unpaid balance will be collected with your property taxes over year at 5.000% interest. The proposed roll for this project is available for review in the Real Estate Division, 25 W 4th Street— 10th floor - City Hall Annex. ASSESSMENT CALCULATION NOTE: THIS IS NOT YOUR BILL. YOU WILL RECEIVE AN INVOICE AFTER THE HEARING SPECIFYING THE AMOUNT APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL WITH COMPLETE INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW TO PAY THIS ASSESSMENT. CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE NOTIFICATION DATE 05/19/06 DEFERRED Persons 65 and older or retired by virtue of a permanent and total disability may qualify PAYMENTS for deferred payment of special assessments. You may apply for deferred payment if it would be a hardship and you homestead this property. This is not a forgiveness of payment. It is a deferred payment plan in which interest continues to accrue. You can apply for this plan only after the City Council approves the RATIFICATION OF ASSESSMENTS. For more information on deferments, please call (651) 266-8858. QUESTIONS Before the public hearing of a local improvement, call (651) 266-8858 and refer to the File#on page 1. City staff will be available to answer any last minute questions on this project on the 10`h floor of the City Hall Annex the same day as the hearing. After the public hearing call (651) 266-8858 and refer to the Assessment#on page 1. If this notice is for an assessment to be levied for a Summary Abatement (property cleanup), the Boarding -up of vacant buildings, a Building Demolition or Tree Removal, please call (651) 266-8858 if you have questions. APPEAL City Council decisions are subject to appeal to the Ramsey County District Court. You must first file a notice stating the grounds for the appeal with the City Clerk within 20 days after the order adopting the assessment. You must also file the same notice with the Clerk of District Court within 10 days after filing with the City Clerk. NOTE: Failure to file the required notices within the times specified shall forever prohibit an appeal from the assessment. Section 64.06 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code requires regular assessment payments to be made even if an assessment is under appeal. If the appeal is successful, the payments including interest will be refunded. NOTICE SENT BY THE REAL ESTATE DIVISION DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 25 W 4TH STREET— 10TH FLOOR—CITY HALL ANNEX SAINT PAUL, MN 55102-1613 • OFFICE OF LICENSE,INSPECTIONS AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Bob Kessler,Director SAINT PAUL CITY OF SAINT PAUL COMMERCE BUILDING Telephone: 651-266-9090 Christopher B. Coleman,Mayor 8 Fourth Street East,Suite 200 Facsimile: 651-266-9124 0001 Saint Paul,Minnesota 55101-1024 Web: www.liep.us AIM May 10, 2006 TO: CapitolRiver Council Dear Ladies/Gentlemen: This is to inform you of a request for a variance from the sound level limitations as indicated in the St. Paul Noise Ordinance(Chapter 293 of the St. Paul Legislative Code). A public hearing before the City Council on this variance request will be held on: Date: June 7, 2006 Time: 5:30 p.m. Location: 3rd floor, City Hall Council Chambers Within fifteen (15) days of the mailing date on this notice,written comments or objections may be filed with the: City of St. Paul, Office of License,Inspections and Environmental Protection, 8 Fourth Street E, Suite 200, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101-1024. Description of Variance: Noise Source: Hot Summer Jazz Festival has requested a sound level variance for live music from 6:00 P.M. to 9:30 P.M. for June 16, 2006; and from 12:00 P.M. to 9:30 P.M. for June 17, 2006 Location: Mears Park, at the intersection of 5th Street and Wacouta. If you have any questions,please feel free to call me at (651) 266-9131. Sincerely, X "--L.....------ Michael Douglas Office of LIEP R E r: F-: ', L u MAY 1 ' Loud Per -- AA-ADA-EEO Employer MEETING NOTICE BOARD OF RAMSEY COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 15 W. KELLOGG BLVD., ST. PAUL, MN 55102 MSEY COUNTY 651 266-8350 Monday, June 5, 2006 3:00 p.m. - Association of Minnesota Counties - District X 125 Charles Avenue, Board Room, St. Paul Tuesday, June 6, 2006 9:00 a.m. - County Board Meeting Council Chambers, Third Floor Court House Immediately following the County Board Meeting (may continue at 1:45 p.m.) - Regional Railroad Authority Council Chambers, Third Floor Court House Board Workshop— The Changing Face of Day Services for People with Developmental Disabilities - Community Human Services Room 220 Court House, Large Conference Room 12:00 Noon - St. Paul BOMA Luncheon VENUE, 3rd Floor Galtier Plaza, 380 Jackson St., St. Paul 3:30 p.m. - Central Corridor Coordinating Committee 849 W. University Avenue Wednesday, June 7, 2006 8:30 a.m. - Metro Transitways Development Board 125 Charles Avenue, St. Paul 10:30 a.m. - Metropolitan Emergency Services Board Executive Committee 2099 W. University Avenue, St. Paul Thursday, June 8, 2006 10:00 a.m. - Resource Recovery Project Executive Committee Meeting 1670 Beam Avenue, Lower Level Room, Maplewood Friday, June 9, 2006 Advance Notice June 13, 2006 - 9:00 a.m. County Board Meeting —Council Chambers June 20, 2006 - 9:00 a.m. County Board Meeting —Council Chambers June 27, 2006 - 9:00 a.m. County Board Meeting —Council Chambers July 4, 2006 - No County Board Meeting July 11, 2006 - No County Board Meeting July 18, 2006 - 9:00 a.m. County Board Meeting —Council Chambers JUN-01-2006 17:19 RAMSEY COUNTY MANAGER 651 266 8039 P.02/02 MEETING NOTICE BOARD OF RAMSEY COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 15 W. KELLOGG BLVD., ST. PAUL, MN 55102 651 266-8350 RAMSEY COUNTY Monday, June 5, 2006 3:00 p.m. - Association of Minnesota Counties -District X 125 Charles Avenue, Board Room, St. Paul Tuesday, June 6, 2006 9:00 a.m. - County Board Meeting Council Chambers, Third Floor Court House Immediately following the County Board Meeting (may continue at 1:45 p.m.) Regional Railroad Authority Council Chambers, Third Floor Court House - Board Workshop— The Changing Face of Day Services for People with Developmental Disabilities - Community Human Services Room 220 Court House, Large Conference Room 12:00 Noon - St. Paul BOMA Luncheon VENUE, 3rd Floor Galtier Plaza, 380 Jackson St, St. Paul 3:30 p.m. - Central Corridor Coordinating Committee 849 W. University Avenue Wednesday, June 7, 2006 8:30 a.m. - Metro Transitways Development Board 125 Charles Avenue, St. Paul 10:30 a.m. - Metropolitan Emergency Services Board Executive Committee 2099 W. University Avenue, St. Paul Thursday, June 8, 2006 10:00 a.m. - Resource Recovery Project Executive Committee Meeting 1670 Beam Avenue, Lower Level Room, Maplewood Friday, June 9, 2006 Advance Notice June 13, 2006 - 9:00 a.m. County Board Meeting — Council Chambers June 20, 2006 - 9:00 a.m. County Board Meeting — Council Chambers June 27, 2006 - 9:00 a.m. County Board Meeting — Council Chambers July 4, 2006 - No County Board Meeting July 11, 2006 - No County Board Meeting July 18, 2006 - 9:00 a.m. County Board Meeting —Council Chambers TOTAL P.02 JUN-01-2006 17:18 RAMSEY COUNTY MANAGER 651 266 8039 P.01/02 15 ifkelbgg ENO.#250 St.Paul,MN 55102 Ramsey County Phone:651-266-8000 Manager's Office Fax:651-266-8039 Fax To: Terry Devine 6-8871 From: Bobbie Crancer 651-266-8001 Shari Moore -e.8888' giA\°` Jolly Mangine 6-2264 Kevin Duchschere 227-9371 V/160 Fax: Date:Phone: Pages: Re: Ramsey County Board Meeting Notice CC: CI Urgent 0 For Review D Please Comment 0 Please Reply 0 Please Recycle 'Comments: r , AGENDA ZONING COMMITTEE OF THE SAINT PAUL PLANNING COMMISSION Thursday, June 8, 2006 3:30 P.M. City Council Chambers Third Floor City Hall -Saint Paul, Minnesota NOTE: The order in which the items appear on this agenda is not necessarily the order in which they will be heard at the meeting. The Zoning Committee will determine the order of the agenda at the beginning of its meeting. APPROVAL OF JUNE 8, 2006, ZONING COMMITTEE MINUTES OLD BUSINESS 1. 06-075-591 - Sinclair Marketing, Inc. Conditional Use Permit for an auto convenience market and accessory car wash 373 Ruth St., NW corner at Hudson Zoning: B3 Staff: Merritt Clapp-Smith _ ADJOURNMENT ZONING COMMITTEE MEMB S: Call Allan Torstenson at 266-6579 or Carol Martineau at 266-6550 if yo re unable to attend the meeting. APPLICANT: You or your designated representative must attend this meeting to answer any questions that the committee may have. Ct jik1/4 Saint Paul Planning Commission MASTER MEETING CALENDAR WEEK OF JUNE 5-9,2006 Mon 5 Tues 6 3:30- Joint CIB/Planning Committee Room 42 City Hall 5:00 p.m. (Bob Hammer, 651/266-6693) Conference Center 15 W. Fourth Street -Final draft of recommendations to administration Weds 7 8:30- Neighborhood & Current Planning Committee Room 1106- CHA 10:00 a.m. (Shawntera Hardy, 651/266-6575) 25 W. Fourth Street -Amendment to Seventh Place Redevelopment Plan—Review resolution and make final recommendations to the full Planning Commission. (Dan Smith, 651/266-6581) -Grand Avenue Overlay District—Review public hearing comments and make final recommendations to the full Planning Commission. (Yang Zhang, 651/266-6659) 5:00- Central Corridor Development Strategy Task Force Catholic Charities 7:00 p.m. (Donna Drummond, 651/266-6556) Seton Services Bldg. 1276 University Ave. W -First Task Force meeting: Introductions,welcome by Mayor Coleman and background information. Thurs 8 8:00- Mississippi River Critical Area Task Force Room 1307—CHA 10:00 a.m. (Larry Soderholm, 651/266-6575 25 W. Fourth Street -Review comments and issues from public meetings. 3:30 p.m. Zoning Committee City Council Chambers 3rd Floor City Hall 15 Kellogg Blvd West NO ITEMS OF NEW BUSINESS Fri 9 Fleming\CalendarsUune 5-9,2006