3/11-3/15/2002 Meetings for the week of March 11th- March 15th Page 1 of 1 7771 The City of Saint Paul Akt Meetings for the Week of March 11th, thru March 15th, 2002 MONDAY - March 11th Board of Zoning Appeals 3:00 PM Room 330 City Hall Downtwon Development Strategy Task 4:00 PM Room 41 City Hall Force TUESDAY - March 12th *Ramsey County Policy Board 9:00 AM Council Chambers Legislative Hearing - Summary Abatements 10:00 AM Room 330 City Hall and Nuisance Legislative Hearing - Property Code Enforcement 1:30 PM Room 330 City Hall Board of Water Commissioners 5:00 PM Room 330 City Hall East Task Force for the Riverview Busway 7:00 PM 715 Edgerton - Merrick Community Center WEDNESDAY - March 13th *Housing and Redevelopment Authority 2:00 PM Council Chambers *City Council--- see Agenda 3:30 PM Council Chambers Parks and Recreation Commission 6:30 PM 1845 Sheridan Ave. - Homecroft Rec Ctr. THURSDAY - March 14th Zoning Committee 3:30 PM Council Chambers Neighborhood Open House - Riverview 6:00 PM 265 Oneida St. - St. Clair Rec Corridor Busway Project Center FRIDAY - March 15th No Meetings Scheduled * Cablecast live and repeated on Saint Paul Channel 18. Interpreter service for the hearing impaired will be provided at public meetings upon request. Request can be made by calling(651)266-8509(Voice and TDD)Monday thru Friday, 8:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. A minimum of two days notice is required. For more information on any of these meetings, you can send Email to: citizen.service@ci.stpaul.mn.us, or call the Saint Paul Citizen Service Office at (651) 266-8989 http://www.ci.stpaul.mn.us/depts/clerk/meetings.html 3/11/02 . AGENDA BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS PUBLIC HEARING MARCH 11, 2002 3:00 P.M. ROOM S-330 CITY HALL ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA NOTE: The order in which the items appear on this agenda is not necessarily the order in which they will be heard at the meeting. The Board of Zoning Appeals will determine the order of the agenda at the beginning of its meeting. I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 25, 2002 II. NEW BUSINESS A. Applicant - Charles Commerford (#02-069330) Location - 1038 Lexington Parkway North Zoning - RT-1 Purpose: MAJOR VARIANCE - A variance of the minimum lot size requirements in order to construct a new duplex. The required lot size is 6,000 sq. ft. and 4,960 sq. ft. is proposed, for a variance of 1,040 sq. ft. B. Applicant - Van A. Wanless (#02-100224) Location - 613 Laurel Avenue Zoning - RM-2 Purpose: MAJOR VARIANCE - A side yard setback in order to split a lot. A side yard setback of 4 feet is required with a setback of 2 feet proposed, for a variance of 2 feet. C. Applicant - Steven C. Westling (#02-100235) Location - 1387 Clarence Court Zoning - R-3 Purpose: MINOR VARIANCE - A rear yard setback in order to construct an addition to the house and attach a shed to the garage. The required rear yard setback is 25 feet with a setback of 14 feet proposed, for a variance of 11 feet. • AGENDA MARCH 11, 2002 PAGE TWO D. Applicant - Michael Binns (#02-100724) Location - 779 Dayton Avenue Zoning - RT-1 Purpose: MAJOR VARIANCE - Three variances in order to build a new twin home. 1.) A minimum lot size of 6,000 is required and 5,774 square feet are available, for a variance of 225 feet. 2.) A minimum lot width of 50 feet is required and a lot width of 44 feet is available, for a variance of 6 feet. 3.) The required rear yard setback for the surface parking area is 9 feet and a setback of 4 feet is proposed, for a variance of 5 feet. E. Applicant - Joyce Camero (#02-100763) Location - 595 Winslow Avenue Zoning - RT-1 Purpose: MINOR VARIANCE - A side yard setback variance in order to legalize a new detached garage. The required side yard setback is 4 feet and at the South West corner 3.6 feet is available for a variance of 4 inches. F. Applicant - Dept. of Parks & Rec. (#02-100795) Location - 1410 Dale Street North Zoning - R-3 Purpose: MAJOR VARIANCE - A variance of the off-street parking requirements in order to construct a new recreation center. The required parking for the new center is 69 spaces and the proposed parking is 30 spaces, for a variance of 39 spaces. III. ADJOURNMENT Board of Zoning Appeal Members: Please call John Hardwick (266-9082) or Debbie Crippen (266-9144) if you are unable to attend the meeting. APPLICANT: You or your representative should attend this meeting to answer any questions the Board may have. Lucille Johnson - metmtg1.doc Page 1n Metropolitan Council Building communities that work Metro Meetings A weekly calendar of meetings and agenda items for the Metropolitan Council,its advisory and standing committees,and regional Council sponsored events.Meeting times and agendas are occasionally changed. NOTE: There are two other ways to receive Metro Meetings:visit our web site at www.metrocouncil.org or receive • the meetings through email. Call or email Dawn Hoffner at 651-602-1447 or dawn.hoffner@metc.state.mn.us if you would prefer one of these methods rather than use the U.S. mail. WEEK OF: March 11 - 15,2002 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL Canceled:Diversity Committee-Mon.,March 11,2 p.m.,Room 2A Transportation Committee-Mon.,March 11,4 p.m.,Room 1A.The agenda includes: controlled- access approval of CSAH 60(185th Street)interchange reconstruction and new access in Lakeville; contract amendments for the Midway St.Paul TMO and the St.Paul TMO;recommendation for the sale of the Walker Library"Junior League Building";recommendation to award a purchase agreement for magnetic fare card;Fiscal Year 2003 appropriations request for Hiawatha Light Rail Corridor; authorization for public hearings on 2002 service reductions;approval of pre-employment background investigations contract with Verifications, Inc.;permanent Woodbury park/ride lot. Blueprint 2030 Stakeholder Workshop-Tues.,March 12, 7:30 a.m.,Maplewood Community Center, Room C,2100 White Bear Ave.,Maplewood Environment Committee-Tues.,March 12,4 p.m.,Room 1A. The agenda includes: authorization to enter into a relocation agreement for a wastewater lift station;authorization to enter into cooperative construction agreement for sanitary sewer pipe 7019B;approval of a memorandum of understanding for Vermillion River storm water management;a progress report on East/West Area Plan for biosolids management. Core Cities Group-Wed.,March 13, 12 Noon,Muffuletta Cafe,2260 Como Ave., St.Paul. The topic of discussion will be how a major retailer looks at the market and demographics of the central cities and fully developed suburbs. Litigation Review Committee-Wed.,March 13, 1:30 p.m.,Room 1E.The agenda includes: discussion of attorney-client privileged matters and litigation issues regarding the matter of Ismail Ayoub v. Metropolitan Council.(A portion of this meeting may be closed to the public pursuant to Minnesota Statutes and court decisions.) Canceled:Management Committee- Wed.,March 13, 2:30 p.m.,Room 1A Metropolitan Council-Wed.,March 13,3 p.m.,Chambers.The agenda includes: controlled access approval of CSAH 60 and I-35 interchange improvements;MetroGlS 2"d generation data-sharing agreements; Minnesota State Retirement System Program unclassified retirement plan;2002 annual distribution plan for the Livable Communities fund;authorization to negotiate and execute an engineering services contract for facility planning,design and construction support for the Rosemount Interceptor Project;approval of 1 Lucille Johnson metmtg1 doc ..r Pa e 2 authorized financial institutions;review and approval of the Metropolitan Airports Commission capital improvement program;study of transit service expansion beyond the historical Transit Taxing District; approval to extend a contract for diesel fuel;contract amendment with Human Services,Inc.,to operate route 246 dial-up service in the St. Croix Valley Area;Fiscal Year 2003 appropriations request for the Hiawatha Light Rail Corridor;Fiscal Year 2003 request for bus and bus capital appropriations;authorization for public hearings on 2002 service reduction;Stillwater comprehensive plan update. Mississippi River Initiative Stakeholder Workshop-Wed.,March 13,6:30 p.m.,The Grove Community Center, 8055 Barbara Ave.,Inver Grove Heights Blueprint 2030 Stakeholder Workshop-Thurs.,March 14,7:30 a.m.,Chaska City Hall,City Council Chambers, 1 City Hall Plaza,Chaska Transit Providers Advisory Committee-Thurs.,March 14, 10 a.m.,Room 1A.The agenda includes: Marketing Subcommittee report,on-board bus rider survey,legislative program,Metropolitan Council small-bus procurement; service cuts;North Star Commuter Rail project;B-BOP Day. Canceled: TAB Policy Committee- Thurs.,March 14, 12:30 p.m., Room IA TAC Planning Committee-Thurs.,March 14,2:00 p.m.,Room 2A. The agenda includes a presentation and discussion of Interregional Corridor plans,findings and recommendations for TH 52, TH 10,TH 169(South),TH 169/TH101,I-94 and TH 212. Housing and Land Use Advisory Committee-Thurs.,March 14,3 p.m.,Metro Mosquito Control District,2099 University Ave.,St.Paul.The agenda includes a Blueprint 2030 discussion of reinvestment. Blueprint 2030 Stakeholder Workshop-Fri.,March 15, 8:30 a.m.,Midtown YWCA,Rooms 155& 156,2121 East Lake St.,Mpls. TENTATIVE MEETINGS FOR THE WEEK OF MARCH 18-22 Diversity Committee-Mon.,March 18,2 p.m.,Room 2A Livable Communities Committee-Mon.,March 18,3:30 p.m.,Room lA Riverview Corridor Transit Project Citizens Workgroup-Mon.,March 18,7 p.m. Rail Transit Committee-Tues.,March 19,4:30 p.m.,Heywood Office TAB Programming Committee-Wed.,March 20, 12 Noon Rural Issues Work Group-Wed.,March 20, 1 p.m.,Chambers Transportation Advisory Board-Wed.,March 20, 1:30 p.m.,Chambers Regional Growth Policy Committee-Wed.,March 20,3 p.m.,Mears Park Centre. The Metropolitan Council is located at Mears Park Centre, 230 E.Fifth St., St.Paul. Meeting times and agendas are subject to change. 2 Lucille Johnson metmt91 doc Page 3 METROPOLITAN PARKS AND OPEN SPACE COMMISSION Metropolitan Parks and Open Space Commission-Mon.,March 11,4 p.m., Room 2A.The agenda includes:review and scheduling of a public hearing on"First Tier Trails,Greenways and Parks Master Plan"as an amendment to the Regional Recreation Open Space Policy Plan;regional park system grant status report as of December 31,2001;and input from regional park agencies regarding commission summer park tours. The Metropolitan Parks and Open Space Commission offices are located at Mears Park Centre, 230 E.Fifth St., St.Paul,MN 55101. To verify meeting times,please call Sandi Dingle at 651-602-1312. • v:\library\comsrlib\publicat\metmtg 1.doc 3 MAR-07-2002 17: 12 RAMSEY COUNTY MANAGER 651 266 8039 P.02/02 MEETING NOTICE _. BOARD OF RAMSEY COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 15 W.KELLOGG BLVD., ST. PAUL, MN 55102 651 266-8350 . MSEY COUNTY Monday,March 11, 2002 Tuesday, March 12,2002 9:00 a.m. - Policy Board Meeting Council Chambers, Third Floor Court House Immediately following Policy Meeting - Administrative Board Meeting Council Chambers, Third Floor Court House - Criminal Justice Committee Council Chambers, Third Floor Court House - Executive Session RE: Ramsey County v. Huttner **CLOSED TO PUBLIC** Room 220 Court House, Large Conference Room 1:45 p.m. - Board Workshop—Continuation of Investment Workshop from February 26, 2002 Room 220 Court House, Large Conference Room Wednesday, March 13, 2002 7:30 a.m. - Extension Committee 2020 White Bear Avenue Thursday, March 14, 2002 FridayMarch 15,2002 Advance Notice March 19, 2002 — County Board Meeting— Council Chambers Board Workshop —Welfare Reform Update March 26, 2002 — County Board Meeting—Council Chambers Board Workshop—(Subject IBA) TOTAL P.02 to- Saint Paul Planning Commission MASTER MEETING CALENDAR WEEK OF MARCH 11-15, 2002 Mon 11 4:00- Downtown Development Strategy Task Force Room 41 City Hall 6:00 p.m. (Martha Faust, 651/266-6572) 15 Kellogg Blvd Movement-Presentations and Issue Identification Tues 12 6:30- Mississippi Pool 2 Workshop Inver Hills Community College 9:00 p.m. (Larry Soderholm, 651/266-6575) Mississippi River Corridor Project List 7:00- East Task Force for the Riverview Busway Merrick Community Center 9:00 p.m. (Virginia Burke, 651/266-6661 & 715 Edgerton(at Minnehaha) Penny Simison, 651/266-6554) Project status update Wed 13 Thurs 14 3:30 p.m. Zoning Committee City Council Chambers 3`d Floor City Hall 15 Kellogg Blvd West Zoning #02-098-503 Joseph Sandhofer(BP Amoco) -Rezoning from RM-2 (Multiple-Family Residential)to B-3 (General Business) for expansion of BP Amoco Station. 390 Lexington Ave, SE corner of Central. (Yang Zhang, 651/266-6659) #02-098-551 BP Amoco - Special Condition Use Permit for an auto convenience market, and variances for parkway setback, distance of parking entrance exit from R-4 zoned property, and screening for off-street parking. 374 Lexington,between Central & St. Anthony. (Yang Zhang, 651/266-6659) #02-099-620 College of St. Catherine- Special Condition Use Permit with modification of parking requirement to allow more than 10% growth in student enrollment, staff and employee size and/or dormitory bed levels without providing additional off-street parking. 2004 Randolph Ave. (Yang Zhang, 651/266-6659) #02-100-462 John P. Tittle- Special Condition Use Permit for 2-unit cluster development. 1014 Burgess,between Oxford and Chatsworth. (Patricia James, 651/266-6639) #02-099-809 Battle Creek Rec. Center- Sign Variances for number, size, and height of signs. 75 S. Winthrop St., SE corner at Upper Afton. (Patricia James, 651/266-6639) #02-099-439 Juan Villanueva- Special Condition Use Permit to operate an auto repair business. 801 E. 7th St.,between Margaret&Arcade. (Patricia James, 651/266-6639) #02-100-855 Old Hudson Road LLC - Special Condition Use Permit for a fast-food restaurant. 2065 Old Hudson Rd.,NW corner at Pedersen. (Patricia James, 651/266-6639) Fri 15 8:30 a.m. Communications Committee Room 1106-CHA (Larry Soderholm, 651/266-6575) 25 W. Fourth Street - On-site zoning notices (Allan Torstenson, 651/266-6579 and Wendy Lane, 651/266-9081) -Annual report distribution (Larry Soderholm, 651/266-6575) -Update on Comprehensive Plan publication(Larry Soderholm, 651/266-6575) Bruton\Calendars\March 11-15,2002 saint paui Parks and Recreation Commission 300 City Hall Annex,25 W.4th Street,Saint Paul,MN 55102-(651)266-6400 *AGENDA* BAR ka 2Q�i DATE: Wednesday,March 13,2002,6:30-9:30 p.m. SITE: Homecroft Recreation Center, 1845 Sheridan Avenue,651-695-3716 'f' ° 1. 6:30 p.m. AGENDA,MINUTES,VISITORS,ANNOUNCEMENTS 2. 6:35 p.m. DIRECTOR'S REPORT *2002 and 2003 budgets-UPDATE *Letter from Mayor's Office concerning Commission appointments - REVIEW *Directorial Transition-UPDATE 3. 6:50 p.m. NEIGHBORHOOD/COMMUNITY ISSUES *PUBLIC HEARING-Homecroft Recreation Center Play Area and Site Work Grant Application to the DNR *PUBLIC HEARING-North Dale Recreation Center Play Area and Site Work Grant Application to the DNR *PUBLIC HEARING-Town Square Park Lease Agreement- Plaza Café 4. 7:15 p.m. ADVOCACY ISSUES *Homecroft Recreation Center Play Area and Site Work Application- RESOLUTION#02-4- John Wirka *North Dale Recreation Center Play Area and Site Work Application- RESOLUTION#02-5 - John Wirka *Town Square Park Lease Agreement,Plaza Café-RESOLUTION#02-8 - Mike Hahm *Design and Construction Section- OVERVIEW- John Wirka *Special Services Section- OVERVIEW-Mike Hahm 5. 8:15 p.m. COMMISSION STRUCTURE AND ACTIVITIES *May Public Hearing-REVIEW FORMAT-Heidi Welsch, Mike Rossberg *NRPA and MRPA awards-REVIEW OPTIONS - Mike Rossberg 6. 8:30 p.m. SUBCOMMITTEE AND TASK FORCE REPORTS *Off Leash Dog Area Task Force -Jill Danner, Heidi Welsch *Long Range Planning Subcommittee-Al Paulson *Como Zoo and Conservatory Society- Terry Huntrods *Phalen Boulevard Advisory Committee- Ken Mauer *Bicycle Advisory Board- Minutes and agenda provided 7. 8:45 p.m. ADJOURNMENT LEASE NOTICES/OTHER ITEMS OF INTEREST Town Square Park Lease Agreement-Plaza Café: Public hearing and vote on Resolution#02-8 scheduled for March 13, 2002. Meetings of the Parks and Recreation Commission are open to the public. If you require special accommodation or would like a cony of the agenda/minutes. call(651) 266-6447. TTY#(651) 266-6378. �2F N(OAS 'v BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS z r P4 James Reiter, President • Stephen Haselmann, Vice President Commissioners: Matt Anfang • Robert Cardinal • Pat Harris March 4, 2002 NOTICES TO: James C. Reiter. President Stephen Haselmann, Vice President Commissioners -- Matt Anfang Jerry Blakey Pat Harris MEETING NOTICE The next Board of Water Commissioners' meeting will be held on TUESDAY,MARCH 12, 2002 at 5 p.m. in the Committee Hearing Room 330, City Hall/Courthouse. Janet Lindgren Secretary copy: City Clerk Lisa Veith, Board Attorney Pioneer Press SAINT PAUL REGIONAL WATER SERVICES Bernie R. Bullert, General Manager 8 4th St E, Saint Paul MN 55101-1007 • TTY: 651-266-6299 Saint Paul Regional Water Services provides quality water services to the following cities: Arden Hills•Falcon Heights•Lauderdale•Little Canada•Maplewood•Mendota•Mendota Heights•Roseville•Saint Paul•West St. Paul *•printed on recycled paper CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS MEETING NOTICE FEB 2 8 2002 NOTIFICATION 4 DATE: 212.7/02 TO: Jim..Zd.on- PED Cily.C.Quncilmennber.Pat Harris. ... F_Qrt_Ro_act_Eeclexatign Arijs Pakains - UFIS MEETING DATE: ..... .... TIME: 5;00..P.414:0.0.P.M.... PLACE: St Clair..Re.c.reation.C.enter REQUESTED 26.5.0.n.eicia. BY:Paul.Kurtef..o.ny.Schertier... SUBJECT: Nei ghborhood..0p.en.lio.u.s.e.har_the.Rixermiew.C.arridor.B_usway..Pxojea. (3/V.id ening.a .SireetsDape..Imptomements.::135E.to.S mith.Aven ue).. REMARKS OR AGENDA: Atta.ched.is.the.maeling.Judi ce.whickwas.sen.t.to.Erope rly..0.w.ners.alang..Yiest.Seve Skeet I rpm.145E.to. mith.Av.en u.e. PLEASE BRING: BRIEF SUMMARY: . ................................ ................. ................... ....._ • DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WiRKKS Robert G.Sandqurst,Director CITY OF SAINT PALL Garry/mark;Constrxct&m Engineer • C. lfeity.mayorr 25 W.FourthStreet. Randy ` < 900 City Hai Annex Ttlep re 651.266 ,• J A Saint Pats;MN 35102-1660 Facsimile: 65 -292.6315 ata February 25,2002 • • Dear Resident or Business Owner. The Departments of Public Works and Planning and Economic Development for the`Ci of are hosting a Neighborhood hborhoodOpen House to gather ours Saint Paul ar g Y and input reng the proposed Riverview Corridor Busway Project. This project will be con to d ire phases over • the next two years. Phase I construction is scheduled to begin in the suer of 2002and will • involve the widening and streetscape improvements of West Seventh Street firs 135E tojustt { east of Randolph Avenue. Phase 2 construction is scheduled to begin in 20)aand7eill involve the widening and streetscape improvements of West Seventh Street from just east RandPlph Avenue to Smith Avenue, Your input is important to us in order that we can continueto develop a plan for the Riverview Corridor Busway Project. The first meeting to talk about_.the.project.- will be held on: Thursday,March 14,2002 from 6:00 PM to&00 PM St.Clair Recreation Center 265 Oneida Street The preliminary plan includes: • • Moving curblines along both sides of West Seventh Street in order to achieve a roadway width of 60'from curb to curb. This may include relocating curbs 2'to 3'toward t. Y buildings to accommodate on-street parking,or banning on-street parking to accommodate wider sidewalks. • Complete mill and overlay of existing pavement from curb tocurb. t. • Installing new concrete curbs,driveway aprons and outwaiks. 4 • Installing exclusive diamond lanes for buses and other re-striping. • Installing bumpouts at non-signalized intersections along West Seventh Street for c: improved pedestrian safety. • Installing a new twin lantern style street lighting system. • Planting new boulevard trees and sod. • . F Responsive Services • Quality Facilities • Employee.Pride