9/2-9/6/2002 Meetings for the week of September 2nd- September 6th Page 1 of 1 L The City of Saint Paul e^,S {{ fil4t ot Meetings for the Week of September 2nd, thru September 6th, 2002 MONDAY - September 2nd Labor Day Holiday TUESDAY - September 3rd *Ramsey County Board Budget 8:00 AM Council Chambers Hearing *Ramsey County Housing& 1:30 PM Council Chambers Redevelopment Authority WEDNESDAY - September 4th *City Council Budget Meeting 10:00 AM Council Chambers *City Council Meeting 3:30 PM Council Chambers *City Council Public Hearings 5:30 PM Council Chambers THURSDAY - September 5th Zoning Committee of the Planning 3:00 PM Council Chambers Commission FRIDAY - September 6th No Meetings Scheduled *Cablecast live and repeated on Saint Paul Channel 18. Interpreter service for the hearing impaired will be provided at public meetings upon request. Request can be made by calling(651)266-8509(Voice and TDD)Monday thru Friday, 8:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M A minimum of two days notice is required. For more information on any of these meetings,you can send Email to: citizen.service@ci.stpaul.mn.us, or call the Saint Paul Citizen Service Office at(651) 266-8989 http://www.ci.stpaul.mn.us/depts/clerk/meetings.html 8/30/2002 Page 1 of 3 Lucille Johnson - 9-4-02 Budget Mtg. Agenda From: Greg Blees To: Blees, Greg; Budget Process Communications Date: 8/29/02 5:17 PM Subject: 9-4-02 Budget Mtg. Agenda Below is the AGENDA for the Saint Paul City Council's Wednesday Sep. 4, 2002 Committee-of-the-Whole Budget Meeting. The meeting is in the Council Chambers, Room 300 of the City Hall and Courthouse, at Kellogg and Wabasha. The meeting starts at 10 a.m. and is scheduled to last until approximately noon. The agenda also includes tentative agenda items for the Sep. 11 and the Sep. 18 Budget Review Meetings. For clearer printing purposes, the agenda may also be printed from the following website: http://www.ci.stpaul.mn.us/counci1/2002 Councilmembers, please bring the following budget documents to the meeting: "2003 Proposed Budget Detail...Volume II" Ron Kline's Aug. 30, 2002 memo regarding the Sep. 4 Budget Meeting. Agenda For The Wednesday Sep. 4, Budget Meeting @ 10 I. Review Financial Condition of Street Maintenance Fund: (Ron Kline, F.S.O. Director) A) Fund Balance Analysis (Total, Winter Operations and Summer Operations) B) Major Financing Sources C) Cash Balance Projections II. Review Payment Distributions For Two Major Financing Options: (Ron Kline) A) Property Tax Financing: 1) Residential (Homes and Apartments) 2) Business (All Other Classes) B) Assessment Financing: 1) Residential file://C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\GW}00004.HTM 9/3/02 Page 2 of 3 2) Business 3) Tax-Exempt Properties Ill. Review the Federal and State Income Tax Laws Regarding the Deductibility of Special Assessments for Street Maintenance. (Ron Kline) IV. Review Ten Year History of Assessment Rates For Summer Street Maintenance, Displaying the Cost For Typical Residential Properties. (Greg Blees) V. Review the Process Used To Propose and Ratify the 2002 Street Maintenance Assessments For the 2002 Summer Street Maintenance Program. (Greg Blees) VI. Discussion of Pros and Cons for Assessment Financing for Winter Street Maintenance versus Property Tax Financing. (City Council) VII. Review a Council Resolution Setting the Maximum Property Tax Levy for The 2003 City Budget (Mayor Kelly recommends no increase in the property tax levy). (Ron Kline) FYI - Tentative Agenda For The Wednesday Sep. 11, Budget Meeting @ 10 a.m.. As of 8-28-2002, no budget review items have been scheduled for a September 11, 2002 10:00 a.m. Budget Meeting, as the City Council may cancel the meeting in order to participate in patriotic ceremonies now being planned to honor the national heroes who responded to the 9-11 terrorism from last year. The Council may decide to start the meeting late in the morning or over the lunch hour, depending on need and other meeting obligation conflicts. A final decision on if and when to hold the meeting will be made at the Sep. 4, 2002 Budget Meeting. FYI - Tentative Agenda For The Wednesday Sep. 18, Budget Meeting @ 10 a.m.. I. Review 2003 Budget Issues For The Saint Paul Police Department: (William Finney, Chief of Police) A) Need To Upgrade Police Radio Communications To 800 Megahertz B) Staffing and Financing For Police Parking Enforcement Special Fund C) Status of "Excess Police Pension Fund Assets" for 2002 Budget and Mayor's Proposed 2003 Budget (Ron Kline's pending memo) Thank You, Greg Blees, City Council's Fiscal Policy Director file://C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\GW}00004.HTM 9/3/02 Page 3 of 3 Suit 310, City Hall and Court House, Saint Paul, MN. 55102-1660 651-266-8577 Internet E-mail Address: greg.blees@ci.stpaul.mn.us file://C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\GW}00004.HTM 9/3/02 Saint Paul Planning Commission MASTER MEETING CALENDAR WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 2-6, 2002 Mon 2 LABOR DAY HOLIDAY Tues 3 4:00- Comprehensive Planning Committee Room 1106- CHA 5:30 p.m. (Al Lovejoy, 651/266-6575) 25 W. Fourth Street -MAC proposed zoning for MSP Airport -Review Metro Blueprint -Draft letter for Mayor on Riverview Corridor -EAW for new State Office Building 5:30- Riverview Corridor-East Task Force District 2 meeting room 7:30 p.m. (Virginia Burke, 651/266-6661 & Epworth Methodist Church Penny Simison, 651/266-6554) 1961 Sherwood Avenue -Draft plans for Metro State,Phalen Village/Hazelwood, and Maryland/White Bear station areas. Wed 4 8:30- Neighborhood and Current Planning Committee Room 1106-CHA 10:00 a.m. (James Zdon, 651/266-6559) 25 W. Fourth Street -Irvine Avenue Development Plan (Larry Soderholm, 651/266-6575) -Phalen Corridor Middle Section Plan-Request to initiate preparation of the plan and to appoint a task force. (Penny Simison, 651/266-6554 and Patricia James, 651/266-6639) 6:30- Arcade Street Small Area Plan Task Force Gustavos Adolphus Lutheran 8:00 p.m. (Rich Malloy, 651/266-6647) Church - 1699 Arcade Street -Discussion to finalize proposed land use and zoning changes to commercial corridor. -Proposal for Weed& Seed Program to address quality of life issues in planning area. Thurs 5 3:30 p.m. Zoning Committee City Council Chambers 3'Floor City Hall 15 Kellogg Blvd West Zoning #02-175-609 Lisa Bolduan-Rezone from R-3 (One-Family Residential)to B-3 (General Business) for a new retail development and to resolve zoning district boundary conflict. 1760 Larpenteur Ave.,between Flandrau&White Bear. (Rich Malloy, 651/266-6647) #02-067-065 Abdalla Tobasi- Conditional Use Permit for an auto convenience market. 933 W. Minnehaha Ave.,NW corner at Milton. (Yang Zhang, 651/266-6659) #02-205-415 Sue Rosenbloom-Establishment of legal nonconforming use status for a basement apartment. 2008 Villard, SW corner at Return Court. (Yang Zhang, 651/266-6659) • #02-205-506 Frattallone's Hardware-Conditional Use Permit for an outdoor lawn and garden sales area. 650 Grand Ave.,between St. Albans and Dale. (Yang Zhang, 615/266-6659) Fri 6 Bruton\Calendars\September 2-6,2002 Page 1 of 2 Lucille Johnson - Metro Meetings From: "Dawn Hoffner" <dawn.hoffner@metc.state.mn.us> Date: 8/30/02 10:26 AM Subject: Metro Meetings WEEK OF: September 2 -6, 2002 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL Canceled: Livable Communities Committee - Mon., Sept. 2, 3:30 p.m., Room 1A Canceled: Rail Transit Committee -Tues., Sept. 3, 4:30 p.m., Heywood Office Technical Advisory Committee to the TAB -Wed., Sept. 4, 9 a.m., Chambers. The agenda includes: TEA-21 affordable housing program; update on Metropolitan Council's Blueprint; committee reports: TAC and subcommittees' rosters; sunset date extension request by Carver County; presentation of Mn/DOT state transportation plan policy framework; comments and recommendations on Mn/DOT's state transportation plan policy framework; and other business. Mayors Regional Housing Task Force-Wed., Sept. 4, 11:30 a.m., League of MN Cities Building, 145 University Ave. W., St. Paul. The agenda includes: mayors'feedback on candidate open houses; discussion of recommendations tabled at last meeting and new recommendations: second mortgages, bond allocation, reinstatement of 4d taxes, allowing cities/counties to exceed levy limits for affordable housing, lifting cap on fiscal disparities allocation for LCA; comments on draft report; make assignments for mayors to get feedback/endorsements on report; and other business. Transportation Accessibility Advisory Committee -Wed., Sept. 4, 1 p.m., Room 2A. The agenda includes: upcoming biennial budget discussion; Metro Mobility July operations report; proposed Metro Mobility standing order levels; status of the 2000 legislative report on the future of Metro Mobility; ADA bus stop inventory; and other business. Canceled: Regional Growth Policy Committee -Wed., Sept. 4, 3 p.m., Chambers East Metro Council Member Breakfast-Thurs., Sept. 5, 8 a.m., Sheraton Four Points, 94 & Hamline, St. Paul. Discussion will be on regional issues. Northwest Corridor Busway Citizen Advisory Committee -Thurs., Sept. 5, 7 p.m., Crystal City Hall TENTATIVE MEETINGS FOR THE WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 9 - 13 Metropolitan Parks and Open Space Commission - Mon., Sept. 9, 4 p.m., Chambers Transportation Committee- Mon., Sept. 9, 4 p.m., Room 1A Environment Committee -Tues., Sept. 10, 4 p.m., Room 1A Core Cities Group -Wed., Sept. 11, 12 Noon, Muffuletta Cafe, 2260 Como Ave., St. Paul Litigation Review Committee -Wed., Sept. 11, 1 p.m., Room 1 E Joint Meeting of the Livable Communities and Management Committees-Wed., Sept. 11, 2 p.m., Room 1A Metropolitan Council -Wed., Sept. 11, 3 p.m., Chambers file://C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\GW}00004.HTM 9/3/02 Page 2 of 2 r Transit Providers Advisory Committee-Thurs., Sept. 12, 10 a.m., Room 1A TAB Policy Committee -Thurs., Sept. 12, 12:30 p.m., Room 1A TAC Planning Committee -Thurs., Sept. 12, 1:30 p.m., Room 2A Housing and Land Use Advisory Committee -Thurs., Sept. 12, 3 p.m. The Metropolitan Council is located at Mears Park Centre, 230 E. Fifth St., St. Paul. Meeting times and agendas are subject to change. file://C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\GW}00004.HTM 9/3/02 AUG-29-2002 13:29 RAMSEY COUNTY MANAGER 651 266 8039 P.02/02 MEETING NOTICE BOARD OF RAMSEY COUNTY COMMISSIONERS I5 W.KELLOGG BLVD., ST.PAUL, MN 55102 651 266-8350 MSEY COUNTY Monday. September 2, 2002 LABOR DAY HOLIDAY OFFICES CLOSED Tuesday, September 3, 2002 8:00 a.m. - Budget Hearings Council Chambers, Third Floor Court House 1:30 p.m. - Housing & Redevelopment Authority Council Chambers, Third Floor Court House Wednesday, September 4, 2002 8:30 a.m. - Metropolitan LRT Joint Powers Board AMC, 125 Charles Avenue Thursday, September 5, 2002 Friday, September 6, 2002 Advance Notice September 10—9:00 a.m. — County Board Meeting, Council Chambers September 17—9:00 a.m. —County Board Meeting, Council Chambers September 24—9:00 a.m. —County Board Meeting, Council Chambers TOTAL P.02