8/5-8/9/2002 Meetings for the week of August 5th - August 9th Page 1 of 1 .�� The City of Saint Paul *Mk Meetings for the Week of August 5th, thru August 9th, 2002 MONDAY - August 5th East Task Force, Riverview Busway 5:30 PM 722 Payne Ave., Eastern District Police Station Ramsey County Charter 860 St. Clair Avenue - Linwood Commission 7:00 PM Community Rec Ctr. TUESDAY - August 6th *Ramsey County Board 9:00 AM Council Chambers Legislative Hearing for Hello USA 11:00 AM Room 330 City Hall WEDNESDAY - August 7th Neighborhood & Current Planning 8:15 AM Room 1106 City Hall Annex Committee *Commissioners of the Housing and 2:00 PM Council Chambers Redevelopment Authority *City Council--- see Agenda 3:30 PM Council Chambers *Public Hearings 5:30 PM Council Chambers THURSDAY - August 8th Saint Paul Heritage Preservation 5:00 PM Room 40 Lower Level City Hall Commission FRIDAY - August 9th Public Hearing - Irvine Avenue 8:30 AM Room 40 City Hall Development Plann Planning Commission 8:30 AM Room 40 City Hall * Cablecast live and repeated on Saint Paul Channel 18. Interpreter service for the hearing impaired will be provided at public meetings upon request. Request can be made by calling(651)266-8509(Voice and TDD)Monday thru Friday, 8:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. A minimum of two days notice is required. For more information on any of these meetings, you can send Email to: citizen.service@ci.stpaul.mn.us, or call the Saint Paul Citizen Service Office at (651) 266-8989 http://www.ci.stpaul.mn.us/depts/clerk/meetings.html 8/5/02 1'4%d efts./ PLEASE POST f•••S roe.' PUBLIC HEARING RAMSEY COUNTY Ramsey County Charter Commission Monday, August 5, 2002 7:00 p.m. Linwood Community Recreation Center 860 St. Clair Avenue St. Paul, MN The Ramsey County Charter Commission is considering an amendment to the Ramsey County Home Rule Charter. This amendment relates to the forfeiture of office by a Ramsey County elected official found guilty of a felony. The proposed amendment provides: If a Ramsey County elected official is convicted of a felony,pleads guilty to a felony-level offense, or is found guilty of a felony-level offense, the elected official shall forfeit the office as of the date the guilty plea or verdict is entered by the court. The Ramsey County Charter Commission will be holding two public hearings to afford the public an opportunity to comment on this proposed amendment. The first public hearing was held on Monday,June 3, 2002. The second public hearing will be held at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, August 5, 2002, at the Linwood Community Recreation Center, 860 St. Clair Avenue, St.Paul,MN. For additional information, please contact Bonnie Jackelen, Chief Clerk - County Board, Room 250 Courthouse, 15 West Kellogg Blvd., St. Paul, MN 55102, by email at bonnie.jackelenAco.ramsey.mn.us or by calling 651-266-8014. �id PLEASE POST PUBLIC MEETING Ramsey County Charter Commission Monday, August 5, 2002 7:00 p.m. Linwood Community Recreation Center 860 St. Clair Avenue St. Paul, MN Input to the Charter Commission by attending meetings or contacting individual members are ways to involve yourself in County government. Your ideas are important to help shape the future of Ramsey County. If you would like to bring up ideas or concerns for this meeting, please contact Bonnie Jackelen at 651-266-8014. AUG-01-2002 15:58 RAMSEY COUNTY MANAGER 651 266 8039 P.02/02 MEETING NOTICE BOARD OF RAMSEY COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 15 W. KELLOGG BLVD., ST.PAUL, MN 55102 651 266-8350 • •MSEY COUNTY Monday,August 5,2002 7:00 p.m. - Ramsey County Charter Commission Linwood Community Recreation Center, 860 St. Clair Avenue Tuesday&August 6, 2002 9:00 a.m. - Board Meeting Council Chambers, Third Floor Court House Immediately following County Board - Regional Railroad Authority Council Chambers, Third Floor Court House - Human Services/Workforce Solutions (HS1WWS) Committee Council Chambers, Third Floor Court House 1:30 p.m. or following HS/WS Committee - Board Workshop—Continuation of the July 23rd 2003 Budget Workshop Room 220 Court House, Large Conference Room 5:00 p.m. - CHS Citizens Advisory Council 9th Floor Cafeteria, RCOC East Building Wednesday, August 7, 2002 8:30 a.m. - Metropolitan LRT Joint Powers Board Hennepin County Environmental Services Building Thursday,August 8, 2002 Friday,August 9, 2002 Advance Notice August 13, 2002—County Board Budget Hearings August 20, 2002—9:00 a.m. —Board Meeting, Council Chambers 1:30 p.m. —Budget Hearings, Council Chambers August 21, 2002— 8:00 a.m. - Budget Hearings, Room 220 Court House August 27, 2002— 8:00 a.m. —Budget Hearings, Council Chambers August 28, 2002— 1:30 p.m. —Budget Hearings, Room 220 Court House TOTAL P.02 Page 1of1 Lucille Johnson - Meetings of the Week Calendar From: Racquel Naylor To: Johnson, Lucille Date: 7/23/02 11:42 AM Subject: Meetings of the Week Calendar Please add the following to the calendar: Legislative Hearing for Hello USA Tuesday,August 6,2002,11:00 a.m. Room 330 Courthouse Thanks in advance. -Racquel,6-8573 file://C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\GW}00004.HTM 7/25/02 HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA NOTICE OF CONTINUATION MEETING OF THE COMMISSIONERS OF THE HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA TO: Jay Benanav Jerry Blakey Dan Bostrom Chris Coleman Pat Harris Kathy Lantry Jim Reiter Notice is hereby given that a Continuation Meeting of the July 24, 2002 meeting of the Commissioners of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, will be held on Wednesday,August 7,2002 at 2:00 p.m., in Council Chambers, Third Floor City Hall, at 15 West Kellogg Boulevard to consider the following: 1. James J. Hill Building Project, District 17 (under suspension) Co issioner cc: Tony Schertler Peter McCall City Clerk's Office Cable Communications July 25, 2002 Lucille Johnson agd08 08 02 wpdm Page 1 SAINT PAUL HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION 5:00 P.M. Thursday,August 8, 2002 Lower Level, Room 40, City Hall/Courthouse 15 West Kellogg Boulevard BUSINESS MEETING AGENDA 5:00 I. ANNOUNCEMENTS II APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA III APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES A. July 11, 2002 Business Meeting B. July 25, 2002 Permit Review/Public Hearing Meeting IV PRELIMINARY REVIEW A. Southwest corner of E. 5th Street and Wall Street, Lowertown Historic District, by KKE Architects, for a preliminary review to construct a five story building with an indoor market on the first floor and rental housing above. CO2-007. B. 530 Marshall Avenue, Hill Historic District, by Yust Architectural Services, for a preliminary review to construct a two story addition to house and to construct a one and a half story carriage house. CO2-008 V COMMITTEE REPORTS A. Signage Committee Report (Hargens, Wilsey) VI STAFF REPORTS VII ADJOURN ORDINANCE STEERING COMMITTEE MEETING I APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA II DISCUSSION A. Ordinance revisions: meeting schedule, process, priorities III ADJOURN NOTE:If you arrive after 6:00 P.M. the buildingwill be locked andyou must use the Kellogg Boulevard entrance (push the call button to the right of the doorway;if no one responds, push the call button to the left of the doorway). Commission members: Please call 651.266.9078 if unable to attend. Page 1 of 1 Lucille Johnson -August 8, 2002, HPC Agenda From: Sue Synstegaard To: HPC Date: 8/1/02 9:02 AM Subject: August 8, 2002, HPC Agenda Attached is the August 8,2002,Heritage Preservation Commission Agenda and I have also pasted it within this e-mail: SAINT PAUL HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION 5:00 P.M. Thursday,August 8,2002 Lower Level,Room 40,City Hall/Courthouse 15 West Kellogg Boulevard BUSINESS MEETING AGENDA 5:00 I.ANNOUNCEMENTS II APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA III APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES A. July 11,2002 Business Meeting B. July 25,2002 Permit Review/Public Hearing Meeting IV PRELIMINARY REVIEW A.Southwest corner of E.5th Street and Wall Street,Lowertown Historic District,by KKE Architects,for a preliminary review to construct a five story building with an indoor market on the first floor and rental housing above. CO2-007. B. 530 Marshall Avenue,Hill Historic District,by Yust Architectural Services,for a preliminary review to construct a two story addition to house and to construct a one and a half story carriage house. CO2-008 V COMMITTEE REPORTS A. Signage Committee Report(Hargens,Wilsey) VI STAFF REPORTS VII ADJOURN ORDINANCE STEERING COMMITTEE MEETING I APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA II DISCUSSION A.Ordinance revisions:meeting schedule,process,priorities III ADJOURN NOTE: If you arrive after 6:00 P.M.,the building will be locked and you must use the Kellogg Boulevard entrance(push the call button to the right of the doorway;if no one responds,push the call button to the left of the doorway). Commission members: Please call 651.266.9078 if unable to attend. file://C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\GW}00004.HTM 8/1/02 Lucille Johnson 7ju12002 txt Page 1? • July,2002 A digest of actions taken by the Metropolitan Council, Metropolitan Airports Commission, Metropolitan Parks&Open Space Commission and Metropolitan Sports Facilities Commission. Minutes of all Council and Commission meetings are filed with the Legislative Reference Library,645 State Office Building,6th Floor, in St. Paul for a period of up to two years and can be viewed by the public. Call the appropriate commission or operations area for meeting information and/or specific questions. Metropolitan Council The Metropolitan Council is located at Mears Park Centre,230 E. Fifth St., St. Paul, MN, 55101. For further information regarding the contents of this publication,contact Sandra Lindstrom at(651)602-1390. The Council's general number is(651)602-1000, TDD: (651)291-0904. Call the Metro Information Line at(651)602-1888 for recorded information about upcoming Council meetings and regional events,current job openings and Section 8 housing information. Recent Council publications can be found at major public libraries in the Metro Area. Publications can be ordered by e-mail. The address is: data.center@metc.state.mn.us Comments can be made to that address as well as(651)602-1500,the Metro Council Public Comment Line. Check the internet web site at http://www.metrocouncil.org. The Council... Environment *authorized its Regional Administrator to execute a contract amendment with General Security Services Corporation to increase the maximum total compensation amount from$500,000 to$1,000,000. *authorized its Regional Administrator to hold a public hearing to receive public comments on the Environmental Services Lift Station/Alarm Telemetry Upgrade Draft Project Facility Plan. *adopted the following preliminary rates to be effective January 1,2003: 1. Municipal Wastewater Rate of$130.00 per hundred thousand gallons; 2. Industrial Strength Charge: $.121 per excess pound of TSS generated within Region,$.230 from outside Region; 3. Industrial Strength Charge: $.0605 per excess pound of COD generated within Region,$.115 from outside Region; 4.Standard(septage)Load Charge: $15.93 per thousand gallons; 5. Dilute Septage Load Charge: $4.04 per thousand gallons(note,subject to review later in 2002); 6. Holding Tank Load Charge: $1.30 per thousand gallons;and 7. Collar County Load Charge: $40.44 per thousand gallons Livable Communities *reviewed the EPA Brownfield Pilot Expansion and took the following actions: 1.accepted a$100,000 expansion of EPA Brownfields Pilot grant to provide additional site assessment Lucille Johnson 7ju12002 txt Page 2 • services in support of Twin Cities Habitat For Humanity; 2.authorized up to$60,000 of the new funding to be used to expand the contract under the initial grant for environmental consulting services through Braun Intertec Corp.; 3.authorized up to$70,000 of the new funding to be used to expand the contract under the initial grant for operational project management services through Minnesota Environmental Initiative; 4.authorized up to$20,000 of the new funding to be used for site characterization work by Twin Cities Habitat For Humanity;and 5.authorized up to$5,000 of the new funding to offset Council administrative costs for implementing the grant. *awarded Livable Communities Demonstration Account Opportunity Grants totaling$559,000 as follows: Anoka County $70,000 Long Lake 70,000 Crystal 60,000 Minneapolis 50,000 St. Paul 45,000 Shoreview 40,000 Farmington 40,000 Apple Valley 30,000 Arden Hills 75,000 Columbia Heights 25,000 Brooklyn Center 24,000 Stillwater 20,000 Richfield $10,000 Management *approved a three-year contract amendment for maintenance services with Mitel. *adopted a resolution approving changes to the position and incumbent list for the Minnesota State Retirement System unclassified plan. *amended the 2002 Authorized Capital Budget, increasing the multi-year project authorizations as • presented;amended the 2002 Capital Budget, increasing the annual budget appropriations as presented; authorized new capital projects and other changes to individual projects as presented;authorized the Regional Administrator or his designee to execute and amend contracts with transit providers;and authorized the Regional Administrator or his designee to amend the Transportation Improvement Program and to execute grant agreements with the federal government and execute and amend subrecipient grant awards identified in federal grant applications. Parks *scheduled a public hearing on Monday,September 16,2002,as part of the Livable Communities Committee meeting regarding designating the five trail corridors as described in the"First Tier Trails, Greenways&Parks Master Plan"as regional trails. The hearing record shall remain open until 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, September 30. The Council also placed a moratorium on considering new regional trail units for the regional park system until December 31,2002,at which time the Metropolitan Parks and Open Space Commission must conclude its work on recommending any clarifications/changes to regional trails policies. (Lucille Johnson 7ju12002 txt ry „Nx�m y„n Page 3 • • *adopted the following language for inclusion in the Authority section of the Recreation Open Space Policy Plan: "The Metropolitan Council's regional growth strategy was adopted as part of its Regional Blueprint. To ensure that this regional growth strategy is implemented,the Council's regional growth strategy is hereby incorporated into the Council's system plan for recreation open space. Local government plans will be reviewed by the Council for their conformity with the Council's metropolitan systems plans. The Council's Metropolitan systems plans, including the regional growth strategy,will serve as the basis for the Council's determination to require a local plan modification if a local plan or any part of a local plan has a substantial impact on or contains a substantial departure from the Council's metropolitan system plans." *approved the appointment of Robert Moeller to the Metropolitan Parks and Open Space Commission representing District B(Metropolitan Council Districts 3 and 4). Regional Growth Policy *reviewed the city of Greenfield's Comprehensive Plan Update and adopted the Executive Summary and Review Record with the following recommendations: 1.The city of Greenfield may put its Comprehensive Plan into effect with no modifications. 2.The Council's 1996 Regional Growth Strategy designate Greenfield as Permanent Rural and Urban, recognizing the city's existing rural residential development patterns and planned urbanized development surrounding the city of Rockford. 3.The city revise the text of the plan to include recent amendments and supplemental information that the city submitted as part of the plan review process. 4.The city modify its local land use controls to formally implement the criteria for surface water management within 120 days of final action on the city's Comprehensive Plan by the Council,as stated in the city's Resolution No.02-02-05. 5. Upon approval of Greenfield's Comprehensive Plan Update,and prior to the construction of any extensions or additions to its disposal system,the city must submit a Comprehensive Sewer Plan(Tier II Plan)to the Council for final approval. The Comprehensive Sewer Plan shall be consistent with the city's approved Comprehensive Plan and reflect any modifications recommended by the Council. 6.The city consider reguiding land for life-cycle and workforce housing in the area to be served by the city's wastewater treatment plant. 7.The city work with the Council in determining the city's long-term sewer needs as part of the future regional growth strategy. *reviewed the city of Champlin's Comprehensive Plan Update and Critical Area Plan and adopted the Executive Summary and Review Record with the following recommendations: 1.The city can put its Comprehensive Plan into effect and no plan modifications are required. 2.The city modify the land use controls to implement the Council's Interim Strategy by December 31, 2002. 3.The city completes its work with the Department of Natural Resources(DNR)and the National Park Service to achieve consistency with regional objectives and state Critical Area standards as defined by Lucille Johnson 7 u12002 txt Pale 4 • • Executive Order 79-19 within the DNR review and approval period. 4. Upon the approval of the city's Comprehensive Plan and prior to the construction of any extensions or additions to its disposal system,the city must submit a Comprehensive Sewer Plan(Tier II Plan)to the Council for final approval. The Comprehensive Sewer Plan shall be consistent with the city's approved Comprehensive Plan and reflect any modifications recommended by the Council. Transportation *authorized its Regional Administrator to enter into a contract amendment with the 1-494 Corridor Commission covering the Golden Triangle TDM Demonstration to extend the termination date of the contract to December 31,2002. *ratified its Regional Administrator's Declaration of Emergency on June 26,2002,to enter into an agreement with THOR Construction for the placement of a concrete slab at the Downtown East Station of the Hiawatha LRT project, in an amount not to exceed$70,000. *authorized its Regional Administrator to execute a contract with Gillig Corporation for the Procurement of three hybrid electric-diesel,forty-foot, low floor transit buses in accordance with the Council's specifications and Gillig's Best And Final Offer dated June 7,2002, in an amount not to exceed $2,013,121, contingent on satisfactory results from the Buy America Pre-Award Audit *authorized its Regional Administrator to amend the interagency agreement with Hennepin County for public involvement services on the Northwest Corridor busway project for$48,600. *authorized its Regional Administrator to negotiate and execute a contract not to exceed$1,276,000 to construct an unheated storage building for the Minnesota Air National Guard at Fort Snelling and provide other site modifications in partial fulfillment of an exchange agreement between the Metropolitan Council, the United States Air Force and the Minnesota Air National Guard. Under this agreement,the U.S.Air Force has granted the Metropolitan Council permanent rights to construct and operate the Hiawatha Corridor LRT on U.S.Air Force property in exchange for improvements to this property for a value to exceed$2,085,000. *approved the Transit Cooperation Agreement between the Metropolitan Council and the city of Minnetonka. *authorized its Regional Administrator to execute a contract with Sullivan's Utility Services for drain and sump cleaning and disposal services at Metro Transit facilities as specified for$398,000 over a three-year period. The Council Also: *received the International Personnel Management Association 2002 Best Practices Award for Metro Transit Driver Recruitment Strategies *adopted a resolution recognizing Kathleen Meyer, recipient of the"Business Journal Minority Business Award,"for her many accomplishments. New Publications Council publications are available from the Council's Regional Data Center. For a free and complete list of publications,write the Metropolitan Council Data Center,230 E. Fifth St., St. Paul, MN 55101,or call (651)602-1140. Lucille Johnson 7,ju12002 txt „p ,W ,„, � . . ��� Page E-mail address is:data.center@metc.state.mn.us There is a charge for some publications. The bimonthly Council Directions newsletter provides information on regional issues and Council Programs. If you wish to subscribe to Council Directions at no charge,call Dawn Hoffner at(651)602- 1447. Metropolitan Commission Activities Metropolitan Airports Commission Metropolitan Airports Commission offices are located at 6040 28th Av.S., Minneapolis, MN 55450. For more information,call Lynn Sorensen at (612)726-8186. The Commission: *approved a settlement of the Metropolitan Airports Commission v.Charlson(in the acquisition of 157 acres of real estate west of the Flying Cloud Airport)and Metropolitan Airports Commission v. City of Eden Prairie as part of the long-term plan for expansion of Flying Cloud Airport. *authorized staff to hold a public hearing to review the fee structure for commercial vehicles(other than taxicabs)using airport property. The public hearing on Ordinance No.93 will consider a revised fee structure to consider potential revenue generating opportunities. *held a public hearing to consider revision of MAC Ordinance No. 95,Airfield Use and Humphrey Terminal Ordinance. Metropolitan Parks&Open Space Commission(MP&OSC) Metropolitan Parks&Open Space Commission offices are located at Mears Park Centre,230 E. Fifth St., St. Paul,55101. For more information,call Sandi Dingle at (651)602-1312. The Commission: *recommended that the Metropolitan Council conduct a public hearing on Monday,September 16,2002, as part of the Livable Communities Committee meeting regarding the designation of the following trail corridors as described in the"First Tier Trails, Greenways&Parks Master Plan"as regional trails: 1. Brooklyn Center/Robbinsdale Corridor 2. Crystal/Robbinsdale Corridor 3. New Hope/Crystal/Golden Valley Corridor 4. Edina/Richfield Corridor The Commission further recommended that the Council publish hearing notices;distribute public copies of applicable excerpts of the"First Tier Trails, Greenways&Parks Master Plan"for those trails recommended for hearing;pass along the technical comments from staff for their use in preparing trail master plans of the trail corridors that are added to the Regional Trail System;and impose a moratorium on new trails or park units to be added to the Regional Park System until December 31,2002. *reviewed a Ramsey County request for Part 4 CIP funds to acquire a permanent trail easement for the Bruce Vento Regional Trail and reimbursement consideration in a future regional parks CIP for a portion of the easement financed with Ramsey County Funds. The Commission recommended that the Metropolitan Council: Lucille Johnson 7ju12002 txt v ..,. „.F .,,. Page 61 • 1.authorize a grant of$140,000 from Part 4 of the 2002-2003 Metropolitan Regional Parks CIP to finance 40%of the$350,000 to acquire a permanent trail easement for the Bruce Vento Regional Trail from the Burlington Northern/Santa Fe Railroad Company; 2.consider reimbursing up to$35,000 in a future regional parks CIP for Ramsey County's expenditures to acquire a permanent trail easement for the Bruce Vento Regional Trail from the Burlington Northern/Santa Fe Railroad Company;and 3. inform Ramsey County that if the Part 4 CIP grant described above is executed,that the grant will count towards Ramsey County's 2002-2003 CIP allocation of 8.1%. If Ramsey County receives more than this amount based on actual appropriations for the 2002-2003 CIP, its allocation for the 2004-2005 CIP will be reduced proportionally. Metropolitan Sports Facilities Commission(MSFC) Metropolitan Sports Facilities Commission offices are located at 900 South 5th St., Minneapolis, MN 55415. For more information, call Nancy Matowitz at(612)335-3310. The Commission: *approved the proposal and awarded the contract for the 2002-2004 Tent Services to Skyway Event Services as presented for the 2002-2004 football seasons. *terminated the contract for audio maintenance and operations with Impulse Group and authorized staff to rebid the service contract for audio maintenance and operations. *set the date of a Public Hearing on the Year 2003 Budget for Wednesday,August 21,2002,at 9 a.m. in the Metropolitan Sports Facilities Commission Conference Room. *approved a resolution authorizing check signatures on bank financial transactions. *approved an amendment to the Football Use Agreement dated August 15,2001. Lucille Johnson 7Lu12002 doc age 1 METRO DIGEST July, 2002 A digest of actions taken by the Metropolitan Council,Metropolitan Airports Commission,Metropolitan Parks&Open Space Commission and Metropolitan Sports Facilities Commission. Minutes of all Council and Commission meetings are filed with the Legislative Reference Library,645 State Office Building,6th Floor,in St.Paul for a period of up to two years and can be viewed by the public. Call the appropriate commission or operations area for meeting information and/or specific questions. Metropolitan Council The Metropolitan Council is located at Mears Park Centre,230 E.Fifth St.,St.Paul,MN, 55101. For further information regarding the contents of this publication,contact Sandra Lindstrom at(651)602-1390. The Council's general number is(651) 602-1000, TDD:(651)291-0904. Call the Metro Information Line at(651)602-1888 for recorded information about upcoming Council meetings and regional events,current job openings and Section 8 housing information. Recent Council publications can be found at major public libraries in the Metro Area. Publications can be ordered by e-mail. The address is: data.center@metc.state.mn.us Comments can be made to that address as well as(651)602-1500,the Metro Council Public Comment Line. Check the internet web site at http://www.metrocouncil.org. The Council... 4. Standard(septage)Load Charge: $15.93 per thousand gallons; Environment 5. Dilute Septage Load Charge: $4.04 per • authorized its Regional Administrator to execute thousand gallons(note,subject to a contract amendment with General Security review later in 2002); Services Corporation to increase the maximum total compensation amount from 6. Holding Tank Load Charge: $1.30 per $500,000 to$1,000,000. thousand gallons;and • authorized its Regional Administrator to hold a 7. Collar County Load Charge: $40.44 per public hearing to receive public comments thousand gallons on the Environmental Services Lift Station/Alarm Telemetry Upgrade Draft Livable Communities Project Facility Plan. • reviewed the EPA Brownfield Pilot Expansion • adopted the following preliminary rates to be and took the following actions: effective January 1,2003: 1. accepted a$100,000 expansion of EPA 1. Municipal Wastewater Rate of$130.00 Brownfields Pilot grant to provide per hundred thousand gallons; additional site assessment services in support of Twin Cities Habitat For 2. Industrial Strength Charge: $.121 per Humanity; excess pound of TSS generated within Region,$.230 from outside Region; 2. authorized up to$60,000 of the new funding to be used to expand the 3. Industrial Strength Charge: $.0605 per contract under the initial grant for excess pound of COD generated within environmental consulting services Region,$.115 from outside Region; through Braun Intertec Corp.; Lucille JohnsonL Tu12002 doc Pa e 2 METRO DIGEST 2002 Capital Budget,increasing the annual 3. authorized up to$70,000 of the new budget appropriations as presented; funding to be used to expand the authorized new capital projects and other contract under the initial grant for changes to individual projects as presented; operational project management authorized the Regional Administrator or services through Minnesota his designee to execute and amend contracts Environmental Initiative; with transit providers;and authorized the Regional Administrator or his designee to 4. authorized up to$20,000 of the new amend the Transportation Improvement funding to be used for site Program and to execute grant agreements characterization work by Twin Cities with the federal government and execute Habitat For Humanity;and and amend subrecipient grant awards identified in federal grant applications. 5. authorized up to$5,000 of the new funding to offset Council administrative Parks costs for implementing the grant. • scheduled a public hearing on Monday, • awarded Livable Communities Demonstration September 16,2002,as part of the Livable Account Opportunity Grants totaling Communities Committee meeting regarding $559,000 as follows: designating the five trail corridors as described in the"First Tier Trails, Anoka County $70,000 Greenways&Parks Master Plan"as Long Lake 70,000 regional trails. The hearing record shall Crystal 60,000 remain open until 4:30 p.m.Tuesday, Minneapolis 50,000 September 30. The Council also placed a St.Paul 45,000 moratorium on considering new regional Shoreview 40,000 trail units for the regional park system until Farmington 40,000 December 31,2002,at which time the Apple Valley 30,000 Metropolitan Parks and Open Space Arden Hills 75,000 Commission must conclude its work on Columbia Heights 25,000 recommending any clarifications/changes to Brooklyn Center 24,000 regional trails policies. Stillwater 20,000 Richfield $10,000 • adopted the following language for inclusion in the Authority section of the Recreation Management Open Space Policy Plan: • approved a three-year contract amendment for "The Metropolitan Council's regional maintenance services with Mitel. growth strategy was adopted as part of its Regional Blueprint. To ensure that this • adopted a resolution approving changes to the regional growth strategy is implemented, position and incumbent list for the the Council's regional growth strategy is Minnesota State Retirement System hereby incorporated into the Council's unclassified plan. system plan for recreation open space. Local government plans will be reviewed by • amended the 2002 Authorized Capital Budget, the Council for their conformity with the increasing the multi-year project Council's metropolitan systems plans. The authorizations as presented;amended the Council's Metropolitan systems plans, 2 Page July 2002 Lucille Johnson -Tu12002.doc Page 3'; METRO DIGEST including the regional growth strategy,will to the construction of any extensions or serve as the basis for the Council's additions to its disposal system,the city determination to require a local plan must submit a Comprehensive Sewer Plan modification if a local plan or any part of a (Tier II Plan)to the Council for final local plan has a substantial impact on or approval. The Comprehensive Sewer Plan contains a substantial departure from the shall be consistent with the city's approved Council's metropolitan system plans." Comprehensive Plan and reflect any modifications recommended by the Council. • approved the appointment of Robert Moeller to the Metropolitan Parks and Open Space 6. The city consider reguiding land for Commission representing District B life-cycle and workforce housing in the (Metropolitan Council Districts 3 and 4). area to be served by the city's wastewater treatment plant. Regional Growth Policy 7. The city work with the Council in • reviewed the city of Greenfield's determining the city's long-term sewer Comprehensive Plan Update and adopted needs as part of the future regional the Executive Summary and Review Record growth strategy. with the following recommendations: • reviewed the city of Champlin's Comprehensive 1. The city of Greenfield may put its Plan Update and Critical Area Plan and Comprehensive Plan into effect with no adopted the Executive Summary and modifications. Review Record with the following recommendations: 2. The Council's 1996 Regional Growth Strategy designate Greenfield as 1. The city can put its Comprehensive Plan Permanent Rural and Urban, into effect and no plan modifications are recognizing the city's existing rural required. residential development patterns and planned urbanized development 2. The city modify the land use controls to surrounding the city of Rockford. implement the Council's Interim Strategy by December 31,2002. 3. The city revise the text of the plan to include recent amendments and 3. The city completes its work with the supplemental information that the city Department of Natural Resources submitted as part of the plan review (DNR)and the National Park Service to process. achieve consistency with regional objectives and state Critical Area 4. The city modify its local land use standards as defined by Executive Order controls to formally implement the 79-19 within the DNR review and criteria for surface water management approval period. within 120 days of final action on the city's Comprehensive Plan by the 4. Upon the approval of the city's Council,as stated in the city's Comprehensive Plan and prior to the Resolution No.02-02-05. construction of any extensions or additions to its disposal system,the city 5. Upon approval of Greenfield's must submit a Comprehensive Sewer Comprehensive Plan Update,and prior Plan(Tier II Plan)to the Council for 3 Page July 2002 Lucille Johnson 7ju12002 doc Pale 4 • METRO DIGE final approval. The Comprehensive Sewer of an exchange agreement between the Plan shall be consistent with the city's Metropolitan Council,the United States Air approved Comprehensive Plan and reflect Force and the Minnesota Air National any modifications recommended by the Guard. Under this agreement,the U.S.Air Council. Force has granted the Metropolitan Council permanent rights to construct and operate Transportation the Hiawatha Corridor LRT on U.S.Air Force property in exchange for • authorized its Regional Administrator to enter improvements to this property for a value to into a contract amendment with the I-494 exceed$2,085,000. Corridor Commission covering the Golden Triangle TDM Demonstration to extend the • approved the Transit Cooperation Agreement termination date of the contractto between the Metropolitan Council and the December 31,2002. city of Minnetonka. • ratified its Regional Administrator's Declaration • authorized its Regional Administrator to execute of Emergency on June 26,2002,to enter a contract with Sullivan's Utility Services into an agreement with THOR Construction for drain and sump cleaning and disposal for the placement of a concrete slab at the services at Metro Transit facilities as Downtown East Station of the Hiawatha specified for$398,000 over a three-year LRT project,in an amount not to exceed period. $70,000. The Council Also: • authorized its Regional Administrator to execute a contract with Gillig Corporation for the • received the International Personnel Procurement of three hybrid electric-diesel, Management Association 2002 Best forty-foot,low floor transit buses in Practices Award for Metro Transit Driver accordance with the Council's specifications Recruitment Strategies and Gillig's Best And Final Offer dated June 7,2002,in an amount not to exceed • adopted a resolution recognizing Kathleen $2,013,121,contingent on satisfactory Meyer,recipient of the"Business Journal results from the Buy America Pre-Award Minority Business Award,"for her many Audit accomplishments. • authorized its Regional Administrator to amend the interagency agreement with New Publications Council publications are available from the Hennepin County for public involvement Council's Regional Data Center. For a free services on the Northwest Corridor busway and complete list of publications,write the project for$48,600. Metropolitan Council Data Center,230 E.Fifth St.,St.Paul,MN 55101,or call(651)602-1140. • authorized its Regional Administrator to E-mail address is: negotiate and execute a contract not to data.center@metc.state.mn.us exceed$1,276,000 to construct an unheated storage building for the Minnesota Air There is a charge for some publications. National Guard at Fort Snelling and provide other site modifications in partial fulfillment The bimonthly Council Directions newsletter 4 Page July 2002 "Lucille Johnson 7ju12002 doc an Pa e 5 METRO DIGEST — provides information on regional issues and Council Directions at no charge,call Dawn Council Programs. If you wish to subscribe to Hoffner at(651)602-1447. Metropolitan Commission Activities Metropolitan Airports Commission the designation of the following trail corridors as described in the"First Tier Metropolitan Airports Commission offices are located at Trails,Greenways&Parks Master Plan"as 6040 28th Av.S.,Minneapolis,MN 55450. For more information,call Lynn Sorensen at (612)726-8186. regional trails: The Commission: 1. Brooklyn Center/Robbinsdale Corridor 2. Crystal/Robbinsdale Corridor • approved a settlement of the Metropolitan 3. New Hope/Crystal/Golden Valley Airports Commission v.Charlson(in the Corridor acquisition of 157 acres of real estate west 4. Edina/Richfield Corridor of the Flying Cloud Airport)and Metropolitan Airports Commission v.City The Commission further recommended that of Eden Prairie as part of the long-term plan the Council publish hearing notices; for expansion of Flying Cloud Airport. distribute public copies of applicable excerpts of the"First Tier Trails, • authorized staff to hold a public hearing to Greenways&Parks Master Plan"for those review the fee structure for commercial trails recommended for hearing;pass along vehicles(other than taxicabs)using airport the technical comments from staff for their property. The public hearing on Ordinance use in preparing trail master plans of the No.93 will consider a revised fee structure trail corridors that are added to the Regional to consider potential revenue generating Trail System;and impose a moratorium on opportunities. new trails or park units to be added to the Regional Park System until December 31, • held a public hearing to consider revision of 2002. MAC Ordinance No. 95,Airfield Use and Humphrey Terminal Ordinance. • reviewed a Ramsey County request for Part 4 Metropolitan Parks&Open Space CIP funds to acquire a permanent trail Commission(MP&OSC) easement for the Bruce Vento Regional Trail and reimbursement consideration in a Metropolitan Parks&Open Space Commission offices are future regional parks CIP for a portion of located at Mears Park Centre,230 E.Fifth St.,St.Paul, the easement financed with Ramsey County 55101. For more information,call Sandi Dingle at (651) 602-1312. Funds. The Commission recommended that the Metropolitan Council: The Commission: 1. authorize a grant of$140,000 from Part • recommended that the Metropolitan Council 4 of the 2002-2003 Metropolitan conduct a public hearing on Monday, Regional Parks CIP to finance 40%of September 16,2002,as part of the Livable the$350,000 to acquire a permanent Communities Committee meeting regarding trail easement for the Bruce Vento 5 Page July 2002 Lucille Johnson 7ju12002.doc Page ' • METRO DIGEST Regional Trail from the Burlington Northern/Santa Fe Railroad Company; • approved an amendment to the Football Use Agreement dated August 15,2001. 2. consider reimbursing up to$35,000 in a future regional parks CIP for Ramsey County's expenditures to acquire a permanent trail easement for the Bruce Vento Regional Trail from the Burlington Northern/Santa Fe Railroad Company;and 3. inform Ramsey County that if the Part 4 CIP grant described above is executed, that the grant will count towards Ramsey County's 2002-2003 CIP allocation of 8.1%. If Ramsey County receives more than this amount based on actual appropriations for the 2002- 2003 CIP,its allocation for the 2004- 2005 CIP will be reduced proportionally. Metropolitan Sports Facilities Commission(MSFC) Metropolitan Sports Facilities Commission offices are located at 900 South 5th St.,Minneapolis,MN 55415.For more information,call Nancy Matowitz at(612)335-3310. The Commission: • approved the proposal and awarded the contract for the 2002-2004 Tent Services to Skyway Event Services as presented for the 2002- 2004 football seasons. • terminated the contract for audio maintenance and operations with Impulse Group and authorized staff to rebid the service contract for audio maintenance and operations. • set the date of a Public Hearing on the Year 2003 Budget for Wednesday,August 21, 2002,at 9 a.m.in the Metropolitan Sports Facilities Commission Conference Room. • approved a resolution authorizing check signatures on bank financial transactions. 6 Page July 2002 August 1, 2002 PORT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL SPECIAL MEETING - BOARD RETREAT AUGUST 8, 2002 Chair Joan A. Grzywinski is calling a Special Meeting/Board Retreat of the Port Authority Board of Commissioners for Thursday, August 8, 2002 at 12:00 p.m. in the Phalen Suite at the Radisson City Center, 411 Minnesota Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101. The purpose of the meeting: 2002 - Second Half Outlook Kenneth R. Johnson President KRJ:Ias cc: The Port Authority Commissioners Mayor Randy Kelly The City Council Terrence J. Garvey Briggs & Morgan Leonard, Street and Deinard Representatives of the Press Don Luna, City Clerk St. Paul Area Chamber of Commerce Midway Chamber of Commerce Tony Schertler, PED Manual Cervantes, City Attorney Members of the Ramsey County Delegation 6187.1. August 1, 2002 NOTICE PORT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 27, 2002 Chair Joan Grzywinski is calling the Regular Meeting of the Port Authority Board of Commissioners for Tuesday, August 27, 2002 at 2:00 p.m. in the Board Room of the Saint Paul Port Authority, 1900 Landmark Towers, 345 St. Peter Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102. A.....40441:21/wt- Kenneth R. Johnson President las cc: The Port Authority Commissioners Mayor Randy Kelly City Council Terrence J. Garvey Briggs & Morgan Leonard, Street and Deinard Representatives of the Press Don Luna, City Clerk Tony Schertler, PED St. Paul Area Chamber of Commerce Midway Area Chamber of Commerce Pig's Eye Coalition Manual Cervantes, City Attorney Members of the Ramsey County Delegation 6187.1.