2/19-2/23/2001 Meetings for the week of February 19th-February 23rd http://www.ci.stpaul.mn.us/cgi-bin/meetgen.pl The City of Saint Paul Meetings for the Week of "AAA February 19th, thru February 23rd, 2001 MONDAY - February 19th President's Day -HOLIDAY TUESDAY - February 20th *Ramsey County Board 9:00 AM COUNCIL CHAMBERS Legislative Hearings - Summary Abatements 10:00 AM Room 330 City Hall and Nuisance Property Code Enforcement 1:30 PM Room 330 City Hall Hearings WEDNESDAY - February 21st Closed Meeting of the City Council 1:30 PM N.W. Conf. Room 310 City Hall *City Council --- see Agenda 3:30 PM COUNCIL CHAMBERS THURSDAY - February 22nd Saint Paul Heritage Preservation 5:00 PM Room 40 City Hall/Courthouse Commission FRIDAY - February 23rd Planning Commission 8:30 AM Room 40 City Hall *Cablecast live and repeated on Saint Paul Channel 18. Interpreter service for the hearing impaired will be provided at public meetings upon request. Request can be made by calling(651)266-8509(Voice and TDD)Monday thru Friday, 8:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M.A minimum of two days notice is required. For more information on any of these meetings,you can send Email to: citizen.service@ci.stpaul.mn.us, or call the Saint Paul Citizen Service Office at(651)266-8989 If you'd like a reply, we'll get to you as soon as possible, but in most cases, please allow at least one working day for a response. If the above page looks good, enter your password one more time, and hit 'Make Meetings' to update the website. (you will be automatically redirected to the page). Otherwise, hit your browser's 'Back' button. Password ... 1 of 2 2/16/2001 10:30 AM Page 1 of 1 Lucille Johnson - City Council Closed Meeting. From: Nancy Anderson To: Anderson, Jan; Benanav, Jay; Benson, Barb; Birkholz, Jean; Blakey, Jerry; Bostrom, Dan; Coleman, Chris; Connor, Bob; Harris, Pat; Keran, Janice; LaFrenz, Janie; Lantry, Kathy; Lesch, John; McInerney, Gerry; Novak, Carol; Prince, Jane; Reinartz, Matt; Reiter, Jim; Renstrom, Scott; Rider, Chris; Sanders, Donna; Skupas, Vicki; Strathman, Gerry; Thayer, Ella; Wicklund, Sandra Date: 2/15/2001 3:37 PM Subject: City Council Closed Meeting. CC: Johnson, Lucille; Kimberly, Susan; Megarry, Katherine; Moore, Shari; Owusu, Fred; Robinson, Clayton; Skevas, Eleni Councilmembers: There will be a Closed Meeting of the City Council on Wednesday,February 21,2001, at 1:30 p.m. in the Northwest Conference Room,310 City Hall, to discuss labor negotiations. file://C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\GW}00001.HTM 2/16/2001 FEB-15-2001 16:34 RAMSEY COUNTY MANAGER 651 266 8039 P.02/02 MEETING NOTICE BOARD OF RAMSEY COUNTY COMNIISSIONERS 15 W.KELLOGG BLVD., ST.PAUL, MN 55102 651 266-8350 (, .AMSEY COUNTY Monday, February 19, 2001 PRESIDENTS' DAY HOLIDAY OFFICE CLOSED Tuesday,February 20,2001 9:00 a.m. - Executive Session RE: Ramsey County v. Custom Cuts (potential litigation) ***CLOSED TO PUBLIC*** Room 220 Court House, Large Conference Room Following Executive Session: In Council Chambers, Third Floor Court House - County Board Policy Meeting - Administrative Board Meeting - Legislative Committee of the Whole Public Works, Parks& Solid Waste Committee - Facilities Committee - County Board Workshop—Ramsey County Financial Condition Room 220 Court House, Large Conference Room 1:30 p.m. - Human Services/Job Training Committee Council Chambers, Third Floor Court House Wednesday. February 21,2001 7:00 p.m. - Ramsey County Library Board 1941 W. County Road E-2, Arden Hills Thursday, February 22, 2001 7:00 p.m. - Ramsey County League of Local Governments White Bear Lake City Hall, 4701 Highway 61 Friday. February 23. 2001 ADVANCE NOTICE February 27, 2001 —Policy Board Meeting March 6, 2001 —No Board or Committee Meetings(NACo Conference in Washington, D.C.) TOTAL P.02 Lucille Johnson- Feb 19-23-2001.wpd page 1 Master Meeting CALENDAR - Saint Paul Planning Commission Meetings WEEK OF FEBRUARY 19-23,2001 Mon 19 PRESIDENT'S DAY HOLIDAY Tues 20 Wed 21 Thurs 22 Fri 23 7:45 a.m. Planning Commission Steering Committee Rm 41 City Hall (Larry Soderholm) Conference Center 15 Kellogg Blvd. 8:30-11:00 a.m. Planning Commission Meeting Room 40 City Hall (Larry Soderholm,266-6575) Conference Center 15 Kellogg Blvd. PUBLIC HEARING: Phalen Corridor Development Strategy Summary and Summary Amendment for the Phalen Westminster Area(Penny Simison, 651/266-6554) OLD BUSINESS #00-153-513 Semple Enterprises-Special Condition Use Permit to operate a recycling processing center. 91 Ridder Circle,NE of Ridder Circle at Fillmore. (Virginia Burke,651/266-6661) Duplex-Triplex Conversion Guidelines-Staff requests lay-over to March 1,2001. (Yang Zhang,651/266-6659) NEW BUSINESS #01-122-867 Mendota Homes,Inc.-Rezone from B-3 to RM-2 to allow for a new 3-story residential condominium. 1941 Ford Parkway,between Kenneth and Howell. (Nancy Homans,651/266-6557) Gun Shop Zoning Amendments-Discussion and recommend March 15, 2001,Zoning Committee public hearing. (Nancy Homans,651/266-6557) U.S.Bank Environmental Assessment Worksheet-Findings of Fact/Record of Decision-adopt resolution. (Lucy Thompson, 651/266-6578) PED West Team Project Update- Informational Presentation by Sean Kershaw, West Team Leader(651/266-6594) Bruton\Calendars\Feb 19-23,2001 Page 1 of 3 Lucille Johnson-Metro Meetings From: "Pat OConnell" <pat.oconnell@metc.state.mn.us> To: <bdroessler@l000fom.org>, <smgillis@aol.com>, <sblack@bizjournals.com>, <mwolski@bna.com>, <kkraemer@ci.bloomington.mn.us>, <mfulto@ci.new- brighton.mn.us>, <dennis.welsch@ci.roseville.mn.us>, <kings@ci.savage.mn.us>, <savage@ci.savage.mn.us>, <stockb@ci.savage.mn.us>, <Lucille.johnson@ci.stpaul.mn.us>, <maya.petrovic@ci.stpaul.mn.us>, <mike.kassan@ci.stpaul.mn.us>, <bjohnson@ci.woodbury.mn.us>, <ed.shukle@co.anoka.mn.us>, <pmoline@co.carver.mn.us>, <barry.schade@co.dakota.mn.us>, <bob.overby@co.dakota.mn.us>, <donna.anderson@co.dakota.mn.us>, <jack.ditmore@co.dakota.mn.us>, <jeanne.hoffniann@co.dakota.mn.us>, <lou.breimhurst@co.dakota.mn.us>, <lynn.moratzka@co.dakota.mn.us>, <marlene.mailhot@co.dakota.mn.us>, <steve.sullivan@co.dakota.mn.us>, <susan.hoyt@co.dakota.mn.us>, <harper@co.washington.mn.us>, <lockyear@co.washington.mn.us>, <lynn.thompson@dakota.nm.us>, <kgill@dakotacda.state.mn.us>, <dirotty@dakotaelectric.com>, <barbara_johnson@dayton.senate.gov>, <lisa.freese@dot.state.mn.us>, <dtdecker@hntb.com>, <smielke@hopkinsmn.com>, <jeannelandkamer@hotmail.com>, <wendy.simons@house.leg.state.mn.us>, <billhempel@juno.com>, <dcallahan@kstp.com>, <kaplan@lawandpolitics.com>, <edit@legal-ledger.com>, <jheald@logis.org>, <deene000@mail.genmills.com>, <bschreiber@mandklaw.com>, <eshields@mandklaw.com>, <tpoul@mandklaw.com>, <meteast@medp.org>, "Carol Kummer" <carol.kummer@metc.state.mn.us>, "Carolyn Rodriguez" <carolyn.rodriguez@metc.state.mn.us>, "Frank Hornstein" <frank.hornstein@metc.state.mn.us>, "Fred Perez" <fred.perez@metc.state.mn.us>, "James Nelson" <james.nelson@metc.state.mn.us>, "John Conzemius" <john.conzemius@metc.state.mn.us>, "Julie Opsahl" <julie.opsahl@metc.state.mn.us>, "Julius Smith" <julius.smith@metc.state.mn.us>, "Leepao Xiong" <leepao.xiong@metc.state.mn.us>, "Marc Hugunin" <marc.hugunin@metc.state.mn.us>, "Mary Smith" <mary.smith@metc.state.mn.us>, "Matthew Ramadan" <matthew.ramadan@metc.state.mn.us>, "Natalie Steffen" <natalie.steffen@metc.state.mn.us>, "Phil Riveness" <phil.riveness@metc.state.mn.us>, "Roger Williams" <roger.williams@metc.state.mn.us>, "Saundra Spigner" <saundra.spigner@metc.state.mn.us>, "Ted Mondale" <ted.mondale@metc.state.mn.us>, "Todd Paulson" <todd.paulson@metc.state.mn.us>, <kfunk@mncee.org>, <clovro@mncounties.org>, <kcorbid@mncounties.org>, <julland@mnms.org>, <sthompson@mnsunpub.com>, <grfd@mr.net>, <lesterb@msfc.com>, <matowin@msfc.com>, <2skate@msn.com>, <mary.s.gabler@norwest.com>, <mramadan@nrrc.org>, <russadams@gwest.net>, <karen.pierog@reuters.com>, <rcpalmiter@rottlundhomes.com>, <palladio@skypoint.com>, <barbt@spnec.org>, <publicpol@tc-chamber.org>, <ricks@tc.umn.edu>, <becca.nash@tpl.org>, <chris@tripark.org>, <kisaacson@uswest.net>, <maurabrown@uswest.net>, <mtkabch@uswest.net>, <joan@wayzata.org>, <ecmurphy@wcco.cbs.com> Date: 2/16/2001 9:31 AM Subject: Metro Meetings WEEK OF: February 19 - 23, 2001 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL Livable Communities Committee Meeting - Tues., Feb. 20, 1:30 p.m., Room 1A. The agenda includes: Phalen Corridor initiative update; Miesville Ravine regional park-land acquisition update; proposed draft for public hearing version of regional recreation open space policy plan; review of Elm Creek park reserve master plan amendment and request for reimbursement authorization on winter recreation area development; proposed draft for public hearing version of 2002-07 regional parks file://C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\GW}00001.HTM 2/16/2001 Page 2 of 3 capital improvement program (CIP); appointments to the Housing and Land Use Advisory Committee; and other business. Canceled: Rail Transit Committee- Tues., Feb. 20, 4 p.m., Heywood Office Rural Issues Work Group - Wed., Feb. 21, 1 p.m., Room 2A. The agenda includes: aggregate resources -presentation by Mn/DOT regarding transportation-related aspects of aggregate resources management; continued discussion regarding affiliate membership for adjacent counties; review of work plan to address actionable items identified by the work group at the 1-19 workshop meeting; Council member reports; and other business. Transportation Advisory Board- Wed., Feb. 21, 1:30 p.m., Chambers. The agenda includes: welcome new TAB members; committee reports - aviation policy plan update; MAC capital improvement program 2001-2007; TIP amendment- scenic byways projects; TIP amendment- supplemental project funding; project authorization fund transfer policy; Livable Communities Committee proposal for aligning Council policy and the TEA-21 solicitation; additional policy issues related to the regional TEA-21 solicitation; Metro Mobility study; and other business. Metropolitan Council - Wed., Feb. 21, 3 p.m., Room 1A. The agenda includes: MSRS program unclassified retirement plan; authorization to negotiate and award a professional services agreement for engineering planning, and prototype design for the lift station and alarm telemetry update project; authorization to negotiate and execute a change order to the engineering design services contract for the MWWTP solids processing improvements project; authorization of contract amendment with Calthorpe Associates; authorization to enter into a labor agreement between the Metropolitan Council and the Confidential Administration Staff Association (CASA); Bloomington comprehensive plan update; MCES 2000 year end report and 2001 objectives; and other business. A portion of this meeting may be closed to the public pursuant to MN Statues section 471.705, subdivision 1 a,to discuss labor negotiation proposals. Metropolitan Parks and Open Space Commission Appointments Committee - Wed., Feb. 21, immediately following the Council meeting in Room 1A. Emergency Meeting of the Hiawatha LRT Community Advisory Committee - Wed., Feb. 21, 6:30 p.m.,American Indian OIC, 1845 E. Franklin Ave. at Cedar Ave., Mpls. The agenda includes: definitive design for Lake St. bridge and wall; and other business. The Metropolitan Council is located at Mears Park Centre, 230 E. Fifth St., St. Paul. Meeting times and agendas are subject to change. TENTATIVE MEETINGS FOR THE WEEK OF FEBRUARY 26 - MARCH 2 Metropolitan Parks and Open Space Commission-Mon., Feb. 26, 4 p.m., Chambers Transportation Committee - Mon., Feb. 26, 4 p.m., Room 1 A Environment Committee - Tues., Feb. 27, 4 p.m., Room IA Management Committee - Wed., Feb. 28, 2 p.m., Room IA Metropolitan Council - Wed., Feb. 28, 3 p.m., Chambers Public Hearing on Changing the Metro Mobility Reservation Window- Thurs., March 1, 12:30 p.m., Heywood Office, 560 - 6th Ave. No., Mpls. Public Hearing on Changing the Metro Mobility Reservation Window- Thurs., March 1, 7 p.m., file://C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\GW}00001.HTM 2/16/2001 Page 3 of 3 Chambers Metropolitan Radio Board- Fri., March 2, 9 a.m., Metro Counties Govt. Ctr., 2099 University Ave. METROPOLITAN SPORTS FACILITIES COMMISSION Metropolitan Sports Facilities Commission - Wed., Feb. 21, 9 a.m., MSFC Conf. Room. The Metropolitan Sports Facilities Commission office is located at 900 South 5th St., Minneapolis, MN 55415. For agenda information and to verify meeting times,please call Nancy Matowitz, 612- 335-3310 file://C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\GW}00001.HTM 2/16/2001 a' . �'a, 480 Cedar Avenue,Suite 401 Saint Paul,MN 55101 0 ilt, Phone: 651-222-7409 Fax 651-223-5307 el OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS RECEIVED FEB 16 2001 CITY CLERK i , . � , , ,, , L' , , I t Representatives from throughout Ramsey County Overview of Current Authorities, Responsibilities, Joint Powers Options Specific Watershed Districts/Management Organizations Opportunity for Open Discussion and Questions PUBLIC IS WELCOME- ALL RCLLG MEMBERS ARE ENCOURAGED TO ATTEND! MEETING NOTICE LOCATION: White Bear Lake City Hall - Council Chambers 4701 Highway 61, White Bear Lake DATE: Thursday, February 22, 2001 TIME: 7-8:30 pm Welcome and Introductions Moderator/Overview - Cliff Aichinger Ramsey/Washington Metro Watershed District Presentations Questions and Answers Next Meeting March 22, 2001 - Little Canada City Hall "Local Government Networking" PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE Roger Hale, Chair Alton Gasper, Vice Chair Coral Houle Dick Long Bert McKasy Paul Weske METROPOLITAN AIRPORTS COMMISSION NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING OF THE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE Wednesday, February 21, 2001 12:45 p.m. Room 3040, Mezzanine Level Lindbergh Terminal, Woid-Chamberlain Field AGENDA 1. BIDS RECEIVED — MAC CONTRACTS a. New HHH Terminal Bid Package No. 6 — Miscellaneous Site Work Dennis Probst, Director— Landside Development Materials regarding this item will be forwarded to Commissioners prior to the Special Meeting. METROPOLITAN AIRPORTS COMMISSION MINUTES OF RESCHEDULED REGULAR MEETING January 16, 2001 CALL TO ORDER A regular scheduled meeting of the Metropolitan Airports Commission, having been duly called, was held Tuesday, January 16, 2001 in Room 3040, Charles Lindbergh Terminal Building, Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport, Wold- Chamberlain Field. Chairman Nichols called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. The following were in attendance: Commissioners D'Aquila, Dowdle, Fiore, Gasper, Hale, Houle, Kahler, Long, Rehkamp, Speer, Weske and Chairman Nichols L. Sorensen, Commission Secretary R. Theisen, MN/DOT C. Mertensotto, MASAC Mary Hill Smith, Metropolitan Council J. W. Hamiel, Executive Director T. W. Anderson, General Counsel T. L. Anderson, Deputy Executive Director - Operations N. D. Finney, Deputy Executive Director— Planning and Environment D. A. Kautzer, Deputy Executive Director—Administrative Services D. Bergsven, Deputy Executive Director- Human Resources D. Dombrowski, Deputy Executive Director- Labor and Government Affairs J. Unruh, J. Kedrowski, D. Foster, G. Wennerstrom, T. Callister, J. Lopez, B. Hoium, S. Busch, B. Peters, T. Oetjens, P. Hogan, K. Weller, G. Condon, P. Sichko, M. Kilian, R. Fuhrmann, D. Probst, G. Warren, A. von Walter, J. Welna, G. Schmidt, D. Ruch, B. Hoyt, MAC Staff B. Farmer, MSP News R. Kramer, Messerli & Kramer L. Harris, ESNJ D. Lindberg, MASAC D. Wascoe, Star Tribune S. Kiscaden, State Senator- Rochester D. Miller, Rochester Chamber of Commerce M. Marcoux, Rochester City Council M. Cox, Sun Country W. Burt, B2 Public Relations G. Weibel, Cannon Falls Mayor R. Johnson, MBAA D. Carnival, McGrann Shea Carnival D. Saunders R. Thaniel, Office of the Mayor- Minneapolis • Commission Meeting January 16,2001 Page 2 The following item was moved from the Consent portion to the Discussion portion of the agenda: Planning and Environment Committee A18 LRT Update - Owner Controlled Insurance Program CONSENT ITEMS The following Consent Items were approved by the roll call vote as indicated. This includes the issues discussed at the various Committee meetings during the month of January which were approved by unanimous or majority vote and, in the opinion of the Committee Chairperson and Staff, should be routine or non- controversial. COMMISSIONER KAHLER MOVED AND COMMISSIONER FIORE SECONDED APPROVAL OF THE CONSENT ITEMS AS LISTED BELOW. The motion carried on the following roll call vote: Ayes, twelve: Commissioners D'Aquila, Dowdle, Fiore, Gasper, Hale, Houle, Kahler, Long, Rehkamp, Speer, Weske and Chairman Nichols Nays, none Absent, three: Commissioners Johnson, McKasy and Stenerson AIRPORT LEASES - Board File 12614 APPROVAL OF THE FOLLOWING LEASE ACTIONS AS REQUESTED. ALL SUCH APPROVALS ARE SUBJECT TO PAYMENT OF ALL RENT OR MONEY OWED THE COMMISSION, COMPLIANCE WITH THE TERMS OF ALL EXISTING AGREEMENTS, AND PAYMENT OF APPLICABLE ADMINISTRATIVE FEES, IF ANY; FURTHER, AUTHORIZATION FOR THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, OR HIS DESIGNEE, TO EXECUTE THE NECESSARY DOCUMENTS. Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport - Approval of lease termination to buy-out remaining five years of lease term for Mesaba Airlines hangar for approximately $1.8 million to accommodate construction of Runway 17-35. Approval of a one-year lease extension to the lease between MAC and Lockheed Martin Corporation, effective January 1, 2001, for the lease of office space within the West Terminal Building. Approval of the Fourth Amendment to the ground lease between Mesaba Aviation, Inc. and MAC revising the configuration of the supplemental parking lot located adjacent to the Mesaba Hangar/Office complex. Commission Meeting ► January 16,2001 Page 3 Approval of the Fourth Amendment to the ground lease between United Parcel Service, Inc. and MAC adding 28,100 sq. ft. of ground area to UPS's leasehold for use as supplemental vehicle parking and storage of GSE equipment. St. Paul Downtown Airport - Consent to change in controlling interest of Regent Aviation, Inc. (a/k/a Air Regent Investors, Inc.), Parcels 1 through 14 and Lot 20E, to change in voting control of Regent Aviation, Inc. from William F. Bieber to Dr. Glen D. Nelson. Flying Cloud Airport - Approval of lease amendment of Gary L. Rosenwinkel Trust, Commercial Lots 38F, 40F, 42, deleting 38F from the commercial lease. Authorization of new aircraft storage lease issued to Gary L. Rosenwinkel Trust for Lot 38F. Crystal Airport - Approval of conditional assignment of lease of Jetways, Inc., Lot 80A, to Citizens State Bank of Waverly, Inc. as security for a loan. Authorization of new aircraft storage lease issued to James J. Schumacher for the construction of a new aircraft storage hangar. Approval of lease transfer of Kurt Manufacturing Co., Lot 21-A2, to North Memorial Health Care, a Minnesota non-profit corporation. Anoka County-Blaine Airport- Approval of new aircraft storage lease issued to Warren S. Watson for the construction of a new aircraft storage hangar. Lake Elmo Airport - Approval of lease transfer of Clifford Lee Muller, Lot 41 D, to Peter Hoefler and Allan Johnson. Authorization of lease amendment of United Hangars, Lot 11A, increasing the leasehold to provide for the ability to increase the depth of their hangar reconstruction resulting from storm damage. Authorization of lease amendment of Danny Bergstrom, Lot 5C, increasing the leasehold to provide for the ability to increase the depth of their hangar reconstruction resulting from storm damage. Authorization of the issuance of new aircraft storage lease for the construction of new aircraft storage hangars as follows: Tim Foss, William P. Steinke, and Dale Haag. FINANCIAL REPORT — Board File 12615 APPROVAL OF THE TOTAL AMOUNT OF $40,982,530.55 FOR PAYMENT AND TRANSFER, SUBJECT TO AUDIT. Planning and Environment Committee — Board File 12616 (See minutes of the January 9, 2001 Committee meeting) Al Final Payments - MAC Contracts Commission Meeting January 16,2001 Page 4 • a) Airfield Lighting Computer Control System - Phase II b) Automated People Mover Station Flooring c) Northwest Drive and Employee Parking Lot at Post Road d) Lower Level Roadway Lighting Improvements e) Green/Gold Parking Ramp Lighting Upgrades f) 1999-2000 Part 150 Sound Insulation Program A2 Semi-Final Payments - MAC Contracts a) Airfield Lighting Computer Control System b) 34th Avenue Sanitary Sewer Relocation A3 Bids Received - MAC Contracts a) Humphrey Terminal Fuel Hydrant System b) Part 150 Sound Insulation Program - December Bid Cycle c) Ground Power - Switchgear Procurement A4 Review of Upcoming Construction Project Bids A5 November 2000 Activity Report for Metro Office Park A6 Change Management Policy and Project Status Report A7 Authorization to Hold Public Hearings - Land Acquisition - MSP Int'I Airport a) Army Reserve Property b) Minneapolis Park Board Property c) Department of Veterans Affairs A8 Authorization to Hold Public Hearing Property Acquisition - Airlake Airport A9 Authorization to Amend the Property Acquisition Agreement for Reconstruction of Trunk Highway 77/66th Street Interchange A10 NSP Interim Engineering Agreement All Hotel Property Acquisition - Runway 17/35 - MSP Intl Airport Al2 Authorization to Negotiate Interagency Agreements -Anoka Co.-Blaine Airport A13 Air National Guard Memorandum of Understanding - Runway 4-22 Reconstruction A14 Project Budget Adjustments A15 Construction Program Status Update A16 Part 150 Sound Insulation Program Update A17 MAC/Mall of America Exchange Agreement A18 MOVED TO DISCUSSION - LRT Update a) Owner Controlled Insurance Program APPROVAL OF MINUTES APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SCHEDULED DECEMBER 18, 2000 MEETING AND THAT ALL ACTIONS TAKEN BY THE COMMISSION AT SAID MEETING AND AS RECORDED IN SAID MINUTES BE RATIFIED. Commission Meeting January 16, 2001 Page 5 DISCUSSION ITEMS Planning and Environment Committee - Board File 12616 A18 LRT Update a) Owner Controlled Insurance Program As part of the Hiawatha Corridor LRT project, the Commission previously entered into a Hiawatha Corridor Light Rail Master Agreement, a Construction Agreement, an Operations and Maintenance Agreement and a Financing Agreement. In June, 2000, the Commission endorsed the use of an Owner Controlled Insurance Program (OCIP) and approved Marsh USA, inc. as the insurance broker for construction of the Hiawatha Light Rail Transit Project. Dennis Probst, Director - Airside Development, reported that Staff has been in contact with the Metropolitan Council staff and resolved the remaining issues within the agreement. He noted two modifications with regard to insurance premiums were made to the Hiawatha Corridor Light Rail Transit Owner Controlled Insurance Program Cooperation Agreement. COMMISSIONER HALE MOVED AND COMMISSIONER REHKAMP SECONDED THAT STAFF BE AUTHORIZED TO FINALIZE THE HIAWATHA CORRIDOR LIGHT RAIL TRANSIT OWNER CONTROLLED INSURANCE PROGRAM COOPERATION AGREEMENT, AS MODIFIED; FURTHER, AUTHORIZATION FOR THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, OR HIS DESIGNEE, TO EXECUTE THE AGREEMENT. The motion carried on the following roll call vote: Ayes, twelve: Commissioners D'Aquila, Dowdle, Fiore, Gasper, Hale, Houle, Kahler, Long, Rehkamp, Speer, Weske and Chairman Nichols Nays, none Absent, three: Commissioners Johnson, McKasy and Stenerson Management and Operations Committee - Board File 12617 B1 Bids Received for the Purchase of One Self-Contained Friction Measurement Tester COMMISSIONER REHKAMP MOVED AND COMMISSIONER FIORE SECONDED ACCEPTANCE OF THE BID FROM TRADEWIND SCIENTIFIC IN Commission Meeting • January 16,2001 Page 6 THE AMOUNT OF $137,917.50 AND AUTHORIZATION FOR THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, OR HIS DESIGNEE, TO EXECUTE THE NECESSARY DOCUMENTS FOR THE PURCHASE OF THIS EQUIPMENT. The motion carried on the following roll call vote: Ayes, twelve: Commissioners D'Aquila, Dowdle, Fiore, Gasper, Hale, Houle, Kahler, Long, Rehkamp, Speer, Weske and Chairman Nichols Nays, none Absent, three: Commissioners Johnson, McKasy and Stenerson B2 2001 Pay Equity Implementation Report COMMISSIONER REHKAMP MOVED AND COMMISSIONER FIORE SECONDED APPROVAL OF THE 2001 PAY EQUITY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT. The motion carried on the following roll call vote: Ayes, twelve: Commissioners D'Aquila, Dowdle, Fiore, Gasper, Hale, Houle, Kahler, Long, Rehkamp, Speer, Weske and Chairman Nichols Nays, none Absent, three: Commissioners Johnson, McKasy and Stenerson B3 Award of Common Use Terminal Equipment System RFP COMMISSIONER REHKAMP MOVED AND COMMISSIONER FIORE SECONDED AUTHORIZATION FOR STAFF TO NEGOTIATE AND EXECUTE A CONTRACT BY JANUARY 30, 2001 FOR A COMMON USE SYSTEM (CUS) AS DESCRIBED IN THE REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS WITH SITA; FURTHER, AUTHORIZATION FOR THE APPROPRIATE STAFF TO EXECUTE THE NECESSARY DOCUMENTS. The motion carried on the following roll call vote: Ayes, twelve: Commissioners D'Aquila, Dowdle, Fiore, Gasper, Hale, Houle, Kahler, Long, Rehkamp, Speer, Weske and Chairman Nichols Nays, none Absent, three: Commissioners Johnson, McKasy and Stenerson Commission Meeting January 16,2001 Page 7 Affirmative Action Committee - Board File 12618 D1 Update of Meetings with Women & Minority Trade Organizations Commissioner Kahler, Chairman of the Affirmative Action Committee, reported an Affirmative Action Committee meeting was held on January 16 to provide an update on various issues within the Disadvantage Business Enterprise (DBE) Program. MAC Staff has been meeting with several women and minority trade organizations to discuss various approaches to meet DBE goals. The MAC Legal Department has advised that "set aside" contracts are not legally defensible. Staff has been exploring several alternative approaches such as partnerships with minority/women-owned firms, the structuring of joint ventures, and other outreach strategies. Chairman Kahler indicated Staff will continue to advise the Commission on the status of negotiations. NEW BUSINESS Oath of Office - MAC Police Officers Chairman Nichols administered the Oath of Office to MAC Police Officers Shawn Sonterre and David Karsnia. Announcements/Commissioner Comments • Chairman Nichols presented to James Welna, Public Safety Director, a plaque awarded by Airports Council International - North America recognizing Mr. Welna for his dedicated service and outstanding contribution as a member and Chairman of the ACI Security Committee. • Commissioner Weske asked MASAC Chair Mertensotto to comment on residential development in Mendota Heights relative to the Commission's Part 150 Program. Mayor Mertensotto provided background information on the Augusta Shores townhouse development and responded to concerns expressed about its close proximity to Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport and potential noise impact. He explained that the City of Mendota Heights had worked with the Metropolitan Council to ensure compliance with zoning requirements. He discussed the issue of zoning explaining why this land development wasn't developed as commercial property. Mayor Mertensotto noted that a substantial part of the City of Mendota Heights' residential property is within the Ldn60 and experiences aircraft noise impact. He explained that the City requires the developer to meet specific noise mitigation guidelines prior to the sale of a townhome to ensure that the buying A9 Lake Elmo Consent Order Supplemental Environmental Projects A10 Flying Cloud Airport Property Acquisition All Request for Authority to Hold Public Hearing -Property Acquisition - City of Bloomington Al2 Special Planning and Environment Committee Meeting A13 Project Budget Adjustments A14 LRT Update A15 2001 Construction Season Preview A16 Runway 17-35 Development -Taxiways W-Y and Y-3 Tunnels All MASAC Activities a) Year in Review b) Status Update -Blue Ribbon Panel A18 CAEP Stage 4 Noise Standard Recommendation Finance Committee (Cancelled for the month of February) Management and Operations Committee B1 Request Approval for USDA Wildlife Services Contract B2 2001 ACI Regular Membership Dues B3 Request to Issue an RFP for Waste Hauling and Recyclying Services at MSP B4 Update: Annual Commercial Vehicle Trip Fees -Ordinance No. 93 B5 Purchase of Combination Sewer Cleaning Unit and Options B6 Purchase of Freightliner Truck Chassis B7 Purchase of Oshkosh MPT All Wheel Drive Snow Plow Chassis with Options B8 Purchase of Tennant Sweeper B9 DISCUSSION -Post Employment Health Plan B10 Approval of Teamsters#320 Labor Agreement B11 Award of Baggage Locker Concession B12 New Humphrey Terminal a) Sun Country Airlines Preferential Lease b) Adoption of Airfield Use and Humphrey Terminal Ordinance B13 Legislative Update -State and Federal B14 Recommendation for Outside Legal Representation B15 Executive Session - Enterprise Update ll. DISCUSSION ITEMS Special Planning and Environment Committee SA1 Bids Received -New HHH Term. Bid Pkg. No. 6 -Misc. Site Work Management and Operations Committee B9 Post Employment Health Plan III. NEW BUSINESS 2000 Strategic Plan Report IV. OLD BUSINESS V. ANNOUNCEMENTS/COMMISSIONER COMMENTS (Information Only-No Action Required) VI. PUBLIC APPEARANCES *Rescheduled due to holiday. RESCHEDULED REGULAR MEETING* WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 2001 - 1:00 P.M. METROPOLITAN AIRPORTS COMMISSION Room 3040—Mezzanine—Lindbergh Terminal Building AGENDA Oath of Office-New Commissioners CONSENT ITEMS (Consent Items can be brought down to Discussion) Approval of Minutes-Regular Scheduled January 16.2001 Lease Actions a - Recommendation Re: Airport Leases Accounts a- Approval of Bills, Expenses, Payrolls, Transfers of Funds, etc. Planning and Environment Committee Al Land Acquisition -Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport a) Army Reserve Property b) Minneapolis Park Board Property c) Department of Veterans Affairs A2 Property Acquisition -Airlake Airport A3 Final Payments -MAC Contracts a) Automated People Mover Tunnel (Finishes) b) Lindbergh Terminal 1999 Mechanical Modifications c) Tug Door Replacement d) Tug Drive Floor Rehabilitation Phase II e) 2000 Utility Modifications f) Parking Expansion: Core Enclosure/Finishes, QTA, Ramp Stair Enclosure g) Parking/RAC Expansion: NWA Replacement Ramp h) 62nd St. Relocation/Deicing Operations Center Site Work i) 1999 Landside Bituminous Construction j) Parking Structure Rehabilitation 2000 k) 1999 Runway 17-35 Storm Sewer I) Runway 14-32 Taxiway P Pavement Rehabilitation -St. Paul Downtown Airport m) Anoka County/Blaine Airport: Sanitary Sewer and Water Installation n) 2000 Part 150 Sound Insulation Program A4 Semi-Final Payments -MAC Contracts a) Airfield Lighting Computer Control System b) Parking Expansion: Snowmelt System c) Parking Expansion: RAC Exit Ramp d) Airlake Airport: North Parallel Taxiway Realignment A5 Bids Received -MAC Contracts a) 2001 Fuel System Extension b) Lindbergh Terminal Elevator Modifications c) 2001 Runway 17-35 Site Preparation d) 2001 Runway 17-35 Trunk Storm Sewer, Phase 3: Water Quality Ponds e) Part 150 Sound Insulation Program -January Bid Cycle A6 Change Management Policy and Project Status Report A7 December 2000 Activity report for Metro Office Park A8 Capital Improvement Program Adjustments SAINT PAUL RECEIVED PORT AUTHORITY FEB 16 2001 CITY CLERK MEMORANDUM TO: Michael Goldner, Dick Anfang, DATE: Feb. 15, 2001 W. Andrew Boss, Lori Fritts FROM: Kenneth R. Johnson% SUBJECT: Credit Committee Meeting February 20, 2001 The regular meeting of the Credit Committee will be held on Tuesday, February 20, 2001, at 2:00 p.m. in the Board Room of the Saint Paul Port Authority located at 1900 Landmark Towers, 345 Saint Peter Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102. The purpose of the meeting is as follows: 1. Approval of Minutes of January 16, 2001 Meeting 2. District Cooling St. Paul, Inc. —Authorization for an Approximate $11,250,000 Tax Exempt and Taxable Bond Issue 3. U.S. Bancorp Piper Jaffray Plaza — Sale of Mortgages 4. University Avenue/TH280 (Westgate) Modification of TIF Plan 5. McCullough Companies — (1) Inducement Resolution No. 45 and (2) Authorization for Tax Exempt Financing Allocation Application 6. Viking Drill & Tool, Inc. — Sale of Land — Parcel E-2 — Riverview Industrial Park 7. River Bend Business Park — Grant of Easement 8. Grant Agreement for $3.85 Million of State of Minnesota General Fund Cash for Phalen Boulevard 9. Report on REO Management (4th Quarter) - Informational 10.Such Other Business That May Come Before the Committee /ca cc: Press City Clerk Joan Grzywinski K. Lantry R. Hansen, Leonard Street & Deinard 6129.1.