10/16-10/20/2000 Meetings for the week of October 16th-October 20th http://www.stpaul.gov/depts/clerk/meetings.html The City of Saint Paul Meetings for the Week of October 16th, thru October 20th, 2000 MONDAY - October 16th Saint Paul Charter Commission 4:00 PM Room 220 City Hall TUESDAY - October 17th *Ramsey County Policy Board 9:00 AM Council Chambers Meeting Legislative Hearings(Summary Abatements 10:00 AM Room 330 City Hall &Nuisance) Property Code Enforcement 1:00 PM Room 330 City Hall Hearings Advertising Sign Committee 4:00 PM 13th Fl. City Hall Annex, 25 W. Fourth Street WEDNESDAY - October 18th *City Council's Committee-of-the-Whole 10:00 AM Council Chambers Budget Meeting CLOSED MEETING-of the City 2.00 PM Room 310 City Hall -to discuss Council pending litigation *City Council 3:30 PM Council Chambers Public Hearing -Minnesota Brewing 7.00 PM Monroe School, 810 Palace Co. Ethanol Plant Avenue THURSDAY - October 19th Saint Paul Heritage Preservation Commission 5:00 PM Room 40 City Hall FRIDAY - October 20th Planning Commission Steering 7:45 AM Room 40 City Hall Committee Public Hearing - Saint Paul Mississippi 8:30 AM Room 40 City Hall River Corridor Plan Planning Commission Meeting 8:30 AM Room 40 City Hall *Cablecast live and repeated on Saint Paul Channel 18. Interpreter service for the hearing impaired will be provided at public meetings upon request. Request can be made by calling(651)266-8509(Voice and TDD)Monday thru Friday, 8:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M.A minimum of two days notice is required. 1 of 2 10/13/2000 4:06 PM City of Saint Paul City Council Research 310 City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 (651) 266-8564 INTER-DEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM DATE: October 4, 2000 TO: Council President Dan Bostrom Councilmember Jay Benanav Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Chris Coleman Councilmember Patrick Harris Councilmember Kathy Lailtry Councilmember Jim eiter FROM: Gerry Strathman Qf SUBJECT: CITY COUNCIL CLOSED MEETING. There will be a Closed Meeting of the City Council on Wednesday, October 18, 2000, at 2:00 p.m. in the Northwest Conference Room, 310 City Hall, to discuss pending litigation. GS:na cc: Lucille Johnson Susan Kimberly Shari Moore (PLEASE POST) Fred Owusu Clayton Robinson Eleni Skevas Frank Villaume CE!VEU) OCT 5 2000 carry CLERK > ,- > • • 1 1 2 832••�a d I• 0/State * STAR TRIBUNE•PAGE B3 `i hanoi � � St Paul offici als als have scheduled a public hearing to discuss odors caused by ethanol production,at the Minnesota Brprocedure that diverts 10 percent of outlying neighborhoods includ- )-When:g Co.7 plant on the city's West End 18. of the emissions from the plant's ing Crocus Hill and Highland Park 7 pm,OctCm main smokestack for scrubber also have swamped lines 10 Where:Monroe Community School, S testing is underway. with complaints.p phone810 Palace Av. "We're working as hard and as "I know many of you have been fast as we can in an attempt to bombarded with calls,"state Sen. . ,. resolve this issue,"Lee said,"with Sandy Pappas,DFL-St.Paul,wrote St.Clair ) 5 „ the understanding there will al- in a letter to City Council mem- % F ::g ways be smells." bers and Mayor Coleman on ` • He said the plant now employs Wednesday.She called the situa- - 2?0 workers,up from 75 employ- tion "intolerable" and said the c� '"was ,-; ees 18 months ago."We are corn- Minnesota Pollution Control Jefferson.A� �'u' 1=izo< • mitted to being a good neighbor," Agency will test emissions late `E' r? $ r • t Lee said."This is not a situation of next month to see if they're below ?atace.Av, t a company versus a neighbor- toxic levels.She suggested the city MewingC hood. We're all strivingfor the JamesA � �push for stricter air emission stan- same thing." dards during the next legislative Since the brewery started mak- session. , 1. ing ethanol,neighbors have corn- Curt Brown can be contacted at ." plained about the pungent smell curt.brown@startribune.com § m" ®,,H , of fermenting grain and men- � _ �/ s tioned health concerns including j Laz,'i I nausea andheadaches.Residents area Star Trbune graphic Crime, courts and public safety a., Carlton County to ask for help ii r�'1 • paying for Blom probe, trial ', � � CARLTON,MINN.—CarIton County officials expect to ask the Legislature for help in paying for the investigation and trial of n 1t Donald Blom. '1 " %/, v1 I He was convicted this past summer of kidnapping and murder- v, 4 R ing Katie Poirier, a Moose Lake convenience-store ' 1999.He was sentenced to life in prison. clerk, in May Carlton County Board Chairman Mel Tan said the northeastern '( 4 Minnesota county's tab for Blom's investigation and trial is more 't't. than $347,000 and probably will grow. The Blom trial, with the comity's portion exceeding$117,000,makes up nearly 15 percent of the court administrator's budget for the year.Officials say it may be several more weeks before they have a final total. Along with county costs, the trial cost the state about$101,917 during almost 10 weeks of proceedings in Virginia. Pretrial ex- ' t . ",7= penses have yet to be totaled. - . ,,.„.,._ ;"" Blom was tried in neighboring St. Louis County because of `, pretrial publicity in Carlton County. , • , •a` r l.` m ¢ Carlton County owes St. Louis County about$17,000 to cover I. use of its bailiffs and a court clerk.So far,expert-witness fees have OMtotaled about$45,000.And about$18,000 went to house and feed ' ' • elf 1y , • county employees staying in Virginia.There also are transportation costs and other bills, said Bruce Ahlgren; Carlton County District k. 's Courtadministrator.SheriffDaveSeboesaidhisofficespent$230,000ontheinvesti- A gation and probably will face additional costs. , t F —Associated Press !• • - _ _ OCT-09-2000 11:25 City of Saint Paul 651 266 8574 P.01/01 A1*1 SAINT PAUL CH4 T R COMMISSION 4 r tI SAINT PAUL, ; ,' 414 ;ikt„.i MINNESOTA 55102 MEETING NOTICE OF THE SAINT PAUL CHARTER COMMISSION/ DATE: October 16,2000 ` TIME: 4:00 P.M. PLACE: Room 220,City Hall 1. Call to Order 2. Approval of the Minutes—Meeting of September 18,2000 3. Citizen Comments 4. Reports of the Standing Committees • Appointment of members to Committees Redistricting Charter Revision Ethics Council Structure Public Information 5. Old Business 6. New Business Review meeting time poll 7. Other Business 8. Adjournment PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER TOTAL P.01 Master Meeting CALENDAR Saint Paul Planning Commission Meetings OCTOBER 2 0 0'0-THIRD WEEK Mon 16 Tues 17 4:00 p.m. Advertising Sign Committee 13th Floor /f (Larry Soderholm, 266-6575) City Hall Annex 25 Fourth Street Wed 18 Thur 19 Fri 20 7:45 a.m. Planning Commission Steering Committee V Rm 41 City Hall (Larry Soderholm,266-6575) Conference Center 15 Kellogg Blvd 8:30-11 a.m. Planning Commission Meeting I/ Rm 40 City Hall (Larry Soderholm,266-6575) Conference Center / 15 Kellogg Blvd PUBLIC HEARING- Saint Paul Mississippi River Corridor Plan V (Martha Faust,266-6572; Virginia Burke, 266-6661) #00-122-234 Buffalo Sober Group-Nonconforming Use Permit to allow the property to be used as rooming house providing permanent living facilities for men in early sobriety. 97 N. Oxford; between Laurel and Ashland. (Nancy Homans, 266-6557) K:\Shared\Bruton\Calendars\Oct-week 3-2000.wpd OCT-12-2000 16:41 RAMSEY COUNTY MANAGER 651 266 8039 P.02/02 MEETING NOTICE BOARD OF RAMSEY COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 15 W. KELLOGG BLVD., ST. PAUL,MN 55102 651 266-8350 SEY COUNTY Monday, October 16,0,000 Tuesday, October 17, 2000 9:00 a.m. - Policy Board Meeting Council Chambers, Third Floor Court House Immediately following Policy Board Meeting in Council Chambers, Third Floor Court House - Administrative Board Meeting - Human Services&Job Training Committee - Public Works, Parks& Solid Waste Committee - Executive Session: Mercury Morgan v. Ramsey County, et al. CLOSED TO PUBLIC Room 220 Court House, Large Conference Room Wednesday, October 18, 2000 3:00 p.m. - Regions Hospital Board of Directors Town& Country Club 2279 Marshall Avenue 3:30 p.m. - Rush Line Task Force ' • _ - White Bear Lake Training Center 4701 Highway 61 North,White Bear Lake 7:00 p.m. - Ramsey County Library Board 2180 N. Hamlin Avenue, Roseville Thursday, October 19, 2000 Friday, October 20, 2000 ADVANCE NOTICE: October 24, 2000 —Policy Board Meeting TOTAL P.02 Page 1 of 1 • Lucille Johnson -Metro Meetings From: "Dawn Hoffner"<dawn.hoffner@metc.state.mn.us> To: "Julie Opsahl"<julie.opsahl@metc.state.mn.us> Date: 10/13/2000 9:36 AM Subject: Metro Meetings WEEK OF: October 16-20,2000 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL Livable Communities Committee-Mon.,Oct. 16,3:30 p.m.,Room 1A. The agenda includes:LCA inclusionary housing account funding recommendations-homeownership;family affordable housing program-public housing unit acquisition-resolution to purchase property;request for input on concept of a universal park logo system name and tagline;and other business. TAB Programming Committee-Wed.,Oct.18,12 Noon,Chambers. The agenda includes:continue discussion of the regional TEA-21 solicitation process and criteria-transit providers advisory committee recommendations,discussion of LCA participation as a qualifying criterion;and other business. Transportation Advisory Board-Wed.,Oct.18, 1:30 p.m.,Chambers. The agenda includes:transportation policy plan update;regional TEA-21 solicitation criteria:major discussion topics and issues;report on proposed change in ATP project selection process;aviation policy plan update;and other business. Metropolitan Council-Wed.,Oct. 18,3 p.m.,Room 1A. The agenda will include:presentation of Minnesota Great Award;authorization of sole source procurement of fine pore aeration system components for the Metropolitan Wastewater Treatment Plant secondary treatment improvements-phase II; authorization to negotiate and award a professional services agreement with the Metropolitan Wastewater Treatment Plan secondary improvements- phase II,construction services;family affordable housing program,resolution to purchase property;Livable Communities Act(LCA)inclusionary housing account funding recommendations-homeownership program;review and approval of gainsharing proposal 02006-IBU and SBU energy& polymer savings;approval of the hiring of a new general counsel;2000 unified operating budget amendment,fourth quarter amendment;environmental services presentation on smart growth and water quality master planning;and other business. MetroGIS Policy Board Meeting-Wed.,Oct. 18,6:30 p.m.,Room 1A. The agenda includes:regional parcel dataset:private sector access policy; regional parcel dataset:public sector pilot update;2001 meeting schedule;strategic initiatives update;coordinating committee elects new chair; professional services contract-2001&2002;Nov. 17th presentation to Memphis area data sharing initiative;conference presentations;county users group update;CB-Richard Ellis demonstrates regional parcel dataset at national conference;national GeoData alliance initiative:phase I completed; coordinating committee meeting summary;and other business. The Metropolitan Council is located at Mears Park Centre,230 E.Fifth St.,St.Paul.Meeting times and agenda are subject to change. TENTATIVE MEETINGS THE WEEK OF OCTOBER 23-27,2000 Transportation Committee-Mon.,Oct.23,4 p.m.,Chambers Metropolitan Parks and Open Space Commission-Mon.,Oct.23,4 p.m.,Room lA Open House on West Metro Transit Restructuring Plan-Mon.,Oct.23,6:30 p.m.,Minneapolis Public Library,300 Nicollet Mall,downtown Minneapolis Environment Committee-Tues.,Oct.24,4 p.m.,Room 1A Management Committee-Wed.,Oct.25,2 p.m.,Room 1A Metropolitan Council-Wed.,Oct.25,3 p.m.,Chambers Rural Issues Work Group-Wed.,Oct.25,1 p.m.,Room 2A LRT Community Advisory Committee-Wed.,Oct.25,6:30 p.m.,Communication Workers of America,3521 East Lake St.,Mpls. Livable Communities Advisory Committee-Thurs.,Oct.26,9 a.m.,Room lA Public Hearing on West Metro Transit Restructuring Plan-Thurs.,Oct.26,6:30 p.m.,Hopkins City Hall,1010 So. 1st St.,Hopkins file://C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\GW}00001.HTM 10/13/2000 REGULAR SCHEDULED MEETING MONDAY, OCTOBER 16, 2000 -1:00 P.M. METROPOLITAN AIRPORTS COMMISSION RECE/VE® Room 3040—Mezzanine—Lindbergh Terminal Building AGENDA OCT • 132oDO CONSENT ITEMS y CL (Consent Items can be brought down to Discussion) APPROVAL OF MINUTES a - Regular Scheduled Commission Meeting -September 18, 2000 LEASE ACTIONS a - Recommendation Re: Airport Leases ACCOUNTS a - Approval of Bills, Expenses, Payrolls, Transfers of Funds, etc. Planning and Environment Committee Al Final Payments -MAC Contracts a) EMC Chiller Equipment-Phase 2 b) EMC Cooling Towers - Mechanical and Electrical c) Lindbergh Terminal Sprinkler Modifications - 1999 d) Green Concourse Expansion - Phase 2: Pedestrian Tunnel Shell e) Lindbergh terminal 1999 Mechanical Modifications Asbestos Abatement f) Parking Expansion: Return to Terminal Loop Bridge Project g) Parking Expansion: Control Building, Canopies and Painting h) Riverside Hangar-North Roof Replacement-St. Paul Downtown Airport i) Holman Field Capital Improvements Project-St. Paul Downtown Airport j) Equipment Maintenance Building Renovation &Addition - Lake Elmo Airport k) 1999-2000 Part 150 Sound Insulation Program A2 Semi-Final Payments - MAC Contracts a) Parking Expansion: AOA Tunnel/D Street Bridge b) MSP Airport Mail Center: Footing, Foundation and Structural Steel c) Ramsey Middle School Noise Abatement A3 Bids Received -MAC Contracts a) Lindbergh Terminal Sprinkler Modifications 2000 b) CCTV System Modifications - Phase 3 c) EMC Boiler Replacement d) EMC Boiler/Insulation Removal e) Lindbergh Terminal Blast Mitigation Project f) Eaton Street Dike Construction -St. Paul Downtown Airport g) Part 150 Sound Insulation Program -September Bid Cycle A4 Review of Upcoming Construction Project Bids A5 August 2000 Activity Report for Metro Office Park A6 Change Management Policy and Project Status Report A7 Flying Cloud Airport Property Acquisition -Runway 27R Approach A8 FAA Reimbursable Agreements a) Runway 17-35 Navaids Relocation - Final Design b) Runway 4-22 Navaids Relocation -Final Design A9 Construction Contract Negotiations - Miscellaneous Airfield Electrical Modifications -St. Paul Downtown Airport-Update A10 Capital Improvement Program Adjustments All MASAC Part 150 Update Hearings Schedule Al2 Project Budget Adjustment Commission Meeting October 16,2000 • Page 2 A13 Reliever Airport Sanitary Sewer and Water Installation Policy A14 Runway 17-35 Property Acquisition -Mpls.-St. Paul Int'I Airport a) Sheraton Airport Inn A15 Commissioner Request-Reliever Airports Sanitary Sewer and Water Installation Policy A16 LRT Update Management and Operations Committee B1 2001 Insurance Renewals B2 Authority to Amend Off-Airport Auto Rental Ordinance B3 Request to Issue RFP for Shared Telecommunications System and C.U.T.E. System at New HHH Temrinal B4 Recommendation for Two-Year Contract Extension with ABM B5 State Legislative Consultant Services Interviews B6 Update: Reliever Lease Policies Finance Committee C1 Reports a) Monthly Operating Results b) Summary of Investment Portfolio c) Summary of Air Carriers Passenger Facility Charges C2 2000 Audit Fee C3 Host Audit C4 Special Facility Bond Policy a) Policy Amendment b) Update on Special Facility Bonds C5 Commercial Paper Documents C6 2001 Budget Update DISCUSSION ITEMS NEW BUSINESS 1) Oath of Office-MAC Police Officers OLD BUSINESS Special Management and Operations Committee SB1 Approval of Reliever Airports Lease Policies, Rules& Regulations PUBLIC APPEARANCES MANAGEMENT AND OPERATIONS COMMITTEE Paul Rehkamp— Chairman John Dowdle—Vice Chair Carl D'Aquila Ed Fiore John Kahler Bert McKasy Nancy Speer METROPOLITAN AIRPORTS COMMISSION NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING OF THE MANAGEMENT & OPERATIONS COMMITTEE 11:00 A.M. —October 16, 2000 Room 3040, West Mezzanine— Lindbergh Terminal, Wold Chamberlain Field SB1 PROPOSED CHANGES TO RELIEVER LEASE POLICIES, RULES & REGULATIONS Gary Schmidt, Director of Reliever Airports METROPOLITAN AIRPORTS COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR SCHEDULED MEETING September 18, 2000 CALL TO ORDER A regular scheduled meeting of the Metropolitan Airports Commission, having been duly called, was held Monday, September 18, 2000 in Room 3040, Charles Lindbergh Terminal Building, Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport, Wold- Chamberlain Field. Chairman Nichols called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. The following were in attendance: Commissioners D'Aquila, Fiore, Gasper, Hale, Kahler, Long, McKasy, Rehkamp, Speer, Stenerson, Weske and Chairman Nichols L. Sorensen, Commission Secretary M. Hill Smith, Metropolitan Council R. Rought, MN/DOT C. Mertensotto, MASAC J. W. Hamiel, Executive Director T. W. Anderson, General Counsel N. D. Finney, Deputy Executive Director— Planning and Environment D. A. Kautzer, Deputy Executive Director—Administrative Services T. L. Anderson, Deputy Executive Director- Operations D. Bergsven, Deputy Executive Director Human Resources D. Dombrowski, Deputy Executive Director- Labor and Government Affairs S. Busch, G. Wennerstrom, G. Schmidt, P. Rasmussen, J. Unruh, B. Hoium, P. Hogan, G. Warren, A. von Walter, M. Kilian, A. Johnson, S. Sannes, B. Hoyt, T. Howell, MAC Staff K. Olson, Liesch G. Alberg, HNTB J. DeCoster, NWA J. Schumacher, HOAC H. Hitchcock, ANE D. Saunders, SMAAC R. Hessler, Signature Flight Support G. Renneke, Larkin Hoffman T. Coleman, Pioneer Press No items were moved from the Consent portion to the Discussion portion of the agenda. Commission Meeting September 18,2000 Page 2 CONSENT ITEMS The following Consent Items were approved by the roll call vote as indicated. This includes the issues discussed at the various Committee meetings during the month of September which were approved by unanimous or majority vote and, in the opinion of the Committee Chairperson and Staff, should be routine or non- controversial. COMMISSIONER HALE MOVED AND COMMISSIONER FIORE SECONDED APPROVAL OF THE CONSENT ITEMS AS LISTED BELOW. The motion carried on the following roll call vote: Ayes, twelve: Commissioners D'Aquila, Fiore, Gasper, Hale, Kahler, Long, McKasy, Rehkamp, Speer, Stenerson, Weske and Chairman Nichols Nays, none Absent, three: Commissioners Dowdle, Houle and Johnson AIRPORT LEASES - Board File 12586 APPROVAL OF THE FOLLOWING LEASE ACTIONS AS REQUESTED; FURTHER, AUTHORIZATION FOR THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, OR HIS DESIGNEE, TO EXECUTE THE NECESSARY DOCUMENTS. Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport - Approval of license agreement between the Commission and the United States Navy which allows use of approximately 6.5 adres of the Navy Ramp at MSP for civilian de-icing operations. Consent to Sun Country Airlines to host a benefit in its subleased hangar at 7701 - 26th Avenue South on behalf of the Greater Minneapolis Crisis Nursery. Commission consent also includes issuance of a temporary liquor license and authorization of the sale of raffle tickets. Consent is conditional upon Commission receipt of a notice of consent to the benefit by the hangar's lessee (Northwest Airlines), a copy of an approved gambling permit as issued by the Gambling Control Board, and evidence of insurance in appropriate amounts commensurate with the activities taking place in conjunction with the benefit. St. Paul Downtown Airport - Issuance of new aircraft storage lease to R.P. Air, Inc. for the construction of a new aircraft storage hangar. Flying Cloud Airport -Authorization of lease transfers as follows: Nancy Walter, Judy Streitz, Robert Merhar, Lot 48E, to David O. Hansen and Old Home Foods, Inc., Lot 103C (1/3), to Steven & Cynthia Bulwicz. Commission Meeting • September 18, 2000 Page 3 Anoka County-Blaine Airport - Consent to mortgage of leasehold interest of H D Aviation, LLC, Row 1, C & D, to Private Bank Minnesota as security for a loan. Lake Elmo Airport - Approval of lease transfer of KGB Enterprises, Inc., principles Glenn L. & Karen A. Bauer, Lot 5C, to Danny Bergstrom. Airlake Airport - Authorization of lease transfer of Samuel H. Roane, Lot 20B, to Everett McDonald, Jr. FINANCIAL REPORT — Board File 12587 APPROVAL OF THE TOTAL AMOUNT OF $41,569,347.24 FOR PAYMENT AND TRANSFER, SUBJECT TO AUDIT. Planning and Environment Committee — Board File 12588 (See minutes of the September 5, 2000 Committee meeting) Al Final Payments - MAC Contracts a) Materials Storage Building b) Runway 9L-27R Reconstruction - Flying Cloud Airport c) 1998 Pavement Rehabilitation/Airfield Signage - Crystal Airport d) 1999 Part 150 Sound Insulation Program A2 Semi-Final Payments - MAC Contracts a) Parking Expansion: Core Building/Finishes, QTA, Ramp Stair Enclosures b) Parking Expansion: Inbound/Outbound Roadway A3 Bids Received - MAC Contracts a) 2000/2001 Glycol Recovery Program b) Runway 12R/30L Tunnel Asbestos Abatement c) Lindbergh Terminal Flooring Replacement d) Package Express Services Relocation e) Miscellaneous Airfield Electrical Upgrades - St. Paul Downtown Airport f) Restroom Facilities - Crystal Airport and Anoka County-Blaine Airport g) Part 150 Sound Insulation Program -August Bid Cycle A4 Bids Received - MAC Purchase Orders a) Materials Storage Building: AOA Sand Storage Ventilation b) Green Parking Ramp 7th Level Lighting Upgrade A5 Review of Upcoming Construction Project Bids A6 July 2000 Activity Report for Metro Office Park A7 Change Management Policy and Project Status Report A8 Easement to the City of St. Paul - St. Paul Downtown Airport A9 Airlake Airport Construction Permit Commission Meeting ,► September 18,2000 Page 4 A10 Project Budget Adjustments All LRT Tunnel Bids/Special Meeting Al2 Part 150 Noise Abatement Plan Update - Status Report A13 Low Frequency Noise Policy Committee - Final Report A14 Preliminary 2001-2007 Capital Improvement Program A15 Runway 17-35 Tunnel Dewatering A16 Reliever Airports Sewer and Water Management and Operations Committee - Board File 12589 (See minutes of the September 6, 2000 Committee meeting) B1 Bids Received for Capital Equipment B2 Update: Annual Taxicab Permit Fee - Ordinance No. 81 B3 Recommendation: Award of Shared Ride Shuttle Agreement B4 Update: Reliever Lease Policies Issues a) Hangar Inspection Procedure b) "T-Hangar" Status B5 Lease Rate Dispute - Public Appearance B6 Holman Field FAA Part 139 Certification Status Affirmative Action Committee - Board File 12590 (See minutes of the September 18, 2000 Committee meeting) D1 TGB Program Update D2 DBE Program Update D3 NAMC - UM Issues and Concerns APPROVAL OF MINUTES COMMISSIONER LONG MOVED AND COMMISSIONER FIORE SECONDED APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SCHEDULED AUGUST 21, 2000 MEETING AND THAT ALL ACTIONS TAKEN BY THE COMMISSION AT SAID MEETING AND AS RECORDED IN SAID MINUTES BE RATIFIED. DISCUSSION ITEMS Special Planning and Environment Committee - Board File 12591 Commission Meeting September 18, 2000 Page 5 SA1 a Bids Received - Mercury Avenue Building Area Redevelopment Commissioner Hale, Chairman of the Planning and Environment Committee, reported a special meeting of the Planning and Environment Committee was held on September 18, 2000. In December, 1999, the Commission approved the 2000 Capital Improvement Projects Listing which included construction of a new building area on the east side of the St. Paul Downtown Airport in conjunction with St. Paul Flight Center's proposed expansion. The new building area will provide space for nine private storage hangars to house some of the tenants being displaced by St. Paul Flight Center's expansion. Two bids were received and opened on September 12, 2000. The engineer reviewed the bids and recommended acceptance of the bid of the lowest responsible bidder, Lametti & Sons, Inc., in the amount of $388,456.01. In order for the project to proceed, the City of St. Paul needs to issue a Special Conditional Use Permit (SCUP); therefore, the award needs to be contingent on this approval. COMMISSIONER HALE MOVED AND COMMISSIONER LONG SECONDED ACCEPTANCE OF THE LOWEST RESPONSIBLE BID OF LAMETTI & SONS, INC. IN THE AMOUNT OF $388,458.01, CONTINGENT UPON THE CITY OF ST. PAUL ISSUING A SPECIAL CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR THE BUILDING AREA DEVELOPMENT; FURTHER, AUTHORIZE THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OR HIS DESIGNEE TO EXECUTE THE NECESSARY DOCUMENTS AND ESTABLISH A PROJECT BUDGET OF $410,000. The motion carried on the following roll call vote: Ayes, twelve: Commissioners D'Aquila, Fiore, Gasper, Hale, Kahler, Long, McKasy, Rehkamp, Speer, Stenerson, Weske and Chairman Nichols Nays, none Absent, three: Commissioners Dowdle, Houle and Johnson SA1 b Bids Received - LRT Tunnel and Station Project The 2000 Capital Improvement Projects Listing included the Light Rail Transit (LRT) development project which provides for the constructionn of the LRT tunnel and the station at the Lindbergh and HHH Terminals. In April, 2000, the Commission approved a list of six prequalified LRT tunnel construction contractors. Bid proposals would only be accepted for the LRT Tunnel and Station Project from the prequalified contractors. Three contractors submitted Commission Meeting September 18,2000 ' Page 6 bids on August 29, 2000. Chairman Hale reported that MAC Legal Counsel determined that the bid of Frontier Traylor Shea LLC does not conform to the requirements of the specifications and that their nonconformity may not be waived. It was recommended that the bid of Frontier Traylor Shea, LLC be rejected. Chairman Hale stated that the low responsive, responsible bid exceeds the MAC's portion/contribution of the LRT program by approximately $17,000,000. This value represents the maximum additional participation the FAA will allow the MAC to contribute to the LRT program. At the Special Committee meeting, John DeCoster, Chair of the MSP Airport Affairs Committee, advised that Northwest Airlines has retained counsel and is prepared to litigate the issue of revenue diversion related to the additional $17 million contribution to the project. In addition, Representative Phil Krin.kie spoke in opposition to the additional $17 million MAC contribution to the project. Mr. Kilian, representing Frontier Traylor Shea, addressed the Committee regarding their position on the low bid determination. He presented his arguments as to why MAC should award the contract to Frontier Traylor Shea. Nigel Finney, Deputy Executive Director - Planning and Environment, discussed the process used to develop a prequalified list of bidders. He also indicated that the major deviations resulting in the $17,000,000 differential were attributed to higher than anticipated costs for the Lindbergh Terminal Station mechanical and electrical work and the heavy civil work on the ends of the tunnel. He noted that the good business climate in Minnesota is also a factor in the increased bid prices. Mr. Finney was asked to explain the ramifications of contingencies and its impact on the LRT program. He responded that without award of the contract for this portion of the project, the LRT program would be unable to move forward. A contingency of $7.5 million within the project budget would be used to cover change orders. Staff was asked to comment on what changes were made to the CIP to allow the additional $17 million expenditure. Denise Kautzer responded the Commission will issue bonds next year to cover LRT project costs. COMMISSIONER HALE MOVED AND COMMISSIONER GASPER SECONDED THE FOLLOWING: 1. THAT THE FRONTIER TRAYLOR SHEA, LLC BID BE DECLARED NON-RESPONSIVE AND REJECTED. Commission Meeting September 18, 2000 Page 7 2. COMMISSION ACCEPTANCE OF THE LOWEST RESPONSIVE, RESPONSIBLE BID OF OBAYASHI CORPORATION/JOHNSON BROTHERS, JOINT VENTURE IN THE AMOUNT OF $109,890,000.00, CONTINGENT UPON: a) ADEQUATE FUNDS BEING COMMITTED BY OTHER AGENCIES PARTICIPATING IN THE LRT PROGRAM, TO COVER INELIGIBLE COSTS OF THE LRT TUNNEL AND STATION PROJECT. b) EXECUTION OF LRT PROJECT AGREEMENT AMENDMENTS WITH OTHER PROJECT MEMBERS FOR THE: i. HIAWATHA CORRIDOR LIGHT RAIL TRANSIT MASTER AGREEMENT; ii. CONSTRUCTION AGREEMENT; AND iii. FINANCING AGREEMENT c) THE FULL FUNDING GRANT AGREEMENT BEING EXECUTED BY THE FEDERAL TRANSIT AUTHORITY 3. AUTHORIZE THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OR HIS DESIGNEE TO EXECUTE THE NECESSARY DOCUMENTS AND ESTABLISH A PROJECT BUDGET OF $117,000,000. Commissioner Fiore expressed concern about potential ineligible costs and the lack of a budget cap, particularly in view of Northwest Airlines' opposition and potential litigation regarding the issue of revenue diversion. COMMISSIONER FIORE MOVED AND COMMISSIONER GASPER SECONDED TO AMEND THE MOTION AS FOLLOWS: COMMISSION ACCEPTANCE OF THE LOWEST RESPONSIVE, RESPONSIBLE BID OF OBAYASHI CORPORATION/JOHNSON BROTHERS, JOINT VENTURE IN THE AMOUNT OF $109,890,000.00, CONTINGENT UPON: a) MAC PARTICIPATION IN THE LRT PROJECT BEING LIMITED TO NO MORE THAN $87 MILLION. Mr. Finney clarified that the FAA approval is percentage based for various elements of the project. The $87 Million MAC participation is an estimate based on the FAA approved percentages applied to a preliminary cost breakdown received from Obayashi. Commission Meeting September 18,2080 ' Page 8 Based on the above discussion, Commissioner Fiore withdrew his amendment. Chairman Nichols opened the discussion to public comment. Dr. Lynn Woodward addressed the Commission urging the MAC to reject the bids and to use the $17 million on other airport projects. He discussed alternative modes of transportation, which he felt should be considered by the Commission other than the Light Rail Transit program. Paul Kilian, representing Frontier Traylor Shea, stated his firm is prepared to initiate legal action if the bid is not awarded to Frontier Traylor Shea. Chairman Hale stated he would vote to support the Committee recommendation.. He felt it is the Airports Commission's responsibility to move forward with the tunnel construction as this project is a vital component of the project; further, that it is not within the purview of the Commission to avert the LRT program based on this aspect of the entire project. Commissioner Rehkamp reiterated his concern about the significant additional cost and the potential for future funding obligations placed on the Commission. COMMISSIONER HALE MOVED AND COMMISSIONER GASPER SECONDED THE FOLLOWING: 1. THAT THE FRONTIER TRAYLOR SHEA, LLC BID BE DECLARED NON-RESPONSIVE AND REJECTED. 2. COMMISSION ACCEPTANCE OF THE LOWEST RESPONSIVE, RESPONSIBLE BID OF OBAYASHI CORPORATION/JOHNSON BROTHERS, JOINT VENTURE IN THE AMOUNT OF $109,890,000.00, CONTINGENT UPON: a) ADEQUATE FUNDS BEING COMMITTED BY OTHER AGENCIES PARTICIPATING IN THE LRT PROGRAM, TO COVER INELIGIBLE COSTS OF THE LRT TUNNEL AND STATION PROJECT. b) EXECUTION OF LRT PROJECT AGREEMENT AMENDMENTS WITH OTHER PROJECT MEMBERS FOR THE: iv. HIAWATHA CORRIDOR LIGHT RAIL TRANSIT MASTER AGREEMENT; v. CONSTRUCTION AGREEMENT; AND vi. FINANCING AGREEMENT c) THE FULL FUNDING GRANT AGREEMENT BEING EXECUTED BY THE FEDERAL TRANSIT AUTHORITY Commission Meeting • September 18, 2000 Page 9 3. AUTHORIZE THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OR HIS DESIGNEE TO EXECUTE THE NECESSARY DOCUMENTS AND ESTABLISH A PROJECT BUDGET OF $117,000,000. The motion carried on the following roll call vote: Ayes, nine: Commissioners Fiore, Gasper, Hale, Kahler, Long, Speer, Stenerson, Weske and Chairman Nichols Nays, two: Commissioners D'Aquila and Rehkamp Absent, four: Commissioners Dowdle, Houle, Johnson and McKasy Public Appearances Representatives of the Preserve Camp Coldwater addressed the Commission stating that the former Bureau of Mines property should remain under the ownership and control of the federal government and should not be acquired by the MAC. They expressed concern that the property not be used to provide airport parking facilities because of its historic and cultural value to the community. They urged the Commission not to proceed with a Memorandum of Agreement with the federal government to transfer ownership of the property. Jeffrey Hamiel, Executive Director, indicated it is the Commission's objective to preserve the property and preclude any development on the land as a preventative measure for runway approach protection. Commissioner Hale stated he respects the position of the Coalition with regard to this property and advised that the Commission will negotiate in good faith to seek a resolution. Nonagenda Chairman Nichols stated he would like to provide Commission members with an opportunity to inquire about certain issues at the end of the Commission meeting. The following items were noted: • Commissioner Gasper advised that there have been recent inquiries from members of the Legislature relative to capacity assumptions at MSP. He asked that the Commission be prepared to respond to this issue based on current data. • Commissioner Weske commended MAC Reliever Airport Staff stating they did an outstanding job at a recent meeting at Anoka County- Blaine Airport. He said the meeting was highly productive. • Commissioner Kahler informed Commissioners that he will be meeting with public officials in Rochester regarding highspeed rail transit and will update the Commission following the meeting. Commission Meeting September 18,2000 ' Page 10 Chairman Nichols adjourned the meeting at 3:00 p.m.