12/11-12/15/2000 Meetings for the week of December 11th-December 15th http://www.stpaul.gov/depts/clerk/meetings.html The City of Saint Paul Meetings for the Week of moat December 11th, thru December 15th, 2000 MONDAY - December 11th Board of Zoning Appeals 3:00 PM Room 330 City Hall TUESDAY - December 12th *Ramsey County Board 9:00 AM Council Chambers Board of Water Commissioners 5:00 PM Room 310 City Hall Truth-In-Taxation Public Hearing 6:00 PM Arlington High School, 1495 Rice Street WEDNESDAY - December 13th *Committee-of-the Whole Budget 10:00 AM Council Chambers Meeting *Housing and Redevelopment 2:00 PM Council Chambers Authority *City Council 3:30 PM Council Chambers *Public Hearings 5:30 PM Council Chambers Parks and Recreation Commission 6:30 PM Arlington High School, 1495 Rice Street THURSDAY - December 14th Heritage Preservation Commission 5:00 PM Room 40 City Hall FRIDAY - December 15th Planning Commission 8:30 AM Room 40 City Hall *Cablecast live and repeated on Saint Paul Channel 18. Interpreter service for the hearing impaired will be provided at public meetings upon request. Request can be made by calling(651)266-8509(Voice and TDD)Monday thru Friday, 8:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M.A minimum of two days notice is required. For more information on any of these meetings,you can send Email to: citizen.service(aci.stpaul.mn.us, or call the Saint Paul Citizen Service Office at(651)266-8989 If you'd like a reply, we'll get to you as soon as possible, but in most cases,please allow at least one working day for a response. 1 of 1 12/8/2000 12:19 PM Master Meeting CALENDAR - Saint Paul Planning Commission Meetings WEEK OF DECEMBER 11 - 15,2000 Mon 11 Tues 12 Wed 13 Thurs 14 Fri 15 8:30-11 a.m. Planning Commission Meeting Rm 40 City Hall (Larry Soderholm,266-6575) Conference Center 15 Kellogg Blvd OLD BUSINESS #00-147-580 District 7 Appeal of Gadbois Site Plan-Appeal of Zoning Administrator's approval of the site plan for a new mini-storage building. 289 Como Avenue.(Tom Beach,266-9086) #00-148-202 Opus Northwest LLC(U.S.Bancorp)- Special Condition Use Permit to allow an office building over 65 feet in height and an above-ground parking building over 45 feet in height under proposed new OS-2 General Office-Service District zoning. Area bounded by Mississippi River,Robert Street,vacated Livingston,and vacated Fairfield. Hearing is closed. (Lucy Thompson,266-6578) Proposed Special Sign Districts-Special Sign Districts Prohibiting New Billboards in the following areas: Sunray-Battle Creek-Highwood(District 1);Greater East Side (White Bear Avenue;Phalen Village,Phalen Blvd.,Payne-Arcade;Dayton's Bluff (District 4);North End-South Como(District 6);Macalester-Groveland(District 14); Shepard-Davern(south part of Highland Park);Downtown strip in the B-5 zone along I-94 and the Lafayette Freeway. Hearing is closed. (Larry Soderholm,266-6575) NEW BUSINESS #00-149-427 College of Visual Arts-Special Condition Use Permit to expand campus boundaries to provide space for photography processing and instruction. 204-208 Western,between Dayton and Marshall. (Donna Drummond,266-6556) #00-149-899 Sprint PCS- Special Condition Use Permit to allow cellular telephone antennas on a residential structure less than 60 feet high. 1967 Grand Ave.,between Prior and Cleveland. (James Zdon,266-6559) #00-149-898 Macalester College -Special Condition Use Permit to operate a language house dormitory. 196 Vernon St.,between Princeton and St. Clair. (James Zdon,266-6559) #00-150-197 James Martin(Jim's Car Care)-Special Condition Use Permit for a car wash with detailing. 1034 Lafond Ave., SE corner LaFond and Oxford. (Joel Spoonheim,266-6614) #00-150-648 Eller Media Company-Allow billboards blown down 2 years ago to be put back up,reversing City staff's denial of permits. 1184 W. 8th St., 1209 W. 7th St.,and 2014-2018 Ford Parkway. (Larry Soderholm,266-6575) Mississippi River Corridor Plan-Approve resolution to adopt.. (Virginia Burke, 266-6661, and Martha Faust,266-6572) Bruton\Calendars\Dec 11-Dec 15-2000 AGENDA BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS PUBLIC HEARING DECEMBER 11, 2000 3:00 P.M. ROOM S-330 CITY HALL ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA NOTE: The order in which the items appear on this agenda is not necessarily the order in which they will be heard at the meeting. The Board of Zoning Appeals will determine the order of the agenda at the beginning of its meeting. I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 27, 2000 II. OLD BUSINESS Applicant - Greg Kuntz, for Vernon Edie (#00- 145613) Location - 0 Oakridge Street Zoning - R-1, RC-3 Purpose: MAJOR VARIANCE - Three variances to allow the subdivision of three substandard lots into two larger lots. 1). A minimum lot width of 80 feet is required and the applicant is proposing two lots with a width of 73 feet each, for a variance of 7 feet for each lot(2 variances). 2). A minimum lot size of 15,000 square feet is required and a lot size of 12,029 sq ft is proposed for the west parcel, for a variance of 2,971 sq ft. Applicant - Gerald Frisch, New York Bingo Palace LLC (#00-149923) Location - 608 York Avenue and 899 Payne Avenue Zoning - RT-1, B-3 Purpose: MAJOR VARIANCE - Three variances in order to construct an addition to the building at 899 Payne Avenue and establish a new parking lot at 608 York Avenue. 1). The addition requires 56 parking spaces and a total of 18 new spaces will be provided, for a variance of 38 spaces. 2). Access to a parking facility in a P-1 district must be at least 25 feet from the nearest residential district. The driveway for the new parking lot will have a zero setback • from the residential district to the west, for a variance of 25 feet. 3). A four-foot setback is required for the new parking lot and a zero setback is proposed on the west and south sides for a variance of 4 feet. III. NEW BUSINESS A. Applicant - John Hall, Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity (#00-150753) Location - 443 Charles Avenue Zoning - R-4 Purpose: MINOR VARIANCE - A side yard setback variance in order to allow a covered porch to extend into a required side yard. The required side yard setback is 4 feet and the proposed setback is 2 feet-7 inches, for a variance of 1 foot-5 inches. B. Applicant - Dan Witucki (#00-150915) Location - 1414 Grand Avenue Zoning - RM-2 Purpose: MAJOR VARIANCE - A variance of the minimum lot size requirements in order to establish a third dwelling unit in the existing building. A minimum lot size of 10,000 sq. ft. is required and a lot size of 6,400 sq. ft. is available, for a variance of 3, 600 sq. ft. IV. ADJOURNMENT Board of Zoning Appeal Members: Please call John Hardwick (266-9082) or Debbie Crippen (266-9144) if you are unable to attend the meeting. APPLICANT: You or your representative should attend this meeting to answer any questions the Board may have. SAINT PAUL HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION 5:00 P.M Thursday, December 14, 2000 Lower Level, Room 40, City Hall/Courthouse 15 West Kellogg Boulevard AGENDA 5:00 I. ANNOUNCEMENTS II APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA III APPROVAL OF NOVEMBER 16,2000 MINUTES IV OLD BUSINESS 5:10 A. Adoption of Resolution of Intent for 847 Hudson Road V NEW BUSINESS 5:15 A. Update on Armstrong-Quinlan House,by Bob Geurs,PED,and Ann Hopkins. VI COMMITTEE REPORTS A. Design Review B. Education C. Survey and Designation VII ADJOURNMENT NOTE: The above times are estimates. Agenda items may be considered earlier or later than the time listed. If you arrive after 6:00 P.M, the building will be locked and you must use the Kellogg Boulevard entrance (push the call button to the right of the doorway; if no one responds,push the call button to the left of the doorway). Commission members: Please call 651.266.9078 if unable to attend. Lucille ohnson - 2- 3 Budget Mtg. Agenda Page From: Greg Blees To: Budget Process Communications Date: 12/8/00 11:02AM Subject: 12-13 Budget Mtg.Agenda Attached is the AGENDA for the City Council's Wednesday Dec. 13,2000 Committee-of-the-Whole Budget Meeting in the Council Chambers, located on the 3rd floor of the City Hall and Courthouse. The meeting starts at 10 a.m. and is scheduled to last until approximately noon. NOTE: This meeting may be temporarily adjourned at noon,and continued at 1 PM. (The agenda is a WordPerfect file). The AGENDA For The December 13 Budget Meeting Includes: 1) Financial Services Office-2001 Tentative Budget Adjustment Comments (Peter Hames) A) Year 2002 Budget Projections Based on 12-6-00 Tentative Budget Decisions. B) Mayor Coleman's Comments Or Concerns, If Any. 2) Review Proposals To Reduce the Fund Balance For The General Fund Budget: A) Mayor Coleman's Proposal to Rebate$10,000,000 Through a City Excel Energy Franchise Fee Credit To Excel's Residential Customers Living In Saint Paul. (Councilmember Jerry Blakey, Deputy Mayor Susan Kimberly, ) B) Councilmember Harris' Proposal To Create A Public Safety Escrow Trust. (Councilmember Patrick Harris) C) Various Options To Use Fund Balance For One-Time Capital Expenditure Which Generate Operating Savings, Reduce Debt, or Move The Management of the City Forward With New Technologies. 3) Discussion/Final Decisions On Remaining 2001 Budget Issues: (City Council). A) Any Follow-Up Issues from 12-12-00 Truth-In-Taxation Public Hearing. B) Follow-up Information Requested at the 12-6-00 Budget Meeting. C) Additional Technical Corrections(If any). 4) Review of Resolutions To Adopt 2001 Budgets and Certify Final Tax Levies. Resolutions to be acted upon at 12-13-00 regular City Council meeting. (Peter Hames) 5) Recognize the Financial Services Office and the Staff of the City Departments and Offices for their quality responses to the questions and issues raised by the City Council during the review, deliberation and adoption process for the Year 2001 budgets for the City of Saint Paul, the Saint Paul Housing and Redevelopment Authority, and the Saint Paul Regional Water Utility, and the Saint Paul RiverCentre. Thank You, Greg Blees © 651-266-8577 Meeting Notice Saint Paul City Council's Committee-Of-The-Whole Budget Review Meeting for: Wednesday, December 13, 2000 at 10:00 A.M. Note, this meeting may temporarily adjourn at noon, and continue at 1pm. City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor, City Hall and Court House 15 West Kellogg Boulevard, St. Paul, Minnesota City Council's Staff Contact is: Greg Blees at 651-266-8577 Meeting Agenda: 0) Approve Agenda Order For This Meeting (President Bostrom). 1) Financial Services Office-2001 Tentative Budget Adjustment Comments (Peter Hames) A) Year 2002 Budget Projections Based on 12-6-00 Tentative Budget Decisions. B) Mayor Coleman's Comments Or Concerns, If Any. 2) Review Proposals To Reduce the Fund Balance For The General Fund Budget: A) Mayor Coleman's Proposal to Rebate $10,000,000 Through a City Excel Energy Franchise Fee Credit To Excel's Residential Customers Living In Saint Paul. (Councilmember Jerry Blakey, Deputy Mayor Susan Kimberly, ) B) Councilmember Harris' Proposal To Create A Public Safety Escrow Trust.(Councilmember Patrick Harris) C) Various Options To Use Fund Balance For One-Time Capital Expenditure Which Generate Operating Savings, Reduce Debt, or Move The Management of the City Forward With New Technologies. 3) Discussion/Final Decisions On Remaining 2001 Budget Issues: (City Council). A) Any Follow-Up Issues from 12-12-00 Truth-In-Taxation Public Hearing. B) Follow-up Information Requested at the 12-6-00 Budget Meeting C) Additional Technical Corrections(If any). 4) Review of Resolutions To Adopt 2001 Budgets and Certify Final Tax Levies. Resolutions to be acted upon at 12-13-00 regular City Council meeting. (Peter Hames) 5) Recognize the Financial Services Office and the Staff of the City Departments and Offices for their quality responses to the questions and issues raised by the City Council during the review, deliberation and adoption process for the Year 2001 budgets for the City of Saint Paul,the Saint Paul Housing and Redevelopment Authority, and the Saint Paul Regional Water Utility,and the Saint Paul RiverCentre. TNk Cp ���; ;; BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS Jfz s /dF ;PAUL James Reiter, President • Stephen Haselmann, Vice President Commissioners: Matt Anfang • Robert Cardinal • Pat Harris December 4, 2000 NOTICES TO: James Reiter, President Stephen Haselmann, Vice President Commissioners -- Matt Anfang Robert Cardinal Pat Harris MEETING NOTICE The next Board of Water Commissioners' meeting will be held on TUESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 2000 at 5 p.m. in Conference Room West, Third Floor- City Hall/Courthouse (Room 310-F). Janet Lindgren Secretary copy: City Clerk Matt Pfohl, Board Attorney RECEIVED DEC 4 2000 CITY CLERK SAINT PAUL REGIONAL WATER SERVICES Bernie R. Bullert, General Manager 8 4th St E, Saint Paul MN 55101-1007 • TTY: 651-266-6299 Saint Paul Regional Water Services provides quality water services to the following cities: Arden Hills•Falcon Heights•Lauderdale•Little Canada•Maplewood•Mendota•Mendota Heights•Roseville•Saint Paul•West St. Paul C printed on recycled oaner t31..c> • Saint . Paul Parks and Recreation Commission 300 City Hall Annex,25 W.4th Street, Saint Paul,MN 55102- - 612/266-6400 • *AGENDA* . DATE AND TIME: DECEMBER 13,2000, 6:30 p.m. SITE: ARLINGTON HIGH SCHOOL, 1495 RICE STREET 1. 6:30 p.m. Approval of agenda, minutes, announcements, introductions 2. 6:35 p.m. Director's Report City Clerk's Office *Budget Room 170 City Hall *Watergate Marina Agreement- summar Saint Paul, MN 55102 *Showboat Agreement 3. 6:50 p.m. Advocacy Issues8310 i IC *Wacouta Commons A 000Z L 330 4. 6:55 p.m. Commission Structure/Activities *State of the Parks report 03A13338 *January Annual Retreat draft agenda 5. 7:00 p.m. Purpose and Role of the Saint Paul Parks and Recreation Commission - Samuel Verdeja 6. 7:10 p.m. Presentation: "Current and Future Trends in Urban Parks and Recreation Programs and Services" -Harvey Feldman 7. 7:40 p.m. Public Hearing: Long Term Vision for Parks and Recreation 8. 8:20 p.m. Other Input Received on Commission Priorities -Heidi Welsch 9. 8:30 p.m. Notes On Public Hearing Input-Harvey Feldman 10. 8:45 p.m. Commission Discussion of Future Priorities -Harvey Feldman 11. 9:15 p.m. Adjournment LEASE NOTICES/OTHER ITEMS OF INTEREST Not for review: See attached list of leases at Baker Recreation Center and North End Multi- Service Center, plus District Council Planning office leases at assorted recreation centers. For future review: Renewal of City Academy lease at Wilder Recreation Center. Meetings of the Parks and Recreation Commission are open to the public. If you require special accommodation or would like a copy of the minutes, call Mike Rossberg at(651) 266-6447. 7TY# (651) 266-6378. - Saint Paul larks and Recreation Commissioners: Samuel Verdeja, Chairperson; Akin Paulson, Vice-Chairperson Jill Danner, William Dnnn;gan, Terrence Huntrods,Kenneth Mauer, John O'Halloran. Phil Ravitzky, Heidi Welsch • J • •mod -1.••• - x _... _- ` e z • i 4Air I• c �.: 14 5 ...,./ ....--- -".. ___ F�iJy 1.' O -_ rtL. / 0 > W Ist _ . i I N. i ` • !y E$ �' Zm !!�,� - yiyi til IL I CS IC h i.77 1•. • I k ^i / �/ IIJY a R v i \ • _ . .--7___ .•'fie. - '. .` 0 0 ❑ Q Q 0 14 III I.Fyi - - -- In UJ f `< r l� _. o •• cn y Z Z 4.6 11) it . r v , t1 w O• O W 2 M C �,NyIii . s rs.:• Yr \,.. p, r I I :.I y . ,,,� 0 W W w O rAy 1 i 'I A bra m V N Q Q v� a �: €o y !4j — 4 . a oo = 0 _0 ul Ow n • f '1��r-1 \ Q S S V 2' 2 - O 6 :a- - a l .r o-- -i-.., — C • ld4 0 0 N W M • -4. s_.'_ � ' E " -.fi• Z.0 i OOi77 Q yOi •ta ���� v ♦ I till P. a / 1 st •-g tiM:-. Im!lim ,c-t' / '. ' I ''' ' '' ' i• : 11: . . , • : '-i" • -,--11-- ..._BEII. 4 4 ® 1 O ,w, :4 .. — ' ,. . 0�=f , is' i `�- 1 \ 6.. 61 ii1 � ! �g i it i i I TThh O C ' , ,ApirillIlliei L -___ - i 1 1' .'' ;,',','„_ \ —> r • r f ) M. ( ; r-- III1. Mr ' LEASE AGREEMENTS DUE January 1, 2001 BAKER RECREATION CENTER *Neighborhood House - Comadres *Neighborhood House -Americorps *R.A. P. Headstart *St. Paul Youth Services *West Side Safe Neighborhood Council *Teatro del Pueblo NORTH END MULTI-SERVICE CENTER *Children's Home Society of Minnesota *Ramsey County Corrections *Equity Home Services of St. Paul *Neighbor to Neighbor *North End News *Youth Service Bureau of St. Paul DISTRICT PLANNING COUNCIL OFFICES *District 1 at Conway Recreation Center *District 12 at South St. Anthony Recreation Center *District 13 (Lex-Ham) at Dunning Recreation Center *District 14 at Edgcumbe Recreation Center *District 14 (Kids Park) at the old Groveland Recreation Center *District 15 at Hillcrest Recreation Center *District 16 at Linwood Recreation Center G.IGroup1Div1 Wp\ParkcommlAgendas120001Sept., 2000 Attachment Lucille Johnson- Re: Question Page 1 • From: Greg Blees To: Johnson, Lucille Date: 12/8/00 11:25AM Subject: Re: Question Yes you are correct... You might want to reference the Schools adresss as Rice Street and Arlington Ave, (4 blocks south of Rice& Larpentuer) >>> Lucille Johnson 12/8/2000 11:19:46 AM >>> Could you tell me if I am correct that on December 12th, Tuesday evening, from 6- 10pm at Arlington High School, the Truth-In-Taxation Public Hearing with ISD 625 and Ramsey County takes place? I am doing the Meetings of the Week Calendar, and I want to confirm this to put on the calendar. Page 1 of 2 • Lucille Johnson-Metro Meetings/Digest From: "Dawn Hoffner"<dawn.hoffner@metc.state.mn.us> To: <bdroessler@1000fom.org>,<smgillis@aol.com>,<sblack@bizjournals.com>,<mwolski@bna.com>, <kkraemer@ci.bloomington.mn.us>,<mfulto@ci.new-brighton.mn.us>,<dennis.welsch@ci.roseville.mn.us>, <healdj@ci.savage.mn.us>,<kings@ci.savage.mn.us>,<savage@ci.savage.mn.us>, <stockb@ci.savage.mn.us>,<lucille.johnson@ci.stpaul.mn.us>,<maya.petrovic@ci.stpaul.mn.us>, <mike.kassan@ci.stpaul.mn.us>,<bjohnson@ci.woodbury.mn.us>,<ed.shukle@co.anoka.mn.us>, <pmoline@co.carver.mn.us>,<barry.schade@co.dakota.mn.us>,<bob.overby@co.dakota.mn.us>, <donna.anderson@co.dakota.mn.us>,<jack.ditmore@co.dakota.mn.us>,<lou.breimhurst@co.dakota.mn.us>, <lynn.moratzka@co.dakota.mn.us>,<marlene.mailhot@co.dakota.mn.us>,<steve.sullivan@co.dakota.mn.us>, <susan.hoyt@co.dakota.mn.us>,<harper@co.washington.mn.us>,<lockyear@co.washington.mn.us>, <lynn.thompson@dakota.mn.us>,<kgill@dakotacda.state.mn.us>,<dirotty@dakotaelectric.com>, <lisa.freese@dot.state.mn.us>,<dtdecker@hntb.com>,<smielke@hopkinsmn.com>, <jeannelan amer@hotmail.com>,<wendy.simons@house.leg.state.mn.us>,<billhempel@juno.com>, <dcallahan@kstp.com>,<kaplan@lawandpolitics.com>,<edit@legal-ledger.com>, <deene000@mail.genmills.com>,<bschreiber@mandklaw.com>,<eshields@mandklaw.com>, <tpoul@mandklaw.com>,<meteast@medp.org>, "Carol Kummer"<carol.kummer@metc.state.mn.us>, "Carolyn Rodriguez"<carolyn.rodriguez@metc.state.mn.us>, "Fred Perez"<fred.perez@metc.state.mn.us>, "James Nelson"<james.nelson@metc.state.mn.us>, "John Conzemius"<john.conzemius@metc.state.mn.us>, "Julius Smith"<julius.smith@metc.state.mn.us>,"Leepao Xiong"<leepao.xiong@metc.state.mn.us>, "Marc Hugunin"<marc.hugunin@metc.state.mn.us>, "Mary Smith"<mary.smith@metc.state.mn.us>, "Matthew Ramadan"<matthew.ramadan@metc.state.mn.us>,"Natalie Steffen"<natalie.steffen@metc.state.mn.us>, "Pat OConnell"<pat.oconnell@metc.state.mn.us>, "Phil Riveness"<phil.riveness@metc.state.mn.us>, "Roger Williams"<roger.williams@metc.state.mn.us>, "Saundra Spigner"<saundra.spigner@metc.state.mn.us>, "Todd Paulson"<todd.paulson@metc.state.mn.us>,<kfunk@mncee.org>,<clovro@mncounties.org>, <kcorbid@mncounties.org>,<julland@mnms.org>,<sthompson@mnsunpub.com>,<grfd@mr.net>, <lesterb@msfc.com>,<matowin@msfc.com>,<2skate@msn.com>,<mary.s.gabler@norwest.com>, <mramadan@nrrc.org>,<onyourmark@gwest.net>,<karen.pierog@reuters.com>, <rcpalmiter@rottlundhomes.com>,<palladio skypoint.com>,<barbt@spnec.org>,<publicpol@tc- chamber.org>,<becca.nash@tpl.org>,<chris a@tripark.org>,<kisaacson@uswest.net>, <maurabrown@uswest.net>,<mtkabch@uswest.net>,<joan@wayzata.org>,<ecmurphy@wcco.cbs.com>, <pwm@wilder.org> Date: 12/8/2000 9:41 AM Subject: Metro Meetings/Digest WEEK OF:December 11-15,2000 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL Metro Mobility Public Forum for Riders*Mon.,Dec.11,10 a.m.,Opportunity Partners,5500 Opportunity Court,Minnetonka Transportation Committee*Mon.,Dec.11,4 p.m.,Room 1A. The agenda includes: funding busway allocation;URSBRW riverview busway corridor contract;approval of sole source purchase of bus parts exceeding$250,000 in 2001;contract award for printed bus schedules;Hopkins- Minnetonka-St.Louis Park restructuring project;proposed transit service changes in sector 1&2;December quarterly regional transit capital amendments;fourth quarter capital budget amendment;acceptance of the public hearing report and adoption of the 2000 transportation development guide/policy plan;and other business. Public Meeting on the Colby Lake Wastewater Pump Station*Mon.,Dec. 11,6:30 p.m.,Eagle Valley Golf Course Club House,2600 Double Eagle Lane,Woodbury Environment Committee*Tues.,Dec.12,4 p.m.,Room 1A. The agenda includes: authorization to award a contract for construction of the MWWTP secondary treatment improvements project*phase II;retail wastewater rate study;and other business. Metro Mobility Public Forum for Riders*Tues.,Dec. 12,6 p.m.,Chambers Core Cities Group*Wed.,Dec. 13, 12:00 noon,Muffuletta Cafe,2260 Como Ave.,St.Paul. The topic of discussion will be: Minneapolis Downtown Council's priorities for the Minneapolis CDB. TAB Programming Committee*Wed.,Dec.13,12:30 p.m.,Chambers. The agenda includes: discussion of the affordable housing criteria proposed by the housing and land use advisory committee. Litigation Review Committee*Wed.,Dec.13, 1 p.m.,Room 1E. The agenda includes:discussion of attorney-client privileged matters and litigation issues regarding a matter entitled Halima Rahaman v.Metropolitan Council.A portion of this meeting may be closed to the public pursuant to MN Statutes 471.705,subdivision ld(e)to discuss attorney-client privileged matters. Management Committee*Wed.,Dec.13,2 p.m.,Room 1A. The agenda includes: approval of revision to the MSRS unclassified plan;approval of council member out of area travel policy;approval of revisions to procurement policy;approval of revisions to expenditure policy;approval of inclusion of disadvantaged business enterprises policy;approval of executive/non-represented pay plan;authorization to acquire goods and services for storage area network;approval of metropolitan agencies personnel,ethical practices and communication activities report to the legislature;report on Moody's global credit report;and other business. Metropolitan Council*Wed.,Dec. 13,3 p.m.,Chambers. The agenda includes: final approval of public housing agency policy plan;authorization to file://C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\GW}00001.HTM 12/8/2000 Page 2 of 2 • negotiate and execute engineering services contracts for design of the Medina leg of the Elm Creek interceptor;set public hearing date for livable communities act goals for 2001 new participants;analysis/discussion on size and allocations for 2002-2003 regional parks capital improvement program;planning grant guideline criteria;proposed program criteria revision to service availability charge waiver demonstration program;approval of interceptor service plan for Medina;Wayzata comprehensive plan update;Spring Lake Park comprehensive plan update;Excelsior comprehensive plan update;approval of draft regional recreation open space policy plan for public review;authorization to award and execute a planning contract for the east/west area plans;authorization to award and execute a design-build contract for the MWWTP fluidized bed incinerator/air pollution control system; authorization of sole source procurement of sludge cake pumps from Schwing America;transit provider assistance agreements for calendar year 2001; North Suburban Lines operating contract;Eagan comprehensive plan update;Metropolitan Airports Commission indemnification;discussion of whether or not to close the meeting to discuss attorney-client privileged matters and litigation issues;discussion of pending litigation;and other business. A portion of this meeting may be closed to the public pursuant to MN Statutes 471.705,subdivision 1d(e)to discuss attorney-client privileged matters. Public Hearing on 2001 Unified Operating Budget*Wed.,Dec.13,5 p.m.,Chambers Public Hearing on 2001-2006 Capital Improvement Program and 2001 Capital Budget*Wed.,Dec. 13,5:30 p.m.,Chambers TAB Policy Committee*Thurs.,Dec. 14,12:30 p.m.,Room 1A. The agenda includes:aviation policy plan-update on progress and schedule; Mn/DOT transportation system plan update;and other business. Housing and Land Use Advisory Committee*Thurs.,Dec.14,4 p.m.,Air National Guard,631 Minuteman Drive TENTATIVE MEETINGS THE WEEK OF DECEMBER 18-22,2000 Livable Communities Committee*Mon.,Dec. 18,3:30 p.m.,Heywood Office,560-6th Ave.N.,Mpls. Public Meeting on Guidelines for Priority Funding for Housing Performance*Mon.Dec. 18,4 p.m.,Heywood Office,560*6th Ave.N.,Mpls. Rail Transit Committee*Tues.,Dec.19,4 p.m.,Metro Transit Heywood Chambers,Mpls. Executive Committee Meeting*Wed.,Dec.20,7:30 a.m.,Nicollet Island Inn Rural Issues Work Group*Wed.,Dec.20,1 p.m.,Chambers Metropolitan Council*Wed.,Dec.20,3 p.m.,Room 1A Special Livable Communities Committee Public Meeting on Guidelines for Priority Funding for Housing Performance(continued from Dec.18)* Wed.,Dec.20,6 p.m.,Chambers METROPOLITAN PARKS AND OPEN SPACE COMMISSION Metropolitan Parks and Open Space Commission*Mon.,Dec.11,4 p.m.,Chambers. The agenda includes: strategic marketing for the regional parks system report;policies and criteria used to rank project requests for the regional parks capital improvement program;Gale Woods regional special recreation feature development master plan;briefing on Silver Lake Salvation Army property,Hennepin Parks;updating regional guidelines for priority funding for housing performance;and other business. The Metropolitan Parks and Open Space Commission offices are located at Mears Park Centre,230 E.Fifth St.,St.Paul,MN 55101.To verify meeting times,please call Sandi Dingle at 651-602-1312. METROPOLITAN SPORTS FACILITIES COMMISSION Capital Improvements Committee*Tues.,Dec. 12,3 p.m.,Commission Conf.Room. The agenda includes: approve bids/award contract*2000 office addition project;and other business. Metropolitan Sports Facilities Commission*Wed.,Dec. 13,9 a.m.,Halsey Hall Room. The agenda includes:committee reports*concessions 2001, plaza;advertising RFP;liability insurance renewal;approve bids/award contract 2000 office addition project;2000 legislative report;preview 2001 legislative session;information to University of Minnesota and Hennepin County;and other business. The Metropolitan Sports Facilities Commission office is located at 900 South 5th St.,Minneapolis,MN 55415.For agenda information and to verify meeting times,please call Nancy Matowitz,612-335-3310 file://C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\GW}00001.HTM 12/8/2000 11nov2-1.txt November, 2000 A digest of actions taken by the Metropolitan Council, Metropolitan Air ports Commission, Metropolitan Parks & Open Space Commission and Metrop olitan Sports Facilities Commission. Minutes of all Council and Commis sion meetings are filed with the Legislative Reference Library, 645 Sta to Office Building, 6th Floor, in St. Paul for a period of up to two ye ars and can be viewed by the public. Call the appropriate commission o ✓ operations area for meeting information and/or specific questions. Metropolitan Council The Metropolitan Council is located at Mears Park Centre, 230 E. Fifth St. , St. Paul, MN, 55101. For further information regarding the conte nts of this publication, contact Sandra Lindstrom at (651) 602-1390. T he Council's general number is (651) 602-1000, TDD: (651) 291-0904 . C all the Metro Information Line at (651) 602-1888 for recorded informati on about upcoming Council meetings and regional events, current job ope pings and Section 8 housing information. Recent Council publications c an be found at major public libraries in the Metro Area. Publications can be ordered by e-mail. The address is: data.center@metc. state.mn.us Comments can be made to that address as well as (651) 602-1500, the Metro Council Public Comment Line. Check the internet web site at http : //www.metrocouncil.org. The Council. . . Environment * authorized the General Manager of Wastewater Services to award and ex ecute a design/build contract with Knutson/Black & Veatch (KBV) joint v enture for the South Washington County Plant at a price not to exceed $ 43, 475, 000 and to amend the capital budget by increasing the funding au thorization for Project 950100 from $49, 000, 000 to $50, 000, 000, and by decreasing the funding authorization for Project 910200 (Blue Lake Soli ds) by $1, 000, 000 to $29, 050, 000. Livable Communities * scheduled a public meeting to gather community input regarding the re vision of the Guidelines for Priority Funding for Housing Performance Appendix E Housing Review Guidelines of the Housing Development Guide D ecember 1985) on December 18, 2000, at 4 : 00 p.m. at the Heywood Transit Facility in Minneapolis; and scheduled a public hearing for February 2 1, 2001, regarding the revision of the Guidelines for Priority Funding for Housing Performance (Appendix E Housing Review Guidelines of the Ho using Development Guide December 1985. * suspended existing guidelines and criteria for the Planning Assistanc e Grant Fund; and directed staff to process the following grants admini stratively from the Planning Assistance Grant Fund: City of Corcoran, Page 1 llnov2-1.txt $118, 000; Empire Township, $39, 440; and City of Hugo, $60, 000 . * authorized staff to develop a demonstration homeownership program in partnership with the Family Housing Fund and the Minnesota Housing Fina nce Agency; and approved the use of operating reserves from the Section 8 Program in an amount not to exceed $150, 000 in order to provide home ownership training and counseling to Section 8 participants during the initial phase of the program. * Accepted the Mayors ' Regional Housing Task Force Report entitled, Aff ordable Housing for the Region: Strategies for Building Strong Communit ies. * recommended that smart growth principles be incorporated into the 200 1 TEA-21 solicitation for transportation funding projects and that the recommend ations regarding smart growth criteria for the 2001 TEA-21 Solicitation process be transmitted to the TAB Relations Committee and the TAB Prog ramming Committee for consideration in the revision of the solicitation package for the 2001 round of funding. Management * adopted the public hearing draft of the 2001 Unified Operating Budget * approved the public hearing draft of the 2001-2006 Capital Improvemen t Program and the 2001 Capital Program and Budget for review and discus sion at the Public Hearing scheduled for December 13, 2000 . * authorized its Regional Administrator to enter into a contract with t he Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, District Lodge 77, AFL-CIO, effective retroactively to August 1, 2000, continuing through July 31, 2000. * adopted a resolution approving changes to the position and incumbent list for the Minnesota State Retirement System unclassified plan. * accepted the Minnesota State Auditor's Management and Compliance Repo rt for the Metropolitan Council for the year ended December 31, 1999,wh ich was presented to, and accepted by, the Audit Committee on September 11, 2000. * accepted the 1999 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. * approved holding, at the times and places indicated on the closed mee ting schedule, Management Committee meetings that will be closed to the public pursuant to the Minnesota Open Meeting Law. * approved the Information Services retention plan for 2001 including a ccelerated salary administration, retention awards and hiring incentive s for difficult to retain and attract Information Services employees. Page 2 llnov2-l.txt • * approved revised policies entitled, Drug and Alcohol Testing Program for FTA Safety Sensitive Employees and Drug and Alcohol Testing Program for Non-FTA Employees. Parks * held a policy discussion regarding Grey Cloud Island development scen arios and agreed that the Metropolitan Council: 1. acknowledge the PAS and Associates ideas for a compact urban develop ment on Lower Grey Cloud Island with surrounding regional park land and some other residential use currently existing on the island is a much better alternative than large lot estate residential housing and no reg ionally-significant park and open space; 2. recognize that compromises and trade-offs will need to be made by al 1 sides in developing Lower Grey Cloud Island with Smart Growth princip les; 3. offer to participate with the City of Cottage Grove, Washington Coun ty, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, the Corp of Engineers, t he National Park Service and Aggregate Industries in negotiating with P AS and Associates and developers regarding the preparation and review o f a Planned Unit Development (PUD) Agreement and a "Master Development Plan" to guide the development of Lower Grey Cloud Island and associate d outer islands owned by PAS and Associates using Smart Growth principl es and direct staff that in its participation in said PUD process that the following vital regional interests be protected: * preserve the aesthetic and physical integrity of the island's shoreli ne * preserve forested areas of the island * preserve and protect cultural and archaeological sites throughout the island * preserve internal lakes * preserve public access to any marina * preserve the spirit of the Critical Area standards; and 4 . table Smart Growth Demonstration Account funds for the Lower Grey Cl oud Island request from the City of Cottage Grove until such time as a clear affirmation of support for mixed use development on Lower Grey Cl oud Island is approved by the Cottage Grove City Council, and an unders tanding is reached concerning participation by the Critical Area divisi on of the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. 5. Participation and funding are both contingent upon an agreement by t he property owner, PAS and Associates, that no large lot residential pl at, with any less than the current proposed 600 acres of regional or st ate park land, shall be submitted for consideration and/or action by th * Cottage Grove City Council during the time that the PUD process is un derway. Page 3 llnov2-1.txt * received an update on the Lake Waconia Regional Park land acquisition and took the following actions: 1. amended the scope of Grant SG-00-100 to include the items presented and the acquisition of a realigned Island View Road right-of-way as a g rant-eligible item; and 2 . amended the scope for the proposed Legislative Commission on Minneso to Resources (LCMR) recommended grant of $591, 200 to include reimbursin g Carver County for the final portion of the Paul's parcel acquired for the park and TH 5 right-of-way in 1999 subject to LCMR approval, and t o acquire additional land for realigned County Road 30 or TH 5 or other land within the park' s boundary as called for in the park acquisition master plan. Regional Growth Policy Issues * reviewed the City of Golden Valley's Comprehensive Plan and adopted t he Executive Summary and Review Record with the following recommendatio ns: 1. The City of Golden Valley may place its 2020 Comprehensive Plan into effect with no plan modifications. 2. The plan meets all of the Metropolitan Land Planning Act requirement s for 1998 plan updates. 3. Upon the approval of the city's Comprehensive Plan, and prior to the construction or any extensions or additions to its disposal system, th e city must submit a Comprehensive Sewer Plan (Tier II Plan) to the Met ropolitan Council for final approval. The Comprehensive Sewer Plan mus t be consistent with the city's approved Comprehensive Plan and reflect any modifications recommended by the Metropolitan Council. * reviewed the City of Mounds View' s Comprehensive Plan Update and adop ted the Executive Summary and Review Record with the following recommen dations: 1. The City of Mounds View may place its 2020 Comprehensive Plan into e ffect. 2. Upon the approval of the city's Comprehensive Plan, and prior to the construction of any extensions or additions to its disposal system, th e city must submit a Comprehensive Sewer Plan (Tier II Plan) to the Co uncil for final approval. The Comprehensive Sewer Plan should be consi stent with the city's approved Comprehensive Plan and reflect any modif ications recommended by the Council. * reviewed the City of Circle Pines ' Comprehensive Plan Update and adop ted the Executive Summary and Review Record with the following recommen dations : Page 4 llnov2-1.txt 1. The City of Circle Pines may place its 2020 Comprehensive Plan into effect with no plan modifications. 2. The plan meets all of the Metropolitan Land Planning Act requirement s for 1998 plan updates. 3. The city should consider mixed-use and multi-family development in r edevelopment opportunities. 4 . The city's future land use map should be changed to reflect future 1 and use consistent with that reflected in the text of the plan. * approved the following six Smart Growth Twin Cities Opportunity Sites 1. Brooklyn Center, Central Business District Master Planning; 2. Chaska, Heights of Chaska; 3. Maplewood-St. Paul, Hillcrest Village; 4 . Ramsey, Towne Center Transit Oriented Development; 5. St. Paul, Harriet Island-District del Sol Urban Village; and 6. St. Anthony Village, Northwest Area Redevelopment. * reviewed the Town of Forest Lake Comprehensive Plan amendment and ado pted the Executive Summary and Review Record with the following recomme ndations: 1. that the Town of Forest Lake may place the Comprehensive Plan amendm ent into effect; and 2 . that that Town of Forest Lake continue with the aviation planning of forts and work with the Council' s aviation staff to complete an aviatio n plan for the Forest Lake Airport. * reviewed the City of White Bear Lake Comprehensive Plan update and ad opted the Executive Summary and Review Record with the following recomm endations: 1. that the City of White Bear Lake may place the 2020 Comprehensive P1 an into effect with no plan modifications; 2. that the city be commended for an excellent plan that advances Livab le Community and Smart Growth objectives by integrating downtown revita lization, pedestrian access, redevelopment, environmental protection, a ffordable housing jobs, and transit into the existing community; 3. that upon the approval of the city' s Comprehensive Plan and prior to the construction of any extensions or additions to its disposal system , the city must submit a Comprehensive Sewer Plan (Tier II Plan) to the Council for final approval. The sewer plan will be consistent with th e city' s approved Comprehensive Plan and reflect any modifications reco mmended by the Council; and Page 5 llnov2-'l.txt 4 . that the city council adopt the additions to the final plan, includi ng solar access and historic preservation elements, as submitted in its November 6, 2000, letter to the Council. Transportation * authorized its Regional Administrator to execute a contract with O'Br ien Krietzberg, Inc. for project management services to the Hiawatha LR T Project in an amount not to exceed $15, 400, 000. * approved Project Funding Agreement No. 16 with the Minnesota Departme nt of Transportation for an amount not to exceed $394, 500 to provide in terim insurance coverage for the Hiawatha LRT Project until the Owner-c ontrolled Insurance Program is established; and approved a Supplemental Agreement with Minnesota Transit Constructors in an amount of $394, 500 to provide the interim insurance. * authorized its Regional Administrator to execute a Property Transfer Agreement with Mn/DOT in accordance with the Hiawatha Corridor Light Ra it Transit Master Project Cooperation Agreement entered into on Februar y 16, 2000. * authorized its Regional Administrator to submit a grant application t * the Federal Transit Administration in the amount of $10, 730, 400 (fede ral) for the purchase of fifty-one 40-foot buses, related spare parts a nd bus inspections, (MT Project No. 61110) ; and authorized its Regional Administrator to submit a second grant application to the FTA in the a mount of $586, 000 (federal) for the construction of the Uptown Transit Hub, (MT Project No. 63652) . * authorized its Regional Administrator to award $1, 500, 000 to the Minn eapolis Community Development Agency for the transit-oriented developme nt project in the vicinity of the Downtown East LRT Station from the Tr ansitway Land Assembly Fund. * authorized its Regional Administrator to enter into two agreements wi th MnDOT as follows: 1. an amendment to the existing contract to provide CMAQ funding for re gional TDM services through December 31, 2000, totaling $69, 500; and 2. a new contract to fund regional TDM services with CMAQ funds through June 30, 2002, in the amount of up to $3, 397, 500. * scheduled a public hearing on January 2, 2001, to receive comments on the Northstar Corridor Advanced Corridor Plan. * authorized its Regional Administrator to negotiate and execute a sole source contract for the period November 1, 2000, through October 31, 2 002, with Van Pool Services, Inc. (VPSI) for operation of Vanpool servi ces in an amount not to exceed $457, 000. Page 6 11nov2-1.txt * authorized its Regional Administrator to negotiate and execute the fo llowing Metro Mobility supplemental contract amendments for the period January 1, 2001, through June 29, 2003: 1. American Red Cross of Ramsey County (00P0010) for $162, 701 bringing the amended contract amount to $221, 011; 2 . Human Services, Inc. of Washington County (00P0016) for $423, 320 bri nging the amended contract amount to $558, 320; 3. Laidlaw Transit Services (00P0058) for $519, 973 bringing the amended contract amount to $717, 973; and 4 . Handicabs, Inc. (C-98-110) for $215, 567 bringing the amended contrac t amount to $15, 372, 369. * authorized its Regional Administrator to negotiate and execute an ext ension to the Metro Mobility demand contract labor market performance a mendment with Handicabs, Inc. (HC) and Laidlaw Transit Services, Inc. LTS) for a period beginning January 1, 2001, through June 30, 2001, for an amount not to exceed $204, 000. * authorized its Regional Administrator to execute a contract with RSP Architects for an amount not to exceed $450, 000 to design the addition to the U.S. Army Building 506 at Fort Snelling in partial fulfillment o f the Council' s obligation to the U.S. Army in exchange for the acquisi tion of U.S. Army Building 230. New Publications Council publications are available from the Council's Regional Data Cen ter. For a free and complete list of publications, write the Metropol itan Council Data Center, 230 E. Fifth St. , St. Paul, MN 55101, or call (651) 602-1140. E-mail address is: data.center@metc.state.mn.us There is a charge for some publications . The bimonthly Council Directions newsletter provides information on reg ional issues and Council Programs. If you wish to subscribe to Counci 1 Directions at no charge, call Dawn Hoffner at (651) 602-1447 . Metropolitan Commission Activities Metropolitan Airports Commission Metropolitan Airports Commission offices are located at 6040 28th Av. S . , Minneapolis, MN 55450. For more information, call Lynn Sorensen at (612) 726-8186. The Commission: Page 7 llnov2-1.txt * approved a pilot program as part of the Part 150 Sound Residential In sulation Program to determine acoustic performance goals, sound level t esting criteria, building material specifications and standards, materi al supplier lists, administrative and management parameters and cost is sues. * authorized the issuance of a Request for Qualifications to provide ma nagement for wireless services which will involve many applications for airlines, airports and the traveling public, including telephones, pag ing and wireless internet access. * authorized proceeding with a Request for Proposals for operation of a coin-operated baggage lockers concession at MSP International Airport. * approved holding a public hearing to consider amendment of Ordinance No. 89 which governs common use gates and other facilities at the Humph rey Terminal. The new Humphrey Terminal, which is scheduled to open in May, 2001, will provide additional common use facilities. Metropolitan Parks & Open Space Commission (MP&OSC) Metropolitan Parks & Open Space Commission offices are located at Mears Park Centre, 230 E. Fifth St. , St. Paul, 55101. For more information, call Sandi Dingle at (651) 602-1312 . The Commission: * recommended that the Council amend the scope of Grant SG-00-100 to in clude the items presented, as well as the acquisition of a realigned Is land View Road right-of-way as a grant eligible item; and further recom mended that the Council amend the scope for the proposed LCMR recommend ed grant, subject to LCMR approval, of $591,200 to include reimbursing Carver County for the final portion of the Paul' s parcel acquired for t he park and TH 5 right-of-way in 1999 and to acquire additional land fo * realigned County Road 30 or TH 5 or other land within the park's boun dary as called for in the park acquisition master plan. * recommended that the Council: 1. Create a 2002-2003 regional parks capital improvement program that p roposes: A. up to $13 million of Metropolitan Council bonds and $19. 5 million of State funds for a total of $32 .5 million; B. a split into four parts as follows: 1) Part 1 consisting of unfunded projects from the 2000-2001 CIP that t otals $9, 162, 000, which is proposed to be financed with $5. 5 million of State bonds and $3, 662, 000 of Council bonds and would be the basis for the Metropolitan Council ' s 2002 request for State bonds as recommended by the Governor; Page 8 llnov2-1.txt 2) Part 2 consisting of new proposals that total $8, 669, 000, which is p roposed to be financed with $5.2 million of State funds and $3, 169, 000 of Council bonds; (The Legislature may consider this in addition to th e Governor's recommendation in Part 1 as part of the 2002 State bonding appropriation. ) ; 3) Part 3 consisting of new proposals that total $8, 669, 000, which is p roposed to be financed with $5. 2 million of State funds and $3, 169, 000 of Council bonds; (The Legislature may consider this in the 2003 Legisl ative Commission on Minnesota Resources appropriation bill as well as a ny unfunded projects in Part 2. ) ; and 4) Part 4 is proposed to finance land acquisition and emergency develop ment projects that come up after the CIP is adopted in May 2001. It is proposed to be financed with $2 . 4 million of Council bonds and $3. 6 mi llion of State funds for a total of $6 million. The Council and the Le gislature would consider funding all or a portion of this part of the C IP only if land becomes available to acquire that is not funded in part s 1 through 3 and to leverage one-time Federal TEA-21 grant matches tha t are not funded in parts 1 through 3. 2. allocate the funds proposed in parts 1 through 3 of the CIP to the r egional park implementing agencies as presented. * recommended that the Council include the proposed additions in the up dated system plan as presented by staff with the addition of Gayle Wood s . Metropolitan Sports Facilities Commission (MSFC) Metropolitan Sports Facilities Commission offices are located at 900 So uth 5th St. , Minneapolis, MN 55415. For more information, call Nancy Ma towitz at (612) 335-3310. The Commission took no actions in October. In November the Commission: * adopted the Commission's 2001 budget. * approved the expenditure of $110, 000 for the development of rendering s, models and other collateral pieces needed to develop a strategy for dealing with stadium issues through the Commission's architect consult ant, CDFM2 . * authorized the Chair and Executive Director to enter into negotiation of a Memorandum of Understanding with the MCDA for redevelopment of th e Plaza block and retention of a Plaza for the Metrodome. Page 9 SAINT PAUL PORT AUTHORITY MEMORANDUM TO: Michael Goldner, Dick Anfang, DATE: Dec. 7, 2000 W. Andrew Boss, Lori Fritts FROM: Kenneth R. Johnson/ SUBJECT: Credit Committee Meeting December 12, 2000 PLEASE NOTE THIS MEETING IS ONE WEEK EARLIER THAN USUAL The regular meeting of the Credit Committee will be held on Tuesday, December 12, 2000, at 2:00 p.m. in the Board Room of the Saint Paul Port Authority located at 1900 Landmark Towers, 345 Saint Peter Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102. The purpose of the meeting is as follows: 1. Approval of Minutes of November 21, 2000 Meeting 2. Uses of DTED Redevelopment Grant Funds for Phalen Boulevard Acquisition 3. Contract Award — Hawkins Dock Infrastructure at Red Rock 4. Such Other Business That May Come Before the Committee /ca cc: Press City Clerk Joan Grzywinski K. Lantry R. Hansen, Leonard Street & Deinard 6129.1.