3/20-3/24/2000 Meetings for the week of March 20th-March 24th http://www.stpaul.gov/depts/clerk/meetings.html :.,:� The City of Saint Paul Aht Meetings for the Week of pink* March 20th, thru March 24th, 2000 MONDAY - March 20th Saint Paul Charter Commission 4:00 PM Room 220 City Hall TUESDAY - March 21st *Ramsey County Board of 9:00 AM Council Chambers Commissioners Legislative Hearings (Summary Abatements 10:00 AM Room 330 City Hall and Nuisance) Property Code Enforcement 1:30 PM Room 330 City Hall Hearings WEDNESDAY - March 22nd RiverCentre Authority Meeting 8:00 AM RiverCentre Boardroom- 5th Floor City Council Organizational 10:00 AM Council Chambers Meeting *Housing and Redevelopment 2:00 PM Council Chambers Authority *City Council 3:30 PM Council Chambers *Public Hearings 5:30 PM Council Chambers THURSDAY - March 23rd Legislative Hearing -A-1/Able 11:00 AM Room 330 City Hall Towing Heritage Preservation Commission 5:00 PM Room 40 City Hall FRIDAY - March 24th PC Commission Steering Committee 7:45 AM Room 41 City Hall Planning Commission 8:30 AM Room 40 City Hall *Cablecast live and repeated on Saint Paul Channel 18. Interpreter service for the hearing impaired will be provided at public meetings upon request. Request can be made by calling(651)266-8509(Voice and TDD)Monday thru Friday, 8:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M A minimum of two days notice is required. For more information on any of these meetings,you can send Email to: citizen.service(a)ci.stpaul.mn.us, or call the Saint Paul Citizen Service Office at (651) 266-8989 If you'd like a reply, we'll get to you as soon as possible, but in most cases,please allow at least one 1 of 2 3/17/2000 10:16 AM Lucille Johnson -4th-Mar-2000WPD.wpd Page 1 Master Meeting CALENDAR Saint Paul Planning Commission Meetings Fourth Week in March 2000 Mon 20 Tue 21 Wed 22 Thu 23 Fri 24 7:45 a.m. PC Steering Committee Rm 41 City Hall Conference Center (Larry Soderhom,266-6575) 8:30-11 a.m. Planning Commission Rm 40 City Hall Conference Center (Larry Soderholm,266-6575) 15 Kellogg Blvd Old Business #00-117-375 Lubavitch Yeshiva of Minnesota Inc.-Determination of similar use to allow for a private high school with boarding. 225 Wilder St.N.(James Zdon 266-6559) #00-118-151 James Stolpestad for Exeter Holdings LLC-Site plan review for proposed commercial development with retail space on the first level and a parking ramp on the second and third levels. New Business #00-118-913 AT&T Wireless-Special Condition Use Permit to allow AT&T to attach 6 panel antennas to a chimney stack on a residential structure less than 60 feet high. 682 Grand Ave.,southwest corner of Grand at St.Albans. (Danette Moore 266-6551) #00-119-181 Harriet Island Bandshell-Special Condition Use Permit,River Corridor Modification,and height variance to allow the development of a performance stage in Harriet Island Regional Park. (Lucy Thompson 266-6578) #00-179-022 Benchmark Commercial Real Estate Group-1)Site plan review for a proposed two-level parking deck. 2)Variance to permit the entrance to the second level of the parking deck to be from the alley behind the deck. 2175 Ford Parkway,northeast corner of Ford&Cretin. (Tom Beach,LIEP,266-9086) nicosia\4th-Mar-2000 03/14/00 11:19 FAX 651 265 4899 RIVERCENTRE 11002 IVE _C .E ± _T . _F I IvEi , GE T , P 1I%.*/g%P/d% Wl"g°%Ir• TOUCHSTONE ENERGY PLACE ROY WILKINS AUDITORIUM Saint Paul RiverCentre Authority Executive Committee Meeting Notice Richard Zehring, Chair rzehrinc'dlwelcoco.com Dan Bostrom clan.bostrom@ci.stpaul.mn.us Lois West Duffy lois.westuecolab.com Mark Shields The monthly meeting of the RCA Executive Committee is scheduled for d Thursday, March 16, 2000 at 7:30 a.m. in the RiverCentre Authority Board Room at RiverCentre. cc: Rick Aguilar Chris Coleman Don Del Fiacco Rich Ginsberg Bob Schwartzbauer City Clerk's Office P. McCall J. O'Leary B. Chandler B. Landow A. Hilton Volume Services MAR-16-2000 15:49 RAMSEY COUNTY MANAGER 651 266 8039 P.02/02 MEETING NOTICE BOARD OF RAMSEY COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 15 W. KELLOGG BLVD., ST. PAUL,MN 55102 651 266-8350 RAMSEY COUNTY Monday.March 20, 2000 Tuesday, March 21,2000 9:00 a.m. - Policy Board Meeting Council Chambers, Third Floor Court House Immediately following Policy Board Meeting in Council Chambers, Third Floor Court House Administrative Board Meeting Public Works, Parks& Solid Waste Committee Health Services Committee 12:00 noon - Annual Board of Commissioners Luncheon with St. Paul Area Chamber of Commerce 332 Minnesota Street 1:30 p.m. - Human Services& Job Training Committee Council Chambers, Third Floor Court House Wednesday,March 22, 2000 9:00 a.m. - Metropolitan Mosquito Control Commission Executive 2099 University Avenue 10:30 a.m. - Solid Waste Management Coordinating Board 2099 University Avenue Thursday, March 23,2000 7:00 p.m. - Ramsey County League of Local Governments Roseville City Hall 2660 Civic Center Drive Friday,_March 24,2000 ADVANCE NOTICE: March 28, 2000—Policy Board Meeting—9:00 a.m., Council Chambers April 4, 2000 - Policy Board Meeting—9:00 a.m., Council Chambers TOTAL P.02 SAINT PAUL CHAR, R COMMISSION cItt I .L 4-0 SAINT PAUL, C " L ;MINNESOTA 55102 MEETING NOTICE OF THE SAINT PAUL CHARTER COMMISSION DATE: Monday,March 20,2000 , / TIME: 4:00 P.M. PLACE: Room 220, City Hall AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. Approval of the Minutes- Meetings of December 20, 1999 and January 10, 2000 3. Citizen Comments 4. Reports of the Standing Committees • Rules Committee—Edward Starr • Council Structure—Carole Faricy • Good Government—Juan Martinez • Charter Review—Greg Copeland 5. Old Business 6. New Business 7. Other Business 8. Adjournment 1AP 1 ? ,?Olt ae ,s PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER 03/14/00 11:18 FAX 651 265 4899 RIVERCENTRE I?)001 R I \ / E 1 !,) c E -:„, 1 .,, lei\ 'lam 1 17) TOUCHSTONE ENERGY" PLACE ROY WILKINS AUDITORIUM RIVERCENTRE AUTHORITY MEETING NOTICE Richard H. Zehring, Chairman FAX: (651) 665-5394 rzehring@a,welshco.com Rick Aguilar FAX: (651)665-0129 Dan Bostrom FAX: (651)266-8574 Chris Coleman FAX: (651) 266-8574 Don Del Fiacco mailed Lois J. West Duffy FAX: (651)225-3123 lois.west@ecolab.com Richard Ginsberg FAX: (612) 339-0981 Robert G. Schwartzbauer FAX: (651)224-3820 Mark Shields FAX: (651) 641-0523 Darrel Bunge, CVB Ex-officio FAX: (651)483-6433 The regular monthly meeting of the Saint Paul RiverCentre Authority is scheduled for: > /Wednesday,March 22, 2000 8:00 a.m. RIVERCENTRE - ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES Board Room — 5th Floor cc: Mayor Coleman FAX: 266-8513 Mark Pevan,Volume Services FAX: 265-4871 City Clerks Office FAX: 266-8689 E.Willems FAX: 266-8541 CAO-P. McCall,M. Pfohl, L.Veith FAX: 298-5619 Christian Schiller, Standard Parking FAX: 298-4619 CVB -E. McMahon/T. Getzke FAX:265-4999 C.Brown, Star Tribune FAX: 227-9371 Darwin Moline, Standard Parking FAX: 371-0254 _ Pioneer Press FAX: 292-1897 _Herb Holzschuh FAX: 266-8855 Star Tribune FAX: 673-7774 Gary Murphy FAX: 225-1665 Karl Karlson FAX: 228-5500 Joe O'Neill _ FAX: 298-1474 Prom Catering FAX: 501-8199 Chris Hansen,MN Wild FAX: 222-1055 Lou Dorso,CPMI FAX: 854-3663 RiverCentre Staff: DA,JO,BC,AH, SH, SJ,BL, DM,CN, SR,MS,MS,TW,MZ Lucille Johnson -Meetings of the Week Calendar Page 1 From: Racquel Naylor To: Johnson, Lucille Date: 3/14/00 9:44AM Subject: Meetings of the Week Calendar Please add the following to the calendar: Legislative Hearing for A-1/Able Towing Thursday, March 23, 2000 11:00 a.m. Room 330 Courthouse Thank you in advance. -Racquel Lucille.Johnson -Mime.822 Page 1 • Received: from ci.stpaul.mn.us (firewall.ci.stpaul.mn.us[]) by is.ci.stpaul.mn.us; Fri, 17 Mar 2000 08:40:53-0600 Received:from metc.state.mn.us by ci.stpaul.mn.us(8.8.8+Sun/SMI-SVR4) id IAA10622; Fri, 17 Mar 2000 08:41:20-0600(CST) Received:from METC#u#CENTRAL#u#OFFICE-Message_Server by metc.state.mn.us with Novell_GroupWise; Fri, 17 Mar 2000 08:36:57-0600 Message-Id: <s8d1eea9.009@metc.state.mn.us> X-Mailer: Novell GroupWise 5.2 Date: Fri, 17 Mar 2000 08:36:40-0600 From: "Dawn Hoffner"<dawn.hoffner@metc.state.mn.us> To:julie.opsahl@metc.state.mn.us Subject: Metro Meetings Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type:text/plain;charset=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding:quoted-printable Content-Disposition: inline WEEK OF: March 20-24,2000 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL Reconveyance&Cost Sharing Task Force-Mon., March 20, 1 p.m., Metro 94, 455 Etna, St. Paul. The agenda will include: road reconveyance/other wastewater models; report on previous reconveyances; review matrix for characteristics of pipes considered for reconveyance; reconveyance options; and other business. Livable Communities Committee-Mon., March 20, 3:30 p.m., Room 1A. The committee will consider: LRT station area funding request-City of Minneapolis; housing and land use advisory committee(HLUAC)appointment recommendations; apartment market report 2000; presentation of findings and recommendations of the affordable rental housing task force; community development 2001 budget discussion; Council member reports;and other business. Hiawatha LRT Community Advisory Committee-Wed., March 22,6:30 p.m., American Indian OIC, 1845 E. Franklin Ave., Mpls. The committee will consider: Franklin task force report; LRT safety and livability issues; discussion on LRT safety; action:free rights; and other business. 2001 Planning and Budget Breakfast Meeting-Wed., March 22, 7:30 a.m., Bloomington City Hall,2215 W. Old Shakopee Rd. The agenda will include: introduction/strategic development;customer focus;water resources management; competitive business processes; discussion/wrap-up. Management Committee-Wed., March 22,2 p.m., Room 1A. The committee will consider:transit information system expansion; regional administratio n budget discussion; 1999 4th quarter summary of procurements; and other business. Metropolitan Council-Wed., March 22, 3 p.m., Chambers. The Council will consider: approval of preliminary overrun/underrun change order for the site preparation for East Metro Transit facility; delegation to regional Lucille Johnson -Mime.822 Page 2 administrator to assert or recover claims and commence certain types of litigation; extension of legal services agreement w/Pustorino, Tilton, and Parrington for workers'compensation legal services; Metropolitan Council member participation on design-build; loan applications to the MN Public Facilities Authority to qualify three new projects; regional environmental agenda; submittal of transit 2020 master plan to federal highway and transit administrations; LRT station area funding request-City of Minneapolis; Lakeland comprehensive plan update; authorization to execute a professional services agreement for the MWWTP pretreatment/primary treatment improvements project; authorization to negotiate and enter into a cost sharing agreement with the City of Hugo for the Centerville interceptor project; Metropolitan Airports Commission 2000-2006 capital improvement program; authorization to award East Metro Transit facility construction contract; Como-Metro Pass extension; readopt the 1996 regional transportation policy plan to meet federal procedures; Metro Mobility supplemental service and assured ride program for calendar year 2000;Anoka County interim service preservation-year 2000;appointments to TAB task force on livable communities projects; housing and land use advisory committee appointments;southern Dakota County planning collaborat ive-composite comprehensive plan update, 17 cities and townships; Empire Township comprehensive plan; Farmington comprehensive plan update; Builders Assoc. of the Twin Cities-MUSA issues discussion; and other business. 2001 Planning and Budget Breakfast Meeting-Thurs., March 23,7:45 a.m., Brooklyn Park City Hall,5200-85th Ave. No.The agenda will include: introduction/strategic development;customer focus;water resources management; competitive business processes; discussion/wrap-up. The Metropolitan Council is located at Mears Park Centre,230 E. Fifth St., St. Paul. Meeting times and agenda are subject to change. For more information or confirmation of meetings,call Dawn Hoffner at 651-602-1447. TENTATIVE MEETINGS THE WEEK OF MARCH 27-31,2000 TAB Relations Task Force-Mon., March 27, 1:30 p.m., Room 2A Transportation Committee-Mon., March 27,4 p.m., Chambers Metropolitan Parks and Open Space Commission-Mon., March 27,4 p.m., Room 1A Environment Committee-Tues., March 28,4 p.m., Room 1A Metropolitan Council-Wed., March 29, 3 p.m., Chambers SAINT PAUL PORT AUTHORITY MEMORANDUM TO: Joan Grzywinski, Dick Anfang, DATE: Mar. 16, 2000 Lori Fritts, Michael Goldner FROM: Kenneth R. Johnson SUBJECT: Credit Committee Meeting March 21, 2000 The regular meeting of the Credit Committee will be held on Tuesday, March 21, 2000, at 2:00 p.m. in the Board Room of the Saint Paul Port Authority located at 1900 Landmark Towers, 345 Saint Peter Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102. The purpose of the meeting is as follows: 1. Approval of Minutes of February 15, 2000 Meeting 2. Great Northern Business Center— Phase I (Maxson Steel) —Tax Increment Financing Plan 3. The Orient Chinese Restaurant LLC - $100,000 Low Interest Loan 4. Battle Creek Holiday Inn Amendments 5. NSP Request for Easement for Power Line River Crossing 6. Contract Award — Great Northern Business Center, Phase I — Demolition and Remediation 7. Such Other Business That May Come Before the Committee /ca cc: Press City Clerk Andy Boss K. Lantry R. Hansen, Leonard Street & Deinard Orly 5511.1. *Ott PUBLIC HOUSING AGENCY SAINT PAUL PIAR 2 3 2000 • r„ NOTICE BUSINESS MEETING BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS PUBLIC HOUSING AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL WEDNESDAY, MARCH 22, 2000 9:00 A.M. TO 11:30 A.M. AGENCY BOARD ROOM 480 CEDAR STREET: SUITE 600 ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 480 Cedar Street•Suite 600 • Saint Paul,Minnesota 55101-2240 651-298-5664 • Fax 651-298-5666 MN MIN I= = r PUBLIC HOUSING AGENCY SAINT PAUL BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MONTHLY BUSINESS MEETING MARCH 22, 2000 9:00 A.M. 480 CEDAR STREET I. ROLL CALL II. INTRODUCTION OF NEW PHA STAFF III. APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES: FEBRUARY 23, 2000 IV. REVIEW OF BILLS AND COMMUNICATIONS: BANK REGISTER FOR FEBRUARY 2000 V. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: None VI.A. NEW BUSINESS CONSENT ITEMS The following items are considered to be routine or non-controversial and will be approved in one motion,without discussion. If a Board member or other meeting attendee wishes to discuss a particular item,that person should inform the Chair and the item will be moved to the Discussion portion of the agenda. 1. AUDIT SERVICES; AMENDMENT NO. 3; CONTRACT NO. 99114 2. COMPUTER NETWORK CONNECTIONS TO REMAINING MANAGEMENT OFFICES, CONTRACT NO. 00124 3. CURRENT SIGNATURE AUTHORITY FIRSTAR BANK N.A. CHECKING ACCOUNTS, RESOLUTION NO. 00-3/22-3 4. WINDOW REPLACEMENTS AT SINGLE FAMILY HOUSES, CONTRACT NO. 00153 5. LOW RENT PUBLIC HOUSING; ADMISSION AND OCCUPANCY POLICIES; CHANGE IN UTILITY ALLOWANCE SCHEDULE, RESOLUTION NO. 00-3/22-2 6. COMPREHENSIVE GRANT PROGRAM BUDGET REVISION: 1997 (REV. 9), 1998 (REV. 5), 1999 (REV. 2), RESOLUTION NO. 00-3/22-4 7. ASPHALT REPAIR & REPLACEMENT FOR PHA PROPERTIES, CONTRACT NO. 00178 480 Cedar Street•Suite 600 • Saint Paul,Minnesota 55101-2240 651-298-5664 • Fax 651-298-5666 8. CAPITAL FUND ANNUAL AND FIVE YEAR PLANS; APPLICATION FOR FFY2000 FUNDS; REVISION TO AGENCY PLAN, RESOLUTION NO. 00-3/22-5 9. MISCELLANEOUS LANDSCAPE WORK AT REGION 1 PUBLIC HOUSING SITES, CONTRACT NO. 00148 10. MISCELLANEOUS LANDSCAPE WORK AT REGION 2 PUBLIC HOUSING SITES, CONTRACT NO. 00187 11. MISCELLANEOUS LANDSCAPE WORK AT REGION 3 PUBLIC HOUSING SITES,CONTRACT NO. 00188 12. MISCELLANEOUS CONCRETE WORK AT VARIOUS REGION 1 PHA SITES, CONTRACT NO. 00180 13. MISCELLANEOUS CONCRETE WORK AT VARIOUS REGION 2 PHA SITES, CONTRACT NO. 00181 14. MISCELLANEOUS CONCRETE WORK AT VARIOUS REGION 3 PHA SITES, CONTRACT NO. 00182 15. EXTERIOR PAINTING AND STAINING AT VARIOUS PHA SITES, CONTRACT NO. 00184 16. SHINGLE ROOF REPAIR AND REPLACEMENT AT PHA FAMILY DEVELOPMENT SITES, CONTRACT NO. 00185 17. STEEL SIDING, ALUMINUM TRIM & GUTTER REPAIR& REPLACEMENTS AT VARIOUS PHA HOMES, CONTRACT NO. 00189 VI.B. NEW BUSINESS DISCUSSION ITEMS 1. NO SMOKING POLICIES 2. LOW RENT PUBLIC HOUSING PROGRAM AND SECTION 8 COMBINED OPERATING BUDGET FISCAL YEAR ENDING MARCH 31, 2001, RESOLUTION NO. 00-3/22-1 3. DISCRETIONARY FUND BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 2001 4. BUILDING FUND FISCAL YEAR 2001 BUDGET &MANAGEMENT PLAN REPORT OF FY00 OPERATIONS 5. WORKER'S COMPENSATION POLICY, LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES INSURANCE TRUST • 6. CHANGES TO PERSONNEL POLICIES FOR SUPERVISORY AND CONFIDENTIAL EMPLOYEES VII. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS A. SECRETARY'S COMMENDATION FROM HUD B. SENATE TESTIMONY C. SCATTERED SITE UPDATE (VERBAL) D. CLEVELAND HI-RISE MODERNIZATION, CONTRACT NO. 99060-C11, CHANGE ORDER NO. 3 E. MEMO TO MAYOR COLEMAN: PHA DEVELOPMENT/PRESERVATION F. JOBS-PLUS G. HOME PROGRAM, YEAR 10, REPORT#11 H. HOMEWARD PROGRAM, REPORT#49