6/11-6/15/2001 Meetings for the week of June 11th-June 15th http://www.ci.stpaul.mn.us/depts/clerk/meetings.html , , ce The City of Saint Paul Meetings for the Week of June llth, thru June 15th, 2001 MONDAY - June llth Board of Zoning Appeals 3:00 PM Room S-330 City Hall TUESDAY - June 12th Neighborhood and Current Planning 8:30 AM Room 1106 City Hall Annex Committee *Ramsey County Commissioners 9:00 AM Council Chambers Board of Water Commissioners 5:00 PM Room 330 City Hall Saint Paul Human Rights 1030 University Ave., Ronald Commissioners 6:00 PM Hubbs Center for Lifelong Learning WEDNESDAY - June 13th *HQusing and Redevelopment 2:00 PM Council Chambers Authority *City Council ---see Agenda 3:30 PM Council Chambers Comprehensive Planning Committee 4:00 PM Room 1106 Parks and Recreation Commission 6:30 PM El Rio Vista Rec Ctr. , 179 E. Robie St. THURSDAY - June 14th *Zoning Committee 3:30 PM Council Chambers *Public Hearing - U. S. Bank 3:30 PM Council Chambers *Public Hearing - St. Bernard's 3:30 PM Council Chambers School *Public Hearing - Heartland Auto 3:30 PM Council Chambers Sales FRIDAY - June 15th No Meetings Scheduled *Cablecast live and repeated on Saint Paul Channel 18. Interpreter service for the hearing impaired will be provided at public meetings upon request. Request can be made by calling(651)266-8509(Voice and TDD)Monday thru Friday, 8:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M A minimum of two days notice is required For more information on any of these meetings,you can send Email to: citizen.servicena ci.stpaul.mn.us, or call the Saint Paul Citizen Service Office at (651)266-8989 1 of 2 6/8/2001 9:52 AM SAINT ST PAUL PLANNING COMMISSION CITY OF SAINT PAUL `A°L ZONING COMMITTEE Dept.of Planning and 0004t Economic Development A A A A Phone:(651)266-6589 ----- Fax: (651)228-3220 Public Hearing Notice FILE#01-207-892 PURPOSE: Special Condition Use Permit to allow an office building 80 feet in height in the OS-2 General Office-Service District. This SCUP would replace the SCUP granted on March 16,2001(Zoning File 00-148-202,due to a change in site ownership. PROPERTY ADDRESS: Area bounded by Mississippi River,Robert Street,vacated Livingston,and vacated Fairfield. APPLICANT: US Bank HEARING DATE:Thursday June 14,2001,at 3:30 p.m. All public hearings are held in City Council Chambers,3rd Floor City Hall-Court House, 15 W. Kellogg Boulevard. You may send written comments to Zoning Committee at the address listed on the reverse side of this card. Please call Lucy Thompson,PED,at (651)266-6578,or your District Council Representative at(651)293-1708 if you have any questions. Mailed:6/1/01 DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN RIGHTS W.H. Tyrone Terrill,Director SAINT CITY OF SAINT PAUL 900 City Hall Telephone: 651-266-8966 PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor 15 W. Kellogg Boulevard Facsimile: 651-266-8962 Saint Paul, MN 55102-1681 TDD: 651-266-8977 AMA MEMORANDUM TO: SAINT PAUL HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSIO RS FROM: ROBERT L.BATTLE,CHAIR DATE: JUNE 6,2001 SUBJECT: JUNE 12,2001 MEETING The June Meeting of the Saint Paul Human Rights Commission will be held on Tuesday,June 12,2001 at the Ronald M Hubbs Center for Lifelong Learning, 1030 University Avenue,West, Saint Paul, MN in Room 112A at 6:00 p.m. AGENDA I. Acceptance of Agenda II. Approval of Minutes III. Committee Reports Construction Partnering Program Awards Committee IV. Director's Report V. Old Business Racial Profiling VI. New Business VII. Announcements VIII. Public Participation IX. Adjournment Please call Myra at 266-8963 if you are unable to attend the meeting. An Affirmative Action,Equal Opportunity Employer ,Yk C(Ii BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS James Reiter, President • Stephen Haselmann, Vice President Commissioners: Matt Anfang • Robert Cardinal • Pat Harris June 5, 2001 NOTICES TO: James Reiter, President Stephen Haselmann, Vice President Commissioners -- Matt Anfang Robert Cardinal Pat Harris MEETING NOTICE The next Board of Water Commissioners' meeting will be held on TUESDAY, JUNE 2, 2001 at 5 p.m. in the Committee Hearing Room 330, City Hall/Courthouse. Janet Lindgren Secretary copy: City Clerk Peter McCall Board Attorney SAINT PAUL REGIONAL WATER SERVICES Bernie R. Bullert, General Manager 8 4th St E, Saint Paul MN 55101-1007 • TTY: 651-266-6299 Saint Paul Regional Water Services provides quality water services to the following cities: Arden Hills•Falcon Heights•Lauderdale•Little Canada•Maplewood•Mendota•Mendota Heights•Roseville•Saint Paul•West St. Paul •*•printed on recycled paper Saint Paul Parks and Recreation Commission 1 Annex, 25 West 4th Street, Saint Paul 55102 - (651)266-6400 City Clerk's Office Room 170 City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 *AGENDA* DATE: June 13, 6:30 p.m.-9:30 p.m. SITE: El Rio Vista Recreation Center, 179 East Robie Street- (651) 298-5659 1. 6:30 p.m. APPROVE AGENDA,MINUTES, INTRODUCE VISITORS, ANNOUNCEMENTS 2. 6:35 p.m. DIRECTOR'S REPORT *Supplemental Budget Requests - REVIEW *Legislation-UPDATE 3. 7:00 p.m. ADVOCACY ISSUES 7:00 p.m. *Langford Park Master Plan: Resolution#01-7 -PRESENTATION - Martha Russell 7:15 p.m. *Consolidating Recreation Centers -DISCUSSION -Vince Gillespie 7:30 p.m. *Technology and the digital divide - DISCUSSION-Judy Barr, Vince Gillespie 4. 7:45 p.m. COMMISSION STRUCTURE/ACTIVITIES 7:45 p.m. *Evaluation of Content and Form of May 11 Public Hearings - DISCUSSION - Samuel Verdeja 8:00 p.m. *Plan for Meetings with Elected Officials -REVIEW-Heidi Welsch 8:20 p.m. *Prioritized Commission Goals - SIX MONTH REPORT- Mike Rossberg 8:30 p.m. *Destination Points for Annual Tour- DISCUSSION-Mike Rossberg 5. 8:30 p.m. SUBCOMMITTEE AND TASK FORCE REPORTS *Off Leash Dog Area Task Force - Jill Danner, Heidi Welsch *Long Range Planning Subcommittee -Al Paulson *Como Zoo and Conservatory Society -Terry Huntrods *Phalen Boulevard Advisory Committee-Ken Mauer *Bicycle Advisory Board 6. 8:45 p.m. ADJOURNMENT LEASE NOTICES/OTHER ITEMS OF INTEREST For future review: Renewal of City Academy lease at Wilder Recreation Center Meetings of the Parks and Recreation Commission are open to the public. If you require special accommodation or would like a copy of the minutes, call(651) 266-6447. 7TY#(651) 266-6378. Saint Paul Parks and Recreation Commissioners: Samuel Verdeja, Chairperson; Akin Paulson, Vice-Chairperson Jill Danner, William Dunnigan, Terrence Huntrods, Kenneth Mauer, John O'Halloran, Phil Ravitzky, Heidi Welsch Ne .)a WHEW zr d 14aP)P11 a� 6V •ip at ■ <y N4■ ale Ct� 1 — _" u; !a�Fi x 3 t c Rea E41 I-1 M g r--:„1,2,-,:,.....--; ,.- , /-- Itililip-.5* - -— NO Crj NIE- - o.a '� s m C...? 4'se`' et 1 tl‘ .,..'' Cr La -1 ) ,a ;,e1 111 m �i f?r _ -i W Z o 4 m N Z it apevy O ('~m 'r� N �"' a g � w v cc cu end , z 11 o _ L ,1 g / 7 ?OLEO w O z •,m u <_ 2\ U p w U LfTa �� � hi PaQ� 0 Z (Yi suu M ���,�♦��� W < V p S xid '��♦♦♦♦��♦�`. ��I�S w a V.4:4.4..1 IL\ 1 ,,,, 0 0 = 4 ‘ITfro:41i0 \k‘, It ac 0-I 0 C..) ON .. < S m a. < I�414 I a m ct ■ II i itpueW " \ y0 U Z a W o in -70 u�alsa�A .. " '�M IN • 4 L , 0 eieu a,, a t Z , •''' e. •Ora3.r 0`2' ¢ .- d 8„. • PP Sis �..� 111, 1z 3 11111 � F AV SYS T' '- m N f .-/" yam as ,..j► � �'� D ;Q A I k.oto--- m • .\Ny �� 3F��QO•M = C m . O < E m *t ._5 - 4 ° eul it !it y #~•z� : 1 is w y avAa H rO 0 3yij• oaUoa Wv� i1 Uo �dp� W 3d•H • W o 4 �• g • I W 0 _ , e2 bU!IIi 5. AV N•1 liD ���jrN13 W- W]IW.Ala j 7 IL i O W a,0 -. 0.4 • W .� o pri NO11S9 IAII •' u ✓_ • d W ©� s-v !9 NV 2109 j ` T W za Ql r Q� r 0 O l '. 1 tvv HO .• t•Zrhsi.i ii 1, i6 / AGENDA ZONING COMMITTEE OF THE SAINT PAUL PLANNING COMMISSION Thursday,June 14, 2001 -3:30 P.M. City Council Chambers Third Floor City Hall -Saint Paul, Minnesota NOTE: The order in which the items appear on this agenda is not necessarily the order in which they will be heard at the meeting. The Zoning Committee will determine the order of the agenda at the beginning of its meeting. APPROVAL OF May 31, 2001, ZONING COMMITTEE MINUTES NEW BUSINESS 1. St. Bernard's School (01-201-645) Sign area and height variances to allow a 2-sided, 3 feet high by 6 feet 8 inches wide identification sign and electronic bulletin board mounted on a 10 foot high pole along Rice Street. 160 Rose Ave. W. (147 Geranium), NW corner Rice&Geranium. Zoning:RT-1 Staff: Yang Zhang 2. Heartland Auto Sales, Inc. (01-206-105) Special Condition use Permit(SCUP)to increase number of vehicles allowed to be parked on the lot: 27 vehicles allowed under 1999 SCUP for second hand auto sales business; 37 proposed, including 4 spaces for adjacent restaurant. 1236 Arcade St., NE corner Arcade& Hawthorne Zoning: B-3 Staff: Rich Malloy 3. U. S. Bank (01-207-892) Special Condition Use Permit to allow an office building 80 feet in height in the OS-2 General Office-Service District. This SCUP would replace the SCUP granted on March 16,2001 (Zoning file 00-148-202),due to a change in site ownership. Area bounded by Mississippi River, Robert St., vacated Livingston and vacated Fairfield. Zoning: RC-4, OS-2 Staff: Lucy Thompson ADJOURNMENT ZONING COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Call Allan Torstenson at 266-6579 or Carol Martineau at 266-6550 if you are unable to attend the meeting. APPLICANT: You or your representative should attend this meeting to answer any questions that the committee may have. AGENDA BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS PUBLIC HEARING JUNE 11, 2001 3:00 P.M. ROOM S-330 CITY HALL ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA NOTE: The order in which the items appear on this agenda is not necessarily the order in which they will be heard at the meeting. The Board of Zoning Appeals will determine the order of the agenda at the beginning of its meeting. I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF MAY 29, 2001 II. APPROVAL OF RESOLUTION: Moises Rivera (#01-200430) 943 Clark Street III. OLD BUSINESS 1. Applicant - John M. Plourde (#01-200792) Location - 1483 Matilda Street Zoning - R-2 Purpose: MAJOR VARIANCE - Four variances in order subdivide the property at 1483 Matilda (Lots 5 & 6) into two lots to construct a new single family home on each lot. This project will also include the removal of the house at 1485 Matilda and the construction of a new house on that lot. A minimum lot size of 7,200 square feet is required and lot size of 5,246 square feet is proposed, for a variance of 1,954 square feet on each of Lot 5 and Lot 6. A minimum lot width of 60 feet is required and a width of 40 feet is proposed, for a variance of 20 feet on each of Lots 5 & 6. IV. NEW BUSINESS A. Applicant - Terry Barnes -Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity (#01-206333) Location - 406 Sherburne Avenue Zoning - R-4 Purpose: MINOR VARIANCE - A front yard setback variance in order to construct a front porch. The required front setback is 12 feet and the proposed setback is 9.5 feet, for a variance of 2.5 feet. -AGENDA JUNE 11, 2001 PAGE TWO B. Applicant - William S. Collins (#01-206354) Location - 435 Burlington Road Zoning - R-1 Purpose: MINOR VARIANCE - A front yard setback variance to construct a front porch. A setback of 48 feet is required and a setback of 37 feet is proposed, for a variance of 11 feet. C. Applicant - D. Mark& Rita Dillon (#01-206365) Location - 1703 Hampshire Avenue Zoning - R-2 Purpose: MINOR VARIANCE - A front yard setback to construct a roof on the existing front porch. A setback of 50 feet is required and a setback of 43.5 feet is proposed, for a variance of 6.5 feet. D. Applicant - Richard J. Rinkoff&Julia Ferguson (#01-206385) Location - 590 Summit Avenue Zoning - RT-2 Purpose: MINOR VARIANCE - A variance of the maximum allowable size for a detached garage. A size of 1,000 square feet is allowed and a size of 1,216 is proposed, for a variance of 216 square feet. E. Applicant - Sheila Wells (#01-206528) Location - 790 Tatum Street Zoning - R-4 Purpose: MINOR VARIANCE - A side yard setback variance in order to construct a new detached garage in the same location as the existing garage. A setback of 3 feet is required and a setback of 0 feet is proposed on the south side, for a variance of 3 feet. F. Applicant - Paul Stefanyshun (#01-207690) Location - 313 Harrison Avenue Zoning - RT-2 Purpose: MINOR VARIANCE - A variance in order to construct a new detached garage in the rear yard. The maximum allowable size for a detached garage is 1,000 square feet, the proposed size is 1,806 square feet, for a variance of 806 square feet. AGENDA JUNE 11, 2001 PAGE THREE V. ADJOURNMENT Board of Zoning Appeal Members: Please call John Hardwick (266-9082) or Debbie Crippen (266-9144) if you are unable to attend the meeting. APPLICANT: You or your representative should attend this meeting to answer any questions the Board may have. MASTER MEETING CALENDAR Saint Paul Planning Commission WEEK OF JUNE 11-15,2001 Mon 11 Tues 12 8:30- Neighborhood and Current Room 1106 10:00 a.m. Planning Committee City Hall Annex 25 W.Fourth Street Ames Lake Neighborhood Master Plan and Phalen Village Redevelopment Plan - consider resolutions of support to forward to Planning Commission. (Virginia Burke, 651/266-6661) Saint Paul's District Council System -discussion of issues raised by Planning Commission Steering Committee. (Bob Hammer, 651/266-6693) Wed V 13 4:00- Comprehensive PlanningCommittee Room 1106 P 5:30 p.m. (Larry Soderholm) City Hall Annex 25 W. Fourth Street Riverview Transit Corridor- (Penny Simison and Tony Schertler) ,;' Central Transit Corridor- (Al Lovejoy) Senior Housing Issues - (Al Lovejoy) Thurs 14 3:30 p.m. Zoning Committee City Council Chambers 3�Floor City Hall 15 Kellogg Blvd West Zoning #01-201-645 St.Bernard's School- Sign Variances(sign area,height and setback variances)to allow a 2-sided, 3'high by 6' 8"wide identification sign and electronic bulletin board mounted on a 10'high pole along Rice Street. 160 Rose Ave. W. (147 Geranium)between Rose&Geranium. (Yang Zhang, 651/266-6659) #01-206-105 Heartland Auto Sales Inc.- Special Condition Use Permit(SCUP)to increase number of vehicles allowed to be parked on the lot: 27 vehicles allowed under 1999 SCUP for second hand auto sales business; 37 proposed; including 4 spaces for adjacent restaurant. 1236 Arcade Street. (Rich Malloy, 651/266-6647) #01-207-892 US Bank- Special Condition Use Permit to allow an office building 80 feet in height in the OS-2 General Office-Service District. This SCUP would replace the SCUP granted on March 16,2001 (Zoning File 00-148-202, due to a change in site ownership.) Area bounded by Mississippi River,Robert Street,vacated Livingston, and vacated Fairfield. (Lucy Thompson, 651/266-6578) Fri 15 Bruton\CalendarsUune 11-15,2001 JUN-07-2001 15:44 RAMSEY COUNTY MANAGER 651 266 8039 P.02/02 il MEETING NOTICE BOARD OF RAMSEY COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 15 W. KELLOGG BLVD., ST. PAUL, MN 55102 651266-8350 MSEY COUNTY Monday,June 11,2001 Tuesday, June 12,_2001 9:00 a.m. - Policy Board Meeting L Council Chambers, Third Floor Court House Immediately following Policy Board Meeting - Administrative Board Meeting Council Chambers, Third Floor Court House - Housing&Redevelopment Authority(BRA)Meeting Council Chambers, Third Floor Court House - HRA Workshop—Community Land Trusts Room 220 Court House, Large Conference Room - Board Workshop—Redistricting Room 220 Court House, Large Conference Room 1:30 p.m. - HRA Workshop—Tax Exempt Financing for Private Rental Housing Room 220 Court House, Large Conference Room Wednesday, June 13,2001 7:30 a.m. - Extension Committee 2020 White Bear Avenue 10:30 a.m. - Metro 911 Board 2099 University Avenue Thursday,June 14, 2001 12:00 noon - Minnesota Landmarks Executive Committee Room 407 Landmark Center 3:30 p.m. - Central Corridor Coordinating Committee 1919 University Avenue West Friday.June 15, 2001 ADVANCE NOTICE June 19, 2001 —9:00 a.m. —Policy Board Meeting, Council Chambers TOTAL P.02 AGENDA BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS PUBLIC HEARING JUNE 11, 2001 3:00 P.M. ROOM S-330 CITY HALL ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA Results Agenda NOTE: The order in which the items appear on this agenda is not necessarily the order in which they will be heard at the meeting. The Board of Zoning Appeals will determine the order of the agenda at the beginning of its meeting. I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF MAY 29, 2001 Approved II. APPROVAL OF RESOLUTION: Moises Rivera (#01-200430) 943 Clark Street Approved III. OLD BUSINESS 1. Applicant - John M. Plourde (#01-200792) Location - 1483 Matilda Street Zoning - R-2 Purpose: MAJOR VARIANCE - Four variances in order subdivide the property at 1483 Matilda (Lots 5 & 6) into two lots to construct a new single family home on each lot. This project will also include the removal of the house at 1485 Matilda and the construction of a new house on that lot. A minimum lot size of 7,200 square feet is required and lot size of 5,246 square feet is proposed, for a variance of 1,954 square feet on each of Lot 5 and Lot 6. A minimum lot width of 60 feet is required and a width of 40 feet is proposed, for a variance of 20 feet on each of Lots 5 &6. Approved w/cond. 6-0 IV. NEW BUSINESS A. Applicant - Terry Barnes -Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity (#01-206333) Location - 406 Sherburne Avenue Zoning - R-4 Purpose: MINOR VARIANCE - A front yard setback variance in order to construct a front porch. The required front setback is 12 feet and the proposed setback is 9.5 feet, for a variance of 2.5 feet. Approved 6-0 ' AGENDA JUNE 11, 2001 PAGE TWO B. Applicant - William S. Collins (#01-206354) Location - 435 Burlington Road Zoning - R-1 Purpose: MINOR VARIANCE - A front yard setback variance to construct a front porch. A setback of 48 feet is required and a setback of 37 feet is proposed, for a variance of 11 feet. Approved 6-0 C. Applicant - D. Mark & Rita Dillon (#01-206365) Location - 1703 Hampshire Avenue Zoning - R-2 Purpose: MINOR VARIANCE - A front yard setback to construct a roof on the existing front porch. A setback of 50 feet is required and a setback of 43.5 feet is proposed, for a variance of 6.5 feet. Approved w/cond. 6-0 D. Applicant - Richard J. Rinkoff& Julia Ferguson (#01-206385) Location - 590 Summit Avenue Zoning - RT-2 Purpose: MINOR VARIANCE - A variance of the maximum allowable size for a detached garage. A size of 1,000 square feet is allowed and a size of 1,216 is proposed, for a variance of 216 square feet. Approved 6-0 E. Applicant - Sheila Wells (#01-206528) Location - 790 Tatum Street Zoning - R-4 Purpose: MINOR VARIANCE - A side yard setback variance in order to construct a new detached garage in the same location as the existing garage. A setback of 3 feet is required and a setback of 0 feet is proposed on the south side, for a variance of 3 feet. Approved w/cond. 6-0 F. Applicant - Paul Stefanyshun (#01-207690) Location - 313 Harrison Avenue Zoning - RT-2 Purpose: MINOR VARIANCE - A variance in order to construct a new detached garage in the rear yard. The maximum allowable size for a detached garage is 1,000 square feet, the proposed size is 1,806 square feet, for a variance of 806 square feet. Continued until June 25, 2001 . AGENDA ,. JUNE 11, 2001 PAGE THREE V. ADJOURNMENT Board of Zoning Appeal Members: Please call John Hardwick (266-9082) or Debbie Crippen (266-9144) if you are unable to attend the meeting. APPLICANT: You or your representative should attend this meeting to answer any questions the Board may have. AGENDA BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS PUBLIC HEARING JUNE 11, 2001 3:00 P.M. ROOM S-330 CITY HALL ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA Results Agenda NOTE: The order in which the items appear on this agenda is not necessarily the order in which they will be heard at the meeting. The Board of Zoning Appeals will determine the order of the agenda at the beginning of its meeting. I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF MAY 29, 2001 Approved II. APPROVAL OF RESOLUTION: Moises Rivera (#01-200430) 943 Clark Street Approved w/cond. III. OLD BUSINESS 1. Applicant - John M. Plourde (#01-200792) Location - 1483 Matilda Street Zoning - R-2 Purpose: MAJOR VARIANCE - Four variances in order subdivide the property at 1483 Matilda (Lots 5 & 6) into two lots to construct a new single family home on each lot. This project will also include the removal of the house at 1485 Matilda and the construction of a new house on that lot. A minimum lot size of 7,200 square feet is required and lot size of 5,246 square feet is proposed, for a variance of 1,954 square feet on each of Lot 5 and Lot 6. A minimum lot width of 60 feet is required and a width of 40 feet is proposed, for a variance of 20 feet on each of Lots 5 & 6. Approved w/cond. 6-0 IV. NEW BUSINESS A. Applicant - Terry Barnes -Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity (#01-206333) Location - 406 Sherburne Avenue Zoning - R-4 Purpose: MINOR VARIANCE - A front yard setback variance in order to construct a front porch. The required front setback is 12 feet and the proposed setback is 9.5 feet, for a variance of 2.5 feet. Approved 6-0 .AGENDA • JUNE 11, 2001 PAGE TWO B. Applicant - William S. Collins (#01-206354) Location - 435 Burlington Road Zoning - R-1 Purpose: MINOR VARIANCE - A front yard setback variance to construct a front porch. A setback of 48 feet is required and a setback of 37 feet is proposed, for a variance of 11 feet. Approved w/cond. 6-0 C. Applicant - D. Mark & Rita Dillon (#01-206365) Location - 1703 Hampshire Avenue Zoning - R-2 Purpose: MINOR VARIANCE - A front yard setback to construct a roof on the existing front porch. A setback of 50 feet is required and a setback of 43.5 feet is proposed, for a variance of 6.5 feet. Approved w/cond. 6-0 D. Applicant - Richard J. Rinkoff&Julia Ferguson (#01-206385) Location - 590 Summit Avenue Zoning - RT-2 Purpose: MINOR VARIANCE - A variance of the maximum allowable size for a detached garage. A size of 1,000 square feet is allowed and a size of 1,216 is proposed, for a variance of 216 square feet. Approved 6-0 E. Applicant - Sheila Wells (#01-206528) Location - 790 Tatum Street Zoning - R-4 Purpose: MINOR VARIANCE - A side yard setback variance in order to construct a new detached garage in the same location as the existing garage. A setback of 3 feet is required and a setback of 0 feet is proposed on the south side, for a variance of 3 feet. Approved w/cond. 6-0 F. Applicant - Paul Stefanyshun (#01-207690) Location - 313 Harrison Avenue Zoning - RT-2 Purpose: MINOR VARIANCE - A variance in order to construct a new detached garage in the rear yard. The maximum allowable size for a detached garage is 1,000 square feet, the proposed size is 1,806 square feet, for a variance of 806 square feet. Continued until June 25, 2001 AGENDA JUNE 11, 2001 PAGE THREE V. ADJOURNMENT Board of Zoning Appeal Members: Please call John Hardwick (266-9082) or Debbie Crippen (266-9144) if you are unable to attend the meeting. APPLICANT: You or your representative should attend this meeting to answer any questions the Board may have. Page 1 of 2 K Lucille Johnson - Metro Meetings/Digest From: "Dawn Hoffner" <dawn.hoffner@metc.state.mn.us> To: "Julie Opsahl" <julie.opsahl@metc.state.mn.us> Date: 6/8/2001 9:52 AM Subject: Metro Meetings/Digest WEEK OF:June 11 -15,2001 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL Transportation Committee-Mon.,June 11,4 p.m., Room 1A. The agenda includes: interagency agreement with Metropolitan Airports Commission for I-35W&95th Ave. NE park-ride lot;interagency agreement with City of Shoreview for a land use study involving the proposed Rice&1-694 transit hub/park-ride lot;controlled access approval of CSAH 52/1-35©interchange reconstruction in Blaine;amendment to agreement with Mn/DOT for bus lane;amendment#4 to the 2001-2004 TIP;Ninety day contract extension:Transportation Displays Inc.; Riverview Transit Corridor public hearings; University of Minnesota U Pass and Metropass agreements; Metro Transit April ridership report; update on purchase of Junior League property; update on Metropolitan Airports Commission NPDES permit;and other business. Special Meeting of the Rail Transit Committee-Mon.,June 11, immediately following the Transportation Committee meeting, Room 1A. A workshop on the visual identity for light rail vehicles. Environment Committee-Tues.,June 12,4 p.m., Room 1A. The agenda includes: authorization for regional administrator to execute a construction cooperation agreement between the Metropolitan Council and City of Vadnais Heights;authorization to acquire property from the City of Long Lake for relocation of MCES lift station L-60;authorization to award a contract for construction of the MVWVTP centrifuge installation project;authorization to negotiate and award a step III professional services agreement for the MVWVfP solids processing improvements project;authorization to issue a purchase order for procurement of medium speed submersible mixers, MWWTP secondary treatment improvements project-phase II; budget update; and other business. Public Meeting on the Proposed Rate Changes for Treatment of Wastewater and Biosolids From Outside Metro Area-Tues.,June 12,3 p.m., Room 2A Smart Growth Practicum for Local Government Staff and Officials-Wed.,June 13,8 a.m.-Noon,St. Louis Park Recreation Center,3700 Monterey Drive,St. Louis Park. For information,call 651-6024633. Core Cities Group-Wed.,June 13, 12 Noon,Muffuletta Cafe,2260 Como Ave.,St. Paul Investment Review Committee-Wed.,June 13, 1 p.m., Room 7A Management Committee-Wed.,June 13,2 p.m., Room 1A. The agenda includes: authorization to file an action in the district court;approval of closed meeting schedule for discussion of labor negotiations;approval to create community development apprenticeship program;approval of 2001 unified operating budget amendment and approval of sole source contract for HRIS system;delegation of regional administrator's signature authority;authorization to enter into a labor agreement with the International Union of Operating Engineers, Local 35; 1st quarter 2001 summary of investments;and other business. Metropolitan Council-Wed.,June 13,3 p.m.,Chambers. The agenda includes: project-based assistance proposal;livable communities advisory committee appointments;authorization to acquire property from the City of Long Lake for relocation of MCES lift station L-60; Fridley comprehensive plan update; remanufacture of Hegenscheidt underfloor wheel lathe;addition to Building 506 at US Army Reserve Center in support of the Hiawatha LRT; approval of closed meeting schedule of the management committee for discussion of labor negotiation;and other business. Public Meeting-Rosemount Empire Master Plan-Wed.,June 13,7 p.m.,Dakota County Extension Center,4100 220th St.W., Farmington Transit Providers Advisory Committee-Thurs.,June 14, 10 a.m., Room 1A. The agenda includes: marketing subcommittee report; legislative update;2001 RTC program;draft transportation improvement program;2001 TEA21 draft solicitation follow-up;sector 2 implementation;drug and alcohol regulations;fare increase update; and other business. TAC Planning Committee-Thurs.,June 14,2 p.m., Room 1A. The agenda includes: continued discussion of minor arterial criteria;proposed functional classification changes from Carver County;and other business. Housing and Land Use Advisory Committee-Thurs.,June 14,4 p.m.,Air National Guard,631 Minuteman Dr. Regional Stakeholder Workshop-Thurs.,June 14,6 p.m.,Brooklyn Center Community Center,6301 Shingle Creek Pkwy. The Metropolitan Council is located at Mears Park Centre,230 E. Fifth St.,St. Paul. Meeting times and agendas are subject to change. TENTATIVE MEETINGS FOR THE WEEK OF JUNE 18-22 Livable Communities Committee-Mon.,June 18,3:30 p.m., Room 1A file://C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\GW}00001.HTM 6/8/2001 Page 2 of 2 4 • Rail Transit Committee-Tues.,June 19,4 p.m., Heywood Office Regional Stakeholder Workshop-Tues.,June 19,6 p.m.,Shoreview Community Center,4580 N.Victoria St. Executive Committee Breakfast-Wed.,June 20,7:30 a.m., Nicollet Island Inn Rural Issues Work Group-Wed.,June 20, 1 p.m., Room 2A Metropolitan Council-Wed.,June 20,3 p.m.,Room 1A Metropolitan Council Environmental Services 2002 Budget Breakfast Meeting-Thurs.,June 21,7:45 a.m.,Golden Valley Country Club,7001 Golden Valley Rd.,Golden Valley Regional Stakeholder Workshop-Thurs.,June 21,6 p.m.,Eisenhower Community Center Cafeteria, 1001 Hwy.7, Hopkins Regional Stakeholder Workshop-Fri.,June 22, 1 p.m.,Maplewood Community Center,2100 White Bear Ave. METROPOLITAN SPORTS FACILITIES COMMISSION Intergovernmental Relations Committee-Tues.,June 12,7:30 a.m.,MSFC Conf. Room. The agenda includes: legislative issues;town hall meeting follow-up;and other business. The Metropolitan Sports Facilities Commission office is located at 900 South 5th St.,Minneapolis, MN 55415. For agenda information and to verify meeting times,please call Nancy Matowitz,612335-3310 file://C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\GW}00001.HTM 6/8/2001