1912 (17) i r ET d O =a 0 cn i r.Z U 4 <, € �i L, `, �J I Q Z I t a ^7 f-: i Ci,: 4 . o ( i 4, r cl Ll ,, i z,. , 1 o i. , p..,. , iiru. ,, O 41 P , 4, , , . > , cz i IILIIIISVHIIZ AJ.I� 30 (11OI•tI30 i Qit r L1extt's C)ffzcr St. Vi ant,Ohm. GEORGE T.REDINGTON,Crry CLERK Movemb er 1st,1912 JOHN T. Mc GINN,Ac r.CLERK Hon.0.H.0'Neill, Corporation Attorney, City Dear Sir,— The Committeeon Streets of the Boardof Aldermen at their meeting held October 31st,1912 made favorable reurt on the petition of the Congregation of the Sons of Jacob and the Sons of Moses for the vac s#ion of Walsh avenue in Catlin' s Addition, fixing the conpensation at $1.00 and the cost of pro- ceedings. Yours truly, e City Clerk/