1909 (35) Form 62. 5.26.08. 5M Adopted by the Board of Idermen_.__ ego of, YEAS * NAYS, T ALD. SCHMANN VpillNING BER HYRLAND ALONEY V 1/ NTGOMERY /0" BERG OTIS IES if IOHLAND e TROY NAYS 0 MR. PRESIDENT (HUBER) a ijit4bregi1/441+144 Form 62. 5-26-08. 5M l Adopted by the Bo of Aldermen____. ._-_ o '4 P Y 9 'joy YEAS 4041 YS, ALD. BUSCHMANN CORNING ERBER AND MALONEY MONTGOMER NYBERG 10,IS ifer- RIES ROHLAND � TROY NAYS 0 MR. PRESIDENT (HUBER) vif re" I Form 62 5-26-08. 5M .; (,, )4 44 L,,,, isk Adopted by the Board of Aldermen ipo 49 I YEAS „o$ NAYS, 1VALD. BUSCHMANN VI OW i • I Pr' P. HYLAND 00, MALONEY a;w44-e4 tifiry gFisivYBERG YOTIS e ‘ ES tell°r o HLAND 41s .sTROY NAYS 0 fliql1. PRESIDENT (HUBER) r (!it ( 1ertt o O. f te, sit. ant„ is . GEORGE T_REDINGTON,ci-rr CLERK JOHN T MC G I N N ASST-CLERK C ctober 2nd,].909 `:r.3.C.Pdichanl, Corporation Attorney Pear Sir,- The Committee on ;'.treets of tips Board of Aldermen at their meetings held Sept.16th and 30th, made favorable report on the petition of D.W.Lawler and C.`=l.Gordon for the vacation of land for school sites in the various wards for Pigh school buildings; herewith find petition, etc. Yours truly, City sedt 7c ;- • ?t« ;?tai`,.:a finde$3 Y t fs iL y { mot} ♦ '` salf/.t qM« .fir" .; .F3 �`•'R:," � ti, 1.0 hv..tx. l�gl1 to *Jie!'zk I1 i1 01.tJ v `d F' ,: 'i?��SY/3a�♦..��� 4t7 t10: �'�!►t� n14 :tQ t•fQlAZ �.,,.. bZ"4i �i. f.' "tol Pi3'K. w J11U,�i `: 1t:Y ►t:. �'�«eft. 1*,>clico .1%.11 �`: :i.i iv t�lJ��t'. Fitt' '11isR C" 'T�3u" � j-t't M+i#+Y its 1)`t i•, ;,41.j.`.70701{ ; Fs;rt.� n.tiv • No. A 827e 2` ST. PAUL, MINN.r 191 __ ii- ;r ' - � REC IVED OF_ _ ..�� ��_�� t td�'4— =/..--i r,..-�.f - DOLLARS, i: g . -,,a; Xripec: '-' v.. .. C"4 7 O $ -" S. A. FARNSWORTF CITY TREASURER i axtutrai of IC:n9tt CITY OF SAINT PAUL JAMES C.MICHAEL CORPORATION ATTORNEY ); A is: T ATTO Qi LOUIS R. FRANKELI« );CHAS.E_COLLETT 4 MICHAEL OORAN.JR. 333 JOHN J.KIRBY October 5th, 1909 . To the Common Council . Gentlemen:- Pursuant to instruction of the Committee on Streets, I transmit herewith for your consideration resolution vacating alleys and street in the new high school • sites . Very respectfully, o .ation Attorney. P AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION. Mate of Minnesota, 1 County of 1RaniSev. l , being duly sworn, on oath says, that the annexed printed ///) hereto attached, was taken from the columns of the newspaper known as THE ST. PAUL DAILY NEWS and was published in said newspaper for � -steecesgiae.L1'2- , first on...11— the J/ . day of.... r 191.0 , and thereafter on,.._.1/. dee,-A24,-eir of NOTICE OF HEARING FOR VACATION each week, until and including the l day Of. Vacation of Street and Alleys. Notice is hereby given that the pets- 19I0 . That during the whole time of saiid publica- tion of D. W. Lawler, Mayor of the City of St. Paul, and C. W. ':ordon, for the Board of Scltool Inspectors, for sites for tion, affiant was the of The Daily News Publishing Co. of the new High School Buildings in the West End, East Side and West Side, for the vacation of all that portion of alley in Clarke's Subdivision of Block 32 of Minnesota,which was during said time,and still is, a corporation under Arlington Hills Addition, lying west of the westerly lines of lots 3 and 18, in. said block; also alley in Rudolph's Rear the Laws of the State of.Minnesota, and the proprietor, printer and pub- rangement of Part of Block 123, West i St. Paul Proper; also Iglehart street, be- tween street, Lexington eys avenue and Dunlap Usher of said newspaper. That or more than one year prior to the atreot, and alleys in blocks 3 and 4, D. f f• � p W. Ingersoll's Addition, has been filed in the office of the City Clerk of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, and said petition commencement of said publication therein, said newspaper has been, and will be heard and considered by the Committee on Streets of the Board of • Aldermen, at tar meeting t held e still is, a daily newspaper, issued, rinted and published on each da the Council Chamm C ber in the Couu rt House y n p p day of and City Hall Building on Thursday, Sept. 16, 1909, at 4 o'clock in the after- noon of said day. the week, in the English language, in column and sheet form,equivalent I Dated at St. Paul, Minnesota, this 10th day of August, 1009. GEORGE T. RE DI Paul, in space to more than four pages with five columns of at least seventeen City Clerk.of the City of St. Paul, Mtn- p f p -'� � f• nesota. (Aug. 11-18-25-Sept. 1-1909-4t) and three-quarters inches long to each page, from a known and establish- ed office and place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and necessary material for preparing and printing the same, to-wit: The , Daily News Building in the City of St. Paul, Ramsey County, Minne- sota, from whence it purported to be, was,and is, issued; and that dur- ing all said time it contained and still contains general and local news comment, and miscellany, not in any way duplicating any other pub- lication, and not entirely made up of patents or plate matter, nor wholly of advertisements; and that during all said time it has been, ` and still is, circulated in and near its said place of issue and publica- tion to the extent of more than two hundred and forty copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers. That on the 24th day of March, 1906, the affidavit of J. Harry Lewis, Manager of said corporation publisher of said newspaper was filed in the office of the County Auditor of said Ramsey County for the purpose of complying with Section 5516 of the Revised Laws, 1905. ,.0'c;ge:)gkr,eeee4eee/ - Subscribed and sworn to before me, i this..- daf... y o 19$/ . i . , ,z- ivy/v mss... 1. s i f AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION. %tate of ill)inneeota, . SS. County of 7Rantsev, 0, , being duly sworn, on oath says, that the annexed printed d _X ,a°‘Y., hereto attached, was taken from • Bd F No. 30e -- the columns of the newspaper known as THE ST. PAUL DAILY NEWS and Whereas, there was heretofore present- ed to the Board of Aldermen, one of the branches of the Common Council of the was published in said newspaper for / eibooB ee ,letret City . au and others.petition. n the City / day of �'=%�C��'!+'� of the Sl land a] and others. the owners of all _ 1�J( the land and property abutting upon and on �C/Xj�4. the.... da o adjoining the street and alleys herein described, praying for the vacation of all that-portion of the alley in Clarke's Subdivision of Block 32 of Arlington 1906 , -etiteimilie~Aerwan, Or Hills Addition, lying west of the wester- ly lines of lots 3 and 18 in said block; also for the vacation of the alley in • ette4-te&g.74.,-7,nnfi.j, ,"'d i„aL"•dia - e Rudolph's Rearrangement of a part of Block 123 of West St. Paul Proper; also for the vacation of Iglehart avenue. be- tween Lexington avenue and Dunlap 190 That during the whole time of said publiea- street; and also for the vacation of the alleys in Blocks 3 and 4 of D. W. Inger- soll's Addition to St. Paul, and more par- tion affiant was the of The Daily .News Publishing Co. of , ticularly described and shown upon the plat annexed to said petition, which said petition is duly fo verified hef facts and reasons n by Minnesota,which was during said time,and still is, a corporation under law and sets forth the facts and reasons for such vacation; and Whereas,the Board of Aldermen deemed it expedient that the matter therein re- the Laws of the State of.Minnesota, and the proprietor, printer and pub- ferred to should be proceeded with and ordered said petition and accompanying plat to be filed of record in the office of the City Clerk of said city. and ordered Usher of said newspaper. That for more than one year prior to the said City Clerk to give notice by pub- lication in the official paper of said city in the manner and for the time required commencement of said publication therein, said newspaper has been, and by law, that said petition and the subject matter thereof would be heard and con- sidered by the Committee on Streets of said Board of Aldermen at its regular still is, a daily newspaper, issued, printed and published on each day of meeting to be held in the Council Chain- ber in the Court House and City Hall Building in said city on the 16th day of September. 1900, at 4 o'clock in the after- the week, in the English language, in column and sheet form,equivalent noon of said day, which said notice was duly published and given as required by law; and in space to more than four pages with five columns of at least seventeen Whereas. said Committee on Streets of said Board of Aldermen did meet at the i tune and place above mentioned and ap-pointed therefor, and did then and there- and three-quarters inches long to each page,from a known and establish- after duly continue the same until its ree'ilar meeting cn Sept. 30. 1909, at 4 o'clock p. m i dial then and there duly meet for the hearing, investigation and consideration 1 thereof, and did then and there duly in- rvestigate and consider the matter of said necessary material for preparing and printing the same, to-wit: The 'proposed vacation, and did then and there hear all testimony and evidence ',adduced on the part of the petitioners Daily News Building in the City of St. Paul, Ramsey County, Minne- ard all other persons interested in the matter of said proposed vacation. and d'd take proof of the matters averred in said petition. and being of the opinion sots, from whence it purported to be, was,and is, issued; and that dur- that the prayer of said petition should be granted unon the terms hereinafter 'stated, did duly renort its conclusions to ing all said time it contained and still contains general and local news said Board 'of Aldermen, recommending �a-,nr'nn of an annropriate resolution dec'aripv such vacation; now therefore, it is hereby comment, and miscellany, not in any way duplicating any other pub- Resolved, by the Common Council of the City of St. Paul, that all that portion of the alley In Clarke's Subdivision of lication, and not entirely made up of patents or plate matter, nor Block 32 of Arlington Hills Addition, ly- ing west of the westerly lines of lots 3 and 18 in said block; the alley in Ru- de'ph's Rearrangement of a part of wholly of advertisements; and that during all said time it has been, Block 123 of West St. Paul Proper; Igle- hart avenue: between Dunlap street and Lexington avenue; and the alleys in and still is, circulated in and near its said place of issue and publica- Rio"ks 3 apd 4 of D. W. Ingersoll's Ad- d'tion to St. Paul. all in the City of St Paul. Minnesota, as shown upon the plat annexed to said petition, be and the Lion to the extent of more than two hundred and forty copies regularly same are hereby vacated and d'scoti- tirued as public alleys and public street. subject. however, to the following con- delivered to paying subscribers. That on the 24th day of March, 1906, ditions, that is to say: Such vacation is upon the condition that said petitioners shall pay into the treasury of said city the expenses of this the affidavit of J. Harry Lewis, Manager of said corporation publisher ere needing, as compensation for such va- ca'idrpte i by the Board of Aldermen of said newspaper was led in the office of the County 4uditor of said f� filed }� f� y f� Oct. 5, 1909. Adopted by the Assembly Oct. 7, 1909. Approved Oct. 11, 1909. Ramsey County for the purpose of complying with Section 5516 of the (Oct. 13-1909) Revised Laws, 1905. , ,,,::::7‘;zze.....e47.6740.e.44€4), Subscribed and sworn to before me, this da o ' if . . 190/ r- .. ' . . — 1 s ary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. My commission expires the. �omr,�id ty,ofXQires Dec.s9191 g Printer's Fee $..... -wr Twr. ,,E; • • • • • • • . _ •4 •