1910 (13) 1lr • S • 1ff / f .�9y _ ��3' ik/IYIG/.•s y. �K TO THE CO?1140N COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL: The , etition of the Fidelity Realty Company re- spectfully shows and represents : That yo-lr petitioner is a corporation organized, created, and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Minnesota; that your petitioner is the owner of all the following described tract or parcel of land lying and being in the City of St. Paul, County of Ramsey and State of Minnesota, to-wit : All of lo'.s numbered one (1) to twelve (12) inclusive of block numbered one hundred and eighty-six (186 ) of Robertson' s Addition to West St. Paul (said lots constituting all of said block) according to the recorded plat thereof on file and of record in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Ramsey County, Minnesota; Your petitioner represents that said block is bounded on the north by West Fillmore Avenue; on the east by Walter Street; on the south by West Fairfield Avenue ; and on the west by Hyde Street, in the City of St. Paul, and that an alley runs through the center of said block from east to west; that your petitioners are the owners of all the property abutting upon said alleyi That your petitioner has ;,urchased said block for the purpose of erecting a large mercantile warehouse thereon; that it is the desire of your petitioner, and your petitioner intends , if said alley be vacated, to cover said entire block with said warehouse. / Your petitioner furth7r7epresents that said alley is not used by the public and that there is no continuation of said alley west from Hyde Street, and that the continuation of said alley east of Walter Street is only for one block; -1- 41111, • -7P) tti ;T:.t `1.c) 11 Es'r ‘.-2) of-of t,..; • st •). . . "1":.*1 ;t .*•• : . • . ••;. fl : • 0 e u • + ", b y7; , .'• 7,!'"11.1- for , • -.„ • ■.1 . ._ ;T. ,' 1.) • ; " • tt,L,;' lc) • ■=; 6 1. :•":‘ • ' r !7,./ -1.. ' . • J :);.. •th? ) ; „c;.:• . ,t1 • f•, • .° )1, ; ;f• 'it:5 , •t • 1'..)1 . 7.. • :if' tfn I " r • • that said alley never has at any time served any _public purpose and never can serve any y:ublir, y,urpcse , and never can he Cf any use to any person or persons other than the owners of said. block 186. Your petitioner further represents that unless said alley be vacated, it will be impossible for your peti- present tio:mer to carry o1)t its\pl,2ns for L'ne erection of said warehouse. together with the future developement of its warehousing facilities, Ynur j,e±' tioner furthe ' represents that it desires that your hnnorable body, the Common Council of the City of St. Paul, shall by suitable ordinance vacate all of the alley in said block 186 of Robertson' s Addition to West St. Paul. A plat or reap of the alley which this petitioner desires to be vacated, together with the surrounding property, including the property hereinbefore ;.articularly described as the property of your petitioner, is hereto attached and made a part of this petition; And your petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray, etc. Dated at `"t. Paul, Minnesota, June 1st, 1910. ✓� ; 1 `LITY REALTY COTTANY / • � Per ,ti ' ) A R. H. cchriber, Attorney for Petitioner. STATE OP MINNESOTA,OTA, ) ) ss. county of Ramsey, ) Frank Platt came before me personally, and being first duly sworn, on oath deposes and says : that he is an officer cf the petitioner FIDELITY REALTY COJTPANY named in and who presents the foregoing petition, to-wit : the secre- -2- l { , ( M l f ll.t arc! s.rt#Malto'rwr Sal Sitallogaieffrii a JU *lit -+ !. n •f t)'_ 'may! ' r) A ( > - .1 1. f . r - .. .. n_ . not goo • S tary thereof; that he has read the foregoing petition, knows the contents thereof, and that the same is true of his own knowledge , save and except as to the matters therein stated on his information and relief, and as to those matters , that he believes it to be true. Flirt er smith not, Subscriled and sworn to befr re me4 �, j�,_�� ��_ _- ----- N. this 1st d' it o J e 1910. J. o 0ry Puhllc, Ramsey County, Minnesota. My corimission expires _141.42:10* V -3- iwort • • .._ 0, * �."1_ ., J}�::?H_ ♦.ter p.. 0:4' 7, .. _. ._ .ice 17 ): ... 7. • •