1910 (11) 4 -411. AglemP TO THE HONORABLE, '1 rn COLS..ION COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST.PAUL:- Your petitioner respectfully shows that he is the owner of al of the proper- ty on the line of that certain public alley in Block One (1), Groveland Addition to St.Paul, Ramsey Co., Minn. , located between the North line of Grand Avenue and the South line of the alley running east and west through said block, the said property being in the City of St.Paul, in the County of Ramsey, State of Minneso- ta; that in the platting of the said Groveland Addition, Lots Twenty-sever (27) to Thirty (30) inclusive were arranged to front on Cleveland Avenue, and for that reason an alley was provided in the rear of said lots for the use of future owners; that your pettionerhas acquired title to all of said lots, and the same have become part of his homestead, and your petitioner does not intend to dispose of the same, and the said alley is of no use or advantage to your-petitioner or to the public, and has never been used for alley purposes. By reason of the foregoing, it is advisable and proper that said alley be vacated, and your peti- tioner does hereby agree to such vacation upon such terms and conditions as shall be prescribed by your Honorable body. A plat showing the alley sought to be vacated and discontinued, and of the surrounding property, is hereto attached and hereby made a part hereof. WHEREFORE, Your petitioner pray: that this petition be received, heard and considered in the manner provided by the Charter of the City of St.Paul, and that the certain alley in Block One (1), Groveland Addition to St.Paul, Ramsey Co. , Minn., located between the Northerly line of Grand Avenue and the Southerly line of the alley running east and west through said block be vacated and discontinued upon such terns and conditions and for such compensation as shall be directed by your Honorable body, and for such other action in the premises as shall be neces- sary and proper. 1. . NOP moilliph. 0110b- • • 40 4,16! ;u f7 „T. ••re<;o't:.i er11 to Lis 3:,, •I ,•. ,.+ ., :} .1.1n1:3r ts++• �rtu.t,}t}nq ^tL'O rt.t m LbbA tt u:anyJ1D ,(jj • but eunnvA brunt) to anti t toll art: :saatr°3f b 3:.• 01 , .ring „ors 4ttrrt4.ta blue wiz- ,foot.i bt.aa i7w44rtcit taw brto *sse „Intaaw: velLti t:rfz to ant,[ fi.*sroR ed. •oaortmlli t,v stmt( ••• atiViari iu V nua0 t n2 et.fy'i,.~ • Ycr r;rt!t :,i ' 3ftte►; eZra'z►) (r^) ,. Y=tr': t, h[ ,n it t'!aisA brtsLevui4) Lana eat` lo n: -tot bn.e o=lnnYA brrectlni+e.^ ;y: *n , ; 3 N)' Jr .rtl `3' -i , ti.'rt3i (t)F.) "•ta- o,'' ' e•s tlut to as tad: •tot a o.f '':3 :_te *. .,,{; r!.: beb vo i <t;... I. c �;, n ,:s.;•, ...:{ :i ma 3;1; !If-Li 01;01 Harts to LL N el stir b«+-s:' ';•fix orri-t.ilnti.C.".::t'3t; 'I/my :lei* ;e•-0re:ro aaalstb n brfe'nt ;'on eeob ' errolttte;f -tow: tar1J3 stetataemo i( et ; r, -•,.s.t:i etaoo,t=.. ':J.; ^,3:f)4 "L.,'91 '1J V o:± •to eau an Liti bt'tu -,u gat d.* to Kae'i?1 . , 4.141 tJ'; ir3ou .'ttifl.f -:,.fom eufi Yirii ,'►C TAN art.• ,.; •Peq 'lad' late ,8e:Ato!V .ita Zvi iJ. :ii% y,?". ' tL!, AL40,11 , Fit 'A , '±C ::i Vi !Labia an f,nJ■•*tbryua bn;t n rvit .Bret no rat no rin,;H ;4' obi t '_dHKet( tomb ^; tr<c:ti:, od a td•t.toe va11s a it in.t° oria fair; A . cbod ►lc oloctoit +•ci bedtiot rl ad botha3?s allied at ,-,,t-rep•tq -z:3zbn,stec :Ja • 4( • o b^.s ,b<sunl.`rfoeu±h nits be`i^tsv .1 i`!'tat( S'13Kt at WWI j l!Lt re.f4.•t for bee rs:;e.i ,ue•i t$3frt st1 no t.:t.tistet at;:9 s34.t. •.lrtiv ,:UO t Igo has ondq..''' to -r4t't1+40 ►aft ••4 b i )tvo—f.cf •tent x.! r+t t rat her f+bt!•stto`, 1.00 xesrtflii ,S r.R9.'i' Ot nul:3 bbA en() 7isuXK 7's• • .n anti 71•tetrf'u JU fsti' brae tiarne A Mitt ' 'to a tl •..Nasfi."-eor ttii.' aria r, d bft, are f beam?r#ooat 3 bna be:A0,1v a•f aiodi r hti s i Diu^:;* ,'steer bars :•..tit Y rrtut t treLLu ut to b onttb ®{ fits:tn a3, mitto1014.4qmOn tfsue got bast ettotttbrnoa hmn ear^e.' !taus nOgi .00gort of l f aj t ?4:Dta'•.,;; .3{ ? 'r' rIJ' 'i:t "Ti.'O ri3:Ja I01 ham ,ivbott 0-#44•11 anr. •..,, e • .... ....... .._.y S. - •••■■■.41.00•.Ss.... -441P STATE OF MINNESOTA, : . SS. COUNTY OF RA} SEY. Moses Zimmernan, being duly sworn, deposes and says that he is the petitioner who signed the foregoing petition, and that the said petition is in all things true. Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of February, A. D. 1910. C NOTARY PUBLIC, RAMSEY COUNTY, MINNESOTA. My Commission Expires 2. 0. 41101°. : ='s' ):'t: '11113 '10 i . ,..+ •,,�., J 1 A3a.: J L i'f 1:�± S' :*,F2 tr.3 ,3 N:10,101.) , owe :1JJ}1 9rf1H4 tr.nrr• ftt.°► ".ono'si t t:.z !!c .i 3tT {.. 'Otto ,SSG( tl ';?to:or{Q T twit a O=r-r� �.�• � •a E :0t a,, !'J4 fT" .n.'J3 ' ••. H.r - . . 4..r... • .�. ...�. ,_ .._..� ... .•.. flfJ tacit, tt2 " . A a y