1910 (6) it r' f , (!it et rtt: Office, *-t.11atil,lithut. GEORGE T_REDINGTON,ci-r cLc Rn JOHN T.MG GIN N,a.ssr.cLER1: January 28th,1910 ",'r.J.C.i;ticha'1, Corporation Attorney, City Dear Sir,- The Committee on streets of the Board of Alder ien at their meeting held Jany.27th,1910 made favorable report on the petition of R.C.JefPerson,et al for the vacation of a part of Pi]lsb1ary avenue from :yrtle to Wabash avenue, and ordArgd same ref erred to you for proper form of resolution vacating sa:sn; compensation being fixed at 400.00 and cost of proceedings. yours truly, ) t C4. ✓ / City clerk. Bd F No• ;11;14=13y old. Troy— (-s 1 Whereas there .waeheratofo.re •pre- rented to the Board of ,Aide,»,c.,,, of the branches of the Comotnn Coun- cil of the City of St. Paul, the petition of Rufus C. .Iefferson and others, the !owners of all the land and property n q , y abutting upon and adjoining the aye- P ' _, nue hereinafter described,.praying for �' _'` the vacation of Pillsbuiy avenue; be- I J tween Wabash avenue and Myrtle ave- nne, in t Clty of St. Paul, Minnesota, 6...C6.....0) and more particularly. described and `_ shown upn the plat annexed to said PT petition, we:hich said petition is duly Cf " fo rrfied a .required re law and sets forth the facts an d reasons for such t vacation; and Whereas, the Board of Aldermen .deemed it expedient that the matter 'therein.referred to should be ro- VHEREAS, There was heretofore presented tfceeded with and ordered said petition and accompanying plat to be filed of record in the office of the City Clerk ' of branches of the Common Courici r said city, and ordered 'sad City Aldermen, one O1 thl. brC. 'Clerk to give notice by ublicatdori in the official paper of sai city in the manner and for -the tim required by St * Paul, the petition of Rufus C . Jefferson and o�iaw, that said petition an the sublet matter thereof would led,e heard and considered by,the Commitee on-Streets of said Board of Aldermen at pits reg- of all the land and property abutting upon "I^ ular meeting to beheld in the Council Chamber in the Court House and City Hall Building in said city on the 16th „t.{ described,r� f e- . day of Ilecember. 1909, at 4 o'clock hereinafter do c��.�e .�, ~ra} ins, fOr the vacation Ol in the afternoon of said day, which said notice was duly published and given as-.required by law; and between !abash avenue and Myrtle avenue, in the Ci Whereas, Said Committee on Streets of said Board of Aldermen did meet at Ithe time and place- above mentioned land appointed therefor and did then 7An esota, and more particularly describe _ ss ^io and thereafter duly continue said mat- ter until its reguLar meeting on Jan. 27, 1910,-at;4 o'clock p, m. at the same annexed- ' •+- said ��- + which'! said a ,�+ d- �, h?a.ce, and did then and there duly annexed ,o ,,.id �i u ion which said pe ,i t ion 1 ti titeet for the hearrn P" g, investigation hand consideration thereof, and did then r t rider eerem matter of esttigatte and cocn- quired by law and sets forth the facts any_ reasonstleh and did then and thernsheaaa�ll testimony and evidence adduced on the part of the petitioners and all other any !persons interested in the matter of said proposed vacation, and-did take proof of t'he matters averred in said petition, WHEREAS Board of 'and ,being of .the opinioin. that.the , The Board of Aldermen deemed ...... 'prayer of said petition should he granted upon the terms hereinafter stated, did duly report its conclusions p r n „ a ,1 ;to:said,Board of Aldermen, recommend- matte� herein reierrei. to should be proceeded oV� ing the adoption of an appropriate tesalution declaring such vacation; now therefore, it is hereby petition and accompanying plat to e file Of rec� Resolved by the Common Council of J t� p the_City of St..Paul. that Pillsbury avenue, between VVaba.sh avenue and i Clerk a ^ cit.,Myrtle avenue, in the City of'St. Paul, he City Clerk 0I said Cit}r, and ordered said_ innesota, as shown upon the plat an- 'flexed to said petition, be and the same is hereby vacated and discontinued by a the r as a public Street, sublect, however, to notice b} publict i u on in the official paper of Std:the following conditions, that is to say: Such vacation is upon the condition that said petitioners shall pay- into the 311:, for the time required by ;:t.v Mat °'iaiC T1 aa_ ' +•treasury of said city the sum of one J , i hundred dollars ($106.00)-in addition to the expense of this proceeding, as compensation for such vacation. matter thereof would be heard and considered Oy t Adopted l;y the Board of Aldermen Feb. 1,. 1910.. Adopted by the Assembly Feb. 17, 1910.. Streets of said Board of Aldermen at its regular Approved Feb. 21, 1910. (Feb.23-1910) in the Council Chamber in the Court House and City Hall Building in said City on the lath day of December, 1909, at four o' clock in the afternoon of said day, which said notice was duly pu'.)li he�d. and given as required by law; and WHEREAS, Said Committee on Streets of said Board of Aldermen did meet at the time and place above mentioned and appointed therefor and did then and thereafter duly continue said matter until its regular meeting on January ?7th, 1910, at four o' clock . :. . at the same place, and did then and there duly meet for the hearing, investigation and ' consideration thereof, and yid then and there duly investigate and con- oi.der the matter of said p_�opose _ vacation, and did then and there hear f tall testimony and evidence adduced on the part o he petitioners and all other persons interested in the matter of said proposed vacation, and did take proof of the matters averred in said petition, and being of the opinion that the prayer of :.._id petition should be granted upon the m w t di fit, t C . R1 SOLVFD by the Board of Aldermen, one of the branches of the Common Council of the City of St.Paul, that it is deemed expedient that the matter of the petition of Rufus C .Jefferson and the Waldorf Box Board Company , a corporation, for the vacation of that portion of Pillsbury Avenue in the City of St.Paul,lying and being between Wabash Avenue and Myrtle Avenue , shall be proceeded with,and said petition is hereby ORDRRYM to be filed for record with the City Clerk of said City; and RW.S0LVr+ , further, that said City Clerk shall forthwith gove Notice by publication in the official paper of the City, for four (4) weeks , at least once a week, to the effect that said petition has been filed as aforesaid, and stating in brief its object, and that said petition will be heard and considered by the Committee on Streets of the Board of Aldermen, on a certain date and place specified in said Notice , not less than ten (10) days vrom the exT iration of said publication. A W10114610 grit to 9tao trtesrxabIA yo b/a495. aril xrt CKVJOWIT beubeb at J1 tstfi t_ usq.J*; 'to iii sift to ii 'rs:foD naeimo0 edt 'to orfJ btti3 gotr.0 2101.. :1 mu'u} `ia nV)iitSeq a.i;t 'to /s t'i;ri ertt tsI t hvelbsqx4 t flyto not "sO. v OA/ 'lot , $11O ) 3 c J1$(11900 blaoti zati !'tab iW nix.te!cf bits 3► tY.£aiusq.s1 ) Vin sift al 9Lrr+evA itarrfstltq 'to rrattloq hunt ettw bob9910ri 91 C:tatfa t euste vA u rrt*vA di:14304W ,le9w/e+ e+iJ tft.tw b^tooi 't Io't b9It2 ed o.t msimmo xdfetecf ntse NIA ixiln b.ts:i to *torn y:ti3 ,tiwritio`t Lf a- 11910 14110 btsi J,,': �^tsrit"tcrt tVVAOPYR ,4_)`1 i02 4 •t.tt) ea{J 2c) 194aq f,.S13..`t' a oAt LU r1ol*ao lJ( Ul ucf eo:00V evnti 41J ooLtiJel 151434 Itt toerte ei(t U.t 49ow k3 .9040 Jri aiI 1.4 a odeew (�) tart) 11i4 t$30,do t*LL 7z9.L'ttf a1 4olI ata boa sb.t.oae!o'i.a raid 99111 an -,,f a. 6cJi a no oa ,-ti:ttioO eaiJ -0 bolebiurto o s.,rt b'xaeti ecf IIiW riots te►q bfaa at bl.t'tiDegtt ooaiq bite stab att. : le0 a uo t tif1.1€+bLA to 4)140f 9.-0 30 'to uuiJ 4.r .c x n ( 1) .ts,t n...a:` ' £ tort t eottot!f b1:44.; •FF >a�b.�ijtlug 4aa M 10100 TO THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE E CITY OF ST .PAUL: Your petitioners, Rufus C . Jefferson and Waldorf Box Board Company, a corporation, respectfully represent:- that said Rufus C .Jeffersoii is the owner of Lots One Hundred Ten(110) and One Hundred Eleven(111) , Hewitt's Out Lots, First Division, and the Waldorf Box Board Company is the owner of Lots One .Hundred Right (108) and One Hundred Nirie(109, , Hewitt 's Out Lots , First Division; all the said property being situated in the City of St.Paul,County of Ramsey and State of Minnesota; and your petitioners respectfully petition your Honorable Bedy for the vacation of that portion of Pillsbury Avenue, between Wabash Avenue and Myrtle Avenue. That the above are the owners of all the property on the line of Pillsbury Avenue between said Wabash Avenue and Myrtle Avenue, as appears by the plat hereto attached, marked Fxhitit "A" . That said Rufus C .Jefferson is a resident of the City of St.Paul,County of Ramsey,Minnesota, and that your petitioner Waldorf Box Board Company, is a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Minnesota; and that the facts and reasons for such vacation are as follows:- that said lots 108 and 109 now used by said petitioning corporation are not large enough to take care of the growing business thereof; and that upon said lots 110 acid 111 it is proposed to erect a large factory building for scrap paper manufacturing purposes. That it is desirable that said street be vacated so as to afford more room for the growth of both of said industries. That said street or any portion thereof,between the points above specified, is not used by the public to any extent whatsoever. That the vacation of that portion of said Pillsbury Avenue above specified would cause no inconvenience or annoyance,or damage to any adjacent property owner, or to any of the public , but that on the contrary by virtue of the construction thereon of the 4 i < ^7'1 nr n, rn,r, , r s. r r4-77.2 bfl s isottlul'teT , 0 attr'' •ry , tr!eno.t,tilsri *tcroY —:tctt��s`lctza r XI1if't 'M bO1 01'004104100 s 411:004ften b'u o t iv* `t`tob1aW (011)3st belbiii i4 000 ertoJ '2o 'slow° eri1 at ttoai'fa22et.l au'uf{ buss t,arit bird ,nntaiV2t" ,tito.[' SuG is' JJ1waH t (I t.0}nerti g befit mY en0 bna JA1/F bsYbrrtr ' enO ato.t to ^itaiwo alit at tiirt q:aoO xo*i 't,cbLJ on/ 1`4; ;,xnta:tv.tti tali : tal'oa +uG ts' 1:ltwe3' t (GOC)enilf be'tbnitY t►n0 bnx, (R01) 10 i,,v: zo0ttua`t.jP o 1c11 hrs.tac( lalag1rta bias el-A. xllul oe4aei a. eciO1ti*tsq Wo 1Jtiaa ;.atosifau ltr "Yo f41-44 burls &airiAf'f 1O t1o,i '1O+( i J3f{i• 'lo noltsaav writ "LQ't '044 4,14a-t000r iuox no1111s t $fJrrovA al11101 bjta eiruavA Hoade -assoalsd t ncrtritvA 1lt:refet lt,tq 10194v iq 9dt fla ''to it`tti,tl iD 9f1. 9 (PU)da Of-1 •artT olt'lv2' bii4s eurrevA eiltac..fbW blew nfewtecf eirLi vA 'to sntl srxt no . *A" t,td!fixj br tberivaltaa oitr elf asi_Cq eit 'E;d ti'i as ci443 Ut to eavA e ff,t 10 *noLl fl i a &t not ,let. n. efet rfT b1 tT- "terto 1 t t eq rfo7. t adc t boa , 4to tin 111 5r0;4.m&I 10 ; ritrn0,irr:Jq.38 10 xIfn nnttutxx brlaa beRtrYi ;lr: nnrfalvcrtoo s at C rtsgmo') blaoE teat 'goblet MIA eloal golf: t ,sr{;t bars ; s:ott'nu4.'5 to etjSn brit to a .i •rt l,hntr bti., 801 e$1o1 b/aa tail{t -:awollot ease WM 1101:!WICV Mollie 'iol anoaa ei dt £ijcroile 9rr13 nOita -lof'1oo nlnoll/teq b.tza vri hew wotr QO1 011 azty of bte;a (JU-:tu taAJ bast ilooief:.r atrnctt*is(;04two'M :f it 'to surd 1egsq, cialoa gaibliud lootost elIal s /oi►•' ► 01 battogoiq al t i 11.E boa ed t 9e1t at bf was Jaii1 e id'aa-t.t lab ri± t t t a 1T .tHaotiluq u1 ou 1J)t, blies 'tO iitotf 'to t'i liro"in edt iol rich;` e-,00 b1Qtts ut faa3 oa beta.uav .taaliJmubrli rin9wtr t10.v/t lcL' noltiOq Yn= Iv 4 et ' ;Asa tsrfT t,t0txe Yai of oli duq sri;t yj haw" i o i at tbeL' ')eqa a voris titre.osf brit 1tYUrf�tlii't blaa to n,ut:loq- tan: zo aol*aaav er:; tas4 T .ieveoifJa:rrw -coteonatvonnra "to etutetarsvnooni on e01'42 bittow bnx°.to,ga !+vot`s eunevA tint t o.LEJuq en1 'to yila of iv t Malmo %t1o4oiq tneo at,bli 'i a u1 o a ufsb ,dt 'to t1Utft8KKK il0t:t;)u"itarro l e fi 'to ttr:"iii and via"lttjrou Gilt no far{i 4 wep i Ifr iiillor IS buildings by your said petitioners, the property in the vicinity would be enhanced in value, and an increased valuation for tax purposes would result. WALDORF BOY. BOAR!) COLTANY. BY :#,, ! _ - -/ - -/..._ _iir; STAT7, 01? I I31bP SOTA ) ) ss COTTNT Y OF RAMS'FY ) rd.W.WALDORF cane before me personally and being first duly sworn, depot; es and says :- that ;, e is th e ._.___ __.--�__of the Waldorf Box Board Company, a corporation, the corporation who executed and signed the foregoing petition; that he has read the same,and knows the contents thereof,and that the same is true. y SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE MP, PERSONATJ.YI3THISCj DAY OP OCTOBW ,A.D.1909 . /1 NO71Y P'L T IO,RAIT.S Y CUIriiTYITIffun sOTA.-- - c oVa z ss zo j z x s:- 1) W- *"L i y16 —. • 111111b N,:liiithtv 0,4J fit Itt^tairtrik.t GI{ teelbitol.ti:eq biat: iirox v6 ahrtibilmi 101 zTnJaLLMv betseelatti as Iona tei:S. v at bentimine ed hikrow birraw a44aotriisq (13A0t. `i,i0C1Aw . ' \ • \\\ ATOflrEI2 tØ rTATI ri ( rifrarAg Cr(1 Y TYTIO0 Xii-.44104%fiq em 91oled 6ttjà.)1 TnonaAw.w.m eitt tst e I4,11 aakiotTeb *a^al o yjiacgco'3 b14.431{ grzions. 01- edit beirAiu bn boluaexf, or, notta-..ofrtoo cf:* InokSaioq--too hisalloelertJ alne.tmo art* awoinf bnateruno •III fulfil dot, eel Iarl: irtoltiSeq . d 011116 erft ta3ri.1 N4OE OT UOW CT1A, CRELF1')BkiUR , e0e.L,C,A, r144,60TC0 riC) YAri al.PPIY.IJAVUOHYLI 11.,`r.:'51 Tit t":777.51itrYllisl'or: 1QC'-, • :.p..i'd;;.:IT!OD Ylf c 'y, Sr S?' o.\ 0 '' ',,. \,,:ci.isAc.././\-.'77' 4':'.' ' A\e y 0 0(� c-) ' 4' ; O �OOD @off ,�� - � 0� °c. ti .o of F s/ T -17�F •t , • • THE ST. PAUL DAILY NEWS St. Paul, Minn. i cr,Th Vo The Daily News Publishing Co. Dr. 92-94 East Fourth Street Pf<i°117- To ADV. LINES INCHES TIMES , „ , „ O J I. 1/-//‘ 7 / 71 • • • • •