1909 (31) OFFICE OF CIT TREASURER. I ' 11W_Ci k , h. n -..„,„ ■,„, N t ,, 'Ct\ Nk. h■ l'' -- , ,,::,,., ',.', ■;.;,--.' ..... ,, ,, ..: . .., ' '''■ NA, 'It N . , I , j V4 r .8.■4 ,". z , Ng **, •- L' , 1.-411111 ' t H t , 77 k.,. It ';,t, cN, • ,r- - , i ,,•,) 1 - t-i c„ 1-, , 1 l'.°4 : , o m 1 % fl Z A d + O • • z f �" .. • a �- 1 Ca p, e •1 � A 0 �,t 1 • •-a 6' O 0 h' F • [r, L • 4. • •••• a n Al F 0,. Q I +v O K � a I . R a c` a. g• o 0 • m `+ J1 a .4 P W 0 C :i C)i g ' O 'Of o p p a. 0 O a 0 a '1 O a :-] - M C M c+ ci 04 K a 9 a 4; Is' M le A. a. 0 a K k 'S 0. %a a. D a o s Z p r. 0 • r. O � c+ m O a x a . om0 0 w. '0 0 -o t+ • . O• 'Lc ' 4+ 'J la. p F 'i + a F-• O. cf 0 a to 0 PI a 0 5 O p 0 04 a to co 5 ro p 0 a .. C '0 a co- :A a c± C! O D 'c- a a� c o • "3 to to�R a. O P. a •it, V a ill " 0 0' - (4.a 0 0 to I-' i-s•CO 0 k O OR i'i N c+ fa. t+ I O• CITY OF SAINT PAUL 4' . JAMES C.MICHAEL. 01 CORPORATION ATTORN EV ASSISTANT . LOUIS R AFRANKEL CHAS.E_COLLETT MICHAEL DORAN.JR. glx f, •JOHN J.KIR9 iJf'Y September 30th, 1909 . To the Common Council . Gentlemen:— Pursuant to instructions of the Committee on Streets of the Board of Aldermen, I transmit herewith a resolution for the vacation of streets and alleys in Albert Lea College Addition, except Randolph street and Fairview avenue, upon petition of the St . Joseph' s Academy; the compensation being fixed at One Rundred Dollars in addition to the expenses of the proceeding . Very respectfully, ra ion Attorney. Successive Insertions--St, Paul Daily News, Affidavit of Publication. STATE OF 11INNESOTA,1 ef / County of Ramsey. f ss Le, -. . . ./ 1 being duly Bd F No. 30627— sworn, deposes and says: that now is, and during all the time herein Whereas, there was heretofore present- mentioned has been in the employ of the printer and publisher of the news- ed to the Board of Aldermen, one of the paper known as "THE ST. PAUL DAILY NEWS," and during all said branches of the Common Council of the time was, and now is, principal clerk of the printer of the said newspaper; City of St. Paul, the petition of St. Jo- seph's Female Academy of the City of that the said newspaper: "THE ST. PAUL DAILY NEWS,"was, during all St. Paul, the owner of all the land and the said time, and still is, a daily newspaper printed and published in the property abutting upon and adjoining the City of St. Paul, in the County of Ramsey, in the State of Minnesota, on streets tsrand avaystherein all ibed, pray- each and every,'ay of the week, except Su day; that the a nexed inted and alleys in Albert Lea College Addi- i ■ tion, except Randolph street and Fair- ' 'L view avenue, in the City of St. Paul. and noti of j m 4 ore particularly described and shown l A/ upon the plat annexed to said petition, Jv11 which said petition is duly verified as G required by law and sets forth the facts and reasons for such vacation; and iiIi Whereas, the Board of, Aldermen ! ' deemed it expedient that the matter therein referred to should be proceeded i with and ordered said petition and ac- companying plat to be filed of record in the office of the City Clerk of said city, hereto attached and made part hereof, was cut and taken from the columns and ordered said City Clerk to give no- publication in the official paper of said newspaper, and was printed and published in said newspaper for of said city, in the manner and for the / time required by law, that said petition 1/ cottseei k,e-elays—w• : e:•- •, -: , ^--- -- .-:, I e sa•d and the subject matter thereof wuld be heard and considered by the Committee notice was first printed a} pu }is7/7r♦}din said newspaper on.-- - -: - on Streets of said g to be Aldermen at 13 day -'� ( ` Co regular meeting to-be held in the the da Of---.(--. .... -. -.. _ A. D., 190 ; Council Chamber in the Court House and City Hall Building in said city on the . � ' _ said news�a per on each and every 15th day of July, 1909. at 4 o'clock in the -- .- • - the afternoon of said day, which said notice was duly published and given as succeeding n.ni;7 and ;,, 1„A;,,.. the required by law; and Whereas, said Committee on Streets of day of A. D., 190. ---that said newspaper was, said Beard of Aldermen did meet at the time and place above mentioned and ap- during all the time in this affidavit mentioned, and still is, a collection of pointed therefor, and did then and there- reading matter in columns and sheet form, the matter consisting of general after duly continue the same until its and local news, comments and miscellaneous literary items, printed and regular meeting on Sept. 16, 1909, at published in the English language daily except Sunday, at an established 4 o'clock p. m. at the same place. and did then and there duly meet for the office, and known place of business in said city, to-wit: No. 92 East Fourth 1 hearing, investigation and consideration Street, equipped with the necessary materials, newspaper presses and thereof, and did then and there duly in- skilled workmen for preparing, printing and publishing the same, and the vestigate and consider the matter of-said whole thereof, in said city; that the said newspaper was, during all the said proposed vacation, and did then and there hear all testimony and evidence time, and still is, dated in St. Paul, and generally circulated in said city adduced on the part of the petitioner and and county, that said newspaper, for more than one year next preceding the all other persons interested in the mat- ter of said proposed vacation, and did date of the first publication of said notice, and during all the time of said take proof of the matters averred in said publishing, was printed in whole, and published and circulated in said petition, and being of the opinion that county; that during all the said time said newspaper has consisted, and still the prayer of said petition should be consists, of more than the equivalent in space of four pages, of more than granted dia aunt' the terms conher hereinafter five columns to each page, each column being not less than seventeen and said Board of Aldermen. recommendin three-fourths inches long; that during all said time said printer and publish- the adoption of an appropriate resolution er of the said "ST. PAUL DAILY NEWS" has printed, published and declaring such vacation; now therefore, delivered, at each regular issue, more than two hundred and forty complete it is hereby Resolved, by the Common Council of copies of said newspaper to paying subscribers; that said newspaper during the City of St. Paul, that all of the said time, has never been, and is not now a duplicate nor made up wholly streets and alleys in said Albert Lea of patents, or plates and patents and advertisements, or either or any of College Addition, except Randolph street them. showFairview the avenue in said city, as That heretofore and prior to March 31, 1901, the publisher of said news- shown plat annexed to said petition, be and the same are hereby paper filed with the County Auditor of said Ramsey County, an affidavit vacated and discontinued as public alleys setting forth the facts required by section 2 of Chapter 33 of the General and streets, subject. however, to the fol- Laws of the State of Minnesota for the year 1893, as amended. lowing condition, that is to say: Such vacation is upon the condition That afllant knows personally all the facts set forth in this affidavit,and that said petitioner shall pay into the that each and all thereof are true,: treasury of said city the sum of one / ' hundred dollars ($100) in addition to the fore me this / , expenses of this proceeding, as compen- �/ i•• - sation for such vacation. ""' °' Adoptecl by the Board of Aldermen \. Oct. 5, 1909. Fee, $ Received Payment. Adopted by the Assembly Oct. 7, • D. 190 1909. Approved Oct. 11, 1909. THE DAILY NEWS PUBLISHING CO. (Oct. 13-1909) ,a r . ��' // 9---7,47 ''''`% 'v tart' Publ , R County, Minnesota. Date 190____.-. Per w+taltOr, exPire*Dec, Mir r+ ii 8.191 5. O Q W Q � V m g LL 0 H U L3. CG- Successive Insertions-- St. Paul Daily News. Affidavit of Publication. STATE OF 11INNESOTA, ` / ss , �j County of Ramsey. x-.. 1 being duly sworn, deposes and says: that .e now is, and during all the time herein mentioned has been in the em. oy of the printer and publisher of the news- paper known as "THE ST. PAUL DAILY NEWS," and during all said NoZ,Icn o>r time was, and now is, principal clerk of the printer of the said newspaper: Hh] I=[i B'o8 vAo — that the said newspaper: "THE ST. PAUL DAILY NEWS,"was, during all ATIOrr. the said time, and still is, a daily newspaper printed and published in the vacation of Streets City of St. Paul, in the County of Ramsey, in the State of Minnesota, on and Ailey., each and ev: .ay • the week except Sunt the a nexed printed Notice is hereby given that the plat tition Paul Pors hesvFemale Acadepmy nod .f of Plat i _... Addition," wit Albert Lea Collehe _ // leys, exceptin all its streets and al© ■ i , d / g Randb street %�//l� Fairview avenue, Ph - `� f - office of the Cit has been Piled in and St. Paul, Y Clerk of the n the �f .11 hear and said petition WilltY be "'° """'* r // ' d and eonstdered b "' tee on Streets of the Board C°mmit- l / men, at a m�etln and oP Alder- in the Council g thereof to be held r' House and Cit Chamber in the Court Thursday, July 18 09l $ullding, on hereto attached and made part hereof, was cut and taken from the columns the afternoon of said day. 4 °clock in Dated at St, Paul, y of said newspaper, and was printed and published in said newspaper for 1909. Minnesota, July 3, City Clerk of ORGE T. RFDiN ceseetttirvz days—w �uee iewee� t the s id nesota. the City of 'St.Paul,C ' �n'A (June g_ Mtn- notice w s first printed d publish din said newspaper on.-- -- rL�¢2� . 26-38-30-1909-4fj the day of A. D., 190--9 ; and was thereafter pf inted an published in said ne s aper6 o each and every p succeeding (1' � until and including- 2-3— -J6 ......-.the day of A. D., 190- that said newspaper was, during all the time in this affidavit mentioned, and still is, a collection of reading matter in columns and sheet form, the matter consisting of general and local news, comments and miscellaneous literary items, printed and published in the English language daily except Sunday, at an established office, and known place of business in said city, to-wit: No. 92 East Fourth Street, equipped with the necessary materials, newspaper presses and skilled workmen for preparing, printing and publishing the same, and the whole thereof, in said city; that the said newspaper was, during all the said time, and still is, dated in St. Paul, and generally circulated in said city and county, that said newspaper, for more than one year next preceding the date of the first publication of said notice, and during all the time of said publishing, was printed in whole, and published and circulated in said county; that during all the said time said newspaper has consisted, and still consists, of more than the equivalent in space of four pages, of more than five columns to each page, each column being not less than seventeen and • three-fourths inches long; that during all said time said printer and publish- er of the said "ST. PAUL DAILY NEWS" has printed, published and delivered, at each regular issue, more than two hundred and forty complete copies of said newspaper to paying subscribers;that said newspaper during said time, has never been, and is not now a duplicate nor made up wholly of patents, or plates and patents and advertisements, or either or any of them. That heretofore and prior to March 31, 1901,the publisher of said news- paper filed with the County Auditor of said Ramsey County, an affidavit setting forth the facts required by section 2 of Chapter 33 of the General Laws of the State of Minnesota for the year 1893, as amended. That affiant knows personally all the facts set forth in this affidavit,and that each and all thereof are true.. f Subscribed and Sworn to before me this xie%to.._dre , ..., l_T day o &C.e/kA l4L,a. D. 1901' Fee, $ Received Payment. THE DAILY NEWS PUBLISHING CO. Notary blioadmsey County, Minnesota. Date 190 Per Mix 43aR+>a+lsston exPlregb�c 8.t91:. • l • _ 0 0 , • Q rt L.) � m � g W a' w O tx. ° E-+ 0 U ..r LL Q V � - Bd F Whereas, there Whereas, there was heretofore present- ed to the Board of Aldermen, one of the branches of the Common Council of the City of St. Paul, the petition of St. Jo- seph's Female Academy of the City of St. Paul, the owner of all the land and property abutting upon and adjoining the streets and alleys herein described, pray- " ing for the vacation of all the streets .3�6` r-� and alleys in Albert Lea College Addi- tion, except Randolph street and Fair- y d view avenue, in the City of St. Paul, and more particularly described and shown upon the plat annexed to said petition, which said petition is duly verified as required by law and sets forth the facts and reasons for such vacation; and WHEREAS, There was heretofore presented t Whereas, the Board of Aldermen deemed it expedient that the matter therein referred to should be proceeded /v with and ordered said petition and ac- AlderY:zer., one of the branches of the Common Counci companying plat to be filed of record in the office of the City Clerk of said city, and ordered said City Clerk to give no- St . Paul, the petition of St . Joseph' s Female Acad t oice by publication in the official paper of said city, in the manner and for the time required by law, that said petition and the subject matter thereof would be i St . Paul, the owner of all the land and ropert a heard and considered by the Committee 9 p on Streets of said Board of Aldermen at its regular meeting to be held in the Council Chamber in the Court House and adjoining the streets and alleys herein describedm City Hall Building in said city on the 15th day of July, 1909. at 4 o'clock in the afternoon of said day, which said w as vacation of all the streets and alleys in Albert L r neauotiice red by la duly w;published and given as and Whereas,said Committee on Streets of said Board of Aldermen did meet at the ty, time and place above mentioned and ap- except Randolph street and Fairview avenue, in the p�`nted therefor, and did then and there. after duly continue the same until its regular meeting on Sept. 16, 1909, at and more particularly described and shown upon the 4 o'clock en and there duly same meetlafor the hearing, investigation and consideration thereof, and-did then and the 3vl y said petition, which said petition is duly verifie vestigate and con • i then and proposed ' i and evidence there hear all testimony slid otl de r persona interested intithe 1 ma d and sets forth the facts and reasons for such vacal ter of said proposed vacation, and did take proof of the matters averr erred said petition, and being of the op WHEREAS, The Board of Aldermen deemed it the prayer of said petition Isar i after the terms granted upon reoort its conclusions to stated. did duly matter therein referred to should be proceeded wit ahead pbonoof an approprate resolution r declaring such vacation; now therefore, it is hereby by the Common Council of Resolved, b, petition and accompanying plat to be filed. of reco� the City of 5t. Panl, that all of the streets and alleys in said Albert Lea College Addition, except Randolph str et City of +• said City and Fairview avenue in said city, the City Clerk o� said City,,�, and ordered .paid City shOwn upon the plat annexed to said' etition, be and the same are hereby vacated and discontinued as public alleys ' by publication in the official paper of said City i,and streets , subject. however, to the fol- lowing condition, that is to say: Such vacation is upon the condition y that said petitioner shall p y of one for the time required by law, that said petition any treasury of said city the hundred dollars ($100)'in addition to the expenses of this proceeding, as + , and , sation for suchtvac vacation. of Aldermen hereof would be heard and considered by the Commits Adopted by Oct. 6, 1909. Adopted by the Assembly Oct. 7, said Board of Aldermen at its regular meeting to 'Oe !,19Approved Oct. 11, 1909. (Oct. 13-1909) Chamber in the Court House and City Hall Building in said City on the 15th day of July, 1909, at four o'clock in the afternoon of said day, which said notice was duly published and given as required by law; and WHEREAS, Said Committee on Streets of said Board of Aldermen did meet at the time and place above mentioned and appointed therefor and did then and thereafter duly continue the same until its regular meeting on September 16th, 1909, at four o'clock P . M. at the same place, and did then and there duly meet for the hearing, 'invectigatiof_ I and consideration thereof, and did then and there duly investigate and consider the matter of said proposed vacation, and did then and there hear all testimony and evidence adduced on the part of the petitioner and all other persons interested in the matter of said proposed vaca- tion, and did take proof of the matters averred in said petition, and being of the opinion that the prayer of aj.d kpetition should be granted t er stated'. did duly eport' its conclusions to upon the terms hereinafter stated, impr mow a said Board of Aldermen, recommending the adoption of an appropriate resolution declaring such vacation; now therefore, it is hereby RESOLVED, By the Common Council of the City of St . Paul, that all of the streets and alleys in said Albert Lea College Addition, except Randolph street and Fairview avenue in said City, as shown upon the plat annexed to said petition, be and the same are hereby vacated and discontinued as public alleys and streets, subject, however, to the following conditions, that is to say: Such vacation is upon the condition that said petitioner shall pay into the Treasury of said City the sum of One Hundred Dollars 0100) in addition to the expenses of this proceeding, as compensation for such vacation. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, Adopted by the Assembly, OCT:9909 190 — — _ YEAS NAYS, YEAS NAYS, 'EON ALD. BU :Inw N CONE i Y COR ING DAIL GE ER HAA.'.. HY AND KA>'. AK MA oNEY KE LER MO TGOMERY PO ERS // NY ERG 1V -TCOMB OT RI S NAYS 0 Mn. PRESIDE: + (YOERG) TR Y Approved _.-,r,_..@._� .e 7i l i_ 19 5 190 NAYS 0 ,S`141101•4 • c nt (F ohland/ / i' avor. rj nr(1, 1 12 191,9 ' ": • lc - irlt - ' I V i\IkNt I 41 0 ..,-;# 4 1.1..... \al\ HENRY E.WEDLLBTAEDT&Co. lit ‘0,‘ e te BTATIONERB, • 8t.Paul, - Minn. St. Paul,Minr._escta, May 29, 1909. 1 . 2 3 To the Honorable Members of the Common Council of the City of St. Paul, 4 5 Gentlemen,- 6 The undersigned owners of Albert Lea -College A&'ition adjoining the College of St . Catherine, petition yc ur Honorable 7 .. Body for a vacation of the plat known as said "Albert Lea College 8 9 Addition" with all its streets and alleys, excepting Randolph Street to and Fairview- Avenue. 11 The reasons we ask for such vacation is, to provide 12 for the extension of the said College of St. Catherine in several 13 new buildings which are proposed to be erected; the present 14 ' buildings being inadequate and over crowded. The streets and 15 alleys in said addition never having been used or traveled. 1,3 The plat of the premises affected by this petition u is hereto attached and made c part hereof. 18 Wherefore your petitioner prays that the above 19 described alleys and streets hereinbefore specifically set forth, 20 shall be vacated i nd discontinued as public streets and ^11eys. 21 22 St . Joseph's Female Academy of the City of St. Paul, 23 By� - President. 24 1 25 26 i 27 28 29 30 81 02 r OW* 16--" 1 ; IE 0£ 64 SZ 94 sz tg VZ Ig QV 61 � --- RI LT 9T 91 ET vT TT 01 -_1 6 9 9 9 f E } THE ST. PAUL DAILY NEWS , , k St. Paul, Minn. / 9.Z 1 .. ) , // Co The Daily News Publishing Co. Dr. 92-94 East Fourth Street ______ To ADV. • . LINES INCHES TIMES „ 1 / I , • / „e‘ , , / 0- / azt4-,-*L9,7/27 . v,. - AO / i 441.- I / , I I ' 1 ' 1 • 1 • 1 -. . 1 . I •' - . j, [ , - .. t•' ' .. , . , . ,...' . , 0 . i ' I r