1909 (28) AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION, %tate. of ilDinnesota, ) c ss County of 7Rameer. i- - - , bei g duly � f swyy n, oath sa. tJiat t e a ;exed .. � .� . ereto attached, was taken from the columns of the newspap/r k o i s THE ST. PAUL AILY NEWS and was pub fished in 'said newspaper for , first on the erg, '4.__ day of NOTICE OF HEARING FOR VACATION }� q� Vacation giof ven Alley. �Y/ y�. 3 " / ,� Notice is hereby given ghat the pe -��- • .f9 AI and thereafter on...i/!,/.�..{ � f tion of the Randolph Company for • / vacation of alley extending north south through block 3, Lexington Pa each eek, until ctnyelfivreirerikerths" 4041-074:- Plat No. 10, except so much thereof will constitute a portion of an alley extend east and west thro/fg,t said bl 39e T t during the whole time of said publication 3, from Summit avenue south, on west side, and Nettleton avenue, on t east side, has been filed in the office of affiant was the... .of The Daily.News Publishing Co., of St. Paul, the City Clerk of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, and said petition will .Minnesota, which was during said time and still is, a corporation under heard and considered by the Committ on Streets of the Board of Aldermen, the Laws of the State of.Minnesota, and the proprietor,printer and pub- their meeting to be held in the Coun f f p p lr h Chamber in the Court House and Ci Hall Building on Thursday, Sept. ' Usher of said newspaper. That for more than one year prior to the 1909, at 4 o'clock in the afternoon of sa commencement of said publication therein, said newspaper has been, and Dated at St. Paul, Minnesota, this 18 day of August, 1909. still is, a daily newspaper, issued, printed and published on each day of GEORGE T. REDINGTON, City Clerk of the City of St. Paul, Ml ' the week, in the English language,in column and sheet form, equivalent nesota. ,(Aug. 20-27; Sept. 3-10-12011-4y in space to more than four pages with five columns of at least seventeen and three-quarter inches long to each page, from a known and establish- ed office and place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and necessary material for preparing and printing the same, to-wit: The Daily ✓V'ews Building in the City of St. Paul, Ramsey County, Minne- sota, from whence it purported to be, was, and is, issued; and that dur- ing all said time it contained and still contains general and local news comment, and miscellany, not in any way duplicating any other pub- lication, and not entirely made up of patents or plate matter, nor wholly of advertisements; and that during all said time it has been and still is, circulated in and near its said place of issue and publica- tion to the extent of more than two hundred and forty copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers. That on the 24th day of March, 1906 the affidavit of J. Harry Lewis, the then Manager of said corporation, publisher of said newspaper, was filed in the office of the County Auditor of said Ramsey County for the purpo e of compl ing with Section 5516 the Revised Laws, 1905 / Subscribed and sworn to bef e me, this tegl, o '.... 19.... • otary Public, Ramsey County, Min . .My commission expires the day of 19 • Printer's Fee$ • 11 Ih petition, and being of the opinion that the prayer of said petition should be granted upon the terms hereinafter stated, did duly report its conclusions to said Board of Aldermen, recommending the adoption of an appropriate resolution declaring such vacation; now therefore, it is hereby RESOLVED, By the Common Council of the City of St . Paul, that the north and south alley in Block three (3) of Lexington Park Plat Number Ten, (except the portion thereof embraced in the east and west alley in said block) , in the City of St . Paul, Minnesota, as shown upon the plat annexed to said petition, be and the same is hereby va- cated and discontinued as a public alley, subject, however, to the following conditions, that is to say: Such vacation is upon the condition that said petitioner shall pay into the treasury of said City the sum of Fifty Dollars ( 50 .00) in addition to the expenses of this proceeding, as compensa- tion for such vacation; and upon further condition that said petition- er shall convey and dedicate to said City sufficient land to open and extend the east and west alley in said block through to Summit avenue south, to a width of twenty feet, as shown upon said plat . Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, Adopted by the Assembly,. 4 i L J ._.— L 190 _.._ Nfl'J -,2-1,95a 190 —_ ___ __� YEAS NAYS, YEAS NAYS, ALD. B SCIIMANN MR. CAM .RON C1RNING CON OY Cr RBER DAI Y H LAND HA_S r I L ONEY3 IAA TAR i .rii, l' ONTGOMERY ICE ER 1 BERG POD` RS ( ,IS, AYH. MB I ES NAYS 0 Mn. PRESIDENT (YOERG) '/I HI.AND T OY Approved __....._ l..,i�:,ll:.r-- A ,_..._,�,..,..�..,. 90 NAYS 0 MR. PRESIDENT (HUBER) rei : •r , _ ..____. _ . ________. _ tee . ' 4 $ti,1/4, r 3/t ct • jj t:A. • • t • I • • • a ss --`arvarfuvrat of Wato C1TY OF SAINT PAUL JAMES C.MICHAEL CORPORATION ATTORNEY AsslsTq NT ATTORN EVS fCy� LOUIS R. ORAN - f � CHAS.E_CO LL ETT TT \CAI/{j MICHAEL DORAN-JR. JOHN J,KIRBV November let, 1909. To the Common Council. Gentlemen:- Pursuant to instruction of the Committee on Streets of the Board of Aldermen, I transmit herewith proper form of resolution for the vacation of the north and south alley in Block 3 of Lexington Park Plat No . 10, (except the portion thereof embraced in the east and west alley in said block) , upon petition of the Randolph Com- pany; the compensation being fixed at the sum of ',!;50 in addition to the expenses of the proceeding, and the dedication to the City of sufficient land to open and extend the east and west alley in said block. • Very respectfully, s de 4orporation Attorney. ut .r7At 04 YoC a owl . 1/owe, rionio0 edl OT e:tt to r+c,estf no betIUMOO Ar!t to no/toy/tent of t:Aust.riel X03 nottvtoeri to mool tegolq dttr- sed ft next i ,nezistobtA To b'aolt notwltrrWI 4o f earn nz1 volts d!wee has dtroa edt to nott*ety o9* +aes erit at bstsrda, 401) ,A4 rrottvoq ed't raoxe) 10Z .o!1 tal! issel dgIo?ne! edt '!o nottt eet now .(fool.` blam n2 TollA teem has O' na tttbLf n! 00 go'sate a rt tr best/ Nriff,C, nettsbneq oo edt ;wag to yttO odic of gef 4s- tt ob eel' ha,_ final eevoxq odt to :eeneczre alts* ltzras nt yell!! 4s- , tsrsE, alit r` r a :: : hag's of bail tne2^tnus .;Etota 4011 rt+oe rat rteY .7errrottA nottaiogzot GEORGE T.REDINGTON,ciry CLERK JOHN T_Mc GIN N ,Ass,CLERK October 20th,1909 r.0.C.Michayl, Corporation Attorney, City Dear Sir,- The Coruni ttee on Ctrents of the Board of Aldermen, at their meeting held October 28th,1909, made favorable reports on the following. petitions for vacations; The Drake Marble & Tile Co. for vacation of alley in Custer street Qlddn. Compensation being fixed at '25.00 cost of proceec',ings The I andall Company for the vacation of alley in flock 3 Lexington Durk Flat io.10 Compensation being fixed at 4;50.00 and cost of proceedings. he Vest Sire Turnverein for the vacation of part cf Onega street; compensa- tion being fixed at 71.00 and cc et of proceedings. Yours truly, Geo.T.Redington, City Cl Ark. C.. „,,;;,ts: - . x . '' , 4 4.•P)''Vtir.' AT, .v ,, i , , 4,,, ' 401. %., 'W % fir L _!- _ ,c :„ 4 . ety („,, TO TIC HONORABLE, T;7, COT. TOY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST . PAUL, RAT:SEY COUNTY AND STATE OF MINNESOTA : Now comes T.he Randolph Company, a Ccrporatic , and for its:+ Petition to your Honorable Body, it respectfully alleges and sets forth ass follows, namely :- , It alleges that it is the owner in fee simple of all of t at o•ertain traet of real estate situated in the City of St . Paul , Ccunty cf Ramsey and State cf I innescta, whi.:•h is a.eurately r deseri.bed as follows , riamely :- Blcek Three (3) cf Lexington Park Plat Nunber 10, a:.•:.•crdi.ng tc the recorded plat thereof on file and of reecrd in the cffi_ee ofi)the Register of Deeds in and for the County of Rar!sey and State of Miniie:,ota. It further respectfully represents and alleges that there i.b at preeerit an alley twenty (20) feet in width, extending from Raedclph Street cn the north bide of said Block Three (3) to Juno Street , on the south side thereof, said alley being twenty (20) feet in width; and it respea•tfu11y petitions your Honorable Body tc vacate sail' alley extending north and south through said property , except so much thereof a will sonetitute a porticn of an alley to extend east and west through said Bloc:k Three (3) from "Summit Avenue dc;uth” an the west side thereof to "Nettleton Avenue" on the east side thereof.) , Said Blccik Three (3) , as the ;,arse is now platted, together with the alley running north and south through the Sarre , is shown upon a plat thereof attached hereto , and made a part hereof, and the , 1 proposed re-arrangement thereof with an alley running east and west through the sane is likewise sown in fai pit lines on said plat ; the portion of said proposed alley to ■R ded1eated by said re -array{,e- rent in lieu of the part thereof to be vaeated,as prayed for by said petition, being shown on said plat in red. The fasts and reasons for the vaeati.cn of the alley running north and south through said Block are that this A;. plieant, being t .e owner of said entire Blcek Three (3) , desires tc re-arrange and 11111116 lillip 1 1 I i . i i . 1 I I 1 I