1909 (18) 1 g z Ct M-4 p a N. ` , A \I H A a N , \A, ., lzvt- Nb. . ii.„ ,., , N..-t,,,,, ,, z �H{ - .^J 1 \ ti- - H PH H W ib sok, -, 4' 3 ... 141:i Ci \ _ i r p { A , , t\ 1 ti , ei- . 6„ ,t,,, Q g \ •HaafSYaZIs A LID .d0 DIDI330 Apo, log - Imo" v j G The undersigned, being all the ours of all the land fronting and abutting upon that portion of La Salle Street, in the flity of St. Paul, County of Ramsey and State of Minnesota, hereinafter described, respectfully petition your honorable body to vacate said La Salle Street between Lots Fifty-five ( 55) and Fifty-six (56) , Hewitt ' s Out Lots, First Division, from the southerly line of Charles Street , to a line parallel with said southerly line of Charles Street and One Hundred and Thirteen ( 113) feet southerly therefrom. A plat of the premises affected by this petition is hereunto attached and made a part hereof. The facts and reasons for said vacation are as follows : The portion of La Salle Street northerly of Charles Street was long ago vacated, and the portion of La Salle Street which your honorable body is hereby requested to vacate has never been opened or graded, nor is it necessary for public traffic. The Minnesota Transfer Railway Company is about to construct , maintain and operate a freight house , platform and team tracks for the accommodation and handling of local freight , upon property adjoining the portion of La Salle Street sought to be vacated, and for the accommodation of shippers in the vicinity it is desirable that said improvements shall be extended upon and across said La Salle Street. The prosecution of such enterprise by the Minnesota Transfes Railway Company is required by public inter- ests, and is particularly advantageous to the property owners and ship- pers in the vicinity of such improvedts. • °P.41 .4111% / ,,/i STATE OF MINNESOTA, ) ) ss. COUNTY OF, RA7_MSEY. ) Personally appeared before me �and be ins* y - ` - - h7-17-one of g dul�, sworn on oath says that of the signers o� the foregoing petition; that he knows the contents thereof, and that the same are true of his own knowledge. Subscribed- and sw9}�- to efore me f �r-Zvy 6:4M1V, this X day of '(mil- 1908. `-_ o ary •u ) ic ,'ansey .,ouut einnesota. My Commission expires .- /- / 9� b , IMF. , . CITY OF SAINT PAUL , 1 JAMES C.MICHAEL , CORPORATION ATTORNE+ ==I=TANT RN 1 r \ \\() LOUIS R FRANKEL CHAS. COLL ETT M 6 ICHAEL DORA N.J R JOHN J.K!RBV . 11 �\\41 \V\ + anuary 5 09 . 2..., 9 6 1 7 To the Common Council . Gentler::en: - Pursuant to instruct ion of the Committee on Streets of the Board of Aldermen , I transmit herewith a proper form of resolution vacating a portion of La Salle street, upon petition of Rufus C . Jefferson and others ; the compensation being fixed at ?100 and the cost of the proceedings . Very respectfully, r oration Attorney . 1