1906 (22) OFFICE OF CITY TREASURER. 7 b n o ( r t I.. _ , ,....) \ ,,, p, , .,, t Cr\ ‘,. li d o I i '"41 41 I\ 1 [ '' y N , • , , 1 'i„ . ... ,:;,.., 1. bl d E r \. 0 o If OFFICIAL PUBLICATION Of Resolution Adopted by the Com- AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION. . Bd P N. 2i7loftheCityofSt.Paul. Whereas, there was heretofore present- . ed to the Board of Aldermen, one of the : branches of the .Common Council of the City of St. Paul; the petition of Hamline STATE OF MINNESOTA, 11 University, the owner of all the land and rSS r.roperty abutting upon the portion of JI Wesley avenue hereinafter described. County of Ram y praying for the vacation of all that part / of said Wesley . between in the City of avenue Paul, Minnesota. between Pascal avenue and Holton avenue, and more particularly described and shown upon the plat an- nexed to said petition, which said peti- tion is duly verified as required by law, being duly sworn desposes a . sa - that the an exed printed and sets forth the facts and reasons for i such vacation; and Whereas, the Board of Aldermen deem- / ed it expedient that the matter therein COIy of notice O .... referred to should be proceeded with, and / C��� ordered said petition and accompanying plat to be filed cf record in the office of .. / €77j�0 the City Clerk-of said city, and ordered �— said Clerk to give notice by publication in the official paper of said city in the was taken from THE T. PAUL DAI NEWS, daily news- manner and for the time required by law. 1 that said petition and the subject matter paper, which during the whole time of the publication of f thereof would be heard and considered by the Committee on Streets of said said notice hereinafter stated, has been and is rinted and Board of Aldermen at its regular meet- I) sing to be held in the Council-Chamber in the Court House and City Hall Building, published in the English language in the City of St. Paul, ,,in said city, on the 31st day of August, 1905, at four o'clock in the afternoon of Ramsey County, and State of Minnesota, and published and said day; and Whereas, the said Committee on Streets generally circulated in said County for more than one year of said Board of Aldermen did meet at said time and place above men- next preceding the date of the first publication hereinafter tionecf and appointed for the hear- ing, investigation and considera- named; and during all said time newspaper defined I,non thereof, and did then and there duly g me was a news p p er as ne investigate and consider the matter of said proposed vacation, arid did then and in Section 2, Chapter 33, of the General Laws of Minnesota there hear all testimony and evidence ad- duced on the part of the petitioner and for 1893, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 121, of the Gen- all other persons interested in the matter of 'said proposed vacation, and did take eral Laws of Minnesota.for 1895, and as amended by Chapter proof of the matters averred in said pa-. y h I tition, and being of the opinion that the 285 of the General Laws of Minnesota for 1897 and that the upon of said petition should t ed, did � , upon the terms hereinafter stated, did duly report its conclusions to said Board publishers of the said paper have filed with the County of Aldermen, recommending the adoption of an appropriate resolution declaring Auditor of said Ramsey County an affidavit in all respects ,said vacation; now therefore, it is hereby Resolved, by the Common Council of complying with the requirements Section 2 of said Chap- the City of St. Paul, that all that part of e re q remens o econ p Wesley avenue, in the City of St. Paul, ter 33 of the General Laws of 1893, that the said notice was lying between Pascal avenue and Holton avenue, as shown upon the plat annexed to said petition, be and thd'isame is here- duly printed and published in said newspaper in the English by vacated and discontinued as a publics street, subject, however, to the following terms and conditions, that is to say: Such vacation is upon the condition 1 .ge, once on the day of that said petitioner shall, before this res- olution of said city pay Into the Trees- , pry of said city the sum of twenty-five 1111,74 ' dollars (325.00); to addition to the expenses 1 ( ,, on which day last mentioned of this proceeding. which is hereby fixed y as one as the compensation to be paid to said city in consideration of said vacation. it w: : first published, on which day last mentioned it was i Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Sept. 1, 1900,..- ast published; upon which days and times of publication Presidenttof the Board Bo rd of Aldermen. aforesaid the said newspaper was regularly printed and Adopted by.,the Assembly Oct. 19, .9os. er h` li g y p MICHAEL DORAN, JR.• published; and that during the whole time of the said pub- Approved Jn.e4'd1306 of the Assembly. ■ R. A. SMITH. lication, he was one of the printers and publishers of the Mayor. Attest: GEORGE T. REDINGTON, said newspaper. City Clerk. Jan. 4-1906-1t. 0 Subscribed and sworn to .- ore me on this ] day / 190 C1.,/ .4/7 i Notar^public Ramsey-G�unty.Minn. i,'y Cominission expires Vet. lat 19C: • AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION. STATE OF MINNESOTA, ss. County of Ramsey • / / // Ilissiipmup being duly sworn desposes and says that the anne/d printed NOTICE OF HEARING FOR VACATION. copy of notice of0"-2 /l/k%���,; U /*"' Vacation of Street. 1.' , Notice is hereby given that the Petition // ese . of the Board of Trustees Cif Hamlin University of Minnesota to vacate Wes- ley avenue, between Pascal avenue and was takte from THE ST. PAUL DAILY NEWS, a daily news- Holton ave., has been filed in the office a er, which during the whole time of the publication of I of the City Clerk wof ill the City d an con- said P ¢o' P and said petition will be heard and con- said notice hereinafter stated, has been and is printed and sidered by the Committee on Streets of the Board of Aldermen at a meeting published in the English language in the City of St. Paul, thereof to be held in the Council Cham- Ramsey County, and State Minnesota, and published and her in the City Hall and Court House y oun y' an e o nneso ' an II Building in said city on Thursday, Aug. generally circulated in said County for more than one year 31, 1905, at 4 o'clock in the afternoon of next preceding the date of the first publication hereinafter said day. I� g l� Dated at St. Palu, Minnesota, July 15, named; and during all said time was a newspaper as defined A. D. 1905. GORG T.in Section 2, Chapter 33, of the General Laws of Minnesota City Clerk.C City of St. Paul, MinneCsota for 1893, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 121, of the Gen- __-_ (July 17-24-31 Aug 7-1905-4t) eral Laws of Minnesota for 1895, and as amended by Chapter 285, of the General Laws of Minnesota for 1897, and that the publishers of the said paper have filed with the County Auditor of said Ramsey County an affidavit in all respects complying with the requirements of Section 2 of said Chap- ter 33 of the General Laws of 1893, that the said notice was duly printed and published in said newspaper in the English language, once in ea week, for the period of (<;,/ successive weeks, on .-. .... .:- --/ ' of each ek, commencing on the / //.2-45 . �./ ' day of 190 on which day la t mentioned it was first published and then . f� on the � •�� t 1....., /1/" Illif '/:j.e.e--- ____- 1901 , / and ending on the... r;� .:. . ... day of / L i � 1905 on which days last'm- ione4 was last published; upon which days and times of publication aforesaid the said news- paper was regularly printed and published;and that during the whole time of the said publication, he was one of the printers and publishers of the sai wspaper. 62-4-1-7. ` Subscribed and sworn to be a me on this day of. .. • 190J\ 0 7 I Nota y Public,Ramsey •.-• . .• • r y t L i i • • • • • � •y b * `• t jY µk -... x • f� , ys j,r • bti F^, w r yy.. 0' ,Sf4 r ' ' ei? I 71 .,. - • Gt .?aul, P"innesota , ;ept .l9th. i9o5 . To the President and i tembers ilk of the Aissemply of the City of St .Patl, Gentlemen: - 1 We the undersigned,property owners and taxpayers .,owning property facing on Wesley Avenue in said City, East of. the Hamline iversity Campus most emphatically moat emphatically protest against the vacation of said , tisley Avenue between Pascal and Holton Avenues as asked for by the Trustees of iiarnline University and hereby ask4your Honorable Body to refuse to grant their request for such vacation. Respectfully submitted. • Names . Description of -rope ty.17 1 17.14 V-- 7' retil al_-4r/Gt---,-f s2 4 It N 4/ . .,„,#,,,,' y ;Ai Jda, (" ----)Z a_ 0 A, fl ,' J 6 v. e=eirt Lai Ao „,;fA0., fr'' 4 / .s //,er2ii-2' -� k - ,a i 'J ��/..... J. ✓ I rte, / / i / (Ali) / Lf/Y- . `///'i, ° , 40 1 0 41 e • • A�0 r .l 1 h ll t� t,; C Y'\ 4 1•.,r. , \ , k‘ . 4 , \ 'C-4 l'\ h % �\ i II . " 0. 4. 1—:- sue ' 4\,Y s- -J`'l.`4 .X-•_ !.`.i 4116i — — - Alit r Air adoption of an appropriate resolution declaring said vacation; now therefore , it is hereby RESOLVED, By the Common Council of the City of St . Paul, that all that part of Wesley avenue , in the City of St . Paul, lying between Pascal avenue and Holton avenue , as shown upon the plat annexed to said petition, be and the same is hereby vacated and discontinued as a public street, subject , however, to the following terms and con- ditions, that is to say : Such vacation is upon the condition that said petitioner shall, before this resolution takes effect , pay into the Treasury of said City the sum of Twenty-five Dollars ($25) in addition to the expenses of this proceeding, which is hereby fixed as the compensation to be paid to said City in consideration of said vacation . . Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, Adopted by the Assembly, , SEP 1 1905 0 YEAS. NAYS. IV: YEAS NAYS. 9LD. • NTZ „ M.R. HA is SCHMANN v F KE I LER 11"-.0•RNING Apr 0' i'ir IEN fU . ACKNEY OCT 1 1- Po"ERS EBL / RE:AN fro/ YNCH t " „ NN 1•"., ORIARTY M[ or. W ITCOMB IIV YBERG • .. V 'OHLAND NAYS 0 MR. ''•ESIDENT NAYS 0 VilR. ':'ESIDENT Ml HAI I.,DORAN,Jr. FR l<J. HUBER. Presli en,o the Assembly. PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD OF Al Q?'R..'M, ti Q Approved--;2,.: J _ y- _ 190 6 .r I f / Xe-k-,?J/7'J- Q..._..1 di.- / 1���, ,z �,„ � ` ,�c.fit, .....---e ��, Mayor. w x. 70 G - /See- �L%... -a- - c ... . .z .�f'. .� j� 4h.M'y, t ,^ ,°:,1„ � '`� ft'aa t�'' '^C ` .,',47.':',:e. f zA' rt "-`' t: R �t ,‘'..,i1. .� 47 y � .4 '1 a 5 ,� � c x�is ,ir F�-4' �. .t"r�"?�` i� � � ,: J�a•+' a�, c'' .. ,, ? L �'.5...t..,,.,..,14¢. ..`R ..Fw,.t'�rk`+'.. ,v1e .. .ba.,2:::,li ..,..._.a_..a,.i i R::i a.: S, ..<ak4rr.�x,.. 1.1.44 itie'i�' } � � . s', ,y * t r `�"3 r' s "�S,c14. ",t` a ` " "L'. ' D"^1,:17', ...-v -;t' "SrA t v x .-,� .,•r4 - d -rt y�y .S�'zy kf3,y �1 2f�` ;t ,+ „ `..N.'1-,"' ' -r t o - } h ', '' � f ' "�+� r, . S" - „ii,-,;,-,::: Yi' s , ,-'; �' +q' . t rte.1 w '\'''''''S. . t k u�. .gym c ' �'r -s y_,y 7 kfir 'N.' p ti t .r1�r x gry ::a fi`..e' k - ,� 44‘.' v r^*` h ;.-44,3",.;:04,,,;,...1* .? s a x F i ,, '# ?`,rb z_ k,X, C r a �' s y�t �a' �i '�!; r�` Y ',�s'� �t V'X`�4,,�`�s w` �� ' _, d„.„,,,,‘„,7-4'-';',-‘,.,:4,,," '' : -'' , y° °I#-*T �,. s 4t h^ 9, „' +. < t t ..•v..G. r Y ?�'.. t r,,,,°4,"''' *'4, - ,� 'f`�}'j ice+, '+: t y "X� '�',� �y, t ayt .x t 'tea` .� 7 y � s dr a r � t � .-.: S z 4 ^a i �,., :� �, YN' a rn d - w�( -4 . r �; '1.:,;,41,,, f i .c k . " «.r `+� try ,r�c,w .. ,4,,,t",-.., i�;.s.`C ye ^i,.„'" -F l� xi J� "4".4/6,,,4' kk,, �'^4 1,„4_'?�k 't%i' g'sS'' A�"'`va ) ,' Y 1y ' „ . �' x Y "' � � g ?t 'It �1 Y M L°i.-'"F s.�. r Cam ;.. �s 3, y .� �' l=.� wf:w}tr j`4 1 ) �';k�� .M ,. .,..8" -x' ++ i .c vi S' r&. e 5 �. h It' S t a p + rt;# h ., a, r t ..,y _ r b cK } "� k , x ? 'h '.4, ?,:jam .-'�, ' fw+e o f a i i" , c d 4 .,,;, r, ^"F a�T'c.ym• , + ._ •` ,r a x„.":0•a ��t�a d 4,.^ � �, `` fc 'S" �r " x: sy ''''-‘4„�" � _ rnr >4��. . s a -.14‘1. e -u' .Y� ,it�'" x.s if fi X x k ai S K r� '` w ` ': fi„ s�, �`xT.. ��r ✓ lr .f a a X a -� vx � 4:'''',\°:..l � \ '#'$-';74,i'''''!`b R F . � ' �"%5 ���?i '*"'�R' � ' - ,d f i k 4 ,t,,,f ,, o'i"e5F A SC. 'X`� 1 '�,r 4TY1 z t4 s3 "ff '.�y A r ' s..r:L i tf _ i .. f4"' l ai �+1 y �` r ,, a Y t R -3 R � +'S; "� 1 lir OFFICIAL PUBLICATION 6 ‘ + �- 'M Of Resolution Adopted by the Com- . ,, • mon Council of the City of St.Paul, N.C I ,, ♦ Ed F No. 1775 'y } . ,a. Whereas, there was heretofore present- s d to the Board of Able moo one of tlm # branches ei `ec ( union Council of the ( iLy of St Pal, the pchtion of )-Iamline +� r Lnnersrly, the owner of all the land and ra y C) property operty abutting upon• the portion of k \\esley avenue hereinafter described, ' praying for the vacation of all that part of said Wesley avenue in the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, between Pascal avenue WHEREAS There was heretofore presented t arrd xolton avenue, and more WHEREAS, particularly cescribed and .Shown upon the plat an- nexed to said petition, which =aid peti- tion is duly verified as required by law, Aldermen, one of the branches of the Common Council end sots forth the facts and reasons for ^h vacation; and 'hereas, the Board of Aldermen deem- bit expedient that the matter therein St . Paul, the petition of #r_0 Hamline University , tat -red to should he proceeded with, and d said petition and accompanying o be filed of record in the office of land and property abutting upon the portion of Wesley cClerkltok of said city, and ordered .he official give notice said city in the .anner and for the time required by law. after described, praying for the vacation of all th that Said petition and the subject matter thereof would be heard and considered by the Committee on Streets of said Board of Aldermen at its regular meet- Wesley avenue in the City of St . Paul, Minnesota, bing t? be •held in the council Chamber in the Court xouye and city Hall Building, in said city, on the 31st day of August, 19t#, at four o'clock in the afternoon of and Holton avenue , and more particularly described said day; and Whereas, the said Committee on Streets of said Board of Aldermen did meet at Said time and piece above men- plat annexed to said petition, which said petition tinned and appointed for the hear- ing, investigation and considera- tion thereof, and did then and there duly required by law, and sets forth the facts and reasc"1Vest'g``te and consider the matter of said proposed vacation, and did then and there hear all testimony and evidence ad- duced on the part of the petitioner and and all other persons interested in the matter of said proposed vacation, and did take proof of the matters averred in said ps- i tition, and being of the opinion that the WHEREAS, The Board of Aldermen deemed it prayer' of said petition should be «ranted upon the terms hereinafter stated, did of duly reor the l m adoption matter therein referred to should be proceeded wit/of an appropriate resolution declaring said vacation; now therefore, it is hereby . Resolved, by the Common Council of the City of St. Paul that all that part of petition and accompanying plat to be filed of recoyWesiey avenue, in the City of St. Paul, hying between Pascal avenuenand Holton znue, as shown upon the plat annexed said petition, be and the same is here- the City Clerk of said City ,. and ordered said Clerl;by vacated and discontinued as a publo street, subject, however, to the following teams and conditions, that is to say: publication in the official paper of said City in s,ioh °a .tion is ,sine the condition p p y that said petitioner shall before this olution takes effect, pay into the Treas- res- ury of said city the sum of twenty-five the time required by law, that said petition and t]dollars ($25.00). in addition to the expenses of this proceeding which is hereby fixed as the compensation to be paid to said city in consideration of said vacation. thereof would be heard and considered by the Commi' Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Sept. 1, 1905. President of the Board oEAldermen. said Board of Aldermen at its regular meeting to bl Adopted by the Assembly Oct. 19, 19115, _MIChHAEL DORAN, JR., President of the Assembly. Chamber in the Court House and City Hall Building ; AB'provedR.A 4. Mayor. Attest: GEORGE T. REDINGTON, 31st day of August , 1905 , at four o' clock in the a: City Clerk. Jan. 4-1906-1t. and WHEREAS, The said Committee on Streets of said Board of Alder- men did meet at said time and place above mentioned and appointed for the hearing, investigation and consideration thereof, and did then and there duly investigate and consider the matter of said proposed vaca- tion, and did then and there hear all testimony and evidence adduced on the part of the petitioner and all other persons interested in the- matter of said proposed vacation, and did take proof of the matters averred in said petition, and being of the opinion that the- prayer of said petition should be granted upon the terms hereinafter stated, did duly report its conclusions to said Board of Aldermen , recommending the • ��_ iy, } . ,• . - • iti I "• _-i,. Jr.... __ v.. •.159.1 ,rl.:f"Y:a ."S ...,. 0 ... # t r' q..-:' 71. -. t .. . _. . ...., j:i'•1; 1/4'.''l j •f + * >> .,, .{! .i' .l..., . �v 'i " ''.:I3 1 -— t • S`1 Z )C1i;:,., T t'.11-..:: it;.5• t7 .. _ w. ,.. h �.-, -> .r•, .N; - ( :.;, .! _.. ..._. i. .. ... t 1E1 f� 1"'i'�. t ?�7 ,y, 4' Q, 1., v.4+4. �-.� \.. •[.:4. S ,S - ..v c'`' !!'-',' 1,'3 c)::. r1 _RLb't3 fa J ^ V Y..T`Y1.' i iT• a. �r ri t..[' !-,� E1 A..� 1 s.Y lNl W'FO 1 q y�A TiY Y .I �,. ` J K. 4• -,....e"..-.::: 4��7. ��IF \' �KF 4"Z j J ! � {} .•� . e. . '::.L'y.. .1:' t.... w • ,a '} " .x 6141 .3 :C 4.')`:1; i' -.c-.-•leat v y t..e...'44.:. ), ±ds• l):U.• Ej,r34a►,. 'Cr-., , •r -.,. -:.z. .- . r.' t .., iJ. ., 7 t: i.:.,,•.. i .s1'.,. !t .1 b. ,e'i'' , .„ _. 1..):21 :-k v ...-,: __ '9 i.a_i•.. 1)r} 11 1.:::'...:-.: C. '.v:'at. , ..),,+ :, v -k: ,t "i 1.. . • A. w r. 1 C, 1 ., .•i a ,i„•,:1;;-,-;.•:•, '; i';.y'a.. ...Ce;':t. •• "1 '' .a.. x}ra, -`- -+ ...r, --.. ••, ' :,.. `. `1:i„"4.:;•.;;',""r .,,,;,:..'":•,',. c..r i. .,. 1 tL.;„ ...rt Vii.0 ":11. .`.f;*' r 4 ! :1_.. 'i.•) ? .:... . .. ,. .?,. .., - r'F i ~r'• t il C:{:O,P.. i'.4:-:',,j c , ,•t,,„';'1, t .} w r :) r ,xk '1'....1. ) .'rim,. •. .. .. ,. } ,•�.J.. ..1'-:7), ,.t'C.,. Ja v it..•".li!.- i :"'4.-,1.• .,o•• t �t :P.L.,.lirt'i. `I.J ii r_v , ; f3.. h c:4),t,: ..•. 1 _ ,! :Y y..•:J,i ,. .1 t 1• _..- ,:.:4.7....: -}0..)u; „1 1• 3':``ice :::.3::',1 .;) t e ... ti •. 1. '.: ti !"i s. _• ,s - ---,..c."...),/, 1 ,at., -y•- , ,_„ r•.41q.'i .. _).. C.,. 1 }JJ.a: r'`:.t. ,,,..:1.,c•.4 .F_., ) .C.-`''z••:'''',It ..,).i .1.;!! #r '. ` "•.::t 1 '{ 1 _ i)f. . -': .•,i ;. :} e•:,. t 'lr'1 S•.i. '.i, } ^ 1> '{ ..,. ,J r vh .., <,. .• .i`. -i;+ - Vii:.,{ a,`.) rk , } 1' i t F r ) . .1, D .a t !. 'J .:4 , b:',••. S tN,en t `71-..:.;. ,1 tip:.1::.".T._.;. 1...).,,.,.... 0.,,„•,:. ,...tc), ,c,,,,,s4i.,,, ` Si' V ..)1r� +0 0.1_;., 1tJ Kui4 .,:. ) : ( :,.,),1„,.,:::. , :.),,..1 .„.,„,,...,,,,....G il ,. . _4 t �i.t: 3 t.S:l.�'.u.r J r+!_1,_ $_ r e'� ,7_.w .^;11i}� 4.,i, #f'S.,J. ;C:i 'tS TiJ .-.: -1.. v . 'k E% �u t^c�J ,• 3r":Ck) S`rZGf.) A ivf) it 3:c. ,J°,•. '1ri.,"y w t. '.rtt ., ::a1.i`tf'`.3.; .. .,, v"Yo , :r', ,4,,,,14_, , t •�s ri : x. Y L Y.' 1y.... , .. • . . ` Ltx.. .- a.. . . K .._..:.._.L i1i.._:s. 43i� yu.-. .,,:, .'l ,„, ,„„ CI ‘ "4-:„ , t ' , i 0 i ,f i \,..,„ ,, , Li k.d, ,,, I w 11111 , w.. ,' ate' 6.) 'triVhirtil 7: 1\e k ,,,,-- ,,,,,, (..) ' (..it 0 470 ,. \ St Paul, Minnesota, June l5 ., 1905. I To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul: The undersigned respectfully represents and states that it is the owner of all the property abutting on Wesley avenue between Pascal avenue and Holton Avenue ) and that it petitions your honorable body to cause said street to be vacated. That the facts and reason for such vacation are that your petitioner is the owner of all the property abutting on said Wesley avenue . That said avenue is not graded, nor is it of use or convenience to any person, and this petitioner wishes to use the property on both sides of said street exclusively for school purposes, and in order to do so, it is neces- sary that Wesley avenue , between Pascal avenue and Eolton averz`dt, be vacated. Wherefore your petitioner prays that Wesley avenue between Pascal avenue and 1101ton Airenttb be vacated. That attached hereto and made a part hereof is a plat of said Wesley avenue showing the property abutting on said street and showing that part of Wesley avenue which is sought to be vacated. Respectfully submitted, The Board of Trustees of Haznline University of Minnesota, STATE OF li?TlV'E50TA, ) By_� ,c-c 9, County of Ramsey. 7 . Alit" / ` „ __ (7___, being ' first duly sworn, deposes and says that /rje is an officer of the corporation named in the foregoing pet�ition0 that he is familiar with the facts therein set forth, and that the same are true of his own knowledge , except as to those matters stated on information and belief, and as to those he believes there to be true. Iii Subscribed and sworn to before me t f s -- this $ day of June, 1905. i9- / ` g:1-c" F I .,L .--- --,5 '', Nota� Public, Ramsey county, Minn. ,. i 1 ,- ' :. ° . H TIA V • V