1908 OFFICE OF CITY TREASURER. ..t I'L' `)7 .' •Cr4 ° o r'o i e d T O , r -:._„ '.‘ , „...... , , ,, we'{sn+ 4, f I-]t. -.-.ate"` _ ./:,.., •1, n g11 ` C q • ) Ir om V ►t ' ala . Ar f _ _ CITY CF SAINT ram.. e ,.� • JG.PM ,"ES C.MIC•'AEL r:OR>04AT ON AITORNEV N hS_.aTA NT'A'rJRn evS �. a �1 LOUIS R. FRANKEL di,'- ICHA E.COLLETT MICHAEL C.'^A N.JR- , � �p' .6,.. S t January 24th, 1908 . i To the Common Council . Gentlemen : - Pursuant to instructions of the Committee on Streets of the Board of Aldermen, I transmit herewith proper form of resolution vacating the north and south alley in Freeman ' s Subdivision of the east half of Block ninety-eight of Lyman Dayton' s Addition, on petition of Rudolph Schiffr,lan and others ; the compensation being fixed 'at the ex- pense of the proceeding and the dedication of a twenty-foot alley through said re-arrangement from the east end of the present east and west alley to Forest street . Very respectfully, l Corporation Attorney . P • is f (1.1111: Offitr, • patri, Atirtru. GEORGE T.REDINGTON,ci Tr CLERK T ALOERT L.WAGNER,ASS•.CLE.:<. January 9th,1908 Corporation Attorney, City. Dear Sir, - The Beard of Aldermen at their meeting held Jany.7th,1908 ordered the accom anying petition_ of Rudolph Schiffmann,et al for the vacation of the north and south alley in Freeman' s Subdv. of the east half of Block 98 of Lyman Dayton' s Addition, referred to you for proper form of resolution vacating same. The compensation being fixed at the cost of proceedings. Herewith find all papers thereto Yours truly, ,,/ .7 .\it47(17/777-//7 City Clerk. i w J , , ) tilyan.z .- V -',51r,pttrbitstItt tli:OX'itt i' X.( • r ,ttp, CITY OF Sia1NT PAUL '. JAMES C.MICHAEL AA 1 li COPPiRgT ON ATTORNEY a. Y ASSisTA NT A LOUIS RFRANKEL '. ' CHAS.E.COLLETT Na� MICHAEL DORAN.JR- kr \ 1 . ? \\Z 1 ,,,))\1/4 X.r\* September 9th, 1907 . ti.To the Common Coune 1. Gentlemen: - The Committee on Streets of the Board of Aldermen have made a favorable report on the petition of. Rudolph Schiffman and A. L. Hitt for the vacation of the north and south alley in Freeman' s Subdivision of the east half of Block 98 of Lyman Dayton ' s Addition, and referred the same to this department for the preparation of a proper resolution . In that behalf I beg leave to report that the petition for the )vacation is not verified. Consequently the Common Council has no jurisdiction to proceed in the matter and any attempted vacation would be void and without jurisdiction . I would therefore suggest that the matter be referred back to the petitioners for the purpose of presenting a proper petition . Very respectfully, C fp ation Attor y . Ilir .11P11.414- N 4 ti • • oe 411 - "A * //e^ - « • , t Bd F No. 26816—By Ald. Menz-- Whereas, there was heretofore s xw ,,:F° seated to the Board of Aldermen, ' tk of the branches of the Common Conn- '''.4 ''.,,, ' ,.r 1 ,5 cil of the City of St. Paul, the petitaott of Rudolph Schiffmann and others, the owners of all the land and property abutting upon and adjoining the alley l cinafter described, praying for the (.11 � �s •acation of the north and south alley fLl7 in Freeman's Subdivision of the Macy n an 1 Dayton's inAdditiont to St.ofPaul, Minnesota, and more particularly-de- scribed and shown upon the plat an- nexed to said petition, which said pe- tition is duly verified, as required' by, ti4T REPS , There was law, and sets forth the facts and rea., a s 11e re t of ore sons for such vacation; and pre Whereas, the said Board of Alder- men deemed it expedient that the mat. Aldermen , one (l j' the branches ter therein referred to should be �,ptro- anches of the Common acceded with, yang ordered said peed and accompanying plat to be filed o! C t G . record in the office of the City Clerk Paul , the petition of Rudolnn rj of said city, and ordered said C3't, y �. chiff r dClerk to Pive notice, b ma+<n an y publication to the official paper oP said city, in the all tr'e land manner and for the time required by and property law, that said y abuttinrr petition ton and the sub- c upon and (�l C Ject matter thereof would be h*rd described, and Dons)Q =tea_by the Committed pd a f t e r praying �s regular rrieetin and of Aldermen�.ift yl'ng for the vacatiori Council x to be held in like Of tile. rand City Chamber in the Court Y Hall Buildin Youae n the 2d day g. in scald. alt Freeman ' s Subdivision of o'clock Y of January, 1908, ace the p. m., ,four �.... °�a* one-half_,� dui Which said natice o-+� Half ( Published and given; and was �S hereas, said Committe 9 of said Board of Aldermen on Streets of Lyman Dayton ' s Addition to St as at the time and place above did meet • 1, Minrand appointed mention Paul , therefor, and there duly investigate did toed 171a.rly described Sider the matter of said pr and and shown upon the cation, and did then and rtheredc plat annexed all testimony and evidence h t the part of said adduced,on said petition other Petitioners and a12 is duly verified as persons interested in th required r of said f proposed e vatters the dttf iui. ed by ] a,take proof said of the matters averred h l .. C t s and reasons for Ion that the and, being said the opin- ion t10 of Or SlIch vacation; and should tethe prayer of said hereinafter granted upon the P terms conclusions to did duly r p WHEREAS , The men, recommending Board of Alder.- FRF Y e S£t ld Board of aAAroprfate the adoption of an oi Alder'vacation; now therion detc laring idY,. i, Resolved, by therefore, is hereby a that the matter therein referred should the City of y the Common Council of t o b e thet}i and St. Paul, that the said pr north��ialon 'south alley t in Freer• Ninet of the ap's a d said petition and 1 eight of Lyman Da of B Ad J accompanying plat f d dition to St. Paul, as shown upon d at �O be filed Pita be and the same is hereupon sai ed and discontinued as a y vacat-a Q f the (;1 t k of subject, however, public alley, " sub `t Cler, said City, ditions, that is °says following- con_ 7 and ordered Sucti vacation is based u, Q stl coSuch n that Pon the before this resolution Petitioners shale notice by publication in t!fP. official into the Treasury takes effect, }ea paper of sa .''enses Y ce said city the eet of this proceeding,edicate public ails g' and also l i d f O r the time required by width din said rearrangement feet law, that Bald 1 me to be a continuation the Pe „lti deist and west ally so as tone - Of '�VOUld be heal d forest street w o' ex- E'1' there dial considered by to which. is by the Co Board of Alder - said. men at its regular meeting to be held in the Council Cham- ber in the Court House and City Hall Building in said City day of January on the 2nd 1908, at four o ' clock P. H. , which said notice ,f. published and was duly liven , and 'if WHEREAS r , Said Committee on Streets of said Board of Aldermen , did meet at the time and place above mentioned and point and did then i ed therefor, en and there duly investigate and consider the matter of said proposed vacation, and did then and there hear all adduced on the testimony and evidence part of said petitioners and all other persons interested in the matter of said terested i proposed vacation, and did take proof of the matters averred in said petition , and being of the opinion that the prayer of said petition should be granted upon the terms duly report its conclusions to said Board of hereinafter stated, did Aldermen, recommending the I i. adoption of an appropriate resolution declaring said vacation; now there- . , . )44r ... ' - . .: Ilif . . .. .-. - °T...., . , . 9-3 r *to 7,ztf.C., 'to l I:olic10!. 10inrte Illid tcas6 adJ ,,O_poLaiv.tbdun a ' rekm"..rleT :-C_ --,',T ' - 1...t-coa 'h--,!-1 ,-:,! or! Iv.- a i nwo4a ,.G , imaq . 0 o:.".* .:-U.:-.t.n5A u ' Loti,:n:.. .-1..7..ft.,,,7 to .:7-1:_Til.:-..- :11.11 :, -)2.,.._. to A aA40,11T:itr!Wraib brf.s hf2,t.o.:;siv - d.xle.:,1 z:._!-. emrri: 3i-1J' fr!..i; ev. ct,...;Lil , .., I LoiIibso:., 21-_;.,1101 noftlb:loo e-F.I. ,:',D,-J.rbeallcr .41 cf.oizt%tio,klv m eJ. e.:::,-.' o:P.7.1 v.,(1 t ,Joe1.71.,.. :-..:e.,.1.;$,, 11:Jt . ..sic,..i..- i i.41.s.;: :,--fo.i.J: _,._1;,:::: t.: ...: . i ucl 5:1.141Dibl,b onlif. 13 .113 , n.-rno3o1r, 3 -.. lo 7..:earlciJx.e or ',N:tiC billy H A flf'i- Ot Oi1..68 e."':.:1- t ,7":!0M93:1131%.C-trT bi.;:, Ili .;-,..-165....' :-.ii ..L'ee/ AzlaJvc' 1 1 - L bife:A.9 ort az os 7olls j.(2 . 11 aci:ile.:I5qmo:-.. 0,,-: cz :',c,x11-. al lioinw :: . 1 to 1 4, . , . . . 4 ■ . . . i 1 AINI■ /11111..."..-- Pr di i 4 ilk ry ' II To the Comnon Council. 1..*OF . 4 „ • of the City of :it .Pal,_1 iinn. 44141"0 1 ' I Noi Gent lemen:- We the undersigned, being, all of the propert ),-n*rs on both , NI, slues of tire North act South hlley in Fremans Subdivision of the khi A ' '\)r FEFt 1/2 of Plock 98 . hyrr,cn Dayton' s Addition ralpectfully petition kNe, your Honorable Dody to vacate said. North and South Alley for te , v4,,,c • --, k reason that t_ e, owners of lots 9 to 15, incluf:ive in s-i(,. (TI-Idivision 71 -1N_ ,--: lires to re-arrange said lots, including said alley, a.„.:,, will _ dedicate a 20 ft . alley in said re-arrangement , said dedicted alley 414,6 t being a continuation o: t'ae present Bast and west Alley exten:Ad to Forest St . ItN, 4 The proposed, r -a-rangement , vacation and dedication, b-tng i4, Fs. more particularly shorn on the accompanyinZ blue print . . e Oirmc Fl . /4 hots Frontage 6:, _e.,'ej /A■Y_._*__Y_A-4----- 74-- r tr. 7. C?triA34. -10 7 . 4 s - - - 0 0 - ar ' 1 -- -- . - — • \ / 4 } .1111 410101 111 11111 • . • • • • • 'NNtyl[ - '1nVd awiso Ping 'L fr 'hinny •q©19 9L ' to io `.o/W.1ns pue Jaau!2u3 H410