1907 (17) tP + { r 7 r a \C'\C` 6 k$:'° C CI \�k6)._17 1� � r +�I y { ^ \ Vice President.GEORGE T.REDINGTC N,CIerk f I HENRY G.HAAS.Presidenr.FREDERICKB.L`NCH, J �� I G� iry ASSEMBLY, , BOARD OF ALDERMEN "■ �1� FRANK YOERG.President. FRANK J.HUBER,President �r �, ', t � = WINN.POWERS,Vioe President.. OTTO W.ROH LAN D,VICePreeident. 1 IS I� I� 1 HENRYG HAAS, EDWIN C.MAHLE, JAMES M.FURLONG, FREDERICK B.LYNCH, r�Ti ± l i I I ik'. IFPi _�6 '���\\\��� ti HERBERT R KELLER, JAMES J.REGAN, FRANK J.HEBL, CHARLES E.NYBERG, �(d ��r�1i A � EDWARD H.WHITOOMB, FRED JOERN WILLIAM J T OY,IS B.TIFFANY, it,if ilil ✓ IAita1 r., a 74/ /4( / fr.,,ust i 6th,1907. e 4 : 44k To The rionoratle 'Tire r 7 / j ' Common Council of the City of St P 1, 4t1G20 Gen,tleuen,- ; aving investi;;ated the. attached petition for the v. cation • o-° the :alley in :clock 71 St Anthony Park, and would recoumen that the same be granted,for the reason that the Flock bounded by Wycliff street,r2urner street and ._anpden avenue, in w ich the alley desired to be vacated, is loca, ed, all belo s to the petitio rler, and they are the only ones, -. o could be possibly served by t ,e continuation of this alley. 7ery truly y , : , I / \ i Alderman. 1en.th; Ward,St Paul, :Lir:r. . t ELL 7%z POUNDS AS CONSTITUTING A GALLON OF LINSEED A%11.'r dalk)*-fdeaa/Adt(tAaltly- TELEPHO NES f N.W. PRIOR 35 OFF/CE /16 TO/20 WASH.AVE.S. 1 T C. PAR/( 6/13. SHIPPING ADDRESS, MINNESOTA TRANSFER. A7)44)4 )91AVff/ Nov. 16, 1906. Mr. Fred Joerns, Alderman 10th. Ward, St Anthony Park, Minn. Dear Sir:- We have recently purchased lots 1 & 2, block 71, and have been for a term of years owners of lots 3, 4, 5 & 6, block 71 , St Anthony Park . We are very desirous of having the 20 foot alley between said lots, and connecting Turner :''t . and Hersey Ave. vacated. It is of no value to pny one else as we own the entire block on both sides of said alley, and in our manufacturing business it would be a convenience for us to occupy said ground. We would also ask you to petition the City Council to va- cate Turner St . from Wycliff St . to Kersey Ave. in connection with said alley. Yours very truly, 44 4 tparh*u n ' of=Cat 1,,,, ,i i . A 0, CITY OF SAINT PAUL ' ie.\ \04 JAMES C.MICHAEL CORPORATION ATTORNEY • A A U I FRAKE _\ LOUIS COLLETT R, {r� ', 1 Q \ CHAS.E_COLLETT C\ a\ MICHAEL DORAN. R. �,,pt •`) t A‘ \T t (1)41\:/')/IP:04:00:4\00/. ( Septem r 9th, 07 . To the Common Council . Gentlemen: - Pursuant to instructions of the Committee on Streets of the Board of Aldermen, g transmit herewith for your consideration proper form of resolution vacating the alley in Block 71 of St . Anthony Park , on petition of the Northern Linseed Oil Company; the compensation being fixed at the sum of $5.00 and expenses of the proceeding. Very respectfully, / I • • a on torne Li! a , Bd .11 No. 26171 By .\iii. Jo, -- Whereas, there -.vas heretoiore pre-' stinted to the Board ue Aid ,nit a one of the branches ui the. (_:ommon Cute, L (760w of the (the ui. �t Paul. the petition u" t.! (�/ i/ the Northern I.St. Pa (l. Company,p the i owner of all the land and properly abutting upon and adjoining- Lae ill. hereinafter described, praying. n• the ,ej ,�`° � vacation of the alley in blued; tic- nty '�•„^' +' "�1G'i, =' tween(Turn 'r strteet`anuoHampden t Iv.r nue, and more particularly de :c,the l and shown upon the Mai annexed to said petition which rid uc WHEREAS There was heretofore presented to duly verified „ sets forth the fact6 and rts.icdts ,,e such vacation; and Whereas. the said Bo;;td of .e. ],"- Aldermen , one of the branches of the Common Council Ofinen deemed it expedient that tile nrt-i ter therein referred to shouter he or,'- ceeded with, and ordered said pet tier and accomp .n in;' plat to ,e Fled u,. Paul the petition of the Northern Linseed Oil Companyi,•ecurd in t . offic o tl_e city ( l vii of said"city. and ordered red sing filly Clerk to give notice by publication in the land and property abutting upon and adjoining the the official paper of said c i t y in the manner and for the time required he law, that said petition and the snbjec matter thereof would be heinrei ::tu described praying for the of the alley in B]Cen9iderea b the (lumrnittee f p y Streets of said Board u:' Alde anti„ : its regular nneetiug to be leilfl i ;lre Council Chamber- in the ( eu,I 1, nse (71) of St . Anthony Park, between Turner street and F`caml City Hail r.i the 1st day of August. ItO, -. t o'clock p. ,u.. which said notice was i, duly published and given; and more particularly described and shown upon t,�ie plat at -whereas. said ( e,ti i,ttee did said time and place and dial deli- :ei- journ said natter nut.il. the 10111 d,err petition, which said p etition is duly verified as ret lAugnse, 1907. at 7:1 ga•tnI t. ut: and Whereas, said Committee oil N. e e,r- of said Board of Aldermen did mice- pursuant to said adjournment ai the sets forth the facts and reasons for such vacation; altms dd plac last 'miln l ne tW p- therefor, a e e there duly investigate and tionsidet the matter of said proposed vaca.tim. WHEREAS , The said. Board of Aldermen deemed and did then and them; hear all testi- mony and evidence adduced on the par" of the petitioners and ill. the persons the matter therein referred to should. be proceeded wi 111tere5ted in the matter of said pro posed vacation, and did take prom of the matters averred in said petition, and being of the opinion that the petition and accompanying plat to be filed of record 'prayer of said petition should ba 'granted upon the terms, hereinafter stated, did duly report its' concl,.,sions to said Board of Aldermen, recom the City Clerk of said City, and ordered said City Cllmcnaesolnt,onado i.°ingofsain appropri- ate a ; now, therefore• it is hereby Resolved, by the Common Connell by publication in the official paper of said City in 'of the City of St. Paul that the alley in block seventy-cone (71) of St. An- thony Park. in the City of St. Pau;. the time required by law, that said petition and the Minnesota, between Turner Street and 'Hampden avenue, as shown upon said plat, be and the same is hereby va- cated and discontinued as a public thereof would be heard and considered by the Cor: itteelley; Subject, however to the follow- mg conditions, that is to say: Such vacation is based upon the con- dition that said petitioner shall, he- Board of Aldermen at its regular meeting to be held ilfore this resolution takes effect. p: : into the Treasury of said city the stun of five dollars ($1.00) and the expenses of this proceeding, which is hereby Chamber in the Court House and City Hall Building in :fixed as the compensation to be paid to said city for such vacation. 1st. day of August , 1907 at four o' clock P . M. which �upia'Jt1JObY the Board of Aldermen Adopted by the Assembly Oct. 3, 1007. duly published and given; and whereas, said Committee Aj'pt•O`'e` Oct. ,91907. time and place and did duly adjourn said matter until the 20th day of August , 1907 , at 7:15 o' clock P. M. and WHEREAS , Said Committee on Streets of said Board. of Aldermen did meet pursuant to said adjournment at the time and place last men- tioned and appointed t herefor and did then and there duly investigate and consider the matter of said proposed vacation , and did then and there hear all testimony and evidence adduced on the part of the petitioners and all other persons interested in the matter of said proposed vacation, and did take proof of the matters averred in said petition, and being of the opinion that the prayer of said petition should be granted upon the terms hereinafter stated, did duly report its conclusions to said Board. of Aldermen, recommending the adoption of an appropriate resolution I 4 Y 1 r I declaring said vacation; now therefore , it is hereby Resolved , By the Common Council of the City of St . Paull that the alley in Block seventy-one ( 71) of St . Anthony Park in the City of St . Paul, Minnesota, between Turner street and Hampden avenue , as shown upon said plat , be and the same is hereby vacated and discon- tinued as a public alley, subject , however, to the following conditions , that is to say : Such vacation is based upon the condition that said petition- er shall, before this resolution takes effect , pay into the Treasury of said City the sum of Five Dollars ($5.00) and the expenses of this proceeding , which is hereby fixed as the compensation to be paid to said City for such vacation . Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, Adopted by the AsselccQi SEP - (17 9 T. 190 �L ---- - - 190 {fir YEAS NAYS, YEAST Y NAYS, v AI.D. FUR ONG MR. CA IERON GE ER Ht 9S K RTAK JOE NS h•LLER xLE ME / 1) NYB RG RE AN RIES W ] OMB ROH�,.,AND NAYS 0 MR;RESIDENT TIFFINY • TRO) NAYS 0 MR. PRE IDENT w Approved_..__.__ ET - / 1407 190 B, A ---- _ ay . 11111 ' 1 II V , • , . _ t- A 1 ( 4 .s 1 r Mir % \la ti\ '\\ To the Common Council , '�., c)yY,L St . Paul, Minn . ' Gentlemen: - The undersigned, being the owner of all the property in Block seventy-one ( 71) of St . Anthony Park, respectfully petitions your Honorable Body to vacate the alley in said. Block 71 between Turner street and Hampden avenue , as shown upon the accompanying plat . The facts and reasons for such vacation are that your peti- tioner owns all of the property in said Block 71 , and is the only person having any interest in or use of said alley . That it is the purpose of your petitioner to erect buildings on said Block 71 , and it desires to use the portion of the block now dedicated as an alley. 2ctitliey-1,),\. . i i I a,(9/:__ . By y/ oe.41. r I 0 ' ' 71/Zib4 STATE OF MINNESOTA , ) ) SS . County of Ramsey . ) L. M. Leffingwell, being duly sworn , deposes and says that he is the Secretary and Treasurer of the Northern Linseed Oil Company, a corporation; that he has read the foregoing petition and knows the con- tents thereof and that the same is true of his own knowledge . °67(' ' ( __ _-: ,i l; Subscribed and sworn to before me \ this f A( day of June , 1907 . 7-- / ' Lei/ Notary Public , Ramsey County , Minnesota. Ily commission expires ,. 1947 f • A 14ripfr r