D002114C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L OFFICE OF THE MAYOR •Approved Copiu to: - CiTy Clerk (Orignal) - Finance Dept's Accouuting Division - Requesting Dept no: ��0�/1'� Date: � —� 5 atJO � ADMINIST'RAT'IVE ORDER, Pursuant to the 2002 City Budget, the proper City officials are hereby authorized to remit payment for meeting expenses not to exceed $200.00. This will pay for all costs incurred by the Department of Fire and Safety Services to hold the State Hazmat Response Program quarterly Team Advisory Committee meeting. The public purpose of the meeting is to discuss state-wide hazardous materials response issues. A copy of said order is to be kept on file and of record in the O�ce of Financial Services. Account Code: 001-05100 • � « � d� Requestedby: DepartmentDirector Date ADMIIVISTRATIVE ORDER: n..�-9i.1! DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNGL DATE INITIATED ��''� R ' ��� v Fire anci Safety Services 2/��02 GREEN SHEE No 113936 ' CANTACT PERSON & PHONE INITIA INITIAIJOATE Asst. Chief AI Bataglia 228-6212 1 oer.u�rrerrroeemox • f!lYCWNCR MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) �CfIYATTORNEY / �CRYCLFRK / / � �i! � ❑ 3 cw.wciusFmicESOw. i n,� rwxsw_srmisccrc ❑erarofeeatassvsroxrl ❑ TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS POR SIGNATURE) " C710N REQUESTED Approval of the attached Administrative Order authorizing the Department of Fire and Safety Services to pay for all costs to hold the State Hazmat Response Program quarterty Team Advisory Committee meeting on W ednesday, February 13, 2002. RECOMMENDATION Approve (A) or Rgject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE GONiRACTS MUST ANSWERTME F�LLOWINfa QUESTIONS: 1. Has this person/firtn ever worketl untler a contract for this department'? PL4NNING COMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has this personffirm ever been a ciry employee? CIVILSERVECECOMMISSION vE5 NO 3. Does this persoNfirm possess a sk�l not rwcmally possessetl by any currert city employee� YES NO 4 Is this person/firm a targeted ventloR YES NO Explain all yes answerS on separate sheet antl attach W green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM fSSUE, OPPORTUNIT' (WHO, WHAT, WFiEN, WHERE, WHl� The Department of Fire and Safety Services wiii be holding a quarterly meeting for the Team Advisory Committee members of t e State Nazmat Response program to discuss state-wide hazardous materials response issues. ����I��� ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED C[D !t � ���� The members of the Team Advisory Committee will be better informed and better prepared for hazardous riiatenals issues. C�� I.I"! 1 2 OTllv�� DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED None. DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED The Department of Fire and Safety Services will not be abie to hoid this meeting and be better informed and prepared for ! hazardous materials issues. TOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION $ ZOO.00 COST/REVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEONE) YES NO FUNDWGSOURCE OO'I -Ge�l8f8{ FUfld ACTIVITYNUMBER 05100 FINANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPLAIN) • i���C ���i�,� �EB 1 5 20�2 �➢ �'� C�ER�S i