1907 (6) THE ST. PAUL DAILY 14. _WS - St, P.ul, M • / 21190._ _ Co The Daily News Publishing Co. Dr. 92-94 East Fourth Street. WANTS y i7 DISPLAY READERS LINES WORDS RATE NET AMOUNT Kindly Advise us at once if this Bill is Incorrect 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 27 Sl�ry _��i„,� _. / 4 / g p 29 z9 30 31 Total / , Total �JVVJ r Total Total Y f 14:.b4"‘ 4114,\. '\13144);u Amin �� ;t t� `r CITY OF SAINT PAUL - �' ;1 JAMES C.MICHAEL CORPORAT ON ATTORNEY ., AS SiSTA NT A v 1 L04S R. OLLETEI ;f CHAS E COLLETT d Nis))).# EMILW.HELMFS ry}\ t March 5 h, 1307 . To the Common. Council. Gentlemen: - Pursuant to instructions of the Committee on Streets of the Board of Aldermen, I transmit herewith proper form of resolution vacating a portion of Custer street and the alleys in Blocks 3 and 4 and a part of the alley in Block 2 of Bazille & Roberts' Addition to West St. Paul, on petition of the American Hoist & Derrick Company and others; the consideration being fixed at $500 .00 in addition to the expenses of the proceeding. Very respectfully, f , orporation Attorney . 04)9><„ "."\C) Q • faut, Minn. GEORGE T.REDINGTON,c■ :Larch lst ,1007• ALBERY L.WAGNER,ASSI =LEH'a. 'r .J. C.i ichae1, Corporation Attorney,City. Dear Sir, - The Cormiittee on Streets of the Board of Alder .en at teir meeting held Fe! ruary 2Sth,1907, made fE.voralle report on the petition of ti;e American hoist & Derrick Company for tie vacation of Custer stroot between Fillmo re avenue and ;Plater street and of alleys in blocks 2,3 '4Ba zille & Robert' s Addition, and and reco.t :end that the coriensa Dior, be fixed at 4; b00 .00 . Yours ruly, City Clerk. y IP 1 That the reasons assigned by the undersigned, Your petitioners, 2 fpr this their petition and request is that it is necessary for 3 the undersigned the American Goist Fc Derrick Company now owning 4 and occupying host of the aforesaid property, to enlarge its 5 factory extensively and to erect other and further buildings 6 thereon and upon the property hereinbefore petitioned to be 7 vacated. 8 WWURFFORF your petitioners pray that the portions 9 of the streets and alleys herein before stated be vacated and 10 closed to public travel. 11 AATRICAN HOIST cqc DERRICK CO. 12 BY_C' _ _. •. rood 13 14 CHICAGO,GREAT WESTERN CO. 15 IN PRESENCE OF BY 17 18 19 20 21 STATE OE MINNESOTA ) 8s. 22 COUNTY OF RAM c Y 0.7111 7R CROSBY,being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is an officer of the American Hoist & 24 Derrick Company, one of the above petitioners ; thatthe aforesaid 25 petition is true of his own knowledge ; further deponent saith 28 not. 27 28 ^ Y aka 29 SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE EF THIS AU�, DAY OF JAfUARY,A.D. 1907. 31 kr; _ ATo � 7fR��8.. �T,I+iinl�f 32 CCI&iSSiON EXPIRES /t/ ` 1� �� 33 34 35 • • �a-t:itut.t *;3q 'itty?- tI arir;ttr + �rttr yt , ircf bait }ftiYli Piz».4:11 ar : f;3rtT ! 101 .r-tl3anaoart nt .tt t13r.:,+ a.t .ta,frga-1 h.TJ3 rso FJ. a:eq ^t Fe,n+ �t •�q3 _ 7-1,1.?-[two wort Ir,rte quo I•.•. v!" ,ta fof) curl i) :-1_1.'I 8itf f: aJt a:;-i.A.fita uJ. 11 + t [u^ir; h1.3P:3^!o`t 3 arft `to ±P o "}rit`rgrr000 fxt4s azln t b./F rcf ^t ati t 11,1. b.f "I o t 5r113 sv t art xy IC10.1'mill h;r1C) y;i•Yf J"� :91 z'.}"�J,f)^frj at`Y 1.10(1tr b:143 fru.l•'Jr-;± • 811; t z".()". I' it:T a'i_rto F i F,;3Cj "IV0 ari Y 1AVWW ;Tf.e. 4.3:)j oil b 0ZJtf ff ;31.).fi al? $.1.1.6 F)iRJ4 EL:4 "n e-.+ to '- Trio: AAf)iiiTAA rf VP' .Or T A:xA;.),OPAn-T. Tr: • i:.-i ti7.10.c. vsiJl) tL3'v F'� rt}J; ,v "( {r `' ''T, .o j tuh •Iso r1 4o Itilt al dR v all, Fr's3a h3 au'_;at) it! 1)14aJ-to`tt3 li a Jr1<.,t evo:f43 8''.' 10 3 37)'113t12SO '[1 F-t-t"3C 43?'. Ji''J4101;4b 'iarr'!'1Sr`} ; az}hoiwott 1WU aq •�U-"t •rOPIor'.At7g.'1*A-r, `) `✓A': PF'iT °: R-'0r:'(.f OT K