1906 OFFICE OF CITY TREASURER. --,, z ' -N\1. - n %'''' . i 1 , ... 9 � � b ■ \ ' v c,, z c , \\\, ‘, ,,\ i ' l''' ' ,'' d 0 _,• N Ig . , wAllir s '',`"t-...).— 045-4--4/( olo' 40P -- '- ,„ , * • ic1/49 ` '://(...V4,9„.‘ 1,4 ' \ P tod 4, 1 ,--„,--,,,7 , ' 1 i ill , 4 k / ,, # i \ v\ cki44. 401 17 -• / . .. • 447 )0,-,//),-10/0_40, ,1 I .i / i , k f 1 , I . , ____ , .• „ , .,:,i• ' . . ...-• •t - 4 ' 1 ,if, ( . • .tr. . , ,a, ,. . ..., • / / . ■., At..., 14iPtl' ''' nna Mnn aoow co.s.rnoi. �c� .� X00.� , ,4 �� . . „. . , , , ..,„.„w . ,, 101) e .; 7 . CAPITAL$500.000.00 Q : n .L MIS LESLIE S.HACKNEY PResloeNr. � � � 4 WILLIAM L.HACKNEY,VICE PRESIDENT �oa`•�Z�.• v� a��e, ��.�..�e:����w\ h��a.����:�. � ¢. v�A� •ao�a�- _ JOSEPH M.HACKNEYSECRETARY&TREASURER. wry mo ” ,.,..a 201-213 PIONEER PRESS BUILDING. te I EITHER PHONE 1'5597S n„�:.. & . ,, i Sept . ,'.�, 1905 . Gec; . T . Reddington , Esq. , City Clerk, Court House , City. Dear Sir: - Enclose you herewith Petition of Harry Snyder and wife to • vacating an alley in Block 46 St. Anthony Park north. Will you kindly see that this - oes in with other business at tonight ' s meeting of' the Board of Aldermen. I presume it v/ill be referred to the Corlmlitt.ee on Streets with instructions to you to advertise as usual. Yours truly J .1" .N.w Alderman Tenth Ward. THE FACULTY ntbrx ity jif' U tt T.L.HAECKER, CYRUS NORTHROP,LL.D. Dairy Husbandry. President. COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE M.H.REYNOLDS,M.D.,V.M. WILLIAM M.LIGGE'cT, Veterinary Medicine and Surgery. Dean. *Y. Anfhanj Park, i t inn, WILLET M.HAYS,M.AGR., SAMUEL B.GREEN,B.S., Agriculture. Horticulture and Forestry. ANDREW Boss, HARRY SNYDER;B.S., Live Stock. Agricultural Chemistry. F.L.WASHBURN,M.A., Entomology. Sept .2nd ,1905 . Alderman J.M.Hackney,, 201 Pioneer Pre ss Bldg. St.Pai 1 , inr. . Dear Sir : - I enclose the certified petition in regar,'.. to vacating the short alley in Block 46,St.Anthony Park,North. The City Engineer stated that he would have prepared a blue print of this block and would send it to you for the Council meeting Tuesday evening. He did not think it was necessary,but thought it pas advisable to have it . I thank you for the trouble you have already taken in this matter. Yours truly, Enc . - - - • • • • vi • • L C#nc rl ' 'fir are- . vt.fiii,„y,,,,-; 2,,lir"' 4i . . .., ,,,..b., .4 { " � . 6 p "E�'i.�y} J i 7 t eV ir„iflo 61,11 . ■ S Mj it I/n irates4/ I 1 /: 14 P"It L.6 i /41 , r , , ?0,1,;( i i2,17 • • • • a I f , ip STATE OF MINNESOTA, ) SS . County of Ramsey . ) Personally appeared before me Harry Snyder, who being duly sworn on oath says that he is one of the persons who signed the fore- going petition; that he is acquainted with the facts stated therein , and the same are true of his own knowledge . le I Subscribed and sworn to before me this/a day- of August , 1905 . --Q, -(ki Notary Public , Ramsey County, lann . THE FAl ULTY nt(,�r t} p �� . } TIL.�t xER, lU� l jnitt Dairy Husbandry. CYRIIS NORTHROP, D. , President (p4, COLLEGE OF AGRtCULTI� E M.H.REYNOLDS,M.D.,V.M. WILLIAIS M.LI�GErr, ` Veterinary Medicine and Surgery. • Dean. i. :1nfnng Jar n FY, WILLET M.HAYS,M.AGR., SAMUEL B.GREEN,B.S., Agriculture. Horticulture and Forestry ANDREW BOSS, HARRY SNYDER,B.S., / `�„.` Live Stock. 'Agricultural Ch try, ,.,44:::.a , «� F.L.WASHBIIRN,M.A., `� logy. Ne , : -� Etter' / / To the Common Council of the City of St . Paul, Minnesota: We , the undersigned,owners and occupant's of Lots 8,9,10,11,12 and 13 of Block 46,St.Anthoaty Park North,do respectfully petition that : The short alley running east and wrest in said block dividing lots 8,9 and 10 from lots 11,12 and 13, be vacated. All of the property on both sides of this alley is owned by the undersigned,Harry Snyder and Adelaide C.Snyder,his wife ,and this alley is unnecessary for the good of the general public or other owners of lots in this block. From the attached diagram,it is to be noticed that there are two alleys in this block,the long alley running north and south through the center of the block passes all other lots in the block except those owned by the petitioners . By closing the short alley,the six lots 8,9 ,10,11 ,12 and 13 can be beautified and treated as one large lot . Other- wise the center of the property is divided by the short alley,which is of service to no one . Should lots 8,9 and 10 ever be used for building purposes they will be faced on Raymond Ave ,instead_ of Knapp St. , and still have an alley in the rear. This change of facing of lots is rendered necessary because of change of facing of lots in adjacent blocks . But very few blocks have two alleys like block No.46. For the reasons given,the undersigned respectfully ask that this petition be granted. L::-I/P "--- 1.-- 4 di-4--- -- 4 ;7 -- �_ _ (r'-1,7____ , • •• it.' -4' • • NV4 401t•it, • • •,) , -tilv' ,'�$� arias :�nL f I a*. 4,-'% '. i c c `r CITY OF SAINT PAUL °,, 0 J L_AMES C. MICHAE ! f LORPry ..nrI w:fT(J;2N is Y. A E c. AI'' 4S 515 rp N i ATYUHN EVS .w��/e A t GEORGE R. OREILLY. / f i ( yl LOUIS R FRAN KEL. �" 5' EMI(... W, HELM E.S ' r"N c i tt Decenb- ...8th, 9 r 100 \ , tettk‘. 4. roA \ 16V44/11 To the Common Council . .: cl,,JA, Gentlemen:- Pursuant to instructions of the Committee on Streets of the Board of Aldermen, I transmit herewith a proper form of resolution vacating the alley running east and west between Lots 8 , 9 and 10 and Lots 11 , 12 and 13 , in Block 45 of St . Anthony Park North . The Committee report did not fix the amount of compensation . As the alley is very short and perhaps of little consequence , I have placed the compensation in the resolution at Five Dollars in addition to the expenses of the proceeding. Very respectfully, Of a. / i it. , ,cii ,!, C ., :tion Attorney . ? , , c A .,it,. 14 rf ,x ,i.,,,i7 1 t \i"T" Affit„ 4- - ),,„1: r \ „... .440 )4 1/4, ftYk ' ic Dm ,,,,,„, ' OFFICIAL PUBLICATION 1 I Of Resolutions Adopted by the Com- T mon Council of the City of St. Paul. , F v Bd F No. 22249— Whereas, there was heretofore present- ed to the Board of Aldermen, one of the branches of the Common Council of Ic the City of St. Paul. the petition of Harry Snyder and others, the owners of all the land and property adjoining and i abutting upon the alley running east and 1 1r ��, , west between lots 8, 9, 10 and 11, 12 and 1 ip 13. in block 46 of St. Anthony Park North in the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, pray- ing for the vacation of said alley, which is more particularly described and shown ffer"7: r"�,. ''t' upon the plat annexed to said petition, which said petition is duly verified, as SAS, ere: was heretofore pr.eorequired by law, and sets forth the facts and reasons for such vacation; and de Aldermen , one of the branches Of the Common Whereas, the Board of Aldermen S y . deemed it expedient that the mat-' + ter therein referred to should be proceeded with, and ordered said pe- tition the pet It f Ori tition and accompanying plat to be filed of Harry Snyder and otherof record in the office of the City Clerk he of said city,. and ordered said Clerk to give notice by publication in the official land and property adjoining and abutting 1lpethe time required paper of said city, in the manner and for by law, that said pe-,St tition and the subject matter thereof would be heard and considered by the and west between Lots 8 12 an Committee on Streets of said Board of > > > Aldermen at its regular meeting to be held in the Council Chamber of the St . Anthony park. North in Court city. on and City Hall Building, in the City r Of St , pa city, cl the 16th day of November,, for 1905, at 4 o'clock-in the afternoon of said day; and the vacation of said alley , Whereas, said notice was duly which c h i s more pa given and the said Committee on n d Streets of said Board of Aldermen did meet at said time and place last above shown upon the plat annexed to said etitlOnmvestiged and appointed for the hearing,p p p investigation and consideration there- 1 S of, and did then and there duly investi- gate and consider the matter of said duly verified as required by law and sets fothereshearaallitestimonyaandtevidenceone adduced on the part of the petitioners and all other ropo interacted. the for such vacation; and proposed and matter of said proposed vacation,, and. did take proof of the matters averred in said petition, and, being of the opin- ion that the prayer of said petitioners WHEREAS, The Board of Alder yen deelsiioula be granted upon the terms here- he inafter stated, did duly report its conclu- sions to said Board of Aldermen, rec- ommending the adoption of an appro- matter therein referred to should be proeeedlpriate resolution declaring said rvaca- 11d Lion; now.- therefore, it is hereby Resolved. by the Common Council of petition and accompanying plat to the city of St. Paul, that the alley of iiTl lot o b e filed O running east and west between lots eight (3), nine (9), ten (10) and -eleven (11), twelve (H) and thirteen (13), in the City Clerk of said City, and ordered aid, in St. Anthony Nor said clty, ah u by the plat annexed to said petition, be and publication in the official paper of said Ci.con the same a hereby vacated and ect, continued as a public alley, subject, r. however, to the following terms anal con- or ditions, that is to say: Such vacation is upon the condition the time required by law, that said pet It ion that said petitioners shall, before this r resolution takes effect. pay into the Treasury of said city the sum of five thereof would be heard and considered by the dollars in addition to the expenses of this proceeding, which is hereby fixed e as the compensation to be paid to said city in consideration of such vacation. said i oard of Aldermen at its regular meetinf Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Jan. 2. 1906. zncil Adopted by the Assembly March 1, 1906. Approved March 5. 1906. Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Buil_ (March 8`1906)— the 16th day of November, 1905 , at four o ' clock in the afternoon of said day; and 4aLl 44..0 c-L,ir s'ti G� Q WHEREAS ,A The said Committee on Streets of said Board of Aldermen did meet at said time and place last above mentioned and appointed for the hearing , investigation and consideration thereof, and did then and there duly investigate and consider the matter of said proposed vacation, and did then and there hear all testimony and evidence adduced on the part of the petitioners and all other persons interested in the matter of said proposed vacation, and did take proof of the matters averred in said petition, and being of the opinion that the prayer of said petition should be granted upon the terms hereinafter stated, did duly report its conclusions to said Board of Aldermen, re- 4 commending the adoption of an appropriate resolution declaring said vacation ; now therefore , it is hereby Resolved, By the Common Council of the City of St . Paul , That the alley running east and west between Lots eight (8) , nine (9) , ten (10) and eleven (li) , twelve (12) and thirteen (13) in Block forty- six (46 ) of St . Anthony Park North , in said City, as shown upon the plat annexed to said petition, be and the same is hereby vacated and dis- continued as a public alley , subject , however, to the following terms and conditions , that is to say : Such vacation is upon the condition that said petitioners shall before this resolution takes effect , pay into the Treasury of said City the sum of Five Dollars in addition to the expenses of this proceeding, which is hereby fixed as the compensation to be paid to said City in consideration of such vacation . Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, Adopted by the Assembly, JAN 2 1906 MAR I 1906 190 __�...._�_.. --190 YEAS./0 NAYS./ YEAS y NAYS. ALD. BA TZ .* ✓$ NNAN MR. HA.S I B SCHMANN A p p s n V E D Kn LEE er �/C RNING MAR �? I9O6 0' �'RIEN r RACENEY / / /JA 1 L.L. ERS ` V ✓LEBL t / M.1I ✓ !K �w P1 REeAN / LYNCH ••-... Mayor. V MORIARTY ✓^NYBERG V BORLAND NAYS 0 Mn. PR c SIDENT NAYS 0 V MR. PRESIDENT Approved --_ 190 Mayor.