1905 (14) OFFICE OF CITY TREASURER. — ----- ------ - 1 ''' X P n 1 0 •, c4 k N , c'ss '1°-- '.• t- , -. N• i, ' t . , . , 7 c .. , ......, , ..... ,;,, ,... ,., ,, ,, • . ., ,:,.) , , , ,,,• •., F , i 1()---k 1 OFFICE OF CITY TREASURER. ''') 'IN\ , 444 t S:' > , . n 1:: \\71, tk' ''$,„'. 's n `L '%% \ kk q , ,ji F.., \ ,,,,,,,,,,, , , , \ ,„ ,,,,.. , r 7 . • ID k oiJ 0 - , . ,I. ‘ k e k,L. . \\, .\ ‘ . , ,,, la k ,,'j ,.. f y W Fd F r x c 4 Qyk___ 7) n 7 s'' ''Crikk*...* -... 1),„: Vir\\* 41 .,; L:Ici a.) , ''' ,,,,,`: .5.1 )40 ili ‘43', i , L...„\ 1, 0 Oftvartntent of aiu. CITY OF SAINT PAUL. JAMES C. MICHAEL CORPORATION ATTORNEY. 45:ISTANT ATTORNEYS GEORGE R. O'REILLY. LOUIS R.FRANKEL. EMIL W. HELMES. July 20th, 1909. I To the Common Council. Gentlemen: - Pursuant to direction of the Committee on Streets of the Assembly, I transmit herewith a proper form of resolution vacating that portion of Larpenteur avenue lying northerly of Block 5 of. Ufton Grove , Plat 1 , Ramsey County, and also alleys in the Bare flock; the com- pensation being fixed at Ten Dollars, together with the expenses of the proceeding. Very respectfully, Corporation A ;„„_, ti4 ( v 40 ; „,,,.„ 4160\4014-' tw j 'i 1'�". y tt Ttert ( fire, ,t.Van'. Ainn. GEORGE T.RE DIN GTON,C,TV CLERK. July 17,1905. ALBERT L.WAGNER, s55T.C,ERK. Mr .J.C.Michael, Corporation Attorney,City. Dear Sir,- The Committee on Streets of the Assembly at their meeti, held July 17,1905, made favorable report on the attached petition of the Mt .Zion Hebrew Congregation to vacate Lartenteur avenue (formerly Minneapolis avenue ) between Payne avenue and Greenbrier avenue, also to vacate all of thealleys in block 5 Ufton Grove Plat 1. naming as compensation, the sum of $10 .00 I have been instructed by this Committee to refer the same to you with the request that you draw up the proper form of resolution ordering said vacation. Respectfully yours, l `n -9(- 4;17),1" ----- • City Clerk. I . "'" OFFICIAL PUBLICATION 1/5". ., _ f1 Board F. No. -__ __850.__ Of AdoptedOrdinances by the Passed Common and CouncilResolutions of the City of St. Paul. ssembly F. No._— _ ____.. AWhereas, a majority of the owners of property eys vcated the line herbyo have Petitioned al- ' o the Common Council for the vacation of the street and the alleys hereinafter de- scribed, which petition is duly verified' and is in form as prescribed by the.• .,,4.,.,k,, Charter of to the which of sa said Paul. and,petition presented, to presented. thereupon deemed it expedient that the matter shall be proceeded with and ordered said petition to be filed by '�".;, the City Clerk, who gave notice by pub- lication in the official paper of the city for four weeks, at least once a Week, to the effect that such petition has been filed as aforesaid, and stating in brief its object, and that said petition will be Whereas, a majority of the OwniheaSt and considered by the pommdtto f u nn Streets (which had been appointed to hear the same) on. July 3, 1905. at four o'clock p. m.. at the Council Chamber, line of the street and alleys vacated jwhich time of earing was more than ten to y days after thoh expiration of said Publi` Yr cation, and V. Whereas. said committee has investi- t.Lae Common Council for the vacation of gated the testimony and evidence on and, has the part of the parties interested and has reported in favor of granting such peti- hereinafter described which petition ilti and the same is hereby granted and that all of Larpenteur avenue front- in ing on block fiveinnesota, and being all form as prescribed by the Charter of tLRas ue Larpenteur avenue lying between of the easterly boundary line ofrpenateur d d the westerly boundary line the (as extended over said the Assembly to which- said petition wasavenue),_axi y Larpenteur avenue), and all of the of Greenbrier avenue (as extended over alleys of said block five (5>• inner Grope deemed it expedient that the matter Sra.,lat 1. Ramsey County, vacated uponi said and the same are hereby the condition dear tfemetithe eadoptf02 l and ordered said petition ion to be .within thirty City Treasurer p filed b,hereof, pof St Paul the sum of ten dol- ' the City together .'th. the lars as compensation, ingeofesaidppetitionon of notice of hear- gave notice by publication in the offic or Adopted by the Board of Aldermen four weeks at least once a week to the sAlig. Au e1S i bey July 1905. ri (Aug. 21, 1905)___ has been filed as aforesaid and stating in brief its object and that said petition will be beard and considered by the Committee on Streets (which had been appointed to hear the same) on July 3, 1905 , at four o 'clock P. M. at the Council .Chamber, which time 6 • of hearing was more than ten days after the expiration of said publication, and 'Whereas, said committee has investigated and considered said matter and has heard the testimony and evidence on the part of the parties interested and has reported in favor of granting such petition; It is wherefore uesolved, that said petition be and the same is hereby granted and that all of Larpenteur Avenue fronting on Block five (5) Jfton Grove Plat 1 Ramsey Co . , Minne- sota and being all of said Larpenteur Avenue lying between . I the easterly boundary line of Wayne Avenue(as extended over said Larpenteur Avenue ) and the westerly boundary line of Greenbrier Avenue (as extended over said Larpenteur. Avenue) and all of the alleys of said Block five ( 5) Tifton Grove Plat 1 Ramsey co . , Minnesota, be and the same are hereby vacated upon • the condition that the petitioners shall within thirty days from • the adapt ion thereof pa o the City Treasurer for the City of St. Paul the sun of Vill „w. Dollars as compensation, together with the expense of publication of notice of hearing of said petition . i. i / 00.000"-gUa I gzinv7— ____. / . . 06.1- panoaddy �; 1 j s.Naal aad aT� 0 sAvN I Waal ad •ay- 0 SIVN aXV O[ oa IAN ' � D OA Aas,aV oTq a W OD HL% __ ._..�. NNVW33 DS H b aH Saa Od ' f2 Si- . I) NaI ,O DNI HOD '��10 �3 cial: NNVWH SRg aaz all S H .aT NVN aag z Nvg azy , ' •savN svax scvN svai t.' 06T / /nq pdopy Iy Jo paaog am Sq paldopy