1903 (3) CITY CLERK'S OFFICE. St. Paul, Minn., 7 ., Ve The attention of the . --�..� r � 0. • . is respectfully called to the followi �6 Resolution of the Common Council, approved ddm bflM� — E-V--y-'e-"A--(1 ---7/ ./c)(-9 00 drot•ro bn' t a�' i a Varm,..5t,, .e )�ro, g' - ',t..A yA y� dA C->.�doddotcd d � o " O ..,d2,,,.,1„6,0 C 00 m d,. d . d,ai cmmd+,,d, G + '' mC G m s 0.(. •----- _. _ Y - M dU^o d'od Sao. a s �-^ d ,°" m N omy..G "' mt , a» oopood e .+At Oyyw C+'7obnm,0Gro .d m Up" ,V,50Am 'A'dro.d a 75y o ro, ,p dC .a ,. ,g.S 1 y"U>dd 'ddm C dCd d rod >,,00ymoo, ,mdZ,t,ro^ 0o p _ o d-,∎4-' aryN ^,t..c1UW1) p'?5. ',5. .�A cdc.0., O+'d0P p�m° fl20 qm 0 tOA T'No.. do} n d 6 d d m a ;,d% - t-04.-.m m m d'o A E T m Ti d A�d b o A � ohm ..,> Ld.� 6 rod F 1 n 'wdyyt.6 � dN" dCy'd,474 ,,--„g .T.y .5'el- oUd Am”,c �" b C�:,.' ty .g,+,,A,,t1.4d g t .0g 0E ', 000i qd? ° ,. ro od roo ^m d. d 3.-. .. "o wm w w ..' pp Y c.o ,o "e:'Cl p,dA w,, d . o ro+2 .' «+ yA d,;,,, ,, do 1 a,,,goo.o,, . ? ,mob,d cd,, ,. ,m aroRO >'o.d..m Uroo 5Vi or000moa�U N2--t N�E"'Vx �e rn dd cC " Cad p . d5".,. od E Co '. p,.''.isro.,dP.'b C' t. m A omcdoAd" .T. A,oUpodmdmAdod" 3'o� �op...m,obororo G rod+,o4 bE3d .�,.,ocd 'o:+ d.. t ,. ..mA i1m,, C t,d C T „'' d d ro C d 1 A.d,�H d0_,,, C d,?d C,+'d,U d o d d d d o m cd td d o>'d 5 G d s+ t..0,PA c,ti cd6o..cd -'FA .dp'bn .A.+.A+G td ddT 25 cd„ ,-,mddP g ,o d,c A'dpm¢, E.mmoo,+7m 1-:, A o dp�'P.� o �°"'a t^.o+to.oc'6nrt7� rodadi�G„",-oy!NPa .CCb.pp;� Om' -N��,+.�'A buN O�w dro vrow m,�...,o,o�� ly, [,. ,t FCC c�d Ulk tp.dodd da., F- dy +d'oro ..+ Fro A;.,po.0 tdo ,oCd'pdd i�dro(Ddwo ottw••�prod .. dp',p:o•p, acs,- Wig,-aU " o moot o',+4,8 +'td --i ,amoro"p,ar:o c`9.•F3d o,-,7, 0°,;. .4acs ^>' .O',,mOzdo"- ai-.0074 Cmdy -;',0-:Fda)td0"A a'oo.O, ..ww a m0x0,d,od a � .1.,4gmtm.4.,Timms >ro md_m m Agog�dg 0.,00- ,-H,d,o wy.'p.,a o'a-..Adr'nU ybnpt.wed oLGd�cd>,"...'^..„,, i 6"'"P.'G,1 ^"0.>'"-3d�oowoc-b-a >0'ro d. tG�d oat'ido:dro,o;dtd.:^oo.z,0�.o c) , ocdWp AA,.Aro " eih':A+a'�. 5.,12 cd P u.'tod m A.p.t. ro 4..p. ,r, (OFFICIAL) —�i►��!� ./- Clerk. •''6 tfl'4±1/ / C;2414t.P" ■ [1,-.1,I, TY O Q 4 n Ct R M e C O \ A ; \ c: 'w Sr)cle , j'W,�,4 '�. 0 2 may '. 4 � � c. j ti W .0 -I .r/fik. O O I 4 / OD 4` ik +� M t � C m I ip I m t a CO • • ti „4 r CITY CAL RK'S OFFICE. • • ST. PAUL, MINN., The attention of the is respectfully called to the following' Resolution of the Common Council, approved oa�_ti<�a`<rt3rta'rt xOo 7rt�O�k�o�G^G�rtwx07Gq���m•`aaf*�CGym M�rtM Na4<t.d<AD'Cy�.amp G O,C°y a cg o<rt,w.a."�f<p`H:°�Omt��z-'4•�O y�oO.m a^9 oap w yw(°c�7•p.�y'J m G'<n°0 amym�GpN a�p a'"Y�mpopO0.CG"q.m',.Gi"a Jm��°m'mo+"'"n G`'W Or c_,CW�,P,���G a^C'=G]0..CG°'.(7 r�7'G"oG°p x'""O Grm�a.,na MCD'fp A n'P'C"��°,•m'n 1 y Gamy p m,�rtrt m`rt G�oG�onx"�a".'.��Oa�'�C?aSD a'aae.+p..<W°a��N�.mQx o'p Crt�y;yC�mPyi R�,�.<<wO C G„e rt°�r,�./�C y'.°4 r�p.m.0G�wy�.m n�vj'�i co�=o,�p:i��rt 7y-m' o momyPo<, Kµ o "'pa a " p ,poyP . ,,mot ace'crdFOnw gFpc 'O N,-'52 O055g mS°pG Ka'm fqO' ° '*Gbwrt Grtcigm 0n 7DMG ¢r. FE3Y5' G . gO m00 = 5,d,5 e040',1° 24 auq 00r" w0< d 0 O G• C GG +Prt—P °Pmpm"PtA�0m rtG«�a o�<N 'S +p"Q� n C P° y • —04 g °wP °p P�0m p,am' , g ,<Dcpyop',a I m0g°OGmny 'gmo0 ntrjcp p�aag oO+d0 ,(1z4F.Pq„00. wy.na, O 2 aG�m^J*p�mJ <0( �7 eµe �m`n"'"9,< `+pr0*•`'w a�`.P ice rtJ, "'ey*G�e�gWO'-n'<y 'LSa0O mE a r* cDm � p,.��°•eC (yp o a rt °o pP �^rtGrt o 0 mono' ,.,m'°aac a°. mDw�9gm po ca,51 `���w� 'CI "r.mo°'E0°co�m aCa y gaor.�' 'GCE Gty CDo_grn't'CC���•00 oymaa�a� mmg°a� '•D� �a om <°°ownM'4 P FPPMm' • ('4;115° 'm51(ic ,o:<.,00°'5O�c,V4g 9 �8,1,o..o°° , wmimom mpya°rte°r; rt vrtapo° a wop'm- -,m0m rtm�.<c"+ Gp;.<a mP.gC mom.nm.w mOq OQ iy� p,oommm��md m O a M�m...�g�aymyagry�cpG wmG•"°ag,n_mp.g 0, 71.m7g0zee., rt•n metro* M yµP,5z-m,ep0'°e `< .rtsym�J W yOp, c•' cW Wrt �'o o�cCOS:� cp P�MS'a,e . 0..P" '"°. " « mg P'm 7Vm MP m• rod0"mmrwr °�GC GOi P.m p, F� 'v am.O•.~'3'mpm`-� x't ayp m. oa- .nmcp '<k (OFFICIAL.) City Clerk. • CITY L C RK'S OFFICE. C ST. PAUL, MINN., The attention of the is respectfully called to the following' Resolution of the Common Council, approved Z > m aw+a . .am w»I t) p2 w ,g& 0'>J va m1«" d aA°'W;co Vaia° Q,1020— .O <4� aat F a > Om°H S.,+o °a_.G� m"O"a q o'�cU w '3lsw z< Q ""z> V - - Ud ,,>,4°° Jm mam a°, >", r. 5�U ti .), m q ...ma,6a R m s, . cm 4 ~, m C-7 U .• p � LQ m [ 3 , C m° c � °co.-. 04'14 +' �ma m>3 4 e o O m ° �156's:$ 4) .° .c ir 5 2,-.,9, m>«s:a ao,V,dm''— 'd., R °ooa0 °° I'D 4, O W R �~ m eD c �d °b°. 50,,,,-y F, < ,cd>,o $a) 0,1' A° '4r. >. y E" d W o° `-' w .0 =4) cm y aai .om m -c, O dCG^. °a°. F' '"' ' a�2m�© .drJ, ,,,,:aU mc,,ao d su : c:0�ya ? 3" m^73 m a - g I mw. ,., o "rok> a, t.�Z, d�a�° rc " .•D ��pyrmaam. aam0k�,2"o'+ m .41 So '4P=o > ca Q 3 5 t wa>,+ U'''-- °Y 604 m mmm'"" i ..02'd.tc.) w "+,R! * m � RU cp a'ai O �i. O ^I -I ,, sn a's.oy: d m -u'k ay°m'o `n- o8"'I E my1' ti . m m s "d . 'nC � .4 , .0 > v ° -„ 2 . 'm'oa.,mam m „g � � o,og 3- 4, a. O °�O'oa �R3 4 am1-a(qo,q c9c3moa'a4UZ o;i5m a _a m LL ° V 'wob,1 , do m°z4lE4 2, m' 6Aa °gyU0mI U y ^ . d " mmmmmoo ° _m��m m - mmOm H � =o ejR:tGw mW" g55z °34:' ' " 'C d.i Z w aZ ,8 2o v � o �oam4 )-,.4iri02aw m.a��� � i' a t, 141•iXaoma (OFFICIAL.) City Clerk. State of Minnesota) )ss County of Ral!1;;ey ) The parties -chose names are subscribed hereto cane before me persAalJ.3r and being duly sworn did say that they are the identical persons who signed the foregoing petition° that they have read r.nd know the contents of sane and that the natters therein stated are true of their mm knowledge . Subscribed d sworrii to before me this 3o-day of '/(R 1903. i'��G✓�--tad - Cx✓ ���%' rotary Public, Ramsey Co. , Minnesota. f _ �'� t J p.. !)e "-rtve "#.; 0,7_7. �"::i 9 .i ';. t� RAF -71 ) - 61'1 $"t nl,s • I' ems* . ^ . ...-.._...__.._...----'...-���.:.....ter-.-'i-•mac..__......'•— o .. 040* 41111 1111 • St .Paul, Minn. March 1903 To the Common Council , City of St.Paul. Gentlemen;- May it please your honorable body that your petitioners re- spectfully represent that they are the owners of the various Jots indi- cated by the within petitdlan on the line of .Jay street between Fuller street and St .Anthony avenue in the City of St .Paul,that by reason of the said Jay street being sixty-six(66)feet wide between St.Anthony ave- nue and Fuller street , and only sixty(60)feet between Fuller street and University avenue , it causes a jog to be made on the east side of Jay street between St.Anthony avenue and Fuller street,more fully represent- ed on the accompanying plat , that for - e purpose of making the street of a uniform width from St.Anthony avenue to University avenue,your pet- titioners respectfully ask that you cause the necessary proceedings to be taken for said vacation between the points mentioned. Further : That the petitioners are the owners of all the lots af- fected and contiguous to said strip as more fully appears by the plan hereto attached,which is made a part of this petition: Wherefore : Your petitioners pray that the seid strip of land be vacated between St.Anthony avenue and Fuller street . . . . 4 ' ‘y911 4,46p. IIMP t . • s,r .• . • e „, ::"t ." 91 egriOU;:1441104 %LOX SOW: tile044 14V41.e..i "W4*: ;01kW., ;:t 31 . r a/1/4.' 14, ?0-.# v•hcwo 11)*`-t:, 91: f.t /04 ‘t tct 10 Liu *i -t:sflt. 4.4 ',? tQ AloilSite4 1u acoaarel vcci -Iott,viot va Xn0:44-1 .7/ 7.1 z) if4.Z.tv . ci.r*TrsteJ ilki) ,*-1. ''. :$ tr.**, 144/ no *haw toti cot -101, 8 rrooitf'; // tflou.,.:1# St 'VI Et‘. ,r,ne dzvP y,rsorlitl....17. 1X 13.40r011 /t:$$ tie A)ft lfr*V.idikSVSVP Xti "1" i^ ' *$ "i '•‘" v • ;LA,. 1;4 0/ 41 414) •Joy, 0.4,1 • t I P ; • . attlog 04$ as,fatoto not$,ADAv t -la it tot er-r.t .1 La 13 J 111rIt0t101:1Jeul or",: Jar'T nalq e)77/ xti P'P qtli. tn ot .4"Aist a . I , 97, -4,44,-011 -ITT.*4 --1),!- -'1" • 1".t.;47 .11"...410:e■ ; . . . . . . • • • . , . . . . . . . . ea . . . . 641 • • . . . . . . . • • " . . . . • • . • • . .40( • • • • • . adios-111V di ill , Form 38 8-1902 5M . Board F. No._ . Assembl F. No. By oz / / ■ ; r Reso .ed,)tetailK a the Board of AlderL en of the City of ,itt.Paul to which'body of he Corrraon Council of said city,the attached petition for the vacation o a strip of land on the east side of, y street ex- tending from St.Antho avenue to Fuller stray 't: in the city of St .Paul, which said strip six fee : in width as rde i e"c�" thr, ,pmpanying plat b p by the petitioners tha ,::�•�C""✓�,s' deemed ex lent thr4; the 4tter set 'N, forth in the said .et'ition silo, d be pro eded with Ou Now T'n ,ore: It ordere at the cit clerk of/the city of „.�- ' St.Pau a and he is hereby ord- -d . • file record"' in his office said petition and to cause ^ •tice of pu• /cat in the official news- paper of said city for r ur weeks ,s.t r ast•y'once in each week to tla ef- feet that said petit, or� has been filae "as of• . eas; .id and state'`in Grief its subject 8.nd tr iat said petition' will be hear and cc idered by the ,. Committee oh.' /treets of said body of the common c' icil on the day and the place ,,. pecified in spa notice not later than t , days after the publicatoro i of said notice Adoptecieby tie Board of ld rmen, Adopted by the Assembl it7, ' , 190 . M $114 I '190 YEAS. NAYS. YEAS. NiktiliN NAYS. ALD. BANTZ BUSCHMANN CORNING MR. ARNOLD `‘.,,� DORAN DOBNER HAAS I O ELDER ROSEN HINRENS SCHURMEIER HOLT VAN SLYKE MORIARTY WHEELER BORLAND WHITCOMB NAYS 0 MR. PRESIDENT NAYS 0 MR. PRESIDENT Approved— 190 • i• + g"O \,j t. ' to .i :10, ,.:3, .,r a :0 '1;!.."0-* !;)/!_ , OS ,.,. 3!}l^t>f"' 'AC, :E9 e; :f+ ±' .iO1`g f1V E3 14)'.. `,,r .i _ ` t,: 'i f l it ,? ? :*ti'fi i,. .. O Yom' t:1Ut39,2,- na,iveJiit7iW-t..-t.. •-4 C +'!� • '•.: .t•� s .ry i',��.' +i .► n ..:�... .. �Y�, f:1.L.4,2 �•�. , Jar.: 'J 3.,6r: .1 tAa iiftsJ QT1 .Y..tl- '" .� t.i . , .;trt `w�;.t U. {J O Oc i. ,..,) ":1' O.a. "ta'. 10 fl1. e• r � .".A �,T...+ •J•7 (b e t: r r s. "0 ' i wt ilk)"t ;,a. 1.. •u .L' ,w.1$Q't e'C�A�".. .:.,1}* -aw:.{.!� `..V.►V 1 r 1.44C ••.x0 €i;'i' U,' se 4i 9J..0 , n p .'+ h + It i ,'iLf `t .`f: 10' V;117:7` iU±.p. 'to 'T9cA, 5411.1 ii t Pnf 'tos ;:i'1' z A k.':i. .141.3r- /WI/ Pt ! t;.ta ''?`Yr$e:it :9, ,t )as SLet .3r0 $.) 1 11 lo 1°Sanej .} q Q ` xtia, • • • 1 .„;.. i• . • • II IN in- E.WEDELSTAEDT 44, Co., -avroi.Eits ,o1,:loi mow 1 _ 2 - in-- • 0 : , , 3 e • ,. , • , , . . . . [ 1 P ." ---, - .6 .1. / f--(-4-4--e- e--f---46-fl If • --le-f-eg {) 12,-Z.:&tra.-t„ "r-'7--- 4- Cle-c-C.-c-4G--C--% A./4 • /...'• 9 i "t _r. ..atVA- ate- C, et..-C--4-c • ,....e.,46_,ei..____ _, 10 ',._ gi- -1 --elt Ct-Z---. / r 4.....tic: 1 A 11 •--.7.7 ee 77 44■4.‘ ,e (A21 -7- - 12 4 - / 74L-1---e-/-0-----y-- ^---- t2-----I---e.-e-e--- --c-e...-c c---- -- • . 13 1__A... ‘166e---/e4.-- --c-<_ a ile —e-----1---- 14' . c__,..,_& , e...4."--n--- e:i___.. .----___,. ., ,,, , , .. ...- ,:o.k _ __,-,,, __ . _ 151_ / ... • 16 __:4a--e--e--0‹._ ,- P &--‘7 e-2--- - A ._______x2... 17 __ 41, X.e----- ----- (..) A ' -11 . i . •=sfele 7 42 i / a / e / til T • ' ?:V/O lit , . ‘1. . ? -, . , , 8 .. ,,. .,.. ....„, • , 4. .../ 44 , 9w, 31. ,, ,' . 4- // 31:01"1/. .,... , iv _ , , d, - / ' - ' I L• . ' ' i -fief eise; .4 LS.07 , 1 ,,, ,I e 1 f . . I 1 I I ./) / 4,k,. ,94 . 1 r , 4 ! , 4,.,),, . . . 0 -----------_-___ILli ' i / f ' I ( f - 004---- , - 1 -, II • f/ ty -_ - , - ' 1111 1 r AIIPM0 1 . j *V lik • OE L Ix I'V.''';"-- 7- 9 T i Ond 4:1131.oil _ £061 Jo ! p _-- stir,;`aix aao,;aq pagt1os!Jns put O . u.zon&s -Tmoi.J.7 uMo 1zak; Jo anal. are pa;t;s 'uz<4.zat1.1 s1a;;' U au; pa; put aU 8s auk Jo swawoo ail. MOLDt put pta.z aAW( cot 1,13110„ `.ixoIl.tl.ad 2uzoDaao; all pau2ts oTAM suos.zaz ItoTwap T au; a.z'L' fi.a l Vaua `,s/N5 p t.T1oms X22 £Znp OuTaQ put -�TT'auos1ad aim a.zo jaq eut 3 r . ( -:a oTTah Jo .441-M00 (44o6auut _ Jo ava;s LI PI — • ET - -- - - ----- - 1 Z' ____________T___ _1 01 4 1 b I y "4.'vacation of said portion of said street be and the same is hereby adopted, aPir owed, and concurred in, and Be it resolved, that the easterly six feet of said Jay street from St. Anthony avenue to Fuller street in the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, be and the same is hereby vacated, and that the amount to be paid into the treasury of said City by the persons desiring such vacation, before this resolution shall take effect, be and is hereby fixed at the sum of liollars , in addition to the expenses of this II IIINN pr oceeding. Form 63 6-3-1902 4000 Adopted by the Assembly,; _ _Y4_4), tx',�"1 ,90 77((,,yy )y -. 11410 r✓'` AA ,g Form 62 6-3.1902 4000 (` { 7..I9O Adop ted by the Board of Aldermen 'l 4wI. t 10.7e„ „..i...,,..,, ,„,04,-,g.ote // flar 1 " ''''''"11 ' : . -4 , fi N . Ald. BA■ Z B '.CHMANN a """i CORNI 6.G DAH llUIST �4 I 0, "" DO.sNER ) i'''.1' �ra�:e .a ELI } p 'y. r t' e. .�°' .1._ HINKE s S �� f= 4 Ho1� F- nv IARTF ROH , D ---_._ Mr. PRE ,,ENT . i - 4s- \ i r a ' )/ - ..► s. Board F. No. 9(e: WHEREAS, There was heretofore presented to the Board of Aldermen, one of the '-)odies of the Common Council of the City of St. Paul, a petition of a majority of the owners of property along Jay street from St. Anthony avenue to Fuller street and a majority of such owners along the entire length of Jay street, praying for the vacation of the easterly six feet of said Jay street from St. Anthony avenue to Fuller street, which petition presented and brought forth the reasons for such vacation, viz : to have such street of uniform ylridth through- . out its entire length, and was accompanied by a plat of said street, including that portion proposed to be vacated, and the adjoining grounds , lots and blocks, and was duly verified as required by law, and WHEREAS , Said Board of Aldermen deemed it expedient that, the matter therein be proceeded with, ordered said petition to be filed of record by the City Clerk of said City, and ordered said Clerk to give notice as provided by law, by publication in the official paper of said City, to the effect that said petition would be heard and con- sidered by the Committee on Streets of the Board of Aldermen of the Common Council of said City (to which Committee it was duly referred for hearing) on the 28th day of May, 1503 , at four o' clock P. M. of said day, in the Council Chamber in the Court House and City Hall building in said City, at which time and place' said Committee on Streets would investigate and consider the matter of such vacation and hear and consider the testimony and evidence relative thereto on the part of ' all parties in interest, and said petition was duly filed , said notice duly given , and, at said time and place , said°. Committee on Streets did duly investigate and consider said matter and hear and consider the testimony and evidence on the part of all parties in interest , and thereupon after due hearing' said Committee on Streets has duly reported to the Board of Aldermen in favor of granting said petition, • -- NOW, THEREFORE, Be it resolved, that the report of said . Committee on Streets , in favor of granting said petition for the „