1902 (3) ' Thereupon, said petition and Plat were I duly tiled in said orrice of said City irk \/j and said notice was given and published ,/�./_J et'Y F No. 6400— as by-law required, which said notice, in Whereas, There was heretofore present- compliance with the charter of said City ed to the Assembly of the City of St. of St. Paul and in compliance with the Paul, one of the branches of the Common resolution of said Assembly, did, among Council of said city, he other things, specify that said petition y petition of the j would be heard and considered by the Burlington, Cedar Rapids & Northern Committee on Streets of said Assembly Thomas_ H. Brown, of Iowa, and e- on Monday, the twelfth day of May, 1902, Thomas_ H. Brown, pbetwe for East va- I at the Council Chamber in the Court cation v Eva street Levee East Water House and City Hall of said City of St. more avenue and the Levee or Water Paul, Minnesota, at 4 o'clock In the after- street, being that portion of said lock noon; and, after- street between block‘four (4) and West St. five (5) Marshall's addition re to West plat saidheAss Assembly did meet at the Council Paul,e n filaccording to the recorded gis- Chamber in said city on the day and at ter of e file in the office of the Regis- oun- ter of Deeds in and for Ramsey Coon- the•hour above specified for the hear- ty, Minnesota, which said petition was ing thereof, and did investigate and con- duly signed and verified as required by siderand atter of saidepropos ap emcee_ he law and did duly set forth the facts and reasons for such vacation and was ac- testimony and evidence adduced on the companied by a plat of the portion of r part of the petitioners and other per- said street proposed to be vacated; and, sons interested in the matter of said pro - in in said petition said petitioners did,r posed vacation, and heard and received among other reasons assigned for the the evidence and proof of the matters vacation of said Eva street, aver that the averred in said petition, and being of the same has never been used to any great opinion that the prayer of said petition extent for public travel, and would not should be granted, and, having reported be, even if said street were graded or its conclusions to said Assembly recom- . otherwise improved, and that said street mending the adoption of an app '>...t. few fee ; resolution declaring said portion of Eva redo crly a n *��nt Water street vacated, direction beyond said levee or lti'ous- Now, therefore, be it resolved, by the street, and the public will not be serious- Common Council of the City of St. Paul. ly inconvenienced by said proposed va- cation; and that said petitioners have ac- That all that part of Eva street between quired title to all the property abutting East b'illmore avenue and the levee, or upon both sides of that portion of said Water street, being that portion of said Eva street proposed to be vacated and Eva street which is situated between said Railway Company has purchased block four (4) and block five (5) of said: large tracts of land in the vicinity, for Marshall's addition to West St. Paul, be, the express purpose of constructing there- and the same is hereby vacated; but sub- on suitable and proper freight terminals ject, however, to the following conditions, and other facilities for the operation of viz.: its railway, and said terminals were lo- 1. That the self} Burlington, Cedar cated with a view, among other purposes, Rapids & Northern Railway Company of of serving a large and increasing num� ' Iowa shall (by written agreement to be her of factories and other business enter- executed by its proper officers and to be prises which require the use of con- filed with the City Clerk of said City of venient railway facilities; and said Rail- St. Paul within thirty (30) days from the way Company, among other improve- passage of this resolution) agree to im- ments, proposes to construct a terminal prove and put in first-class condition for freight house upon portions of said blocks traffic with teams and vehicles, Eaton four (4) and five (5) in said Marshall's avenue between said levee, or Water addition to West St. Paul and . said street, and said Fillmore avenue. freight house will be of such dimensions 2. Said petitioners shall pay into the • because of its length, that it will be im- ' treasury of the City of St. Paul the sum possible to construct the same wholly of fifteen dollars ($15), which is hereby within the limits of any one of the fixed as the compensation to be paid by blocks which said Railway Company has them to the City in consideration of said acquired for its said terminal facilities, vacation. and that said company contemplates Adopted by the assembly, May 15, 1902. otherwise improving said premises and Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, adapting the same to the needs and re- May 20, 1902. quirements of its business, by the con- Approved, May 22, 1902. struction of tracks, switches and ap- proaches, and, without the vacation of said portion of Eva street said improve- ments could not be properly and con- veniently made; and, Whereite The said Assembly, deeming it expedient that the matter therein re- , ferred to should be proceeded with,el ordered said petition and accompanying plat to be filed of record in the office of the City Clerk of the City of St. Paul and ordered said Clerk to give notice, by publication in the official paper of the city, for four (4) successive weeks, at least once in each week, to the effect that said petition has been filed as aforesaid and setting forth in brief its object, and that said petition would be•heard and considered by the committee on streets of said Assembly, on that certain day and place in said notice to be specified, not less than ten (10) days after the put- lication of said notice in accordan'!e with. the requirements of the charter of the city of St. Paul, in such case made and provided; and, -76 74 4//mofz 2,4 ee 4 ' ,c€ ; . / . lviay 27th 1902. Matt Jensen,City Clk, Co,1rt House, St.Paul,Minn. Dear Sir :-We hand you herewith the following papers :- First the agreement of the R.C.R. & N.Ry Co. executed by proper offi- cers that it accepts the terms of the resolution of the city council vacating Eva St.between Fillmore Ave.and water St. and agrees to put in first class condition for traffic with teams and vehicles Eaton Ave.between the Levee and said Fillmore Ave . Second :-The receipt of the city treasurer showing the payment of fif- teen dollars one of the conditions for the vacation of the street,and showing also the payment of fifteen dollarsin addition for the advertis- ing expenses etc . Will you please file the agreement of the R.C.R. & N.Ry.and the receipt of the city treasurer and write us that you have done so . We also hand you copies of resolution of city council,plat, agreement, and receipt of city treasurer for certification.We have also prepared the certificate .Will you please sign and seal the certificate and return to us with the copies attached sending us at the same time your bill which we will be glad to pay. very truly yours Alv■moyekj417'"4 �y 41 41 NOTICE OF HEARING PETITION to VACATE EVA STREET between EAST y IL7M fl E AVENUE and the LEVEE or TATt+;R STREET. NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to law and the order of the Assembly of the City of St.Paul, a body of the Common Council of said city, that the petition of the Burlington, Cedar Rapids & Northern Railway Company of Iowa and of Thomas H.Brown, for the vacation of Eva street between Eat Fillmore avenue and the Levee or Water street has been filed in the office of the City Clerk of said city of ;t .Paul. Said Eva street was originally designated upon the plat i.n the office of the Register of Deeds of Ramsey county, Minnesota, as Goodhue street, and the portion of said Eva street pro- �. posed to be vacated is situated between block four (4) and block five (5) of Marshall's Addition to `'est t.Paul. The reasons for t he vacation of said 'Fva street are that this portion of said street has never been used to any great extent for purlic travel, and would not be, even if said street were graded or otherwise improved, and said street ex- tends only a few feet in a Northerly direction beyond said levgeor Water street, and the public will not, it is claimed by said petitioners, be ; seriously inconvenienceIby the vacation of said portion of said street. Another and f17rther reason for vacating said portion of Eva street is that said petition- ers have acquired title to all of the property abutting upon that portion of the street proposed to be vacated and said railway company has purchases- large tracts of land in the • vicinity, for the express purpose of constructing thereon suitable and proper freight terminals and other facilities for the operation of its railway, and said terminals' were located with a view, among other purposes, of serving a large and increasing number of factories and other business enterprises which require the use of convenient railway facilities, and said :^ailway Company, among other improvements, proposes to construct a terminal freight house upon portion;; of said blocks four (4 ) and five ( 5) in said Farshal.l 's Addition to West St.Paul,• and said freight house Will be of such dimen- sions, because of its lent- , that it will be iliupossible to construct the same wholly wv�; `hin the limits of any one of the blocks w'.}. ich said railwa-' company has acquired for its said terminal facilities ; and said company pany tontem, latex otherwise improving said premises and adapting the ,eune t0 the needs and requirements of its "ousiness by the construction of tracks, switches and approaches, -and. .. ithput the vacation of said Eva street ;_,id improvements cannot he properly and conve- niently made. Pursuant to law ands to a,. order of the said Assembly of said city or St .Pat.1, herein referred to, adopted March 20, 190 ,, said petition rill be heard and considered by the Committee on ^tr: e.f,s of said Assembly on Monday, she 12th day of May, 1901, at the Council Chamber in the Court Houses and City Hail of c.3 ai i city of St.Pau1, Minnesota, at 4 o ' clock P.M. , at which time said committee will hear all the evidence and testimony relating to ' such proposed ve.cation, which may be offered by the parties interested therein. hated '"t.paul, �.rinsesot , '''Marc 24, , 'O2. ili I . . •• iik a ,,,,A 2_ ,, , 7,,,, ,94.,, . 1 'Ilb ? ,,,fd BE IT RESOLVED, by the Assembly of the City of St.Paul, to which body of the Common Council the attached petition for vacation of that part of Eva street lying between East Fillmore avenue and the Levee or water street in the city of St .Paul has been presented by the petitioned named therein, that it is deemed expedient that the matter of the vacation of said Eva street between said East Fillmore avenue and the Levee or water street, as set forth in said petition, should be pro- ceeded with, and it is O R D E R E D, that the City Clerk of the City of St .Paul be, and he is hereby directed to file of record in his office said petition and give notice by publication in the official paper of the city for four (4 ) successive weeks, at least onee in each week, to the effect that such petition has been filed as aforesaid and setting forth in brief its ob- ject and that said petition will be heard and considered by the Committee on Streets of this body of the Common Council on that certain day and place therein to be specified, not less than ten (10 ) days after the publication of said notice in accordance with the requirements of the charter of the city of St .Paul, in such case made and provided. Crq , 0„,e I, /41 coo4"' Z ti And now, having heard the evidence and testimony relating to such proposed vacation, the Committee finds all of the averments in the petition to be true, and con- cludes and reports that the portion of said street proposed to be vacated has never been used to any great extent for public travel, and would not be even if said street were graded or otherwise improved, and said street extends only a few feet in a Northerly direction beyond said Levee, or Water street, and the public will not be, it is claimed by said petitioners, seriously inconvenienced by the vacation of said portion of said street. Said petitioners have acquired title to all the property abut- ting upon that portion of the street proposed to be vacated, and said Railway Company has purchased large tracts of land in the vicinity, for the express purpose of constructing thereon suit- able and proper freight terminals and other facilities for the operation of its railway; and said terminals were located with a view, among other purposes, of serving a large and increasing number of factories and other business enterprises which re- quire the use of convenient railway facilities; and said Railway Company, among other improvements, proposes to construct a terminal freight house upon portions of said blocks four (4) and five (5) in said Marshall 's Addition to West St.Paul, and said freight house will be of such dimensions, because of its length, that it will be impossible to construct the same wholly within the limits of any one of the blocks which said Railway Company has acquired for its said terminal facilities; and said Company contemplates otherwise improving said premises and adapting the same to the needs and requirements of its business, by the con- struction of tracks, switches and approaches, and without the vacation of said portion of said Eva street said improvements cannot be properly and conveniently made. ' J 071-Z+ r';,`.".'J.;.LVO 3 ( fr:.SO. ii.CVSIi t'fOI! :9t):1ii 1L7 Qn ev:.J" 0101:CIA01'V bet:10(101{ f1J.(ta o -no;) ')(L4 t9u'X 9U CZ f,0t,It_ ,e,: �)! .� f!.0 'SJt 9iti'i4)V "u () 1f$ O* ) tao u.fr; .t`e lfj' ..i:n .:t7 Lv" C': v C'. F,.i'YC> ?"i `)!'!,S OL.. ATy 'a`:i 3.fi9Sxf3 rsrj J£9wI;ta `C)}; +`/: r StVC' :'O(1 7. .)1 Pi'X fl `.,:.+ C "r; f 1.r' (. i i ;a X e .4� .,, t E; t.?9VO' ,i.1 ;i'r'...Ly-fo" •.> tl.0 .;1:17,B t�:�.J�i v; `i:. . i� ..j t.. C:U. iYO.i.z: OY''ra.S) r l' r t•ri:r i r. j a r t9C7 ;fort U7. 3:01;!3F: e . '!o..., -.0- .;G 3)(:(J(y9.. JV.PO.Ji7C '0V°." Gr r}.0 .'o u;..;:, O Cd.0.07;" -J.t t.1 ::1(}' i : 7 :J o .')). 3;'.,i f=' i'}"i ( `)S Tn <.. .- a _� •.i.-J � :�+. .>'.'-A° a .s:i".r1 c" vl ..tl _l).1;. ,1;$"1✓�Yt) L' t; 7` :v a iO to it:(}l ,C,ri`i ` 1 i0 ;U, 9_,/.L.. J.i._ i, '.L :=t ''j I (2. 1. v ,_i(i0 c, r:R (._°_`) ): s,:.':: (}!n : ,'' ^ifzq.rJ' fJCi l t .(' :JaS_ro: " L _ t _3CT- ; ~. v nc:. 1.).' r a :!. lt,:t ._ !'i .0 ( :3Z'J,•� Y.i.4 <Y�::� + la t `a.0 oti tt$ f3lf to •.^ �' 1 f )!..; r .!_t. ;,),f . ';'r' z-.i_.[Ot■tiv 0. :7. ., v )'+`'iv cai;:7 i' p _. .. ::_.Gi :, .i ad. Nr, T._ ti3,7 15.1-...?.a o r 91{,' O 5.10 Xrts 1.%) ) •J3 ;�Jl .: :� .� .'. � .L�3 y ,.-,.' �)�:k;:� ..:s is "�G. 507 7:T.11'.0 f3 S1a,d o i:z; a iG. '• .: .1:.:>.. �.'+...� fj..w -1'i� .�1� �'4 �_+_' � ..1.': ...s E) •i Jt1.00, 7i. to :3 • .),-., , 40 . Said Committee reports to the Assembly that it concludes that the petition for the vacation of said Eva street should be granted, and it recommends the adoption of an appropriate resolution declaring said vacation. The Committee recommends that said vacation be made and declared upon the following conditions, viz . : 1. That the said The Burlington, Cedar Rapids and Northern Railway Company of Iowa shall (by written agreement to be executed by its proper officers and to be filed with the City Clerk of said city of St.Paul within thirty days from the passage of such resolution) agree to improve and put in first class condition for traffic with teams and vehicles, .Caton avenue between said Levee, or Water street , and said Fillmore avenue . 2. Said petitioners shall pay into the treasury of the City of St.Paul the sum of fifteen dollars ($15) , which is hereby fixed as the compensation to be paid by them to the City in consideration of said vacation. The adoption of the resolution of vacation hereto attached is recommended. All of which is respectfully submitted. • •�t..., ,� y } ,.. :''.u:9 'i .3' _ .r.17. ..Ci C t) •i wr; _ _+7 _.ii s .L ?c`ice. °4., �.f !CAC 1C�'+"�'i r:k? 71:C .1.".e +� .�_. .!. �...% „3wY,)T 1. _ _ i v.. 1> i_, .. �:) � .. r•77` •';;C_: t' r!.() [():, { ;f , i .., :.:3 P t) ) ....a [r.6',(5:. .. _.. ;..O`ie. �. r, � iCJ fl i).Lv Iy CJ is ( . �.; i;!. r�1�1 )ai, � F4 • IP P ET I T I 0 N. for the VACATION of EVA STREET between E.FILLMORE AVENUE and the LEVEE or WATER STREET. The Burlington, Cedar Rapids and Northern Railway Company of Iowa and Thomas H.Brown make petition to the Common Council of the city of St.Paul for the vacation of Eva street, so-- called , between East Fillmore avenue and the Levee or Water street. Said Eva street was originally designated upon the plat in the office of the Register of Deeds of Ramsey county, Minnesota, as Goodhue street, and Fillmore avenue was origi- nally designated upon the plat in said office as Fourth street. The said Burlington, Cedar Rapids and Northern Railway Company of Iowa and the said. Thomas H.Brown are the owners of all of the property abutting upon both sides of said Eva street between Fillmore avenue and said Levee or Water street, and your petitioners attach hereto a true and correct plat of the portion of said Eva street for the vacation of which this petition is made. The said Burlington, Cedar Rapids and Northern Railway Company of Iowa is engaged in the construction of an extension at- of its line of railway from Albert Lea, which was formerly the Northern terminus of said lire, to the cities of St . Paul and Minneapolis, and it has purchased a large tract of land in Marshall 's Addition to west St.Paul and In Brooklynd, an ad- dition to St.Paul, as and for a part of its terminal facilities? in said city of St.Paul, and, among other improvements , A pro -' poses to construct a terminal freight house upon portions of blocks four (4) and five (5) in said. Marshall's Addition to West St.Paul. Said terminal freight house will be of such dimensions, because of the length of such building, that it is impossible to construct the same wholly within the limits of 411' one of said blocks, and, in order to make said terminal freight house of the proper dimensions, it will be necessary to vacate Eva street so that said building may be constructed in part upon block four (4) and in part upon block five (5 ) of said Marshall 's Addition to west St.Paul. Said railway company also contemplates otherwise improving said premises and adapt- ing the same to the needs and requirements of its business, by the construction of tracks, switches and approaches, and, in order to properly and conveniently make such construction, said company should use said Eva street. Further facts and reasons for the granting of this petition to vacate Eva street between the streets named herein 1 are as follows : Your petitioners aver that this portion of Eva street has never ben used to any great extent for public awc\.Y`cuwt�'ho�.�r� travel,Aeven if said street were graded or otherwise improved; I said street extends only a few feet in a Northerly direction beyond said hevee or water street, and the public will not, in the opinion of your petitioners, be seriously inconvenienced by the vacation of this street. The property purchased by petitioner the Burlington, Cedar Rapids and Northern Railway Company was acquired for the • express purpose of constructing thereon suitable and proper freight terminals and other facilities for the operation of its said railway, and said terminals were located with a view, among other purposes, of serving a large and increasing number of important factories, industries and other business enter- prises in the vicinity, which require, in the transaction of their business, the use of convenient railway facilities, and the location of said freight terminals, in the opinion of your petitioners, is the most accessible and convenient, for its patrons generally, that said company was able to obtain and acquire. • - - i .: There are streets East and West of said Eva street between the points herein named that are now, and al*ays will be, in the opinion of your petitioners, ample and sufficient to accommodate public travel. W h e r e f o r e, Your petitioners pray that said Eva street, between said East Fillmore avenue and the Levee or `Water street, may be vacated. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said petitioners have hereunto set their hands and seals this 12th day of March, 1902. THE BURLINGTON, CEDAR RAPIDS & NORTHERN RAILWAY COMPANY OF IOWA, BYc` _ , President. 10, , , ! (SEAL) . ATTEST: Secretary of } . C.R.& N.Ry.Co . of Iowa. State of Iowa, ) )ss. County of Linn. ) C . J.IVES, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is the president of the Burlington, Cedar Rapids and Northern Railway Company of Iowa; that the facts set forth in the foregoing petition are true.,_. Subscribed and sworn to before me This /,--- — day of March, 1902 . Notary MATTE, c, County of Linn, Iowa. • 4 . 1 , • t Jr I Approved as to forriik this!' 'day of • TO TtE r, .(3ERS OF TIM ASSRMBLY Corpora 7u.�lGt�� OF THE CITY OF STPAUL, MINNESOTA. To the Committee on Streets there was re- ferred the petition of the Burlington, Cedar Rapids and Northern Railway Company of Iowa and of Thomas H.Brown, for the vacation of Eva street between East Fillmore avenue and the Levee, or Water street, such portion of Eva street proposed to be vacated being situated between block four (4) and block five (5) of Marshall's Addition to West St.Paul, according to the recorded plat thereof on file in the office of tee register of deeds in and for Ramsey county, Minnesota. In compliance with the terms of the reso- lution referring the matter of said vacation to this committee, it caused notice to be given as required by said resolution of reference to this committee and by the charter of the city of St.Paul, of the hearing and consideration of the petition for such vacation. Among other things said notice, after assigning te reasons for said proposed vacation, did provide that, pur- suant to law and to an order of said Assembly of said city of St.Paul, adopted March 20, 1902, said petition would be heard and considered by the Committee on Streets of said Assembly on Monday, the 12th day of May, 1902, at the Council Chamber in the court house and city hall of said city of St.Paul, at four (4) o 'clock in the afternoon, at which time said Committee would hear all the evidence and testimony relating to such proposed vacation which might be offered by persons interested therein. In compliance with said notice duly given and published, said Committee on Streets did meet at the time and place indicated in said notice and did duly hear and consider the evidence and the testimony relating to such proposed vacation Which was given by the parties interested therein. iolv - :ATOPFTITIY cjUAC%.Tp ro Y1T^ NITT p ,, f x• J.; )'> r 1.0 ._'T.r;. •9 .. , 10 11.0_:: .*.:: 9,1; i3' d f1() - .•(, t ., i f'_. _ yi l+_.) 'F•. `:+ .670-1 7 i;� % r;I r Z.�)jf r-.• ,.. ., t :'N I f3 'T .60 oL F:'.' ;7. S.)::e, t !''.(l.[ L1. a t t t2 f?::, of G: cj --)U 5 0 s Q '_ )[? ! chi+ ;) t :s j t Z.. .__. .:.(i0 V ( i ....f3 J-:`' ? _;? 'i'V 1. is-: ,ti 7 f'.t_ .. .J: '_ a iO ,. .iv :t-ij._ . ...,_ULiJ.l !)...J.%.. 1l'^ !).J ....:� ,:( .... .L: v '.vJ )..w ii• .'6,i . .`1 .,.. 1 i) ^!rJ J"'fC ?:) _, 1--■ . .L'J :i; :3.i a�:3 r .. .is�`J.'l 5 r,'"y.� .A.'.r.i: F.w n }r4+_Y• , r...,'.21'; ' :. s,}.li p 09 :v 0(1. ..,..t': . 1.. - ..,. •cv +•,.0..". .f1.0 `Ori': 93.[ Q' (1 )J_5 pf!0 O _.', 07..0 Lcs W$C r{J ; ..1},: .l_...flo0I! _ ..).f::) .yg ft 0�) 9.0"d ✓i:Tr>r' i 2.. :00.5J0' '' v c?(,)- K rf; r;ki iw`...L U r? Ili `. ( 4 "!'.r ,._ v,R p. r ri ..d !:EJ `,J _.) 07:.rl 7,t±.'�,, ')11. 9/1-f0 ;!'Y ;()`,) L 'iU ea I )_1(tila0 r" t i'.00 V.—,t`.) .... a) rah f.L \)0' ...) x_V S).1 li t.l,l J.'.� ..��••4 .;u !-v ...)`'� .:,;7 t :)c7_fi ;0ft:l _C'V:) .fi JW`i ., a;•.:n"10(j r10 ', •1i0LV 3.)_ 'i)` )i:r'.. t9 1 J :iT -!!1.3 off. liJ.a_)'r14 9'J -l• T;)Vu r)a rt otYit J •. .1 1`t;. _i"�fta :3:)!I 3. .CV`.] . '.l._i. ,:3 t'J ).,..t ',. . .._ ' .Cv'i.f1.+i .9'`r J -,Vie. (79'V.* G�...j•'r:' .')• S in,W A 1..-0R'S T. Whereas; The ASse ,ibly of te Pty of t.Paul did, under date of May 15, 1902, adopt a resolution for the va- , catJon of tat portion of .1Wa street between East Fillmore avenuo levee or Wii.ter street, in the city of ,:t.Paul, being that port on of said Rva street which is situated between blocks four (4 ) : i.re (5) of .Addition to West St.Paul, subject to certain conditions of which one was that the petitioners for such vacation s1on1r1 pa.y into the treasury of the City of St.Paul the sim o fifteen dolla-ns ( 15 ) , which was fixed by said reso- lution as the compensation to be paid by said peti t loners to said city in consideratjon of said vacation; and, W h e r e a s, said resolution was afterward adopt- c6_ by the Board of Alden:len 7:_ay 20, 14;.:3 ., and W.3.0 afterward ap- proved 7.1",ay 22, 1902; and, Whereas, The petitioners named in said reso- . lution, being the Burlington, Cedar 'Rapids and northern Railway Towa and Thos H.Brown, having paid, on this )s' 1a of 7:tay, 1902, said sum of one ' into said treasury of said City of 1t.P ,u1, N0 , T R P, 0 11 E, I, the -Jriderrrigned Treasurer of the City of :1t;.Pai.:11 do hereby acknowledge receipt of the sum of fifteen dollars ($15) , syl-ach aura has been paid this clay into the treasury of said City as t:-Le compensation to be paid by said petitioners in consAerat:toon of sa vacation. . / '1,44/1, ,2 , c 7/0-72 C41 :a.„