1987 OFFICE OF CITY TREASURER. , te - ..C•1., , . P N on. ,.7a 1 I s,::. . . t• -- . ,. ‘ i '."- 'k C )' \ \L'■1/4 _.,;:::' . t4 •,. :-: c kk..' ,tsr■ 4 _ 'N , A . - , t , e -‘1? _ ' ttl ii Nh \ 0 . I k..- 1. r3. ,,, ,..., „, m , I \ 4 t'l 4 w , Vt4 1 Icc) , . , LtZ1-x3 Alnda0 ? — • jt 1 � I �apzooag Aluno3 uiiy?ne'1 ow '0 uyor 5 �&9 oN 300 se splopay Awn 0 Aaswea w papioDaJ sem awes ay1 �eyl pue 'W frop,o!7 & 1e C p 61 •0 •d „ii d.471 Aep D ayi uo fined 031)Wo sup ui pJo3aJ Jo pay seen luawnJ)SUI uiy3!M ay1 3eyl Nam si siyl iapioaaa Alunoa ayl Jo eauilO ( Aaswed Aluno3 ss V1OS3NNI1A1 3O 31V1S f.3�891,4C2 � �,1 i \!' -4 iC. C CL 1I O W P OD U IX CO \\ cd v-1 0 '--1 +J ,0 V C/: U C P H Cd I--Z +.r >, •IM aJ 1 _ 0 44 1 .o 0 O U 1 !s N U 0 >- W 1 NI�, P Q > r J v a o4 cc m o ra 0 o P. d N •.- -d +i o. O O U 0 O P O 1.1 N N CU +1 Cd 4-) N ' UPT-I +-∎ 0 . • Ltf a FL+ P-+ U f 4-3 ! C a N E N-1 5 Ca � 0 P 0 M a +-I N CO .t 0 J I I L7 0 s_ 1- z C� v -0 c (i) s- r a w >- a 0 J L.t_ I- -O (L 4.) Z Ups E U U = 1 r** N a) >- >- Z 4-) C -I-)..- tO `M D C O r O a_ U Cil S`7 U 1 .........00.00, "I III i 03Y liPlir/(1-41LAA ir )//'r solved by the Assembly of the City of St. Pau 1, to which body of the Common Council of said City, the attached petition for the vacation of that part of ,f' ,y lying between 'MM., and -v _ _,.,.�.._._ (P/15/14-e. ,.z the City of St. aul has been presented by the petitioners that it is deemed expedient that the matter set forth in said petition should be preceeded with and it is 'ordered t hat the City Clerk of the City of St. Paul he and he is hereby ordered to file of record in his Office► said petition and give notice by publication in the Official paper in said City for four weeks at least once a week to the effect that such petition has been filed as aforesaid and statijg in brief its object and that said petition toil be heard and considered by the Committee on Streets of said body of 0 the Common Council on the day and at the place to be specified in said -- , notice not latter than ten days after the publication of said notice. .- ..r., 6 4.110 / 0, v. / W _ ,, tot / • Mi O t 'ITOAYf 9 LV Ud a3AOdddV I I 4 • factory to facilitate the handling of its business; that the por- tion of the said Starkey Street lying between Fillmore Avenue an ] Fairfield Avenue is not used t oany extent for public traffic, save by the said Charles A. Sti cknev Company, and' n fact was never gra- since ita occupancy 'led °°intil the said Charles A. Stickney Companynof the said property owned by the said A. Be Stickney graded the said portion of said street for its own use and at its own expense; that the said Chicago Great Western Railway Company is desirous of enlarging its trackage on Starkey Street between Fairfield. and Fillmore Avenue. WHEREFORE your petitioners pray that that portion of Fili more Avenue aforesaid be vacated and ` lo =d t o public travel.eji „zz:v_i__4 ir-ft.' 46-6<21-e/UA - --yc .07P-Le ...i. ..., i ... . - STATE OF MIN1TESOTA, ) . SS COUNTY OF RAMSEY. ) /..61...:..-.:' • CZ being first rst duly sworn de- t , posece and. says that r e is an offic e r^o f the Chicago Great Western Railway and one of the above petitioners, and. that the aforesaid petition is true of hit cvn knowledge. 66666 ►. -t..A.^--,r---"� Subscribed and sworn to before me this t) day of , 1901. , 7 . A_Lc, ,., Notary Publ ic, Ramsey f=1nty, 1Tinneisota. ill • V • • 1 C r 7. • . 4 • Common Council of the City of St. Paul: - The !anderaigne'i A. B. St ckney and the ghi cago Great Western Railway owners of all of the property on the line of that portion of that certain street in the City cf rt. Paul, known as Starkey Street , lying between Fairfield Avenue and Fillmore Avenue as is more particularly shorn by the plat thereof hereto annexed and hereby male a part hereof, respectfully chew that the .under- signed said Ai B. Stickney is the owner of all of the property on the easterly side of sail Starkey Street between sail Fairfield Avenue and Fillmore Avenue, and that sail property is at present occupied by the Charles A. Stickney Company, a corporation duly organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Minnesota, and engaged at sail place in t - e manufacture of gas- oline engines, and that the Chicago Great Western Railway, a cor- poration, is the owner of all of the property on the � �,`1 side of aril Starkey Street between said. Fairfield. Avenue and Fill- more Avenue and is now occupying the cal property. That the undersigned respectfully petition your Honorable body to order the vacation of that portion Of the street aforesaid lying and being between sail Fairfield Avenue and Fillmore Avenue nl to close the same to public travel. The reason assigned by your petitioners for th is th ei r petition and request is, that it is necessary for the Charles A. Stickney Company, a corporation , now occupying the aforesaid pro- perty, owned by said A. B. Stickney, to enlarge its factory exten- sively, and to erect other and further buildings upon the property on the easterly side of said street, owned by the said A. B. Stick- ney, and to have other and further tracks to connect with its said Ilk , w i &�o 10 . 3kA) In CZ STATE OF MINNESOTA N County of Ramsey ss. CI City of St. Paul .' A'y F No. 6280— 1 Albert B. Olson City Clerk of the Whereas, There was heretofore pre- sented ,to the Assembly, one of the branches of the Common Council of the -City of St. Paul, the petition of A. B. City of Saint Paul, do hereby certify that I have compared the at- Stickney and the Chicago Great Western Railway Company, who are the owners of the property abutting upon both sides 6280 of Starkey street lying between Fillmore tached printed copy of Council File No. avenue and Fairfield avenue, In the City of St. Paul, praying for the vacation of that portion of Starkey street lying be- approved March 6, 1902 with the original thereof tween Fillmore avenue and Fairfield ave- nue, more particularly described and shown upon the plat annexed to said petition, which said petition is duly veri- now on file in my office. fled-as required by law and sets forth the facts as to the dedication and the present use of said street and the rea- sons for such vacation; and Whereas, The said Assembly- deemed I further certify that I have compared the attached plat with It expedient that the matter therein re- ferred to should be proceeded with, and ordered said petition and accompanying la to be filed and ordered the office of the original plat attached to the petition for the vacation of the give notice, by publication In the official paper of said city, to the effect that said streets and/or alleys specified in said resolution on file in my office, petition had been filed. and stating in brief its object, and that said petition and the subject matter thereof would be heard and considered by the committee and that said copy of said resolution and said copy of said plat are on streets of said Assembly, at its reg- .... ular stated meeting to be held upon the DO 3rd day of February, 1902, at 4 o'clock true and correct copies of said originals, and the whole thereof. ` in the afternoon of that day, at the Colin- P (A Chamber, in said City of St. Paul, Q and thereupon said petition and plat �. I further certify that all the conditions of said resolution have WS were duly filed in the office of the City Clerk and said notice was duly given and published, and said petition and plat been complied with. and other matters connected therewith were duly referred by said Assembly to •said committee for hearing and investiga- WO ; tion; and 18th +.a l Assembly the said Council Chmber, i said WITNESS the seal of the City of Saint Paul this at the day and hour above mentioned 4 for the hearing thereof, and did investi- February 87 gate and consider the matter of said pro- day of A. D. 19. . posed vacation and then and there heard the testimony and evidence adduced on the part of the petitioner and the other n. persons interested in the matter of said ry,,� proposed vacation and took proof of the matters averred in said petition, and being of the opinion that the pray- ''%, er of said petition should be 672,0‘......eg_tyyN____---- granted, reported its conclusion . to the Assembly recommending the anon- City Clerk tion of an appropriate resolution declaring said vacation. - Now, Therefore, It is resolved by the Common Council of the City of St. Paul that all that part of Starkey street in said City of St. Paul lying between Fill- more avenue and Fairfield avenue, be and the same is hereby vacated, subject, however, to the following conditions: That said petitioners shall pay into the Treasury of the City of St.Paul the sum of one hundred dollars ($100), which is . hereby fixed as the compensation to be paid by them to the city in consideration of said vacation. • Adopted by the Assembly, Feb. 6, 1902. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, App o ed March 6, 1302. ENTERED IN TRANSFER RECORD • 2 — tj______1 9.43_2 LOU McKENNA Auditor, msey County, Minnesota By QDEPUTY 042887 moo#5222CASH 10.00 • State of Minnesota) County of Ramsey (ss. A City of St. Paul Whereas, The..., was heretofore pre- ! sented to the Assembly, one of the branches of the Comm-on Council of the I f E. E. McCrea Assista44- City of.-St. Paul, the petition of A. B. Stickney and the Chicago Great Western Ilallway. Company, who are the owners of the property abutting- upon both sides City Clerk of the City of St • Paul do of Starkey street.lying between Fillmore avenue and Fairfield avenue, in the CitY of St. Paul, praying for the vacation of that portion of Starkey street:Jying, he lierelly certify that I have compared the x.N■c.M.,11 ave- nuo. more particularly described and shown upon the plat annexed to said petition, which said petition is duly veri- attached printed copy of assembly file fled as:reauired by law and sets forth the facts-as to the dedication and tho present 'use of said street and the rea- sons for such vacation: and — #6280 being a resolution vacating all Whereas, The said :issembly deemed it expedient that the matter therein re- . ferred to should be proceeded with, and ' ordered said petition and accompanying' that portion of Starkey St. , in the City plat to be filed of record in the office of • the City Clerk, and ordered said Clerk to - give -notice, by publication in the official paper of said city, to the effect that said of St. Paul lying betweenFEakfield and petition had been filed, and stating in its,object, and that said petition - and the riSapdatsit*erbhetZee01411-(Ilidtt ( u . Fillmore Avenes with the original the on streets of said-Alssembly,. at its regc3-, alai stated meeting to be&held, upon the 1rd day of February, HOB,-nt:44 o'clock in the afternoon of that day, at the Conn- of on file in this Office9 and as adopted ! Chamber, in said.-City of St. Paul, and thereupon said petition and plat were duly filed in the office of the City lerk and was duly =,iven by the assembly of s C id City February oth publi said notice shed, and said'petition antrplat and .other matters connected therewith were duly.ref('rred by said Assembly to said.coinnaittee for hearing'and irive-r-ta- . 1902 and as adopted by the Board of Al- tion; ett.t. . Whereas, The said Assembly did meet at the said Council Chamber, in said city, derman of said City March 4th 1962 and as at the day and hour above mentioned for the hearing thereof, and did investi- r) gate and consider the matter of said prd Posed vacation and th.:!r thtr,: -172:-;:a — approved by the Mayor March Oth 1902. the teitimony and evidence adduced on the:part of the petitioner and persons interested in the mattes. of said proposed vacation and took proof of the I further certify that said co- matters averred in said petition, and being" of the opinion that the praY- ' en of said petition should be granted, reported its eonclusiOn py is a true and correct copy of said to the AsseMbly recommending the adop- isiaoind..ovacation,f*anppropriate resolution declaring • Now, herefare, It is resolved by the original and the whole thereof Common Council of'the City of St. Paul that all that part of 'Starkey street--in said City cf St. Paul lying-between Fill- WITNESS the seal of the City more avenue and Fairfield avenue, bo and the same is hereby vacated, subject, -however, to the following conditions: That said petitioners shall pay into the of St . paul this 12th day o April, A. D. Treasury of the„City of St.Paul the sum 'of one hundred dollars .($100), which is hereby fixed as the compensation to be Paid by them to the city in-Consideration 1902. . of said vacation. . Adopted by the Assembly, Feb. 6, 1902. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, - March 4, 1202. Approved March 6, 1902. //000;;;;Ii■mill. dir 001111111" Ass' t City Clerk. '-?_)4,1 . _) (,,, O� \<, -)- . ,,,, ,) , - ❑. VA QJ3IRSIIA � \oa ry pp1 Fir ; y..,_f- fai Q 1 O O t'1 >ro x 1 l 1 o 1 ti ' 1 1 , :, ,,x" 0 1 4 . .� , 1 °Q L 1 1 ," �,,, 'r �, ■ cc rn ...1.JZt .yu•r,• ��� ■ a N . I- - �. ) td FU w ° n, 4 �„t1: ' / / m ~t r' /► ,� r `' � N C1l o N - w I k1 K 13 F- 1 < 54 L 1 .�y.4, t d 1 S d Z ZI \oa ❑ V ❑ g ❑ MJJIR r1 N X Q Q 1--1 r OZ al CK fr 1--1 O ❑ r II (D (x) 0- N d ° a, ❑ I— Q ru N Q rr- Q rT r- fTl o 0 Q >- p- H C7 N Q o I- F- o H , 0 M v, S ul Q � El rn o