1902 • A CITY CLERK'S OFFICE. e_w: 9eiteit_d/027/ / hi-6, 2___ The attention, of the is respectfully called to the folio i esolution of the Common Council, approved e ct," o. 15067— *�� \,�.ereas, There was heretofore present- co the Board of Aldermen, one of th.h branches of the Common Council of the City of St. Paul, the petition of Robert A. Smith, ae Mayor of the City of f Stt. Paul, which city is the owner o_ th property abutting upon both sides.ot that certain part of an alley-way lying south and adjacent to Lot 10, Block 1, of Daw- son and Smith's Subdivision of Block 11 of Stinson, Brown and Ramsey's Addi- x*ion to the City of St. lieul, praying for "`� the vacation of that portion of said alley- \ -..k, way particularly described hereinabove • • and shown upon the plat annexed to said �. + petition, which said petition is duly veri- fled, as required by law, and sets forth the facts as to the dedication and the • present use of said alley-way, and the reasons Wr fsr The vacation; and on es - Rmed it The said Board of the mater. Persons interested in the matter of said •• • - ilk deemed it expedient that the matter proposed vacation, and took proof of the • therein referred to should be proceeded matters averred in said petition. and, be- with, and ordered said petition and the ing of the opinion that,the prayer of said accompanying plat to be filed of rec�Td petition should be granted, reported its in the office of the City notice and or- conclusion to the Board of Aldermen,, dered said Clerk to give notice by pub-ii recommending the adoption of an app lieatfon in the official paper of said cite riate resolution declaring such vaca- to the effect that said petition =ned been ' con P,esolved by the filed, and stating in brief its object, and I Now, Therefore, It Is that said petition and the sultiect ma!.t Common Council of the City of St. Paul thereof would be heard and consider-1 That all that part of the certain alley- -�y the committee on Streets Of said Board i y way lying south of and adjacent to-Lot r at its regular state df Jan- 10 of Block 1 of Dawson and Smith's oY Aldermen n the 30th daY ing, to be held upon Subdivision of Block 11 of Stinson, Brown ! and Ramsey's Addittgn,to;the City of St. uary, 1002, at 4 o'clock incilhC'haxdper in at the Council Paul, he and the same hereby is vacat- of that day, and thereupon said ed subject. however, to.the following said City,of St; Faul,. filed in the of- condition: That said pbtitioner shall pay petition and plat were duly Cffy.,rvk i into the treasury of the City of.S . Paul•fice of said City Clerk of salduly Tin St, Paull, and said notice was d Zfiat 'the sum of one dollar. which is hereby ' and said petition an fixed as the compensation to be paid by and,published, netted therewith it to the city in consideration of such ' and other matters sF cQn vacation. ���'.. ......___.. City Clerk. were 'duly referred by said Board of Ai dermen to said committee for hearing and Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Feb. arid 4, 1902. investigation; of Aldermen did Adopted by the Assembly Feb. 6, 1902 Whereas, Said Beard Approved Feb. 8, 1902. and hour above mention- meet at the said Council Chamber in said ' city at the day thereof, and did fin- ed for the hearing matter of said vestigate and considandhthen and there uced proposed vacation, and evidence d add oche —....beard all testi�ort5�ne�irjoner_ 4 I� . • Wiry 101.1 0 //et' Form 38 6-1900 5M RP Board F. No. Assembly F. No. By a , - / Resolved,ficxtx by the board of aldermen of the city of St . Paul, to which body of the common council of said city the attached petition for the vacation of that part of the alley Tying south and adjacent to Lot 10 , Block 1 of Dawson & Smith' s Sub Division , and of. Block 11 , Stinson, B,rOwn & Ramsey Addition, said alleyway being immediately west of and opening into Toronto avenue in the city of St .Paul, has been presented by the petitioner; that it is deemed expedient that the Fatter set forth in said petition should be preceded with; and it is hereby ordered to file of record in his office said petition, and give notice by publication in the official paper in said city for four wee ks, at least once a week, to the e 'fect that said petition has been filed as aforesaid, and stating in brief its object , and that said petition will be heard and considered by the committee on streets of said body of the common council on the day and at the place to be specified in said notice, not later than ten days after the publication of said notice . Adopted by the Board of Aldermen. Adopted by the Assembly, 1.90 190 NAYS. 44/ +n YEAS. • NAYS. ALD. BANTZ, MR. BENSON, Lam" ._ cc � cc CRAIG, I " DOBNER, " DENNY, " HOLT, `` HAAS, ," • " HUNT, " NELSON, " KNAUFT, " WARNER, /6 " MORIARITY, `` WHEELER, MURPHY, " WHITCOMB, " SCHIFFMAN, MR. PRESIDENT. " f`TLMER, NAYS 0 NAYS 0 MR. PRESIDENT. Approved 190 • • TO THE COT MON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. .PAUL: The undersigned, Mayor of the city of St .Paul , respect- fully represents to -our honorable body,that the city of St .Paul is the owner in fee simple of all of the property on the line of that certainnalley-way lying south and adjacent to Lot ten (10) of Block one ( 1) of Dawson & Smith' s Sub Division of Block eleven (11) • of Stinson, Brown. & Ramsey Addition; that the property adjacent - to said alley-way, viz : Lots eight (8) , nine (9 ) , ten ( 10) , eleven (11) , twelve ( 12) • and thirteen ( 13) , Block one ( 1) of said sub divis - ion have been acquired by the city of St .Paul, upon which it is contemplated to erect a school building for the use of the board of education of the city of St .Paul . That the undersigned respectfully petitions your honorable body to order the vacation of that part of the alley so described as aforesaid, and to close the same to public travel . That the reason assigned by your petitioner for this request is that the school building so contemplated to be erected on said lots will occupy the entire area of the same , and in order to make a continuous strip which would be suitable for the purpose contemplated it will be necessary to use and occupy that part of the alley hereirbefore referred to . Wherefore , your petitioner prays that that part of the alley so referred to he vacated and closed to public travel. _ A - _ Mayor of the City of St .Paul. • • State of Minnesota, : ss . State of 1 inr.esota. : Robert A. Smith being first duly sworn, deposes and says, that he is the rlayor of the city of St .Paul and the petition- er above named; that the foregoing petition is true of his own knowledge except as to those matters therein stated on his information and belief, and as to those matters he believes it to be true . /C. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 10th day of December, A.D . 1901 . 6---"5( -4114,-4,41_,f/v Notary Publi_•�' Ramsey County, T'inn. State of Minnesota, ) County of Ramsey, ( se Bd hereas,lThre was heretofore present- City of St• Paul ed to the Board of Aldermen, one of the branches of the Common Council of the City of St. Paul. the petition of Robert A. Smith, as Mayor of the City of St. Paul, which city is the owner of the property abutting upon both sides of that. certain part of an alley-way lying south I, Matt Jena en, City Clerk of and adjacent to Lot 10, Block 1, of Daw- son and Smith's Subdivision of Block 11 ti Stinson, City of and Paul, ray Addl.. the City o f St• Paul do hereby certify that I tion to the City'of St. Paul, praying fo, F hereby + the vacation of that portion of said alley- way particularly described hereinabove and shown upon the plat annexed to said ,�,, ., 1. -t have compared attached printed copy of Bd. fled,ias required by law, and sets fort the facts as to the dedication and the ', present use of said alley-way, and the reasons for such vacation; and File INTO• 15067, being resolution vacating Whereas. The said Board of Aldermen deemed it expedient that the matter therein referred to should be proceeded with, and ordered said petition and the that part of a certain alleyway lying south accompanying plat to be filed of rcc:i d in the office of the City Clerk, and or- dered said Clerk to glue notice by pub- 0i' and adjacent to Lot 10 , Block 1 of Dawson & licatlon in the official paper of said city to the effect that said petition had been filed, and stating in brief Its object, and that said petition and the sut;yect matter Smith' s Subdivision of Block 11 of Stinson, thereof would be heard and considered by the committee on Streets of said Board i of Aldermen at fts regular stated meet• , Brown & Ramsey's Addition, with the original ing, to be held upon,the 30th day of Jan- uary, 1902, at 4 o'clock in the afternoon of that day, at the Council Chamber in thereof on file in this office and as adopted said City,of St. Paul, and thereupon said 1' petition and plat were-duly filed in the of- fice of said City Clerk of said City of St. Paul, and said notice was duly given bit the Board of Aldermen of said city Feb. 4, and published, and said petition and plat and other matters connected therewith were duly referred by. said Board of Al- dermen to said committee for hearing and 1902, and as adopted by the Assembly of said investigation; and - Whereas, Said Board of Aldermen did meet at the said Council Chamber in said city at the day and•h4,ur above mention- liity' Feb. 6 , 1902, and approved by the mayor ed for the hearing thereof, and did in- vestigate and consider the matter of said proposed vacation, and then and there Feb. , 19 0 2. heard ali testimony ana evldein,e audUaed on the part of the petitiontor and other persons interested in the matter of said proposed vacation, and took proof of the And I further certify that said copy i s matters averred in said petition. and, be- {ing of the opinion thgt,the prayer of said petition should be granted, reported its conclusion to the Board of Aldermen, a true and correct Co O f said original and py i recommending the adoption of an apprappro.. r priate resolution declaring such vaca- tion. Now, Therefore, It Is Resolved by the of the whole the roof. Common Council of the City of St. Paul, That all that part of the certain alley- way lying south of and-adjacent to Lot 10 of Block 1 of Dawson and Smith's • Witness the seal of the City of St. Paul Subdivision of Block ll of Stinson, Brown and Ramsey's Addition to the City of St. Paul, be and the same hereby is vacat- ed, subject, however, to the i following this 27th day of March, A.D. , 1902. condition: That said petitioner shall pay the the treasury of the City of hereby "of the sum of one dollar. which is hereby fixed as the compensation to be paid by , it to the city in consideration of such vacation. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Feb. , / j 4, 1902. Adopted by the Assembly Feb. 6, 1902. '. Approved Feb. 8, 1902. Ci ale rk. t,/ ••■.c.,\ • • • • `". 7. 'KY y' f t •4 4'5.• ,fit'•.j.L ,•y• #3c 1. a • • • • AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION. STATE OF MINNESOTA, ) )} ss. County of Ramsey. it' ' being duly sworn, deposes an says that th annexed printed copy of notice of.- .. . r . I • .. - . ....... -. ,.. was taken from e ST. PAUL G OB , a 0 / newspaper, which, during the whole time of the p . slication of said notice hereinafter stated, has beend is printed and lished in the English langu pub- ill e in the City of St. Paul, Ramsey County, and State of Minnesota, and pub- lished and generally circulated in said County for more than one year next preceding the date of the first pub- lication hereinafter named, and during all said times T -- ) . NOTICE OF HEARING FOf PA- ' was a newspaper as defined in Section 2, Chapter 33, CATION OF AN ALLEY. of the General Laws of Minnesota for 1893, as Notice is hereby given, pursuant to law and to an order of the Assembly, one amended by Section 1, Chapter 121, of the General of the bodies of the common Council of the City of St. Paul, that a petition of Laws of Minnesota for 1895, and as amended by the Board of School Inspectors of the City of Paul for the vacation of that i Chapter 285 of the General Laws of Minnesota for certain portion of the east and west al- p ley lying and abutting between lot 10, 1897, and that the publishers of the said paper have and lots 11, 12 and 13, block 1, Dawson I and Smith's subdivision of block 11, Stin- I son, Brown and Bamsey's Addition to the filed with the County Auditor of said Ramsey County City of St. Paul, as shown by the plat annexed, and has been filed in the Office an affidavit in all respects complying with the require- of the City Clerk of the City of St. Paul. in and by which said-petition, and the ments of Section 2 of said Chapter 33 of the General reasons assigned for such request are as P follows: Laws of 1893; that the said notice was duly printed That the alley is of no convenience to y p the public, and that the Board of School Inspectors a about to erect a building and published in said newspaper in the En_�'sh lan- situated upon lots s, s, 10, 11, 12, 13, in s:url block 11, and that the further main- teance of said alley would subserve no guage, o - _ for the period of _ npublic interest. y Pursuant to law, and said order of the successive weeks, -on)/ 4 , of 4 h -ek, con1- aly above referred to, adopted January 1902, mencin on the cR d%y of e f petition will be .heard and considered by the Committee g on Streets of said Assembly, of the Corn- /non Council of the City of St. Paul, on 190.2 on which day last mentio d ► )b- the 2rd day of March, 1902, in the Coun- cil Chamber, in the Court Rouse and lished, and then on the . city Hall, in the city of St. Paul, at 4 �Q-�„___.�. ... � �� ••.- dcicck p. m., at which time and place H — said Committee will consider all evidence nQ wrj0t .! , ! / end hear testimony on said vacation on / �� the part of the parties interested. 190 d ending on the / ��� ,y Of Dated..January 21, 1903. MATT JEIvSEN, City Clerk. --_ 190 2,, on which day last Jan.23-30-Feb.6-13. mentioned it wa last published; upon which days and times of publica ion aforesaid the said newspaper was regularly printed and published; and that, during the whole time of the said publication, he was one of the printers and publishers o the said newspaper. Subscribed ankswornybefore me on this./ `day of .. . 190-1 Notary Public,Ramsey County,Minn. s • • Z:1‘ • . i ErgION .s.\ 4ó.61 - ,.,' ...:,/ /.5.7 // 4 0 . ta /2. /J 11. 1 S .,• 0 e'l Itli e 1 C ----i es t) 1 .■,......._..'..'*?. ..%1 N.1 0 54 .•, ,.., 1 _ (e) CA Tkl ^, --,.. - ' kJ_ •( ) OM C '4/9 •••Zi (a, ,, . *.....) ------ -- -- - 10 -C., liiotz N r 0 °3 (i) *Erb 0 -„ Omit .......„‘ ,z1 •-... ....--.. . 11 , • '-‘'.._ ., (4* ' ,N N• (q . r--1.,■1 -•b■ .,...,,,- , Z --..,,. • ';. — '.%_si.— .,_.t. , 0 1; 6 . 20