1899 (9) OFFICE OF 'I CITY TREASURER• 1 ft ';k, 1 Ica f t o n H j . 1 *&' . 1 d 0 1 t 1 ■ q nklb. \ I ( !:, H . 1 w P6:12 I�` a - Vi) I t q„..1 .1\,% 0.1.."1 1 H x !e ' e x AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION. f tats of painnescita. ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEY. i , • /121 .1 / /' being duly sworn, deposes and says at the annexed printed copy of notice of -E-0-4-4---4., lir-r- was taken from THE DAILY PIONEER PRESS, a daily newspaper, which,during the whole time of the publication of said notice herein- after stated, has been and is printed and published in the English language, in the City of St. Paul, Ramsey County, and State of Min- • NOTICE OF HEARING FOR VACA- ( TION C ( nesota, and published and generally circulated in said County for Of Alley in Block 163, of Robertson's ( `Addition to West St. Paul. ( . ( Notice isjiereiby given, pursuant toof law' more than one year next preceding the date of the first publication men oe the coon€f a Bou raa body . of the Commop Council of said city, that , a petition forithe vacation of the alley ( hereinafter named, and during all said times was a newspaper as Addition In We St. Pa of as is show„f � � Addition to West St. Paul, as is shown � by the plat thereat annexed to a. a,A ti-- tion, has been filed in the office of tib 1 defined in Section 1, Chapter 33, of the General Laws of Minnesota i itandiby which said petitionPthei'rea Minn., assigned for such petition and request are j that the whole of said block is occupied 1 by the petitioner for a planing mill, saw-' - for 1893,as amended by Section 1, Chapter 121, of the General Laws mill and lumber yard, and that the said alley is used entirely as a means of ac- cess to said mill, and that the petitioner is desirous of extending its buildings and of .Minnesota for 1895, and as amended by Chapter 285 of lumber yards, to do which it is neces- sary to have the use of the said alley. Pursuant to taw, and the said resolution of the Board of Aldermen above referred the General Laws of .Minnesota for 1897, and that the publishers to as adopted, the said petition will be heard and considered by the Committee ' on Streets, a committee appointed by said of the said paper have filed with the County Auditor of said Board a Aldermen on the the committee day.ee f p p � y f December, A. D. 1899, in the committee rooms adjoining the Council chamber in the Court House, in the City of St. Paul, Ramsey County an affidavit in all respects complying with County. on said day, at which time and place the said Committee will investi- gate and consider the matter of such va- the requirements of Section 2 of said Chapter 33 of the cation and hear the testimony and evi- dence on the part of the parties inter- ested. A copy of said resolution above men- General Laws of 1893; that the said notice was duly printed and tioned is hereto attached and published herewith as part of this notice. Dated Nov. 13, 1899. MATT. JENSEN, •published in said newspaper in the English language, once in each City Clerk, . — _ By Ald. Bell— Resolved, by the Board of Aldermen of week, for the period of successive weeks, on the City of St. Paul, to which body of the Common Council of said city the at- tached petition for'the vacation of the J` alley lying in Block No. 163 of Robert- Of each week, commencing on the son's Addition to West St. Paul has been )A, D presented by the petitioner, That it is deemed expedient that the matter set forth in said petition be proceeded with; day of 189.0 ' on and it is Ordered, That said petition be filed of record with the City Clerk, who shall give notice by publication in the official paper which,day st mentioned it was first published, and then on the aaf w ek,atto the effect tai seta petition i. has been filed as aforesaid, and stating in U �� ,) ►� � f will brief its and and that said petition 1 `\ will be heard and considered by the Com- mittee mittee on Streets of said body of the Common Council on a day and at a place to be specified in said notice not less than ten days from the expiration and pub- arid ending the day lication of said notice. y o f Adopted Nov. 7, 1899. c,J(j (Nov.13-20-27&Dec.4.) 1894 on which day last mentioned it was last published; upon which days and times of publication afore- said the said newspaper was regularly printed and published; and that, during the whole time of the said publication, he was one of the printers and publishers of the said newspaper. - �. A X Jr Subscrib nd sw n il fore me,this • day of A. D. 189...`.. • ✓ 1 Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn.6......„,/,..,...... __, PRINTER'S FEE, $.......... ._. _ _ Ed F No. 11292—By Ald. Bell— Whereas, There was heretofore pre- sented to the Board of Aldermen, one of the branches of the Common Council of the City of St. Paul, a petition by the owners of all the property on the line of a certain public alley located in and through block 163 of Robertson's Addi- tion to West St. Paul. praying the vaca- tion of that portion of said alley herein- above described, which petition presented and brought forth the facts and reasons for such vacation and was accompanied by a plat of the portion of the alley here- inabove described and proposed to be vacated, and the lands adjoining thereto, and which said petition was duly veri- fied. as required by law; and Whereas, The said Board of Aldermen deeming it expedient that the matter therein referred to should be proceeded I with, ordered said petition to be filed of record by the City Clerk of the City of St. Paul, and by resolution ordered the said City Clerk to give notice by publiea- tion in the official paper of said city to the effect that said petition had been filed as aforesaid and stating in brief its ob- ject, d considered byithe Committee on Streets of said Board of Aldermen, a Committee appointed by said Board, on the 28th day of December, A. D. 1899, in the Committee Room adjoining the Council Chamber in the Court House in the City of St. Paul, in the County of Ramsey and State of Minnesota, at 4 o'clock in.the afternoon of that day, at which time —id..place a_the, committee aforesaid would investigate nd consider the matter of such vacation, and would hear the testimony and evidence on the part of the parties interested; and Whereas, Said petition was in fact duly filed, said notice duly given and direc- tions of said resolution duly complied with in all particulars; and Whereas, At the time and place in said notice given, the said committee did in- vestigate and consider the matter of the said vacation proceedings and heard all the testimony and evidence on the part of the parties interested, and thereupon after hearing the same, did report to the said Board of Aldermen in favor of the granting of said petition. Now, Therefore, Be it resolved, That the Board of Aldermen, the Assembly concurring. hereby concurs in the report of its Committee on Streets hereinabove referred to, in the matter of granting the prayer of the said petition for the vaca- tion of the said portion of said alley, and Be it resolved, That all of the portion of the said alley so hereinbefore de- scribed, to wit: That part of a certain public alley located in block 163 of Rob- ertson's Addition to West St. Paul, be, and the same is hereby vacated; and Be it further resolved, That the per- sons desiring such vacation are required to pay into the City Treasury the sum of ten dollars before the vacation of the alley above referred to and herein de- termined, shall be of farce or take effect. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Jan. 2. 1900. Yeas—Aid. Allard, Bell, Blomquist, Ken- ny, Murphy, Reeves, Sanborn, Shepard, Mr. `.'ice President-9. Nays—O. Adopted by the Assembly Feb. 15, 1900. Yeas—Messrs. Albrecht, Benson, Craig, Denny, Kirke, Nelson, Thompson, War- ner, Mr. President-9. Nays-0. Approved Feb. 16, 1900. Bd F No. 11292—By AId. Bell— Whereas, There was heretofore pre- sented to the Board of Aldermen, one of the branches of the Common Council of the City of St. Paul, a petition by the owners of all the property on the line of a certain public alley located in and through block 163 of Robertson's Addi- . tion to West St. Paul. praying the vaca- tion of that portion of said alley herein- above described, which petition presented and brought forth the facts and reasons for such vacation and was accompanied by a plat of the portion of the alley here- inabove described and proposed to be vacated, and the lands adjoining thereto, and which said petition was duly veri- fied, as required by law; and Whereas, The said Board of Aldermen deeming it expedient that the matter therein referred to should be proceeded with, ordered said petition to be filed of record by the City Clerk of the City of St. Paul, and by resolution ordered the said City Clerk to give notice by publica- tion in the official paper of said city to the effect that said petition had been filed as aforesaid and stating in brief its ob- ject, and that said petition would be heard and considered by the Committee on Streets of said Board of Aldermen, a Committee appointed by said Board, on the 28th day of December, A. D. 1899, in the Committee Room adjoining the Council Chamber in the Court House in the City of St. Paul, in the County of Ramsey and State of Minnesota, at 4 o'clock in the afternoon of that day, at which time and place the committee aforesaid would investigate and consider the matter of such vacation, and would hear the testimony and evidence on the part of the parties interested; and i C _ j OFFICE, Whereas, Said petition was in fact duly CITY filed, said notice duly given and direc- tions of said resolution duly complied S A�tll T PAUL,L� . with in all particulars; and Whereas, At the time and place in said Ramsey County, MINNESOTA, notice given, the said committee did in- vestigate and consider the matter of the said vacation proceedings and heard all the testimony and evidence on the part City Clerk the parties interested, and thereupon C y after hearing the same, did report to the rtla{ dD hereby said Board of Aldermen in favor of the of the C .! + + granting of said petition. Now, Therefore, Be it resolved, That ceriify, Zit..t / .: .,f(i_i71!naced tMa the Board of Aldermen, the Assembly Ulttifip 1 —,;/'::::4;,:-./.;.:';Cp [�jg oriy%Nal concurring, hereby concurs in the report of its Committee on Streets hereinabove f1 referred to, in the matter of granting the thereof�., f1+'' ! ++13 office,and prayer of the said petition for the vaca do fUt'ti,:v Gs ,11.1t the within tion of the said portion of said alley, and Be it resolved, That all of the portion is a t+"U? I C)%t sat coot!. and of the said alley so hereinbefore de- transcript '''' s.i i fir tglnal and of scribed, to wit: That part of a certain public alley located in block 163 of Rob- the I ihs,d the,'d0t, including ertson's Addition to West St. Paul, be, and the same is hereby vacated; and endorsemsf113 thtr {iii, Be it further resolved, That the per- sons desiring such vacation are required Wits the st� 1 Of the City of to pay into the City Treasury the sum of ten dollars before the vacation of the alley above referred to and herein de- Saint Paul, this__ _ /_--.day of termined, shall be of farce or take effect. /% /. Adopted by the Board or Aldermen Jan. D. 190/ 2, 1900. - Yeas—Aid. Allard, Bell, Blomquist, Ken- / ny, Murphy, Reeves, Sanborn, Shepard, P �� Mr. Vice President-9. ------ --_ Nays-0. .C. t;,r Cler] : Adopted by the Assembly Feb. 15, 1900. Yeas—Messrs. Albrecht, Benson, Craig, Denny, Kirke, Nelson, Thompson, War- ner, Mr. President-9. Nays-0. • Approved Feb. 16, 1900. . 1 • if • • �r r. • t' 5 i to m _ o., a U c,, s I 1 4 4, , ,c,„......• c, ..... „:, , , 1 , , .. z •. .. 4..) ., r__,,-.7 4. f , 49 ...4-2 c.) W . o orD -..ZCZt,P..0 , 'Ns,.....14.:\.. ''ti ... -'' . (7 't3 4. ‘ t..* ,...— i fr:: ?A :F., nr-Z. 1:3.--. p' 0 L 111111. \,,,,... Ni V 2'''t- t 0 hy � 0 y p c\ Cy ? b�� C° •01„, el ..,.., •.... .4i./.-I ° 'sue v� ; 0 4 h ° FORM 14,-5-.5-99 D.M. 1 aNr O ;- � .,L i DEPARTMENT44111BLIC WORKS , 4 lT11! PI X55 - 11 Aa >� l` P L O. CLAUSSEN, Jan.. 22 Ion.A.Al Brecht, Chairrian. Co.irlittee of Streets of Asse:1b1-r. Dear Sir;- Ire regard to the vacatior.. of alley in block 163,R1obertson' Addition,, `lost St.Paul, I would report that the block is occupied by the Villaaine Box IIfg.Co. a prosperous manufacturing concern, which needs the rooii for its business. In regard to the price on the property, the interior lots in this block are assessed for. 4?500. 00 each. The area or the alley proposed to be vacated is about 8/lOt2hs of the area of one lot . I In advised by the corporation attorney that the law formerly re- reuired the price of the land to be vacated, to be based upon the as- sessed valuat ion or the adjoining property, but the present law leaves ttie riatter entirely within the jurisdiction of the Co; ion Council and authorizes the council to fix such price for vacated property as it nay see fit . Respectfully subnitted, • City Engineer. I , 111111106;' • 411111111Pr 41. St . Paul, Minnesota, Nov . 7 , 1899 . To the Common Council;.- gk fib The u er i e t� is Owner of more �t an Th nd s�gn dA e one half , and in fact all of the property on the line of that certain public alley located in block 163 of Robertson' s Addition to Vest St . Paul , as is more particularly sho,m by the plat thereof hereto annexed and hereby made a part hereof, respectfully petit 'ons your honorable body to order the vacation of the aforesaid alley , said alley lying and being in said block 163 of Robertson' s Addition to West St . Paul ; the reason assigned by/ $00X petitioner for this pe- tition and request is, thatAh€ is the owner of the whole of said , block 163 , and that said block is occupied by your petitioner planing mill, saw mill and lumber yard; that said alley is used en- tirely by your petitioner as a means of access to planing mill, lumber yard etc . ; that your petitioner is desirous of extending ##-sup buildings and lumber yard, and it is necessary that - have the use of said alley for so doing . Respectfully submitted, _ / ft---.2 3c-1 I � fe,/ CK___,—,?,—,,,,-- _, ./. ,,,. , c State of Minnesota, ) : ss . County of Ramsey . ) Eugene Vil aume , being first dul' sworn, deposes and says that he is the petitioner whose name is s scribed to the 1 foregoing petition, and that the matters and things therein stated are true of his own knowledge . ...L0' Z2 .71.„-c Subscribed and sworn to . e ore me this 7th day of November A." . 1899 . / - mt. _ r -:n. - a ....Y�.._-n..,.,..Z- iiir.r. t mom. f+ if 9 / ' (, • a li 1 jj..."1;°;14 ote., 4% RESOLVED, by the Board of Aldermen of the city of St .Paul, to which body of the Common Council of said city the attached peti- tion for the vacation of the alley lying in block No .163 of Robertson' s Addition to west St . Paul , has b-,,,n presented by the petitioner, that it is deemed expedient that the matter set forth in said petition be proceeded with, and it is ORDERED, That said petition be filed of record with the City Clerk who shall give notice by publication in the official pa- per of said city for four weeks , at lest once a —�eek, to the effect that said petition has been filed as aforesaid, and stating in brief its object , and that said petition will be heard and considered by the Committee on Streets of kkek said body of the Common Council, on a day and at a place to be specified in said notice not less than ten days from the expiration and publication of said notice . a ce/i/r4....de _ 24471, 7, mi,i4 , / r ./- 7:12.:--- ,.,.44.., .7 r /3 : .-.a 27