1899 (7) OFFI(E OF CITY TREASURER.' ,ts, ,71 ' s lk n a , q� R r ■ I .", 6 , \ ; 7. ' i i 1 . , 1... czt. ;.' I ) 1 e k, m St. Paul, Minn. , November IOth/'99. To The Honorable, The Common Council of the City of St. Paul: Gentlemen:- The undersigned, your petitioners respectfully represent that they are a majority of the owners, who are residents of the City of St . Paul, of the property on the line of that portion of Clinton Avenue, in the City of St. Paul, State of Minnesota, in Ramsey County, bounded and described as follows: Commencing on the east line of said Clinton Avenue at a point one hundred and fifty feet north of the Southwest corner of block eighteen ( IS ), of West St. Paul Proper, according to the plat thereof of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in said County, running thence north along the east line of said Clinton Avenue to the northerly boundary line of said West St. Paul Proper, thence westerly along the northerly boundary line of West St. Paul Proper to the West line of said Clinton Avenue; thence south along the west line of said Clinton Avenue to a point twelve (I2) feet north of the northeast corner of block seventeen ( I7 ), of said West St. Paul Proper; thence south easterly in a straight line to a point in the south line of Wood Street produced twelve (I2) feet east of the northeast corner of said block seventeen ( I7 ); thence south easterly in a straight line to a point in the center of said Clinton Avenue fifty feet south of the south line of Wood Street produced East to the center of said Clinton Avenue; thence south easterly in a straight line to the place of beginning. Your petitioners are also a majority of the owners w%e are residents of said city, of the property on the line of that portion Bo. G. Commencing at a point twelve (12) feet north of •the North- east corner of Block seventeen (17) of said West St . Paul Proper; thence north to the southeast corner of Block one (1) , of said West St. Paul Proper ; thence west along the south line of said Block one ( 1) to the southwest corner of Lot four (4) of said Block one (1) ; thence southeasterly in a straight line to a point twenty ( 20) feet north of the south line of said Wood Street , and fifty- five (55 ) feet west of the west line of Clinton Avenue ; thence southeasterly in a straight line to the place of beginning . Your petitioners state that the portions of the said avenue and street so described, are now needed for the use of the peti- tioner The Chicago Great Western Railway Company, in connection with its business as a common- carrier, the tracks of which company now cover a large portion of the property as above described; that the portions of said avenue and streets so described , are not now in condition so as to be used for travel thereon by the public, and have never been opened for travel by said city, and cannot be opened for travel except at great expense , and the same are not needed for use by the public , because there are sufficient other streets giving all desired access to and from all property in the vicinity of the portions of the avenue and street so described. The said petitioner, the Chicago Great Western Railway Com- pany , owns the property on both sides of said Clinton Avenue, from the northerly boundary line of said West St . Paul Proper, south- erly, to the Southwest boundary of its right of way, as is shown up- on the plan hereto attached, which plan shows the situation of all the property abutting upon said portions of said avenue and street, so described, together withe the adjacent property. And there No. U• is shown on said plan the portions of said Clinton Avenue and Wood street , as hereinbefore described, and which your petitioners de- sire may be vacated in accordance with the provisions of the City Charter of the City of St. Paul. That the Northerly boundary line of West St. Paul Proper forms the northerly boundary of said Clinton Avenue. The portion* of said Clinton Avenue herein described, cannot be used to obtain access to any property lying northerly of that portion of said avenue hereinbefore described and bounded. WHREFORE, your petitioners pray that the said Common Council shall cause this petition to be filed of record With the Clerk of said City, and after giving notice as required by lax, adopt a re- solution vacating these portions of Clinton Avenue and Wood Street , as hereinbefore described. The Chicago Grew Western Railway Company •By a p General Manager. State of Minnesota. ) )ss. County of Ramsey ) S arnueal C. Stichney being by me first duly sworn deposes and says that he is the General Manager of the Chicago Great Western Railway Company, one of the petitioners subscribing the foregoing petition; that he has read the said petition and knows the contents thereof and the same is true of his own knowledge, except as to the Subscribed and sworn to before me A.D, . I899. this "�.. day of em. Notary Publio, Ramsey County, Minnesota. ((by Nfr jk By' Aid Resolved , by the Board of Aldermen of the City of Sam t Paul , to whi ch body of the c a. :1an c curie it of said city the attached pe- tit :ion for the vacation of that part and portion of Clinton Avenue , in the city of Saint Pau 1 , State of :jinn()sota, bounded and de sc �b- ed as fo? lows : - Comenc irk; on the east line of said Clinton Avenue at a point one hundred and fi fty feet north of the Southwest corner of Block Eighteen (16) , of West Saint Pau 1 Proper, according to the plat th ereo f of record in the off ice of the Register of Deeds in sai d County , running; thence north a3 org the east line of said Clinton Avenue to the northerly be naar7 line of said West St.Pa ol Pro pa r; thence westerly al ong the northerly line of West St.Paul Proper to the west line of sai d Ci inton Avenue ; thence. south al ong the west. 1 ine of sa id C1 inton Avenue to a point twelve (12) feet north of the northeast corner of block seventeen (17) of said West St.Paul Proper; thence south easterly in a straight line to a point in the south line of Wood Street produced twelve (12) feet east of the northeast corner of sa i!1 block seve ntn (1`7 ; thence southeaster) v in a straight line to a point in the ce nter of Clinton Ave rue fi fty feet south ofrithe south line of Wood Street produced East, to th center of said Clinton Avenue ; t fence south easterly in a sty ig ht line to the place of beginning ,- Arid also for ttie vacation of that part and port ion of Woo d Str-et in said city , bounded and described as foil dos : - commencing at a point twelve (12) feet north of the Northeast corner o ' block seventeen (17) of said West. St.Paul Proper; thence north to the southeast corner of block one (1 ) of said West St.Paul Proper; t eru e west al orb; the s out h line of said block One (l ) to the s cxithwe st corner of Lot Four (4) of s~i d block orn (l ) ; thence southeast oz.ly ina straight line to a point twenty (20- feet no rth of the s Qit h line of said Wood Street., and f if ty -five (nb) foot west, of the west line of Xi ii* Clinton Avenue ; thence southeasterly in a straight line to the place of tog inning ,- has b,en pre sent 3d by the petit loner, to t it is dean expedient that the matters set f or th in Baia petition should be proceeded with , and It Is Oruered ,That the City Clerk of the City of Saint Paul be and he is hereby ordered to file of record in his office said petition , art to give notice by pub lication ip. the official paper of said city for f our weeks , at least once a week , to the affect th at such petit ion has been filed as a Pore sa id , and s tat ing in bri at its object, and that said petit ion will be heard and c on- sidered y the Cornittee on Streets of sa id bod: of the cor_ non count it ora/a day and at a place to be sp ec if ie d in said notice , not less than ten days after the publication of said notice . I ( . , r 's> V 1/ i 4 -,.....," I ON.FICIAL PUBLICATION to the southeast t corner of block one (1) of said Wert St. Paul Proper; thence Of Resolution Adopted by the Coin- west along the south line of said block one (1) to the southwest corner of lot mon Ceuneil of the City of St. four (4) of said block one (1); thence Pans. southeasterly in a straight line to a point Bd. F. No. 11508—By Ald. Bell— twenty (20) feet north of the south line Whereas, there was heretofore present- of said Wood street, and fifty-five (55) ed to the Board of Aldermen, one of the feet west of the west line of Clinton av'e- nue; thence southeasterly in a straight bodies of the common council of the city of St. Paul. a petition of a majority of line to the place of beginning, be and the the owners who are residents of the city same are hereby in all things vacated. of St:Paul of the property on the line of Resolved further, That the amount to that portion of Clinton avenue, in the be paid into the city treasury by the per- city of St. Paul, State of Minnesota, in sons desiring such vacation, be and the Ramsey county, bounded and described same is heerby fixed at the sum of twen- ty=flve ($25.00) dollars. as follows: Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Commencing on the east line of said April 3, 1900. Clinton avenue at a point one hundred Yeas—Ald. Allard, Bantz, Bell, Blom- and fifty feet north of the southwest cor- quilt, Knauft, Murphy, Reeves, Sanborn, ner of block eighteen (18), of West 't I Mr. President-9. Paul Proper, according to the the plat there- Nays-0. of of record in the office of Register Adopted by the Assembly April 19, 1900. of Deeds in said county; Yeas—Messrs. Albrecht, Benson, Craig,along the east line of said Clinton Denny, Thompson, Warner, Mr. Presi- avenue to the northerly boundary line of dent-7. said West St. Paul Proper; thence west- Nays-0. erly along the northerly boundary line of Approved April 20, 1900. West St. Paul Proper to the west line of W. J. DONAHOWER, said Clinton avenue; thence south along President of the Board of Aldermen. the west line of said Clinton avenue to a GEO."F. DIX, point twelve (12) feet north of the north- President of the Assembly. east corner of block seventeen (17), of p,I ;emelt Wiper Static said West St. Paul Proper; thence south- i eta ei ft: sa, , easterly in a straight line to a point in �ueo+ar tr,l "MAT; the south line of Wood street produced twelve (12) feet east of the n. rtheast cor- ner of said block seventeen (17); thence southeasterly in a straight line to a point in the center of said Clinton avenue fifty feet south of the south line of Wood street produced east to the center of said Clinton avenue; thence southeasterly in a straight line to the place of beginning,— and also of that portion of Wood street in said city, bounded and described as fol- lows: Commencing at a point twelve (12) feet , north of the northeast corner of block seventeen'(17) of said West St. Paul ' Proper; thence north to the southeast corner of block one (1), of said.West St. Paul Proper; thence west along the south line of said block one (1) to the southwest corner of lot four (4) of said block one (1); thence southeasterly in a straight line to a point twenty (20) feet north of the south line of said Wood street, and fifty-five (55) feet west of the west line of Clinton avenue; thence southeasterly in a straight line to the place of beginning,—asking for a vaca- tion of the aforesaid described portions of Clinton avenue and Wood street, which petition presented and brought forth the facts and reasons for such vacation and was accompanied by a plat of the said Clinton avenue and Wood street asked to be vacated, together with the adjacent property, and which petition was duly verified as required by law; and Whereas, Said Board of Aldermen deem- ing it expedient that the matter therein should be proceeded with, ordered said petition to be filed of record with the city clerk, and ordered said city clerk to give notice by publication in the ofMotel paper of said city for four weeks, at least once in each week, to the effect that said pe- tition had been filed as required as afore- said, and stating in brief its object, and that said petition would be heard and considered by the Committee on Streets of the said Board of Aldermen on the 29th day of March, A. D. 1900, at four o'clock p. m., in the council chamber in the court house in the city of St. Paul, County of Ramsey and State of Minne- sota, at which time and place the said committee on streets would investigate and consider the matter of such vacation and hear the testimony and evidence on the part of the parties interested; and Whereas, Said petition was in fact duly filed, said notice duly given and said reso- lution duly complied with in all particu- lars; and, Whereas, pursuant to said notice said committee investigated and consideeed said matter of vacation and heard all testimony and evidence on the part of the parties interested, and thereupon after hearing the same, a report in favor of granting said petition was made to said Board of Aldermen; Now, therefore, be it Resolved, That said portions of said Clinton avenue and Wood street, that is to say, all that part of said Clinton »venue bounded and de- .4cribed as follows: Commencing on the oast line of said Clinton avenue at a point one hundred and fifty feet north of the southwest corner of block.eighteen (18) of West St. Paul Proper, according to the plat thereof of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in said county, running thence north along the east line of said Clinton avenue to the 'northerly boundary line of said West 8t.Paul Prop- er; thence westerly along the northerly boundary line of West St. Paul Proper to the west line of said Clinton avenue; thence south along the west line of said Clinton avenue to a point twelve (12) feet north of the northeast corner of block seventeen (17), of said West St. Paul Proper; thence southeasterly in a straight line to a point in the south line of Wood street produced twelve (1.2) feet east of • the northeast corner of said block seven- teen (1T); thence southeasterly in a straight line to a point in the center of said Clinton avenue fifty feet south of the south line of Wood street produced east to the center of said Clinton avenue; thence southeasterly in a straight line to the place of beginning. And also all that part of said Wood street bounded and de- scribed as follows: Commencing at a point twelve (12) feet north of the north- east corner of block seventeen (17) of 11114 ft, /1) • ct p g m • S±ate of 7innesota. ) County of R.a!nsey. )SS. ) Cyr of ct. Paul. ) I, ' ' ,� - - . t City Clerk of the City of St.Paul, do hereby certify that I have compared the attached copy of a resolu- tion of the Common Council of the City of St. Paul, vacating a portion of Clin+on Avenue and a portion of Wood Street , of said city, with the original thereof on file in this office, and as adopted by the Board of Aldermen of said city April 3rd, A.D. , 8900, and by the _ Assembly of said city April I9th, A.J. , I900, and as approved by the mayor of said city April 20th, A.D. , I900. And I further certify that said copy is a true and correct copy of said original and of the whole thereof. WITNT SS The seal of the said City of St. Paul, this day of April, A.1). , I90C. ...lme ty Clerk. L//// _ f 4 w` 70 a 4'... >i �' i \" 3:1t, . �C q c0 ^i • ►mot .�' 1 i C co 1 N \ Z d cC • - 0 irf r t_L. ir ;7+ rr� -! s11'i7? F l. d..._ r•–;.;Eo*eT Tr.() -- :-)' ;t ±,f` r.,fi1 .it.': ..:Tifr^ `.',F... I •-t .• ,r,rf,-- .• — •1 L •• • • _e1"3 . - ( fi t r.. f'' .. ..4. '-I •-.. „ (i r' f } x A y t.L ' t\'..i :.J .�..1Tf� St t �,J5.�1_1t (r; n.n LtTO!-. Orftr .e •;r0 7t1m,. t'A :,i. ' -0 `F ,-,•,- f 01-t- h n • r:J-~'' r S ' 4 ,.r i- cl r ).-'1 .Y n ry l)r..-r4,! + f x... .. rr . n }L c 1 _ ._v ,,.a ,,,r., i"". f,. i, b:�'..i t wVL t •., rt. ,,. .,.. i:.1. t �. } . r„ _aT ;:!^ •y •iYf: r,2 0I f7 F 'l f.+ '.[ :':A --r.1-14'., ..:r '' r `�`-' °Co fi`? '3 Ms- .----- ---+c.,...+.-......—.�..,.�w rs vc .. ,:y .,''}K..-r. ,4 t: �;r, .d 4*`. ,1}a :. i r+ ' r f C.''.. �. :''T ''In t-- n . - - •"• . -, #. ',r: .7 1�.rr,-' - I. ,,r �",. r , r.: '. r.f`!?_ . .'. . ,_g _' .F—c.. .,,, ..nra '' '.Tr(,r. • • r .t, • v lNotice of Hearing for Vacation. Vacation of a portion of Clinton avenue lying between blocks 1 and 18, West St. Paul Proper, and a portion of Wood street lying south of and adjacent to lots $, 4, and ti, block 1, of West St Paul Proper. Notice is hereby given, pursuant to law and to a resolution of the Board of Alder- men of the city of St. Paul, a body of the Common Council of said city, that a peti- tion,for the vacation of that portion of Clinton avenue, in the City of St. Paut, in Ramsey county, State of Minnesota, bounded and described as follows: Commencing on the east line of said Clinton avenue at a point one hundred and fifty feet north of the southwest cor- oar of block eighteen (18) of West St. Paul Proper,according to the plat thereof of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in said county, running thence north along the east line of said Clinton avenue to the northerly boundary line of said West St. Paul Proper; thence wester- ly along the northerly boundary line of West St. Paul Proper to the west line of said Clinton avenue; thence south along the west line of said Clinton avenue to a point twelve(12) feet north of the north- east corner of block seventeen (17) of said West St. Paul Proper; thence south- easterly in a straight line to a point in the south line of Wood street produced twelve (12) feet east of the northeast cor- ner of said block seventeen (17); thence southeasterly in a straight line to a point in the center of said Clinton avenue fifty feet south of the south line of Wood street produced east to the center of said Clinton avenue; thence southeasterly in a straight line to the place of beginning, and also for the vacation of that portion of Wood street in said city bounded and described as follows: Commencing at a point twelve (12) feet north of the northeast corner of block seventeen (17) of said West St. Paul Proper; thence north td the southeast corner of block one (1) of said West St. Paul Proper; thence west along the south line of said block one (1) to the southwest corner of lot four (4) of said block one (1); thence southeasterly in a straight line to a point twenty (20) feet north of the south line of said Wood street, and fifty-five feet west of the west line of Clinton avenue; thence southeasterly in a straight line to the place of beginning, as shown on the plan annexed to said peti- tion, h in the offi of the CityClerkofsaid City of St Paul in and by which said petition the reason assigned for such petition and request are that the portions of the said avenue and street so described are now needed for the use of the petitioner, The Chicago Great Western Railway Company, nectiowith its business commn Carrier, the tracks of which company now cover a large portion of the property as above described; that the portions of said avenue and street so described are not now in condition so as to be used for travel thereon by the public, and have never been opened for travel by said city, and cannot be opened for travel except at great expense, and the same are not needed for use by the public, because there are sufficient other streets giving all desired access to and from all prop- erty in the vicinity of the portions of the avenue and street so described, and that said company owns the property on both sides of said Clinton avenue from the northerly boundary line of said West St Paul Proper southerly to the southwest boundary of its right of way, as is shown upon the said plan, which plan shows the situation of all the property abutting upon said portions of said avenue and street so described, together with the ad- jacentproperty, and that the northerly boundary line of West St Pau] Proper forms the northerly boundary of said Clinton avenue. The portions of said Clinton avenue so described cannot be used to obtain access to any property ly- ing northerly of that portion of said ave- nue so described and bounded. Pursuant to law and the said resolution of the Board of Aldermen above referred to as adopted, the said petition will be heard and considered by the Committee on.Streets of the Board of Aldermen of the Common Council of the City of St Paul on the 29th day of March, A. D, 1900, in the council chamber in the court t;f house in the City of St. Paul, County of Ramsey and State of Minnesota, at four (4) o'clock p. m, on said day, at which time and place the said Committee on s matter ofllsuch oan n andnhear th testimony and evidence on the part of the parties interested. Dated February 7th,AA, D. 1900. , City Clerlr. Feb9-16-23-Mch2