1899 (5) • • b , ,1 1 • i121nsVZ2I.L AII0 do aaidd0 Y r 1 } i.! i l ch ' i 71 N. a H '`, . , -.1 i ::1 c. 41 / 1 N1 I , N. ( Cam- I kl") Mi N s, '21P21f1SVI211. A110 do 73tdd0 1 9-3-98 5M CIT CLERK'S OFFICES ah • . may GC72.5...1899 The attention, of the -/L/. . is respectfully called to the following Resolution of the Common Council, approved 'fir r- r), .. '>CR a�c; emw -"Am' '. . A' •db.:.0 iF'.O 2;q4, A"'dGib Ao „,:i, 0ri" 1, m Awwm F'C.;°'d Om dm ero a.ro o OF17- r,, V 0w, m m 7ti02 .,C oo d� &;‘)�'.d OCd oM°Cad- m »&.e., 0 �0710m� N 4-1bv,. ! ,,ZP�'o e ,it, i E R ?E°�,U ,�,°y ' Y 0w( 0^-. ... robO 5,0 ro . ro 4. .•,y, d. d ,d 0 m co OYmmme° r1 U d ut, t,N wy° ay m wOro .0m roA•,° tiY oa ro. Y. 00 ° Y°m cd °c.. ,90 NV d Od.. o daY o.Q d, f,,C,m °O d" o 004,,,�i°m °50, 0:1= q ° .0R OCY>,°Ywg t '''1 ea d" 44.1MYCM a0 a O ""oa O "° an '5v q d�OY Eti4U .3▪- . . aZU°2w w Oros Oc. roA roo 3Wm �ro 0F c. 2F0d dg X° p ° , l0)pod P2 040,0:g> Eyb AC0.07: ro,,..,0 G . .5,c d d 0,°roti b O"00 0 0'�b� 4C Og d 0Z.. meA° ... 4 ,m.2408 tYC°Rcd N ww.0° "0 Y od°L°a 0° ro, g c..6o >v '4'6. ›'0...P='4 tA GGro.•�o . Y w 4 oEW '0°[Ya3ab A ro d ro■40,..4 m 'E °E. 3 - 4.c 04 o odg.,X , W' 5 qp V oc4 ,..,„ . , E0_. .. OdvO ° "0p0 00O0, W.0'...- ° im o �n °O,"d'. dY Vm CaOb CO o ,A d -o:°Y0'y.° a 0� 0 . m w 0m m+, i °E °° ° °w -c..o. 8 ,m Y 4a°11: °amr 440Et" A?— E5°° '0'O ti 0.°C°� rguit'0 � m O Al� g '' "U ° d°'O w .2 o-.4k .y A-4 ti»E "w o BR 0 ' °'d cd> YdoYC" mm.°c.d w � m i m O-o 0 „ m Y Ej Y.° °o ,,CY dY d > ro d°� 7 Y p, 0 0 0 a -' . °m � t"' "o F • ° d am cIi ,'OW°.� O m' °O cd . 0 a o o ti Y M acd 0-Q � ° "., 0U rn e, ^d -, � °o' � ,mt hp 0bo� m-d '-'garoYe" d 0roa2E i0 m" m .0 = � ° c w -w71.m. 0,; >aCA° �°Yroo:�5 -cr e0UY�t" c. 0e0 . 0ro a� .°a „Ym ° '0 . . 4'°o¢.r4byc d. . 1 .—;7Vm � cd VA ro°'E myE °, ,, 0° $-AOoF.CUEA FQ45 ',,. . t—. 0 a,co c ro °Y4 ° C rotimR ( CYd m, i O q"„odo�dim..,,�C^UUadAo° C5oPA mv, - ro. 4,x., Oy° w..°°mro r. 0 P 0,>,0 0 1b GR ` Ybg_ O Yi°A m� .Cm. a, Cmd' �•w�' ' i`-/ i CQ5 t.--',.o'0C,Yd , 0.E m0,90e) + C°-,iwd � Ov� . mCr,. 0 ` Cc,34-∎ "m o. 0 � - - °i ,:, ,t P. N v co. ,, ro ,Fq¢cd < A�O mO ,g0 0 d Q47 mY � c . �°wm.., °Uy • ,„ „,, w, . *,. ° c13 ds0 --, 0 O . �o � AO � P. t.7a° g.. ',1" At„,49ro00 ° d £cdA,JW0$4.„-y ° a,d`:/›.,oev.24 ,Cw er NO9- a cd•d y 0! 11,2cm • .0:4 p2q#d °..,,-,,xUO w -da) V2 .o. 4,0 o C m°.,•sA.Y.--..?,o NY md..-4.. p 0,o Z�P+C F zE4 ,w, a O. o*,. o0 O7 °yc OW 00.�4 ,iC ° OY poo0 gn,YZo .C5docd 0H ti 1,-a' Q,d o.� 1N am° °a�° ?1oCm -Q maQ,o0 W° cc. . . _, 1:L., °. a .1 Q N . Pm ,N .mRUmYYd- i't/ , i (OFFICIAL.) // e#1_ .__ /— .,� tem. oe . VW/ •� First—The creation by act of congress of a bureau of supervision and control of corpora- tions engaged in interstate commerce, with powers for its chief similar to those exercised by the controller of the currency over national banks. Second—Legislation to enforce such publicity as will effectually prevent dishonest methods of accounting and restrict traffic and competi- tion within legitimate channels. Third—The abrogation of all patents and copyrights held by trusts whenever the fact is established before a judicial tribunal that an ybranch of industry has been monopolized by the holders of such patents or copyrights. Fourth—The enactment by congress of a law that willieompel every corporation engaged in ititerdtate commerce to operate under a na- tional charter that shall be abrogated when- o.re,r....ti ...,., ..i..�.,Fa� l*o nrnviaien. AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION. f tat Tain escta, ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEyZ being duly sworn, deposes and says that the annexed printed copy of notice of .. � ' was taken fr• )THE DAILY PIONEER PRESS, a daily newspaper, which,during the whole time of the publication of said notice herein- after stated, has been and is printed and published in the English NOTICE OF HEARING FOR VACATION Of That Portion of Hatch Street language, in the City of St. Paul, Ramsey County, and State of Min- Which Runs Through the South- east Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 25, Township 29 North nesota, and published and generally circulated in said County for of Range 23 West. Notice is hereby given, pursuant to law and the resolution of the Board of Alder- men of the City of St. Paul, a body of more than one year next preceding the date of the first publication the Common Council of said city, that a petition for the vacation of that portion of Hatch street which runs through the southeast quarter of the southwest guar- hereinafter named, and during all said times was a newspaper as ter,of the northwest quarter of section 25, township 29 north of range 23 west, has been filed in the office of the City Clerk of the City of St. Paul, Minn. and that defined in Section 1, Chapter 33, of the General Laws of Minnesota said by s petition will Aldermen e d ''considered day of October, 1899, at 7:30 o'clock p. m., at the Council Chamber, in the Court f or 1893,as amended by Section 1, Chapter 121, o the General Laws House, in the City of St. Paul, County of of Ramsey and State of Minnesota, at which time and place said Board of Aldermen will investigate and consider the matter of .Minnesota for 1895, and as amended by Chapter 285 of of said vacation and hear the testimony and evidence on the part of all parties interested. MATT JENSEN, the General Laws of Minnesota for 1897, and that the publishers ' Anita-18-28-81 City Clerk, of the said paper have filed with the County ✓luditer of said Ramsey County an affidavit in all respects complying with the requirements of Section 2 of said Chapter 33 of the General Laws of 1893; that the said notice was duly printed and published in said newspaper,in the English language, once in each week, for the period of -1.fl tl successive weeks, on 1-141 / of •ach week, commencing on the �.! day of 189.`..{., on I which day last mentioned it was rst published, and then on the and ending the day of 189 , on which day last mentioned it was last published; upon which days and times of publication afore- said the said newspaper was regularly printed and published; and that, during the whole time of the said publication, he was one of the printers and publishers of the said newspaper. Subscribed n wore- to b,- ire me,this day of .. ..... .q .D189.. . PRINTER'S FEE, $ 3 f f Notary P blic, Ramsey County,Minn. In the matter of the vacation of that portion of Hatch Street extening through the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter (S .E.1/4 of S.W.1/4 of N.:'J.1/4) of section twenty five (25) township twenty nine (29) north of range twenty three (23) west And now comes your petitioner, the Minnesota Grass Twine Company , and respectfully represents to the Common Council of the City of St Paul - That it is a corporation duly organized, created, and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the state of Minnesota, doing business at St Paul in said state, and that it is the owner of the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter (S .E.1/4 of S.W.1/4 of N.W.1/4) of section twality five (25) in township twenty nine (29) north of range twenty three (23) west . That in 1887 , what is known as Hatch Street , in said city, was extended through said land. That thereafter, and in 1892, the Northwestern Cordage Company became the owner of said property , and thereafter, and in 1893, as your petitioner is in- formed and believes , built large buildings thereon. That one of said buildings was so built by said Cordage Company upon and within the limits of said Hatch Street as opened through said tract, and that said building has , since said time, stood and still stands upon said street . That said street has never been graded or improved by said city in any waY , shape , or manner, nor has it ever been used • a • by the general public. That your petitioner became the owner of said tract in August, 1898. That it is now occupying said tract and using the buildings thereon for the manufacture of binding twine, matting, and other products from wire grass. That it owns no other lend in said city , and that is uses said tract exclusively for its manu- factu,ing plant. That it has , in its business at said plant , about e mployes. That it now proposes to in- crease the size of its plant , and is engaged in the construction and erection on said premises, and along the easterly side there- of, of a warehouse 68 x 580 feet . That it is also about to erect an additional factory building, of brick, 75 x 415 feet, three let stories in height , and that the contracts are it for said build- inks . That said buildings will cost over $70,000.00. That the machinery which is to go into the new three-story factory will cost about 4 e d . That said company proposes to have, when said new buildings are completed, at least LttL , additional employes. That it is necessary for said company, in order to handle its business to advantage, to place said thr ee- story factory partly within the limits of said Hatch Street, and that it cannot conduct its business to advantage if said Hatch Street is kept open through said tract . That the buildings al- ready on said tract are very valuable, and that it is not wise or t. safe to have a public thoroughfare through said plant . That when your petitioner purchased said property from said Cordage Company it did not know of the existence of said street, and learned of its existence only a short time ago. That the Building Inspector of said city has notified your petitioner • • • to, remove its buildings from said street . That in case your p eti tioner is compelled to remove i is buildings from said street it will suffer great loss arid damage. That it cannot possibly make its contemplated improvements without using said street, and that if it is prevented from putting in said improvements it cannot use the additional numb :" of hands now contemplated, and it will be contrary to the best interests of said city. That your p etitioner has never received any aid from said city or any of its inhabitants. That your petitioner thoroughly believes that if it is permitted to carry out its plans and erect said buildings and improve said property , and increase its plant and the facilities thereof, it will be greatly to the advantage of said city of St Paul . That the vacation of said street will not injure anyone. That your petitioner i s the owner and the occupant of all the pro- perty frnnting on said street herein proposed to be vacated, and that no-one has used the same since your petitioner became the owner of it,, save its employes . That a plat of said street herein proposed to be vacated, and of the land of your petition a. , is hereto attached marked .Ex-hibi t "A" and made a part hereof, and that your petitioner makes this petition for the purpose of having said street through said land vacated. 1"1HEc?.EFUE, your petitioner respectfully prays that the Common Council of the city of St Paul vacate said Hatch Street in the manher provided by law. And your petitioner will ever pray. MIN vi: SO TA Gcd 4 ..S T',VII COMPA"'' , Ieti tioner - — is Presider 141 State of Minnesota, SS. County of Ramsey. M.J.O' SHALGBNESSY,Ja. ,heing first duly sworn, deposes and says: That he is the President ofthe Minnesota Grass Twine Com- pany , the petitioner above named; that he has read said petition and knows the contents thereof, and that the facts therein stated are true. . 4, / ' \ Subscribed and sworn to before me this or day of , September, A .D.1899 . /) .6.4masif Nota Publi e, Ramsey County Minnesota. t • • FATOr c5Egz 0,a-c5Rr, //n/' OF S.EC. Z5, T 29A4? 3W r — — — — — — — — — I � I � I i I I I � I � /—bei TCl-( ST I �°n I � I � I � I � I � I � I � r' ` + awhstrri' Vs,. � : L. (._ t P' /d _...., .,- RESOLVED, That the City Clerk of the city of St . Paul, be , and he is hereby ordered to file of record in his office , the petition of the Minnesota Grass Twine Company, for the vacation of that portion of Hatch street which runs through the south-east quar- ter of the south-west quarter of the north-west quarter of Section twenty-five (25 , in Township twenty-nine (29 ) , north of Range twenty three (23 ) west, and to give notice by publication in the official paper of said city that said petition has been filed, and that it will be heard and considered by said board on the 17th day of Octo- ber 1899, at 7 :30 o' clock p .m. , at the Council chamber in the Court ?rouse of the city of St . Paul, which time and place is hereby ap- pointed for the purpose of having said matter investigated and con- sidered . // d k " ' J7-;;;? , , :110 - ,r, . )1 , ,, . , , ,, Vi ,,,- 6+1 .