1899 (2) 1 Bd F No. 9695—Resolution State of Minnesota, ) For the vacation of the westerly o 0f Ramsey half of Pine street, between Blocks C OUfl iy r , s s and 60 of Kittson's Addition to St. Paul. ) n Whereas, There was heretofore present- l.,1.ty 0 f St.Pa.ul J ed to the Board of Aldermen-one of the bodies of the Common Council of the City of St. Paul, a petition of al of the own- q ers of property on the line of Pine street, I, Mat Jensen, c its' clerk as,it is laid out and platted between Blocks 59 and 60, Kittson's Addition to St. Paul, and lying between the southerly „ line of East Fourth street and the north- 0.p tale city of St.Paul , d0 hereby 'er:y line 'of Prince street of said city, which petition presented and brought _ fnr41. *, _d r p,. that I h cation, and was accompanied byJa plat certify have compared the of the street proposed to be vacated and the adjoining ground and was duly veri- fied as required by law; and, a tach ed printed cope o f Bd .. F 9695 Whereas, Said Board of Aldermen deem- 1, a. 1 ing it expedient that the matter therein shou'd be proceeded with, orderered said j' petition to be filed of said with the Tieing a resolution vacating the west- ity Clerk and ordered said City Clerk to give notice by publication in the offi- cial paper in said city for four weeks, at least once in each week, to the effect that said petition had been filed as afore- erl + y one-half of Pine street, between said and stating in brief its object, and ' that said petition would be heard and considered by the Committee on Streets i 1 n cc 1 of the said Board of Aldermen on the i)lockS 59 and 60 of K.ittson s Addition 16th day of February A. D. 1899, in the Committee Room adjoining the Council Chamber in the Court House In the City l o St.Paul , and hying bet 3Teen the of St, Paul, County of Ramsey and State E, of Minnesota at 4 o'clock p. m. of said day, at which time and place said Com- mittee would investigate and consider the matter of said vacation,and hear the southerly line of as Fourth street testimony and evidence on the part of the parties interested; and, Whereas, Said,petition was In fact duly filed, said notice duly given and said reso- and the northerly line of Prince • lution duly complied with in all particu- lars; and, Whereas, At said time and place ap- pointed said Committee did investigate street, of said cit , with the origin- . and consider the said matter and heart Call testimony and evidence on the part . of the parties inte,ested, and therelpo • after hearing the same, said Comm ttee al thereof as on file in the office I did,report in favor of granting. aa.i,i ' ti. ' tion; Therefore, Be it Resolved, That said 0 f the city f`' Clerk o f a i d c l t S! and a portion of said street so described, to-wit: ,T f } The westerly one-ha'f of Pine street men- tioned above and platted between Blocks L 59 and 60 of u, and Addition to the adopted by the board 0 f aldermen 0 f City of St. Pau, and lying between the southerly line of East Fourth street and the northerly line of Prince Street-in said city, be and the same is hereby vacated. Reso"ved, Further, That the value of l sal d • city March 7, 1899; aniG as adopt ••s portion of said street so vacated be and the same is hereby fixed at the sum , 5 of two hundred dollars. ed by the assembly of said. city March Adopted by the Board of Aldermen March 7, 1899. Yeas—Aid. Allard, Bantz, Bell, Born- quilt, Kenny, Knauft, Murphy, Reeves, 16 1899; and as approved by the Sanborn. Shepard, Mr. President-11. Nays-0. Adapted by the Assembly March 16, 1899. I'ltavor of said city March 17, 1899; Yeas—Messrs. Albrecht, Benson Craig, Denny, Dix, Nelson, Thompson, Warner. Mr. President-9, Nays-o. and I further cell tify that said copy Approved March 17,1899. is a true and correct copy of said 1 original and of the whole thereof. Witness the seal of the City of ii St.Paul this 3rd day of apri1 , 1899. •g/7/ *, .,(22...e.t...1/4___7 • Cit,; Clerk. ...-..- .,... t„ 42 ■ `,si, '',' ?' z A ...., ---4 4 , .....,... ■\ c' C) o "N '''' -h MI • 2:2- CS- c:, ''" Q 1 ".< --I a JaN 'areal 'CZ '-'• i ,r. XI — , I c0 ■ m '-'. cl ro" c0- cl) --s-- 1 uz • 03 IQ ca ' 4.i•-", Zo—I :cor •", ,5.:,..) ,,,.-- c!' ' r4.■ 2, :-.• ' `-il ;-1: ',..'; 1 . All 1:::) ,...No 1 ■ ■ Pg•E —• 0 - ------ il '' 4■ 70— _ . —,.._ — - -- ----- i s ,. low 1111111111Pr • • ` s J ,rc.+fiiiYilrx. I -,,,0410- 0 PM M+;+w acv ;.s m« .b Z-17/ R E S 0 L V E D, by the Board of Aldermen of the City of Saint Paul, to which body of the Common Council of said city the attached Petition for the vacation of the westerly one-half of Pine Street, laid out and platted between Blocks 59 and 60 of Kittson' s Addition to the City of Saint Paul and lying between the southerly line of East Fourth street and the Northerly line of Prince street in said city, has been presented by the Petitioners, that it is deemed expedient that the matter set forth in said Pe- tition shall be proceeded with; And it is Ordered that said Petition be filed of record with the City Clerk, who shall give notice by publication in the official paper of the city for four weeks, at least once a week, to the effect that such Petition has been filed as aforesaid and stating in brief its object and that said Petition will be heard and considered by the Committee on Streets of the said body of the Common Council on a day and at a place to be specified in said Notice, not less than ten days from the expiration of the publica- tion of said Notice. / I C-''' t:],.. _ // 4///N70( , 61,-- • - 04--?,;,'LL., • • 0 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to law and the Resolu- tion of the Board of Aldermen of the City of Saint Paul, a body of the Common Council of said city, that a Petition for the vacation of the westerly one-half of that part of Pine street laid out and platted between Blocks 59 and 60 of Kittson' s Addition to St.Paul and extending from the southerly line of East Fourth street to the Northerly line of Prince street in said city has been filed in this office, and that said Petition will be heard and considered by the Committee on Streets - a committee appointed by the said Board of Aldermen on the day of A. D. 1899 in the committee room adjoining the council chamber in the Court House in the city of St. Paul, county of Ramsey and state of Minnesota, at o' clock, M. of said day, at which time and place said Committee will investigate and consider the matter of said vacation and hear the testimony and evidence on the part of the parties interested. A copy of the Resolution directing this publication and a copy of said Petition are attached hereto and published herewith, excepting only the plat which accompanied said Petition,° CITY CLERK. Dated, December A. D. 1898. .1 S MOP. • 0 STATE OF MINNESOTA, Os. COUNTY OF RAMSEY. W. H. GEMMEL.L, being first duly sworn, doth say: That he is the Assistant Secretary of the Northern Pa- cific Railway Company, the petitioner in the foregoing petition, which petition this affiant- has read, and affiant further says that the statements therein made are true and correct. Subscribed and Sworn to before me this 14th day of December, A. D. 1898. *Alb' ‘NrkS■-1"- Notary ublic , Ramsey County, Minnesota. r , ti MP. WEPT above mentioned for the benefit of the City as well as for the ben- efit of their own property adjacent to said East Fourth street. For the purpose of operating said railroads and the ex- tensive office building of the Northern Pacific Railway Company recently constructed upon said Block 60, and for the purpose of constructing and operating the railway tracks and yards constiituting the terminals and allowing the public to go to and from the pass- enger trains entering upon said tracks and stopping upon said Blocks 59 and 60, it is necessary to have over said portion of Pine street platforms, depot buildings and other facilities inconsistent with the use of said street as a public highway. This petition is accompanied by a plat of said blocks and the part of the street proposed to be vacated, the latter being colored yellow upon. the plat, said plat showing also the l6cation of the tracks, buildings and platforms situated upon the blocks and the said portion of said street; and this petition is made in accordance with the requirements of law for the purpose of ob- taining the vacation above prayed for. Respectfully yours, NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY, By v \j )if ASSISTANT SECNETARY4 i Y . 11111111/11/ 11111111117 i 41 ST.PAUL, MINN. , DEC. 14, 1898. TO THE HONORABLE THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: GENTLELTN: - The undersigned is the owner of all of the property in Blocks 59 and 60 of Kittson' s Addition to the City. of Saint Paul, in the County of Ramsey and State of Minnesota, and as such owner hereby respectfully petitions you, the Common Council of the City of Saint Paul, to order the vacation and discontinuance of that portion of Pine Street in said city of St. Paul described as follows, to-wit: The westerly one-half of that part of Pine street laid out and platted between Blocks 59 and 60 of Kittson' s Addition to St.Paul and extending from the southerly line of East Fourth street to the northerly line of Prince street in said city. The reasons for such vacation are as follows: Said one- half of'. -Pine street has been for many years past entirely unused by the public ,and has been by the public and by tacit permission of the city authorities used and devoted to the use of various railway ✓ companies for railroad purposes, and the same is almost entirely occupied by railroad tracks, switches, platforms and buildings. At its northerly extremity, - that is, at the southerly line of East Fourth Street and next to the land hereby requested to be va- cated, - the grade of East Fourth street is approximately twelve feet above the grade of that portion of Pine street referred to herein, and/said East Fourth street has been for many years and is now supported by a heavy and expensive wall of masonry constructed especially "or the purpose and in the nature of a permanent im- provement? said wall having been built by the railway companies -1-