1892 (5) ////4%.'' i at''. ,.,1„...: � t) ` w.C.SMITH, Q i f - ASSESSOR I', . ` ._, i i'' 11, �floc '! £. ( Y q II-N mss' .- ;,-- 4 6 I' Cp\ k 2,-)„,,,,,,..„0-01„/ ("°,2,-/-7.--uge.c.of..,61,</ L ,- cs, 6° _,.___,..„.< / e;/ Z,Z4.,).- fa ---,...---K.--r_—„„..... (--/, j"- -- ?(--44. `• c., 36 (-s a4 / (°(--aa--../--4 G ,4, t1 ,�. a_....e.c2742,, ,,;_kt, , 6/ . 4,- p ,i_.,!„,_< ‘4, - /f. /9‘ k f„ --2___I c4 -'-.)-4- Z-4.---0 G L*�C�- 1----4.- (� c . i �. rIV....."1.---7 `-' ,,,,_z_,e ( 7 - 7.--" ( -LS-4,7 ) g.--7- 6,,o,„,__ C.47 -,--.7.- .4(4-■-•se 4-4;E 1 v /G% c� . v 6,G7V' , ;, e,,, (7Ch_j,..i // ' f) ----■ (.)--- C Cr 2 St.Paul,Minn.May 2m1,1892 TO THE HONORABLE THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST.PAUL, GENTLRMEN:-- The undersigned your petitioners respectfully represent that they are a majority of the owners,and the owners of a majority of the property fronting on the alley in Block 36 West Side Land & Cottage Company' s Subdivision to Brown & Jackson's Addition to West St.Paul,in tle County of Ramsey and State of Minnesota, and your petitioners respectfully ask that your • honorable body vacate all that portion of the said alley as laid out and dedicated to public use by said Subdivision bounded and described as follows: Commencing at the southwest corner of Lot 5 of said Block; thence in a direct line south to the northwest corner of Lot 20 of said Block; thence west along the southerly line of said alley to the northeast corner of the west half of Lot 17 of said Block; thence northerly to the southeast corner of the west half of Lot 8 of said Block; thence easterly to the place of beginning. And your petitioners represent the reason why said alley should be vacated is,that heretofore the City of St.Paul had condemned,for alley purposes ,the north 26 feet of Lots 17 , 18, 19 and the west half of Lot 20 of said Block,and that the land asked to be vacated is no longer needed for an alley,and that the same is now in possession and used by the Board of School Inspectors r Cea4bnS yati.nalMelifs4.le TI. �l Ufl T (V1Mfr;O 81 l'c A 40s•1C}i 'TNT OT 4JUAq.Te r (, YTTO RET ¶.0 --:14 1;'V T a) yllul3aegas'x �4?eno i3.iieq bsn-B. E•rebrus ar T anenwo stir LITS4 e-r0anwo ec J 10 V1'xo i;am a aRa ier13 3nti3 3neee'cgs'i DE Isola rri yells 9,713 no Br 1 to nl yanscronq 3r13 `2o g3110 t.R^.T 3 `10 a lnoaxa$ti A aw0na 04 .lo f e tv_ibdu? n'bns afro:) 93s3 3oa A Lnna sb i 8 eW to t:,3n32 bra freemr.A `±o t;3nuo0 9' 3 rri,.L sq.3? :reeW o3 no.f3sb1A 'WO' it: if >laa 11ttt'llescre )? ,f3/oeenni:' • ble1 as ielIi bias edl to n0k3?oq Urfa 1ST eiaaav ybod st!ir~noor1 or bsbnuod noleiw bdu2 bins yd eau oilcirsg 03 be3so.ibeb bns :awolial as bc.l insueL to c' 3OJ lo 'Term's i9£?Wri3;loe ert3 3f3 -,1.f1±0is�;3yY:C' eri o e,rl 'on sr[3 of rfiuoe enll *oe'x.i.b n n1 eon.ed3 ;Aeol t 10 en1I x1'ten.3uoa ei i ycio.ls /sew eonecL ;Aeon bine 'o OS $oJ `to 10 VI 3o1 to 2tari 3eew 9rf3 to ?srrnoo inseri3?on e111 o3 yeiii /sew ert3 `±0 ?erT'Ioo SeseriSuoa eci3 o3 3ylnedlnoz soned3 p€eoll bine '1a easy 9n3 o3 line ergs eorteri3 ;kola bins ``to 8 3oJ '"to lien .?yti.jl:n t7:ed iw noess'T 9r!. 3rresenge'r ens oldfler= iztr b&! 'lo eviolcleneC 31v: 3o ba/sszv 9d yelrn i1. 481 , V.( a ou ' r• 3est 3S 01-Tags sa4u.s72.0qnuct ,-s113 be a 4 Y�'I erl3 3;A3 t r,.e,Aso.L`i .pine to OS 3oJ u Lint: Je-iii sA/ 9t; 3:: er t ;rt3C;/" :fS.2~ilyelIs nn ''iol beboerr 're4rrel on RI be/toiv ed O. ' 'u i`3eganI .lootfo2 10 b'-scc:i edJ e ; yd bear: b:°n tic nae. sot ni Caro, ei i N. of said city, and thereupon is situated a public school building constructed of stone and brick,and which is impracticable to move, and hereto annext is a plan showing in red that portion of said alley asked to be vacated. And in duty bound your petitioners will ever pray. 7. /c, : ‘, / .r7' - 7 7.-- --- 47/71 „...„) , ---.. ►- '_1:zzsa ii,sue �`f�L , .. ___e-c14.1...___ ..-.. -----a ...__ _.0 ____atcA___„ oci/i0.7 -/k /)-0 .i.c , ,4, At', `!� ' '��7 r _r21, fr l �� V N. A e F A 8rxzbt.iud loodos otldtq a be1su3te et noque ed$ bns ,y$to bias to ,evom c$ •ldaolioszgmt •t dotr( bnseAot'zd bns oriole 10 be$ocrx?anoo bias to not$soq ?aril ben nt gatwods na.q a at $xenns c$ened bna .betsoav ed o1 beAea yells ,ysnq neve Illy enenot$1$eq Buoy briuod y3ub nt bnA NO .. .. «r rrr.r.. «r «rr•• ... rw.• r..w..r .............-_. r /- f'