1891 (6) OFFICE OF CITY' '1. .A.ST_TELIR,.. 11:: 1-/-1 \ k 4 ‘\s N . \ , %1 . , s t6 t I , 0 PI N (, (s■% ■Fil \ :4 .. OFFICE OF CITY' TRM.A.ST_TB,M1R._ N, r--- ,00 ,\ , , k , , \\ , . , . • \ . . T S �tai E 0 • , County of Ramsey, I SS. City of Saint Paul . I, Thos.+\.Prendergast, City Clerk of said City of Saint Paul, do hereby certify that I have crmpared the attached copy of plat of Proetz ' Addition of Collin' s outlets to St .Paul , with the original thereof as on file in this office, said original being tha Ulat accompanying the petition of A. 1'.Maschger and others, dated October I3th, I89I , asking for the vacation of a portion o f Elward alley, said petition having been ordered filed of record in this office by order of the Assembly of said,• City at. its meeting held 414:'"Altifk I further certify that said copy is a true and correct copy of said original and o f the whol e thereof. Witness the seal of the City of Saint Paul, this 2Ist day of January A. D. I892. City Clerk. Y . • • r • . W 41 / r0 •, . . 'e b o � `• Q � 'U,.- ) ` �\ a - 41 i,re N.,,... .. ... : m c. if 10 \7 . � � E.R.HARROUN, / \N,:',_ x {{5 - ASSESSOR. i,''-= � f,', ' f � '1 „/ w.c.sMIrH, �[ ,)pp. DEPUTY. ' ' bn�t M... .e.,. \ ° ^�/C� `, — / -rte 1° -' � erL). r-- , , ri ` $ 1411_,I,, i, 4u 10000�BOl00Din1 � r�0 u u ll��i 11 II V��i>K" x ,C n 3 � to -= i � � ;; C.J/� - ��� • f 1, ��g; �E<z 9�,9,n Dec Htl: l 9 xXZP I, W. C. Smith, Assessor of Ramsey County, Minnesota, do hereby certify that the value of the lands it is proposed to va- cate, known as Elward alley, lying between Blocks Four (4) and Five (5) of Proetz 's Addi_tion of Collins outlots to the Cit-r of Saint Paul, if assessed at the saiie rate nd _ proportion to the ad.joirr- / 7Q ing and abutting land, is^ V/ry ,iti�-c2Ca� Dollars. i Assessor, RaPlsey County, P,inn. ST ATE OF MI ITN ESOTA• 1 COUNTY OF RAMSEY, SS CITY OF ST .PAUL. I , Thos. A. Prendergast, City Clerk o f said City of Saint Paul , do hereby certify that I have cenpared the attached printed copy o f Assembly File No .376, being a resolution, vacating 40. a portion o f Elward Alley with the origi- A'y F No.376- W hereas, A majority of the owners real- . dent within the City of St.Paul. Minn.; of o property abutting upon andalong the line nal thereof as on file in this of f ice and. `of Elward alley have petitioned the Common Council of the City of St.Paul to vacate that portion of Elward alley Which lies between Collins'ocksor and lots of Proetz addition of as adopted by the As s(mmbi y o f said City on C ' out lots to St. Paul, which said petition duly sets forth the facts and reasons for said vacation,and was duly accompanied by a plat thereof as proposed to be vacated; and, ,• Dec ernbcr 8th 1891 9 and by the Board of Whereas,TheAssembly,upontbepresenta- i ,lion of said petition,deemed it expedient that the matter be proceeded with.and orderedsaid petition lo k, to notice filed of record with the City Aldermen o f said City on ;�e c emb er I5th, Clot]:,and notice to be given by publication as p' ovided by law:and, Whereas,Due notice by publication in the official paper of said city for four weeks, commeucingonthe 30th day of October,A. 1891 and as approved by the �`/las'or o f said D.1891,to the effect that said petition had been filed with the City Clerk,stating in brief its object,and that tim same would be heard and considered/by the Assembly ,-ef the City of St.Paul. on Tuesday, the 8th City Dec ember I(nth, 18:)1 , and I further 'day of December,A.D.1801,at 7:30 o'clock in the afternoon of said day.at the council , chamber in'the city hail of said city; and. Whereas.At the time and e place aid afore- said, certify that of S copy W for theinthetti time rid consideration afoon said Cin 1 S a true and Cor of such propeset.vacatiDD of said portion of Elward alluv, thy-ICOi non Couddu;after hearing all persons interegted,and being of the opinion that the same is necessary and rye t copy of said original and o f the open, and that the prQtequisites therefor , vo been complied with:now therefore,belt is Resolved,That all of said portion of Elward �ooflProetzcadditiorntofCollins 'outlotsnoffSt + whole theneo1 • Paul,as the same appears of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for the County of Ramsey, Minnesota, be, and the } sea 1 o f the same is hereby declared to be vacated and Witness t e f,71 ty o f discontinued, as asked for in said petition and as hereinabove specified. Adopted by the Assembly Dec.8,1891. Yeas—Messrs.Messrs.Oppenheim,McCafferty,Sly e, Saint Paul this 21st day o f JaruarY A. D. Mc- Namee,Minea, Oppeuheim, Van Slyke, Mr. Presid t-7. Nay W. P. MURRAY, President of the Assembly. I O fl� Ado ted by the Board of Aldermen Deo. 89 • 15 1891. 'leas—A1d.Rielenberg,Bott, Conley,Cope- land,pobner,Doruiden,Gehan,Melady,San- born,,Sullivan,Mc.President—ll. Nays-0. O. O. CULLEN, President of the Board of Aldermen. Approved Dec.16,1891. ROBERT A.S:str,tr,Mayo:. Attest: Trios,A.PRLENDERGAST,City CR.,'. Dec.21. , City ty Clerk• , • t CD R:f co E a 11 n w m g.4 .L. . p ... ,_ a.- 1114 \ry si i c.' '',.4.a -i■ .:-- 2%7' C') , rN\ cc coo rd 2 col. i ;> �'. ,..., ,2 . L„--4 . . . co Q :....„, Z. 6' ---. 3 i U yj v�.� Q Itf �„ t t3 V1 en c3 o Q .w o i • To the Hon. Common Council of the City of St .Paul: Your petitioners respec,, ful ruresvWey are a ma- jority of the ownerss of` the ots and kghd abutting upon a street called Elward Alley which runs between blocks 4 & 5 and 1 & 2 of Proetz Addition of Collins ' Outlots to St .Paul,and said street commences at the right-of-way of the St .Paul & Duluth Railway Co. 's land,being the westerly boundary of said street and addition, and running in a northeasterly directionto the easterly boundary of said adJition,where said street terminates. Said street and addition being correctly shown by the map hereto annexed and made a part hereof. That your petitioners also represent a majority of the front feet abutting on said street,and a majority reside in the City of St .Pat That said street has no westerly outlet or easterly outlet beyond the boundary of said addition. That all of the owners of blocks 4 & 5 in said addition join in this petition. That it is for the best interests of said owners and said property and said city to vacate so much of said Ell ward Alley as lies between said blocks 4 & 5 in said Addition, as the same is not userul for any public purpose ,or any benefit whatever. ITJ REFORE, your petitioners pray that the aforesaid portion of said Ellward Alley be vacated and the same no longer to be or remain a street or alley, and that the abutting property owners thereof may have and obtain the same pursuant to law and on such terms as may be legal and proper. For Lich your petitioners will ever pray . Dated St .Paul ,October 13,1891 . Petitioners and Owners. • Ci mil' 2 • G�� Cl sq. t' 3o •Ji') 9t(1 3o Itonur,') norri'!o .no'? 9..it oT -Sr E 9'ta tsti t.n9,s9•zgs! 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'V�f 'to 9d of 9nnot on 911E8 9ri.t fits f:9tf3JAt' 3d y9t1A L'sat, CI! Lisa to s•19rtwo -.7,:r'19gO'*/ t{nittuda 9;:,t ,tat l / L ta���9Ll 'to toa'xta niam9'r ;i01.:8 no fans wst ,± 9n'aa grit rtiado f:rtS aver{ yarn t'o9^r9:'it .'z9qu•1q tnr- Cs- '1 :jd yam as am-st . 1�F3t�GL 1-9doto0, 1; sq. ..t t9ts( .a't9rnrp Lila a'tgnoititsq • I i. •z.: , ;XI- f f d a_ , x' mi,,,„,, ,/,„ id, z, i I,. /y - 1 J ___ s,„ .0--.-/.4 ,- --/ , ta-p-i-c-t-r-e-ze7 - 1-1- - 71,e_,..„.cr 4.1„,...„7„,)„,L7 s_m_z,„:_z_t‘ 4, )s,,,,,,(0, } rce,&"-- G 1(te-r_c. /2-ao/Ca -. °y6-a-4 ife"--D-e-- -- i Add_,c ' _ 0 i i 4------ ii / x( a_e_cct ./=("__(/ .1.i ogi AP • ij Pc,_,,,_,_e „(5, . . G_,.,,„ • - 6 , ,, , „z_______ b_e___e �„ rty #14' Apr V - Ci>e_e_c( ae-----pae_i_,_.__e_ . -- ?___e' ,,..ervitele.-91:dttceeff7 (2,,,_ 4-)--- i--{ - 4 /9 ,4-f`� : --__ /ffr , -;',,,,.' ' w d_ 0-r- -- ,/ � , , erey°6* ' ' , e'-L” / —1Ct y t 4 l . , I .. . (0,..i7 t_j_.72.42_,7 /,97//(7( f, . .. . e4'...•.‘' ,l'ir- , • ., • I • . .fr, .----V. . 4 ..\., . .. ..,,N": ' . .qtal. .4...., -.:•,:z ',, ,4 ..,', , ''... ‘' .//,., - ..,, ,• / , '' l' ''''''''''' - - ''"..; ' Nitok, ..._ • , _ ,• ,./., i ,. ..A.ii,: . 0....... . „. .. . t- . It - - ' •,,, •....",„ ,..., _.. _,. ... _ - • - ' , • ....... _... *. . 1 , .._ . ,. ________ . . ..___ ___________ ____________................,- - e..-7, -• ,.... I --. • t\'' 41 ( • 4‘ I ... .. ,. . \ - \ • Clic) ••••..... 0 s\ v . , \ k . C' - - 1/4.....,) \ ,■,,,, \\,, . . . . PI\ 1 • • 'N, ._:, v• . , . . ' \ . i OFFICIAL PUBLICATION S Vacation of a Portion of Elward Alley. CITY CLERK'S OFFICE, ST.PAUL, Minn., Oct. 29, 1891.c Whereas,a petition has been filed of record in this office oy order of the Assembly of said City of St.Paul,asking for the vacation of a portion of Elward alley—said alley being a street which runs between blocks 4 and 5 and].and 2 of Proetz addition of Collins' Outlots to St.Paul.said street commencing p at the right of way of the St.Paul&Duluth Railway company's land,being the westerly boundary of said Street and addition, and AFFIDAVIT O F 1UBTJCA running in a northeastern direction to the ■ easterly boundary of said addition, where said street terminates—the said portion of said alley asked to be vacated by said petition being that portion of said Elward alley which lies between said blocks 4 and i,in said addition,and, Whereas,the petitioners state that they are a majority of the owners resident within the STATE OF MINNESOTA, ) City of St.Paul,Minn..of the lots and land } 8S. abutting said Elward alley,and that ipa, "...0"4)CV 0 f Ram e ael ll]nn saeiiaS papaemaa put ssiwsip ' uofotu ou4 palttap a nloa eta, •pau2. -au uueq loa psti aaaoslad am se`n• e -oat aql pesoddo`ilia aye ao;Salad' •esuallo amts etia ao; eaint3 6pat:doel &/-k peeeid eq you pinoa saellas 91192 pot•being duly sworn, 1u- au; ito 'swamp og panotu aaU' e ses and sa,=t it t the annex-i i2 ted copy of notice of • g7� /� / (e r ��� / was taken from the SAINT PAUL DAILY GLOBE, ewspaper which, during the whole time of the publication of said notice, hereinafter stated, has been and is printed and published in the English N language in the City of Saint Paul, Ramsey County, and State of Minnesota, and published and generally circulated in said county for more than one year next preceding the date of the first p,blication hereinafter na ---i That the said notice was •ff forintel"and puMf he• n . new ':per f e period of /7/- successi,e .V ,on, �.�L// of eac;110 com r ending o a the...ild....... day of ... 189/, on " last'mentioned it was fir doty1' d, and ending •-.... he day of - Vti , on which day last mentioned it was last published, upon which days and times of publication aforesaid the said newspaper was regularly printed and published, and that during the whole time of the said publication he was one of the printers and publishers of the said newspape , . �A i • 4,- Subscribed? o ildir'o •efbre me this J day of / A.D. 189/ Printer's fee, $ 'it - /it: - _ i Notary Public,Ramsey Co.,Minn. eZ . :VF Fir, C...... ( 11: \ til illico A .1 r