1891 (2) . . ....0,....„, ..,.....,.>:::„.,:„.„:„.,>:::,...:::..,..„....>„>,......„.>„>0.0.6,..,:.0.,„....„ r r: A 3st . ----,-- . s . ... • CI ---.-- \ ,. 0 --- :- •' '-,‘ . '' . . ,I• ' 0 ,k1,,, ‘'."... ..1 ?1, t' .-. . ■7:*116 : V ( :7 fig. "',,-,'2,•- • ' 'q0' ',,...,V' '',,'• ,'' .",-;:. -t--3-:.:1------ , I' y'''4' (, , f Ilk (6 .... I.:, \ ) 4 - :/ • 0 1\''' :..'.:• A ; c). 7') 1 i N a ,., ) ' \r . 4., .Q...k...„ c, 9 \ ',. \- . (t, .y., X ,• p __.,.. I .x: • t 'y —. ■' . l ° VI,: x i J� L �E ) - ��k a tt7..• I l`, ` R ,11111 i \ [t (1 5 . ' 1 ' 4 /:::\kt... 1 f's) Vt 1, lis.,s,(\ •JY X k OFF ""E OF I CITY TB '.;S'U'RER- } NC) I }} � j FP . , 1 r. t ' :,,,,.... .... t. N, A a \L i V a N. OFFI 0 I'T"Y" "I"Ft a r----- . A ik% • , .i.p ...% t ;) t,. k r \ , \‘‘` t ,6, __ • Transcript of Resolution adopted by the Common Council of the City of St.Paul at its meeting held on the 16th day of September A.D. 1890. 1 Thos.A.Prendergast, City clerk of the City of St.Paul , do hereby certify that 1 have compared the attached printed copy of resolution with the original thereof as adopted by the Cont- mon Council of the City of St.Paul at Mimi., theoWnesthe city of sof Pock its meeting held on the 16th day of 3fiou.,being the owners in fee of all of block )� three(3) or Lindemann's subdivision of lots nine(9)and ten (10),Hyde Park addition to Sr.Paul,have petitioned the common council p of the city of St.Paul to vacate the alley in said September A A.D.1 890 and do further c e r- block three(3),which said petition duly seta f forth the facts and reasons for said vacation, and was duly accompanied by a plat thereof as p oppsed to be vacated;and + Whereas, The common council,upon the pres- ti fy ljhat the said copy is a true and eutation of said petition,deemed it expedient that the matter be proceeded with and ordered said petition to be filed of record with the city clerk and notice to be given by publication as provided by law; and correct copy and transcript of said Whereas, Due notice was given by publication in the official paper of said city for fdhr wgeks, commencing on the 9th day of August, 1890,.totheeffectthatsaidpetition lladffi ri original and of the Whole thereof• filed the city clerk,stating in brief its tab.i )ect, bat the same-would be-heard and-Ors.--, -. sidered by the common council of the city of St. Paul,8 0,at Tuesday,the lo k in day ft noon of said Witness the seal o f the city o f D.1890,at 7:30 o'clock in the afternoon of said day,at the council chamber in the city hall of said city;and Whereas,At the time and place last aforesaid, for the investigation and consideration of St.Paul this 22nd4 day of September such prolapsed vacation of said alley the com- mon council,after bearing all persons interested, and being of the opinion that the same is neg. essary and proper,and that the prerequisits p therefor have allbeen complied with, A.D. 1890• Now therefore, be it resolved, That all of said alley in said block three (3) of Linde- mann's subdivision of lots nine(9)audten(10), Ityde Park addition to St. Paul, as the same appears of record in the office of the register of deeds in and for the county of Rarf ey,Minn., be and the same is hereby de- • • • • •• clare$to be vacated and discontinued as asked for ids said petition and as herein above speci- fied. Yeas—Aid. Banholzer, Bott, Conley, Cope- City clerk. land, Costello,Dohner,Dorniden,Gehan,McNa- mee, Melady, Minea, Sanborn, Sullivan, Van Slyke,Mr.President-15. Passed Sept.16,1890. 0.0.CULLEN.President of Council. Approved Sept.17,1890. ROBERT A.SMITH,Mayor. Attest: ,Thos.A.PRENDERGAST,city Clerk. . ' t.22. ".....,%, I' .. , ' • . . I . . . ■ • 'J •' • • .‘ r • • f I . • t ., ,..,... -,,.- - - _.• --:... - ---' --;71.----"Ti ;...., , • ..... . ..., , k t . . '.--- .,,.. ,.. z • si.. H....( . s,. ..1,.. ..,, .- •- k. 'Zt .4/:.8.)' ; ( ) . . 1.4'1:.:*"..... .4..: ..'gt_ •. : i 4 , • ... ...., ,.., _, ....., , , :... ...,_ ,.. . ..., •• , , --. , .. , ,------ •, , .. . •.. . -tt'' ,- : . , ., • :. .el ••\ ...... ....„ . \ 'r' \ J 1 .. .t ...... -. .*.',. V '1...Ci) ... ..,.. 1 . ..., ,.., t„,... '',3 \\\\ \ . \ . . ,-..• ...9: . ( 1,.._ ,, .. -.... . ,......-., ^: . ..... -. . _,, .. -....-"\-.4 ■■,_ i— o -.... ...._ ,...., a 4wg r.; ...-4 ',.- N7--e z '0,1 • .' :, •.:. •...., ,..., •,..4 ".4 fte. • • • • . . . .. • . • , . . . . ran sc ip.i. of 'REM 01 1 0,ion. w of Par-me-, , S S. I T.)Y C) f Ptu,1 . ) W.P. 1111-RRAY, • President of the Assembly. Approved Oct.15,1891. 0.0.CULLEN,Acting Mayor. Attest: Thos.A.PRENDERGAST,City Cleric, Oct.19. r. . co 0) cn. CI) --4 •Ic .. ..1 (0 • Ct) s`.733 Z.0' 1 rri CIZZ .... 3,.. CO SO. 03 .el• CD 1 -,-,1 -f;,. - n R• „ • c., c. -,/ sc — ,- rn Ni o szt. ''''• r4 '.4' ilti cn lr • gtt- tc szi zr- --4 --t, m -a- ..... -4- co ):.• 4% , 1\ so x•-• m —• o- w......„ i.,..\\ . 1, it .i. .c, • . ,„ a, ,,,, n., • e,,, •N ° crg .) '''ii — — • t, Iti, to • o --,. ": a5 o- ct : Zo— ' *...,i,z". lz, :.,\,\\,z, "i ■•14 i. 5.°, \ .•. : ' r.'' ;'' 0 1Z:o • : :' ,.,z-• • ci C4 • so sao : ''sz • ' . z cr) i rZs : : --- P•4. • -co co co • • 5:1 k...... '.5‘.,,-4- t,.,.S•APisckS'.1,,I,A, • M.F.KAN, AuDITOR, • . _ !„.,z,`__:-'---:-:.;.'-z;IK--:=1-zi-'-: It1'..,e'q li-r.1--,. -'.:. . , ' '-- - ilAt)•.' h N \ 1, , ..i/ cife..., t, \ • --1--- -:::' T-7-77 '::7,--;, [I ,Pli tr:Tf:,----;r1- n... oN 0' ,N.,11..'-"-1 ■. _---" L.' •!..P.,.:'''',. 'r -k_,^1] .,--,401::: , •t ••• .: '--q-' -fs r . -,---41 1;11 11101%1- i 11,0\'-o'f,' ouNLY LID t k m tvir .;' II 1 i RI Fri 1 ''''''''''''...4` '' "Or Nte— di ' r 1 171 r 1 . 'fl4i17'114 i 1 'L.I,,.ili:1111HE' 7, 01‘ilL.,' , ., a- A II 7 a a a a 1 1 / ,. 1100 0 n HT! • / . A 0 A 7 , / 7 i ...,744/1--/Al ,,/__ . ,c 0 ".(41 /gJ I / • ii -- i(17 ci • 60 , , ki ,, _. ..%' ,, -'. V ,//74, ,Z4-- flt % CV .. ... ZAv'-'44' g/' zrz...e__,,,,,„..,..e.......e____ ' •=z-4----- a"-- 1-"-er---6-`4" ■-,,i ,--"--)-z. 4:e.e.e.02,--e -----,--e-___ • C-....-2---- -,--e--- ---,---a--------'^- // ,/lc X ‘ fr ,, v __ , /2 0J X 3/ 4.7 (1 Aj ''''14).:-11 -------)----3-2------‘ ). ..‘,...7,....„,...,......„... s• 41 0 r • • Rsparrh Job Pm.SIAN/.. 4 - � . _ .c+'UN• W.0.SMITH,A011°11 loloy. ,,0 o C^ �i o.JQ p°‘ \o,., `YA A 0.: .1E1( " �� / `E :,� _ E.R,HARRO HIV AU NS,E 950i. Z� , , a ,'... 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N N r- 1 NI :1) 1.,..2.,. 7,- .2.0 ,,D.z.,-- - i 6‘ ■N 0 N : .... .1 t,/ k A . , 0 N . 4.` r• ,-- t , .. ....- 4. .t. • .t. .‘ \ 0\\ /20.7-0,- .1 0 xf-c2.9 Jo ST .1 _ k, 1 \s K: • ..- • • 1 • • ) I 4 S34 ''''\‘ 1,4\ 1 _...fr i ('\'■ ,, ) oar it...1, 1 4 kl,tit , tc, N ?•• ! . e: ,c . P\ ■ I lit i t Sc ,-)N 1 . , . . , . i .. tz , . Ez ---r- - •'•1 . . - 06 -111k ef 61 .' 1 N 46,44L t ir. 31 '4 r 1 _...0.1 .... . . , — —1-ti ''• . I Ai 1 ... 1,1 ,.. . 81 • •il 44 ] 8 , 8 ' . 9 . a 0 ...".... .■ g i. • 1 '.... :.., w, . ' ..YE r'. 41.-' a J . , . •Y A . t - 1 _ _. ..._—.----- - - w—� Frr+r l^ '-- t ': 2 I _-- I i. ■ 4 5 _ —_Y—_..--.- • 6 — 8 _—� 10 -- i 11 12 13 14 fir— 15 ---- ---- — - -- 16 h — • a:. 18 19 20 _— — e 21 ft: 22. 23 — —_ _ — — � — 24 i I 28 29 - - 30 .j 31I 82 laic . N 1 STATE OF MINNESOTA, ) County o f Ramsey, ) S S. City o f Saint Paul. ) 1, Thos. A.Prendergast, City Clerk of said City do hereby certify that 1 have compared the attached copy of plat showing the vacation of the alley in Rio* Three (3) of Lindemann 's Subdivision of lots Nine (9) and Ten (10 ), Hyde Park Addition, with the origi- nal thereof as on file in this office , said original having been filed with the petition of F. W. Winter and Fred. A. McArthur dated the Fifth day of August, 1890, asking for the vacation of said al- ley. 1 further certify that 1 have compared said copy with a copy of said plat on file in this office which said last mentioned copy was filed with the petition of the St.Paul Gas Light Company dated June 11th, 1891 , asking for the revacation of said alley on account of technical error in the first mentioned vacation of said all ey. I further c erti fy that the attached copy of plat is a true and correct copy of said original plat filed as aforesaid with the petition of F. W. Winter and Fred. A. McArthur and is al so a true and correct copy of the copy of said original plat filed as aforesaid with the petition of the St. Paul Gas Light Company. Witness the Seal o f the City of Saint Paul this 24th day of October A. P. 1891 . ,1 `, er • AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION. STATE OF MINNESOTA, SS. COUNTY OF RAMSEY. • F. DRISCOL , .._.being' duly sworn, deposes and says that the a xed printed copy of notice of OFFICIAL PUBLICATION: mention of Alley in Block Three (3) of • Lindemann's Subdivision of Lots Nine- (9) and Ten (10), Hyde Park Addition to St. Paul. CITY CLERK'S OFFICE, ST.PAUL,Aug.9,1890. Whereas,a,petition has been filed of record in his office by order of the common council,as was taken from THE DAILY PIONEER PRESS 'this by law,asking for the vacation of the alley in block three(3)of Lindemann's subdi- Vision of lots nine(9)and ten(10),Hyde Park (addition to St.Paul;and a newspaper which, during' the whole time of publication Whereas,the petitioners state that they are +residents of the said city of St.Paul,and the ',owners in fee of said block three(3),and that o f said notice f printed Is tice h ter stated, has been and is rinted t�,he object and reason for asking said vacation ereina s that the proposed erection of a large manu- 4tacturing plant upon that part and portion of I aid block three(3),laid out and platted into and published in the City of Saint Paul, County of Ramsey, ts,as shown upon the plat accompanying and ade part of said petition,will cover nearly the tire part thereof and the said alley in said ock three(3),as shown upon said lat; and and State of Minnesota. That the said notice was published Whereas,the said petitioners state that in eu of said proposed vacation,and as a part of he consideration therefor,they will donate to in said newspaper for the period of . he public(s strip of land off the west side of lots os.eight 8 and nine(9 as shown upon said lat,twenty(20)feet in width,extending across aid block three(n .r < , On le, Now,therefore,notice is herebygiventhat said etition will be heard and considered by the ommon council of the city of St,Paul,at its ///��� eeting to be held on Tuesday,the 16th day of the �/ day O `'`� eptember,A.D 1890,at 7:30 o'clock p.m.,at e council chamber in the city hall, By order of the common council. 181 47 upon which day last mentioned it was first published, THOS. A. PRENDERGAST, City Clerk. aug9.5w • - • day of 1 — upon which day last mentioned it was last published, upon which days or times of publication aforesaid the said newspaper was regularly published, and that during the whole time of the said publication he was one of the printers and publishers of the said newspaper. Subscribed and sw n to before me, this day of jes A. 1). 189 7_ 14 Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. Printers' Fee, $ •