1888 (17) 4 m A \/ ± � ����� ������� ,+4�Z » �-_- � -��������� � » - / i oe�0 OF « / A{ • § :f ° ° ( elt �r azuD£ o ° ` . \ Z = £ / \\«• < °�e%%%%%%%%%%�2 ee /■ i / / i�r..., k t � � / , } i 1" ) � � � • � � � / � , ,\ , \ : . 1 . . / K (\ Z � Z . . \ IC r 11 ' ' / i, \ ' ) e:, % / f�: p . : ). % )\ S . i>t. I o •.# /�< a ;''''''' ?/) $ 9 A\ . * e \ © / e . ( / / . . . \ �� •����.�����,����N.%tee AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION . STATE OF MINNESOTA, } SS. County of Ramsey. _ #c)-1 41. G ' ( being duly sworn, deposes and says that the annexed printed copy of notice of_.... ..... was taken - (OFFICIAL PUBLICATION.) from the ST. PAUL. DAILY GLOBE, a newspaper which, Vacation of Part of Warwick Avenue North of Ashland during the whole time of the publication of said notice, Avenue, and the Alleys in Blocks One (1) and Two (2) hereinafter stated, has been and is printed and published of Summit Avenue Addition. in the Gity of St. Paul, Ramsey County, and State of Minne- ST IPA CLERK'S��1 } thiWhereas,office, by o petition er of been he Common sota. That the said notice was published in said newspaper Council,as required by law,asking for the vacation of the portion of Warwick I avenue north of Ashland avenue,and the alleys in blocks one(1)and two (2)1 for the period of successive of Paul;and,whereas,the petitioners Summit Avenue addition to 1E�Stt. said property ye skedstoebe owners s�II�t, said ro eommPneing on the day Of... ...._. that the reason for said vacation is that the said Warwick avenue north of Ash-; land avenue,and the alleys in block one(1)and two(2) of Summit Avenue 188e, upon which day last mentioned it was first published, addition,as aforesaid,are not in accord' with the platted prnperty north of Ash- land avenue and east of Saratoga,and not in accord with the adjoining prp- and ending on the / day of erty to be platted; nw,therefore, Notice:is hereby given that said peti tion wilt be heard and consddered the Common Council of the cify of St.. The , on which day last mentioned it was last published, aav 1s88Uat 7a30 ohclock ay of Octobr, Council Chamber in the Ci y Hall the By order of the Common Council upon which days or times of publication aforesaid the said TIIOB.A.PRENDER(#AgT, City Clerk aug22bvwed newspaper was regularly published, and that during the whole time of the said publication he was one of the printers and publishers of the said newspaper. Subscribed and sworn t• Before m• his T C/ day of A. D. 188 • Printer's Fee, $ \)\S--)jj\k•TX)s)\)\1 , Notary Public,Ramsey County,Minn. • TRANSCIUPT OF MSOLUT1UN Passed by the Common Council of the City of St. Paul at :its meeting; held October 2nd, 18 8. Whereas,The owners of the property abutting upon and along the line of I `1'flos. A. Prender last City Clerk of the the property hereinafter described have > > > > petitioned the Common Council of the city of St. Paul to vacate the portion of • Warwick avenue north of Ashland ave City of St. Paul , do hereby certify that I uue,and also the alleys in blocks one (1)and two(2) of Summit Avenue addi- tion to St.' Paul, which said petition duly sets forth the facts and reasons have compared the attached printed copy of for said vacation, and was duly accom- panied by a plat thereof as proposed to be vacated; and Whereas,The Common Council,upon resolution with the original thereof as pas- the presentation of said petition,deemed it expedient that the matter be proceeded with and ordered said petition to be filed of record with the City Clerk,and no- sed by the Common Council of the City of St. tice to be given by publication as pro- vided by law; and Whereas,Due notice by publication in the official paper of said city for four Paul at its meeting held on October 2nd, 18'$8. weeks,commencing on the 22d day of August, A. D. 1888,to the effect that said petition had been filed with the City Clerk, stating in brief its object, And do further certify that the said copy is and that the same would be heard and considered by the Common Council of the city of St. Paul, on Tuesday,the 2d day of October, A.D.1888, at 7:30 a true and correct copy and transcript of o'clock in the afternoon of said day,at the Council Chamber in the City Hall of said city;and Whereas, At the time and place last said original and of the whole thereof. aforesaid,for the investigation and con- sideration of such proposed vacation of said portion of Warwick avenue and said alleys,the Common Councli,' after hearing all persons interested,and Witness the seal of t, - `v' of St. being of the opinion that the same is necessary and proper,and that the pre- requisites therefor have all been com- plied with according to law; now, Paul e bth ay ept. 1889. therefore,be it Resolved,That all of said portion of Warwick avenue north of Ashland av- enue,and also the alleys in blocks one (1)and two(2)of Summit Avenue addi- tion to St. Paul, as the same appears of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for the county of Ramsey, Minnesota,be and the same is here- by declared to be vacated and dis- City Clerk. continued,as asked for in said petition and as hereinabove specified. Yeas—Ald.Blom,Eock,Conley,Fisch- er, Gehan, Hamm, Kavanagh, Leit- hauser,Minea,Melady,Pratt,Sullivan, Weber,Yoerg, Bickel, Mr. Vice Presi- dent-16. Approved Oct.4, 1888. gi...;4 •—"r",-''''''C.: , • •+.3,3.03*.•.•••13: ,AO ..• . ✓ . . • . . . .1 . !,••• — 4 1 ■ t),..,: '. ."' t,..1.;',:t; L..1 ',•:.,7-,,,r ,"4- Cif) c,,, ? -,• .1. e —I • * ‘;'.*:' C): rE. ;'"'' r/.' g rvi ...S • .,,+ cm • a, : r -..,1 ,. -., ...,, i:::- ..• z, co, • ,...,` 7-t1 (c:;.. n, :r•-• • , : _ , y.,_ ,..J ..,. ..,... — .7,1 11' Q ;4'4'44 .42 ,-s „,;' :•;:•:.: 6'14 ....•• -.S '-t - • g.. <•( c-i. .r..-.;,.. Nei G.--, , . • ka‘.' 2' . . ..,•CO ',..:::• .., •T7.: ,•, , .- ';--,- •••■ 444 1 • (... _•,:•-; -•••••, '-'13 .,s.T. • • (., C4. 44,4 (n \`.(•, — c`'.74 —.4 GO 1. r\I .....,,'.. ';'?...: • •- .' C.4 t•4 •Ct:-..t. ..., ■••'...„-.4 ., . h...c ■-.. '.-",•■ 13 - & C'' "• It...1:-• t • c qb ■-■• C.-3 Cr. - ••:•••.' 7., , ...._. .-tt, -•••.. 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