1890 (2) 3 1 1 •1 S 3 s zV 0 .5" o ,,, 5'6.o -riffs- 66' 6E 66' 6 � Ls 6r lc, 2i 'A£ v q, rr ii y 9 YS A'f■ a k ,4 Iv S 7"e- F' r / ro d j C1 6 ii — a N o` ro N o sr ..40 4 ' N1 q (11 y 6 •F6-- 4, E- 6 E 6 6f' 6E' 6'gP -,,- '?/,/ ',?>,? /re, off," .EL!L /.,V'v.7/ A J/ / 4Z_7/ /' 1 '° n //v//c?I 2i .1.1;Ua ji ______ .. M I r. • •," �RoVy�'Co f • G • , z• -, ,,,. v . O • ts• 1\T, ... ,. • . , : if... .;1: : '11:-: k: . �r !•,, ° c + , ..v i k ■ 1 • I• • • II J 1 • . • 'A' ■•,fl PT . )i.-. P..'.3‘I) ii.,, 1, Ioirci.I (.: f i., ' .. - 0 I 'il, ca a. 1 1- , .. ..,, ,-,, ,et.,et !e-in')1,1 - ' ri. i'7'1 ..111r)•!.31Z,I.— "'W'', 4. h :I p...- o I. ., •'o, , : • • , ,,. ,.,• ., .. , . , ,,•., .1. p-, ,,, rm . ..< , .; • . . , ,1-::,;•:, 0 " `,.,r I. • r„t.; :y I Whereas, The majority of the owners,resld. ... , .1 '..1....;• i I•• • •. ' ,,... , ..•t :, ‘ ,, • „.. .. ing in St.Paul, Minnesota, of the property, abutting upon and along the line of the alley hereinafter described have petitioned the corn- . . ., . „ ., . . mon council of the City of St. Paul to vacate S''; ."•• 5'1 e- •' ,"•-l'elt ... .1%'-'". . i''" i f f 'i'' i '1, ;IV r , ■ ,r., ,ir .. :. .*.., .. d .■ . 1, the alley running from north to south through '' ' '• •" - btick-iliteet (15),of-1.Pai -e-ii aTicntion to t to -'----)1 City of St.Paul,and from Case street to Jen street,which said petition duly sets forth th.. 1,, „st , ,,. ,.. ,....,f 5., f I. . ,.,'3 S,)„1 ri iji,,,,,i, I.-1..,!'t. facts and reasons for said vacation, and was '1J,, ':'• a.,. ,.,...1 ,..,-.f. , 4... .... ... ....,'3-, -- ,,, , . - duly accompanied by a plat thereof as proposed to be vacated,and .. Whereas,The common council,upon the p • . , . sentation of said petition,deemed it exped:,. 1*1.,,-, ,, ,,I . ;••.1 •„.1 t-1-•10 I ...4; , Ze n 4,;4.14"i ,-1." A . ; :t) that the matter be proceeded with and orde ,.. .5't.; '••• '■ • 0.• ,....• '•4 L - • . ' said petition to be filed of record with•the ei..v"- clerk,and notice to be given by publication ,provided by law,and , • , , i' '^': I ' ' L .5',., ,...•.A., I••, ' Whereas, Due notice was given by publicatt■4 1,t't''''' .1 1,1 l',' r .:rrr:r, ,.1. :, r) A ,,., 1 /I. ''..• 0.,i, .f.'',..,.3 ■',...Y -...., I. ;In the official paper of said city for four w:- commencing on the 25th day of January, •' 1890,to the effect that said petition had been' filed with the city clerk, stating in brief its oli,, '5 ,..,-; • ''t,,•,/0 t ...‘ 4 I; ..1 .' /1 I i•t I 04;'■I 4* t* i `•°'; 0 ject,and that the same would be heard and, i1.111 rt ;E:!'. 1.- •...le t...."; 5., ; 3 ' !,.f t■.1. 1, A .C.A. . .,.4 'considered by the common council of the.qty, of St.Paul on Tuesday,the 4th day of Maratt,:„ A.D.1890,at 7:80 o clock in the afternoon'of' . , .. . .. .., said day,at the council chamber in the citViall 11-1.1 i c,i-• 1 ' "is''.1,-;- ''. t...;'' I' 5' 's •• , i.,,1• .• ' -.1 t t.t !'I. 'i.of said city,and Whereas, At the time and place last aforesaid for the investigation and consideration of such proposed,vacation of said alley as aforesaid i.; .)' •e '' ; 5'. • ",, ". the common council,after hearing all persons; t•I,',t .1,!; a 7.e..!.-. .e ,e,i' f 1 ".,e:) ;.:.`!11:-..i, (.e:i i -'- I ••, ,, t, ,,o.i•4., ... • interested, and being of the opinion that the same is necessary and proper,and that the pre- requisites therefor have all been complied with, , now,therefore,be it ' , 1 ,- „ , , '.5'.' Pl..'" (1 f. 1 '1 C ' 1 (1 , 4 Resolved,That all of said alley running from •... A "'CA ; ', .1 ••■'1 .,',I, .4,a :A °I • ....; o'.; I.I.I t;.1 I, .;.•••••'• •‘,I, north to south through block fifteen(15),of Fairview addition to the City of St.Paul,and front Case street'to Jenks street,as the same appears of record in the office f register of, deeds in and for said county of Ramsey,Minne- sota,be anti the same is hereby declared to be ' vacated and discontinued as asked for in said, -e I.L,`,^'"?3.:',' : it0 3 ria 1 0 I ' •LI, ()I .1'..., petition and as herein above specified. J, Yeas—Aid.Biekel,Blom, Bock,Cullen,Fisher,, Gehan,Kavanagh,Minea,Melady, Pratt, San- .4.!.., horn,Sullivan,Mr,Chairman-1;3. i'Paillt "u6' 3 It a'') 4. ,;,Z4;',;11 , A* ,) 40* ---.i Passed Marchd,1890. HENRY WEBER,Chairman of Council. Approved March 5,1890. ROBERT A.SMIT ,Mayor. 4. Attest: Taos.A.PRENDERGIST,City Clerk. March io. ...dr*..,•■••*AY Ma.16 1.1 WO... .11 L 1.,— ' i. .... , . . ,, • 'J'- I I e - "4"--...,+ ,40.-J?r(e--24--#1 , ,,, - Tic 1' t l . -63 t: " -' Of; - ',',. ) iv--1-., ,fienlvivv• - )i /J •`/r . -. l./ 2 ' // /. gL• 1-------)-2 2?"/F-1/1---2 y, /7/ --7 -may (i f 7) 74 f . } 1J , - r � � -7' sir=r �Z i --.1' ' ir (-)-- -21:-,- ----r/. -NT/ - - II•riow -11rAlr://7 , / I ----- - r \4 , V , / : n, _ ■ ,--I ___rrl,"7 5/c-'9--- -----Q7W-D,, i / .... -w„, I ZT Or i I,.—,sy4-15"\?___--,i--po S,..,0 i , • — o,0,--; • _ / , ■ ■ ■ v" I 1, % "rS v- t T ---- i ! - !—_-- — , • -- 91 ■ I �I1r a ii e J LT r I '/ 77V---V- ,--- ____Vra-Vi • 97_ r , - —` 7 • 7- -- - _ FT 2f �i — - - i / e r . - ,•- • TT —! ),- r- _ - b -- �. j --+-1- . - ----, ■ ---17-Zr-iirVV-- -r-..0'-‘74------- --)-, --T---(---)7- c_19-°rN 'Vlv)9 9 /'-)/ Vr\O r'-‘),,try--f-r9---a-.0-0._, ----ec--9--------- - ' i ---.----• - _____jinc_____ _ ____ __n_______v_rdwr • , _.►, r 3- 1 • 7 _ a ,,:#1, ___VIVZIW1 _n_., -- -_ - - .-:-,,,--_- .,-r.-- - 67. PAUL. BOOK AND STATIOF:CR'+ CU,:.P.N I', AT. PAUL, MINN. i Q , I ' I ° '-=1----C,‘. . . qk/A,--. 0-'0 > 1(c--, (Y04. 7: 1 7 i. 'r F b. — __ /_ -..,r _ � „ 4• 1. ,l ii, •Jl • = .i /� ! ice•. - ■ —r- , —;-1."■4.--114 " 1 0 -f� — / 1• 1 y / f- 7 y/J. 12 b1 LOA, CN.,In-e----',-- ikaj CL---kA9-1- --- �w� / . 15 1 am; Of.--,� ----- �- -- optI / 19 sy• at► A. • Or-1 /-�°� 21 - ■ _i.. A ›L. - ()L. 4 - -All _ c1'-v`J t 231!_,/ ±Q___Cis_..A.J.:111"- _,S,A----(3‘.../4:: /1--Oli --, )(1e . . a.4 ......, ., • I c i I • / E r 1' A • T '. _ -. t..*... W m jilliallit`r'D j= timom� s.-• ;lb- I glare. — . ,..•. 1 VV._ 7. /•. r..ji • .1-- `N Ak.:V±Ayr--6.7A,11(Aj 4, - 4 , _,..."'ll 'r/.----L0-41-'14') (--A-A.,-/L.Ak- 77- Q_A..2,41_,/ ■ )k7 ji_A - .,. .,() 02 k A. .., 0 4_ .■ ' .• _L„,/tt._k _.(1--v1/4, $ e; 0!. _Ifeti,_______.' _ ____.-.- ----kt 1 II 1_-- 1:;" 1;14'7',?,....:'. . �' :;D f ? T' �r Y 'S•9,y / ,rwf- 1 {. ,.,{ C1 C. 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KWY0 , r j ',ir 4 r■zr/vd__+_ Q 8 r ; ' i.. .1% Or-k ^sr7V .,-/ • _ 0 L v - V -- -_r 7)—--- -, . - fl J -7--- 0 - - ---- -7-V1 ra'-n-iy\PV49-----1-(VA_, --- --C -y-ParVr---61-)91)9 9 ' ----g"A/7). -- . . --.7- — -- -1 , / r�2� (_, _ �_ Cam'.__ _ , . v , t i __ . k----,97-?- 6, n. off'-o_io -- - 1 - , - , ' g P i • r ._—c --- , / • ■ , • '.?. ----jitrV?iN(V) In..,.---\IOCO--./r - --C-4--7 77--,--r- )4Z- -- - 7-Wrrii— -./ . 77- I I. ST. FAUL [3...04 AND STATIONERY i-J.PAN'., ST. PAUL, MINN. 1 — - - .-- - - — _-_ M ■ w V iRF:.. ,,,r AO.�'� !!d'r g' '' gyp_ ' '4pF` "_ 1KF , `' -AC-KR:, %. ...., .,,,,,e,,,,-- ;,,?t,.,; ... ,,,'.d , y ,� !�'i it / 0 1 . a• IC '— 4 JJ '� 3 5 I /1,L/ /wYy-L?, _�! � 2- 1 • r 1 (` r' .. _-_ Z / / d 1f')„ .,, -, ' pL .rte S I . / Yom.._. rr 1 j Y elf n 1., 4.,/, , P r 'y?' rG ,I'.�r��Fd� , Gle� /—-- - yy.,?. `: , 7 . //1,-, a " . .,,0,, 9.4„.. -,k .1fe,e,erg—ws-'1...‘„. `suet !' 1.: 4e-4-,—e_.2 —,, v i 1.7. , G i,. „2_.,3 y 13 11i —_----- --_- - -_ _ -_-y�y . 9 15 • 16 .w... 17 a--- — ' F /./ I • I / i it?'-- • ' I , r — — _ .r-_-_ __________ (t__._ Iv 6:---- i 4 i 1 ,__ASA....._(7) :..3 11 G\._,..../!-----T---\11...6: 11.aleff\../L. ,1-1_--- _1(:--7k../tAl,___. CA...A.A.15- 71 21 ' - . 1 / '5 - = /....... .4 ti -----�l e-Aa C”- Y W CA.AINV.A‘.4 n, • .....a '--' , -1�w� �f S .. .4 �� ,�,.�!t.**. 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I 1 I I . . . , I r i , • n� / ' , j . 'a' : , tilt.'iq'' L .. ., , t' i .. I■ C m tyi'O `i {fix^` i :11 t"q \ \\ Y L q' G. Eli EO lielb o 0 V r::,r..t a F t" .ti' e 11 \ ' q °`L C' g li C\ 1 1I �p I F G�`E V 1 Z.CG c F U -.F s.ss\D 4 N. 4, `1r_ �1 Brie. m 0 41 -„,7i-,,;: t O .. I a:r. 4 cF i 1 1 i \\•, \ . A .r'.�+.:,+-: --.'..c'R:-,.x:•t�.ers:�,e-je-.�..�. .�..,i.r.Y.�••�fi:+ y"-"`"� • • 1 / 1 [.s., . . • Y .1 1 I III 1 'I 1 1 , • . ., Amp. ,4 r- 1 1 TRANSCRIPT OF RESOLUTION V Passed by the Common Council of the City of St Paul at its meeting h cl d October 15, 1889. By A1d.�ilom= Whereas.The owners of property abutting upon and along the line of the alley in blocll fifteen(15),Fairview addition to St.Paul,hav� 1,�1'hos. A.Prenderast, City ��1erk o f the City of petitioned the Common Council of the City o St.Paul to vacate all of said alley as the same exists in said block fifteen (15), Fairview add Case Paul, street,n said between k id city, whichsaid rpetition duly sets forth the facts and reasons for said St Paul do here by certify that 1 nave c unpin red vacation,and was duly accompanied by a plat thereof as proposed to be vacated,and Whereas, The Common Council, upon th8 presentation ofsatcl petition,de-emeditexpedi, the attached printed copy of resolution With eat that the matter be proceeded with and ordered said petition to be filed of record with the City Clerk,and notice to be given by publi- cation,as provided by law,and the o glna 1 thereof as passed by the Common Whereas,Due notice by publication in the L official paper of said city"for four weeks,com- mencing on the 6th day of August. A.D.1889,to the effect that said petition had been filed with C the City Clerk,stating in brief its object,and Cou.nc it o f t Cit y o f St Paul at its meet", ing� that the same would be heard and considered I by the Common Council of the City of St.Paul, on Tuesday,the 17th day of September.A.D. o'clock in the held on t e 15th day o f October, A. 0. 1889 and at the Council Chambeic in the City Hall of said �1 city, and, whereas,. at the time and place last above designated for the' investigation and consideration of' such proposed vacation of said alley, 1,ag, 1 aforesaid,the investigation and consideration, 1 do further e er ti f y th at the Sa 1 d copy I s a thereof was postponed from time to time,as and transcript will more fully appear by the official pro- ceedings of the Common Council,until the 15th day of October,1889,and true and correct copy Aof said original and o Whereas,At the time and place last afore' said.for the investigation and consideration of` such proposed vacation of said alley as afore- said.the Common Council, after hearing all persons interested, and being of the opinion the whole there of that the saute is necessary and proper,and that the prerequisites therefor have in allrespects • been fully complied with;now,therefore,ebe it Resolved. That all of said alley in block' fiftegagf Fairview addition to St.Paul,as the' 1 the St same exists in said block, between Jenks Witness the a 1 o f 'the (alt Jf o f J street andCase street,in said city,as the same appears of record in the office of the Register of Deeds ill and for the County of Ramsey, Minnesota,be and the same is hereby declared to be vacated and discontinued,as asked for in_ Paul P�i u1 this 23rd day o f October, A. 0.188-9 said petition and as herein above specified. ' Provided,that the owner or owners of said ) block 15,of Fairview additon,duly execute and $ record a plat rearranging said block and de, cheating for an alley a quantity of land equal to that center said block, running through / the center of said block, from Jessie street to `(// Bradley street,in said city. Yeas—Ald.Jtckel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, ———— i Fisher,Gehan Kavanagh, Leithauser,Minea, 1 Melady,Pratt,Sullivan, Weber,Mr.Vice Pre ` sident-14. Passed Oet.l5.:f$89. City Clerk •.1tNn'iiONY YOERG,JR., Vice-President of Counc' x. . Approved lW.1889. ANTHONY YOERG,JR., Acting Mayor. Attest: . THOS. A. PRENDERGAST, City Clerk. Oet..22. • ... / . . . . . . ...„ . .-., tt3 : .ii be zt 1.4 . t. z. on _._._,--.--_-;-..,-..ksi, ,,,7,•__ ____,. ...__-- - : #.1..' ("N N op, „.,... "4, f■ A.. , . • '.. '' :7)...1, -..., Z-,,'" .. ' <-....\.,..k.). ;,'"',.,..z .^:--A,, ■ r•-■°N . • -. ;.,,,...1 ..:,4- 'EQ\v„, z.., C.: 4,,;.z..... 11..0106 1 I 7€3 (=> 1 I I 111 iht ,k , C. .. --r 1 ... .4..(; „,::: , - . ,, -'• ::' - F-.- 411%.• ct. - ,*•''.•., ''' ' , •. • • t.4.-• ,..... -; , 7. . * • ',..1. <0 ;-....• ti. ;. . -- --.......--.-.---..,i ...... .---- _ __________ _, _..„._- ___ —• - - • AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION. STATE OF MINNESOTA, SS. COUNTY OF RAMSEY. -- being duly sworn, / deposes and says that the an exec(printed copy of notice of -'-'- - - •q,JiaanBa �, ic �+ -r Vacation of Alley in Block 15, Fairview '� �� C//C%� 71----(-4)- - Addition. CITY CLERIC'S OP'FICL, S .P.ut, Jan.24,1890.1 �/,�- Whereas a petition has been filed of record in /� � v �� this office by order of the common council,as required by law,asking for the vacation of the alley in block fifteen (16),Fairview addition to the city of St. Paul, Minnesota, running from north to south through said block and from from Case street to Jenks street; and, Whereas,the petitioners represent that they are all the owners of said block and a majority of the owners, residing in said city,of all the was taken fro e��PA7T� '< PIONEER PRESS, lands along the line of the alley so sought to be vacated and of the pronerty adloiniug said block,and that the reasons for said proposed a newspaper .which, during the whole one of publication vacation of said alley are that the owners of g said block are desirous of rearranging the lots in said•block by subdividing the same so that the of said notice hereinafter stated, has been and is printed of on shall front on the south side thereof of ou Case street,and oa the north side thereof on Jenks street, and are desirous of opening a new alley running through said block from east and published in the City of Saint Paul, County of Ramsey, to west extending from Jessie street to Bradley street,of the same length and width as is the alley in said petition asked to be vacated; and, further,that it is for the public use and benefit and State of Minnesota. That the said notice was p ublished that said proposed vacation and rearrangement be made;now,therefore, y --- Notice is hereby given that said petition will in said newspaper for the rio of v be heard and considered by the common council the city of St.Paul on Tuesday,the 4th day of March,A.D.1890, at 7:30 o'clock p,in.,at e the council chamber in the city hall. successive weeks, on t��1 o each week, By order of the common council. A f I TH�firth u�''4i19/ 0/(1 commencing on the day o, 189 upon which day last mentions/t as first pub shed, and ending on the day of'7 '''. 189.Cupon which day last mentioned it was last published, upon which days or times of publication aforesaid the said newspaper was regularly published, and that during the whole time of the said publication he was one of the printers and publishers of the said newspaper. _ .4- , Subscribed and sworn to before me, this ` ---- day of .4. D. 189 / e , _ Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn,. V'--3 Printers' Fee, $'