1889 (6) &•NN.•N.• • • • N.N.'<< . •.•• . ,....• .. .N.N....: ,...........ve , y,„.„4,,,,,,,..,,,,,,,...,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„,,„,,,,,„,„,.,• .., OFFICE. OF e ‹,1 ,1›, ,... ,.., s•ci, _...N1t2 Zreazurer. 0 4, fii, • ' 1,„ • e • }.--1. . e e o ! 1 • e e e, e c> c-t )cm(1 N+. 0. 0 (..t ,', r I Y k .. 1 f 1;,1 I I I 1 1,,,,1N 4 ?, ? ' .-...... ? 1 i 1 T • . ( . • ..... . ,., . f (?) ,k 21 .:.N.N. -N.N.•ti-::. •:. •NNN.•N.• •N.N.NNN. N.-NIN.N.•' rr r / , .�- C <_, e: /cr„....4_,...„2.4.,/ fr'N - , 1 i 1p _1,_11,/-7{,i,Lt_ ? / 44.4_4_47 Lo,e: I ' / I /1/ ,, --, 479' / ze__ K ff,,,...,..„.„. ,c<,.....,/_ - / , GCS / c r te, Alk, n , t4 -ce-A-,1" k4 _ ,,)9_ ■ -71 e I-e L 1_j L ya 1-- ,4--1 4-L> .._ / ■ iltf-Q--e-ljt-it- 7-P6-11'Ml.._ 5(--- 11(1)-Z-- kte--, � . c '� y /D ` =� IL, - �i 4:4 /' ✓ ucec c,.( ., 21., ,7 gif--4_,_ 1 dek TO TAT COMMON COUNCIL OF TIP; CITY OF SAINT PAUL. Your petitionersztbeing the owners of all the property in the plat of ground formerly known as "Terrace Court , St.Paul,Ramsey Co. Minn. " and the owners of all the property fronting upon the Court and Street known as Terrace Court in said plat,and the al- ley contained in said plat, respectfully state to your uonorable Body , That the said property formerly known and platted as "Terrace Court, St.Paul, Ramsey Co. Minn. " has been re-arranged and platted by the consent of all of said owners into what is now known as "Suninit Court4f,being a re-arrangement of 'Terrace Court,St.Paul , Rrnsey Co. Minn. " as appears from the plat of said. Summit Court now of record and on file in the office of the Register of Deeds of Ramsey County ,Minnesota , cLC, And Whereas ,notl*rithstandinr that Isis& said "Terrace Court , St. Paul ,Ram. Co. Minn."^and alley as platted ,were not dedicated to public use but were reserved for the use of the then or sub- sequcnt owners of the property in said Terrace Court, still doubts have arisen as to whether the public did not have rights in said Court and alley, And Whereas in the re-arrangement of said property into said Surer=it Court a new street and al] ey have been made, and dedicated to public use/ containing a greater area than the former Court and alley in said Terrace Court , Your petitioners therefore pray, in order that all doubts may be set at rest as to said Former Court and alley in said plat of "Terrace Court , St. Paul , Ramsey Co. Minn. " that the said Court and alley be formally vacated by your Honorable Body .aAL►.,1% / ,.. to dam./-7,-ea.r. C X-ed. p�Grr„p► u v� ; ,�, And th cy will ever pray . #s t • . . . . { • • • TRANSCRIPT of H.FSOLUT1ON Passed by the Common council of the City of St Paul at its meeting held February 19th,18C9. Whereas, Residents inth owners of all he Paul, 1, Th o S A P re r d er gas •t, CI• ty (.`l city o f Minnesota,being the owners of all the prop- . • �. i Ole rk o f the li erty,in the plat of ground formerly known as Terrace Court,Ramsey County,Minn.,and the owners of all the property fronting upon the court and street known as Terrace Court in St Paul d o h ere by c erti fy that I h ave compar- said plat,and the alley contained in said plat, hav_,petitioned the Common Council of the t City of St.Paul to vacate said street known as Terrace Court and the alley in said plat;which + 1, said petition duly sets forth the facts and ed tihe at,ta oh ed p rinted Copy o I resolution reasons fen said vacation, and was duly ac eompanied by a plat thereof as proposed to be' vacated:and Whereas, The Common Council. upon the presentation.of said petition,deemed it expedt• with t 1e o r.gina 1 thereof a s passed by the ent that the matter be proceeded with and or- dered said petition to be tiled of record with the City Clerk.and notice to be given by publi- cation as provided by law;and Common ()our'cif o f the iii t v o f St Paul at its Whereas, Due notice by publication in the official paper of said city for four weeks, corn- -utencing on the 81st day of December. A. D... 1888,to the effect that said petition had been I fled with the City Clerk,stating in brief its oU•� meeting hell February 19th, A. 0. 18. 9, and do ject,and that the same would be heard and considered by the Common Council of the City of St.Paul on Tuesday.the 19th day of Febru- ary,A.D.1889,at 7:30 o'clock in the afternoon .c erti fy that the said printed is of said day.at the Council Chamber,in the City: printed copy Hall of said City: and Whereas, At the time and place last afore- said,for the invest,g ttion and consideration of such propo ed vacation of said street known as a true a] C ogre C t copy and transcript o t said Terrace Court and said alley, the Common Council, after hearing all persons interested, and being of the opinion that the same is nee- + essary and proper,and.that the prerequisites 0ri, final and o+ the who! e thereo f therefor have all been complied with; r • Now,therefore, be it resolved, That all of said street known as Terrace Court,and said alley in said Terrace Court, as the same ap- pears of record in the office of the Register of deeds in and for the County of Ramsey,Minne- sota,be and the same is hereby declared to Y7i ,ne s s the seal o ti s% 1,Z t y of St be vacated and discontinued as asked for in said petition,and as herein above specified. / i I Yeas—Aid. Blom, Bock, Cullen, Copley, Fisher,Cehan,Hamm.Kavanagh,Le thauser, c�rl 7 Miami,.Melady,Pratt,Sullivan We•be7,Yoerg, Paul this gi !. 0 i o f May,A. C�. 1.-489•. Mr. Vice-President-16. / Approved Feb.-20,1569. Ci tv Cl erk F _______ ../ •'9 v / I , • 1) • ' 4 4.Ve... •,, ••?* lre,..0. .■,_„,, v' ';:$•- ''' ------ ----......-----,--- ......_______ ----------,..o- 0 o . - , *.: .,z.),•4 It.. r.. ).,{ Al I 1 ii ii ... ....... ..„ ,:._. _ .. F s - .... - ... .. 4._`•••• j Ilf '.. 0, '.:. '.".' ''' Z; - .‘ 1. IA ,,.....---, . .f....3 • ;,`• . ,,,--) zt, . ,, \ . C%;:.." Lk- p, •r... F.... . ''•'; ''';4; CD •." Li 1....i t '-- • --2 1.4.1 vl F— 0 .,,,, t-• • ••••., ,, ... ,.. 4.. • • ,....z, s• COO in - • ,, C.:, -OA t . POINSOrPilitlit"kos....6-Ow., _ _ _ __ ,—......ok64,—.... ak■LA AFFIDAVIT OF 1UBLICATION . [OFFICIAL PUBLICATION. STATE OF MINNESOTA, --- ss. Vacation of Terrace Court and County of Ramsey, . Alley in Terrace Court. `f / CITI (.I -:Rg'S OFFICF„ -- Being duly sworn, ST. PAUL, Dec.6,1888,I Whereas, A petition has been filed in this office byorderof the Common Court- deposes and says that the annexed printed copy of notice of cil, as requited by law, asking for the vacation of Terrace Court and the alley // in said Terrace Court; and � % was taken from Whereas, The petitioners state that they are residents of said city of / St. Paul, and are the owners of all the S INT PAUL DAILY GLOBE, f newspaper which, during the property ill the plat raf, ground, known as"'terrace Court,St.Paul,Ram- sey cnunty,Miun.,"and the owners of all the whole time of the publication of said notice hereinafter stated the property fronting"Ter upon the court of � stated, street known as"'Terrace Court"in said plat, and the alley contained in said plat.and that the reason for'said vaca- has been and is printed and published in the English language in Lion is that said"Terrace Court,St.Paul -Ramsey county,Minn.,"has been rear- ranged and platted into what is now the City of Saint Paul, Ramsey County, and State of Minnesota, known as 'Summit Court,"in which re: ' arrangement a new street and alley have been made and dedicated to public use containing a greater area than the and published and generally circulated in said county for more former; ourttuereroleyin said Terraee Notice is hereby given that said peti- t one year next, preceding the date of the first publication i ion will be heard and considered by the , Common Council of the city of St.Paul on Tuesday,the 19th clay of February, , A.D. 1880,at 7:80 o'clock p.m.at the hereinafter named. That the said notice was du, printed and Council Chamber hi the City Hall. By order of the Common Council. TIIOS,A.PRE.DEI.GAST, published in said newspaper for the period of nec31-5n molt• City clerk. I / successive on � • �w of each week / 3-1/A - commencing on •' the day of. 188 . n which day,last mentioned it was first published, and ending on the d day oi4:0 __.._188 , ' on which day last ment•r ed it was last published, upon • which days and times of publications aforesaid the said news- paper was regularly printed and published, and that during the whole time of the said publication he was one of the printers • and publishers of the said ner .'spaper. r e ✓/ / Subscribed and sworn to before me t is ti/j & day of t, 4 ...?",c.x.,____e___, A. D 188 Printer's fee, $ ,,/ ry Public,Ramsey County,Mi . doir • 111114 • . , PLAT L.5- /ow,Po PosE D VACATION OF cfrfi E TLS zsc. A LLEYLY IN TERRACE C 0 lifiT A/b(,.. Jeale --/0(-)it = Are-. Ted F1.., -1) -,.. (ftwunsil ,i1,67 c. , . s \ \ ! ! ti ks i ....) 1 t . IC '-' --- ' :i 7 -----"'-n . ..../ / 1 I i 1 A",,,,,,),;(L'::111;;;V 14: ,4) lir' anci ii)C, (( ,ftunmiti ? Z t.-..". . 0 . Z\ .. ., \ . . - , . .. ..... .