1889 (5) TRANSCRIPT Ore RESOLl1 'ION Passed by the Cotillion Council of t e City of St Paul at, 1 its r. eet ingr held January 15t,h,1 X889. I Whereas. Residents of the city of St. Paul,'70 being the majority of the owners of the prop' arty abutting upon and along the line of La Salle street and Bernheimer avenue,have pe- i titioned the Common Council of the city of St. Paul to vacate so much of said La Salle street t ' ' t 1 as lies northerly of. Auburn avenue, and so I , I 0 S •A •Pr en der a St , �'1 t.y ( 1 e r k O t t s �,]t y 1 much of Bernheimer avenue as lies northerly of the east line of Hersey avenue.produced to` Bernheirer avenue,and south of the south 1, I line of the Territorial road,except Auburn av- of St Paul do hereby. 'er Y,1 t .y t�h at I have con- enue,w*_in said petition duly sets forth the R :C,aeta and reasons for said vacation, and was duly accompanied by a plat thereof as proposed' , to be vacated,and Wher eas. The Common Council, upon the -oa I ed the at,"i,aCh ed p pint,! d copy o t resolution i presentation of said petition,deemed it eYpedi- ent that the matter he proceeded with and or- dered said petition to be riled of record with the City Clerk.and notice to be given by publi• with the o r i o'1 r al thereof as passed by the cation as provided by law,and Whereas.Due notice by publication in the official paper of said city for four weeks, com- mencing on the 7th day of December, A. D. t ti 11 t 1' t t St, at its 1888,to the effect that said petition had been t,0 iniO_. t,o in c1.l o I the ,1 , y o f St, Paul a , s tiled with the City Clerk,stating in brief its ob- ject,and that the same would be heard and considered by the Common Council of the city on of St. ary,APau1'889,atei0o'clock15th the afternoon meetlnc held January 15th,A.1).1889 and do fur- of said day at Council Chamber in the City Hall of said city, and Whereas, At the time and place last afore- C said,for the investigation and consideration of ther c er ti f y that the said printed copy is a such proposed vaoauon of said street and ave- nue as aforesaid,the Common Council, after • hearing all persons interested.and being of the i opinion that the same is necessary and proper, and that the prerequisites therefor have all true and C O r r P,C` C op y and transcript, of said been complied with; Now,therefore, be it resolved, That all of said LaSalle street as lies northerly of Auburn avenue,and so much of Bernheimer avenue as o P i ;i n a l and o f t he whole ,h er e of lies northerly of the east line of Hersey a r e-produced to Bernheimer avenue,and south of the south line of the Territorial road,except ' Auburn avenue,as the same appears of record in the office of the Register of deeds in and for ibe county of Ramsey,Minnesota, be and the same is hereby declared to be vacated and dis• Wit, ne s s t he seal. • ,he (!it,y of St eentlnued ae asked for in said petition,and as r erem above specified. Veas-Alt. Blom. Bock, Cullen, Fisher, ' .*amts,Kavanagh,Leithauser,Minea,Melady, , j,r - *� ;� Pratt,Sullivan Weber, Yoerg, Bickel, Mr. Paul thl • f ,,lay,i.).1 M9. ico-President 15, Approved Jan.17,1880. ---1...---a--t..---- SA--4--"/ City C1 erk 1 .,./ ' C ri I 43 i •: . lb *I*•' •.;NW' -4. -,- - 1 • 4 CZ. 1....4, ,,N .t... , .c.:• X (1.- er■ • -P .... . tb .., ..4„..4 fl.i. •-... . \ cl Z.:' ..■ , i 6:;' " _ 17 ftb 114z)- . 44. :.1. :'' r , . • qk, p.,,,, t.••••. ,. .-,:., .l.. ''''' s•—•,--- 10, • . c... Q, - t•,.. Z. e-4, art, ,•,., 4" N . -.`(■ i,..,-'' ."., ''' 7,- it , ,.. ,. tz.: s 1....j 41:3 % T . \ t' 17Z: : 1•• • k 't r :•'. ../ • g ...".■ 1: 1 E- likk .:• *1 , '\ CZ'S i• Rs. 0'• ■ft , •. ... k- . ,.. . . . ' . - •-:,..' :• '''' ' ''' ' C it' ' • ' .,. io• • . ,,0 i''',•• ','• ' • '4''''.-'. • ..., , • ... :41',,.,.,•, . , ; , 4 i?., 74,./. ■,,• ..1.I .../ ' .• 4'k•.. . .•. tF• : . ' 1 -,r;-i• •-• '- ' . - ,.- - ,. - •,- ,• . ,