1888 (13) -'------'_-------_'-__,-_-_ 5 /0,0,1,0 OFFICE. OF 5<ty E. ntv 0 1 1, „ A ik .S.• '‘\'' :1 1 : 1: 1 ':-\ ' 4,i..... e. ( _ j ''. 'N(‘c-\ (t, ) J., r , , , , . ....t 1 fi\- \,,,,, . : \ 4Q t. i -.IN) a) to 0 IX 0 cd sr V w O w V a d i a E m q .� d 7 •s • a. s J c 0 I •a ce c3 0 o w m ci \i. cu si cle co o cAo 0E1 ci 5 ca o ce .2 . )..c..9 o 0 s z ,s y .‹... ,sl 02 <IC tA 4C73 O W q z. \ a. Z iJ a oc al 0 r� $' oc Gi•■0■ - co rri , r4 Z1 a) .-4 ..; CD O 2 0 CO kak En a) L,c 4.. ...._. 1 i . •. L., ..... ' .. • - .01.1910 88I *C1 •e I , -- ° - Jo fivp i MI 109711 i. - i 14 Z.-1,...12:7- / . . I I (1 _ '' .1'.174 frr ,. . ti--ni4 'n411114"D?-4, yyvvW,140V - 1.1 #1 1 1 - . . 1 i , Ta , ! 1 W ... i . i Jo filteno,9 I 41 li, - `,14R1100 IGIllISTCF ,,, ILlit ' ' r 1 _______ ,I __....:_, I I i i µ,ii'.` } f�n✓ tv, -S) ' '' ---- QC.u. 0 . . i\A ,._--- ? p JL C /6-1-./7--- - / .S 1 - iv inn" I'. 7 ,, -„,. ,,,- L.,.._____--- c, -, 1/4-,t,., ., . r, t. O �, 4 ;,`, ,. , .,3 'illiAllilli . ' 1, . , e '1 , ' o ... / ,,, i cz / I :1 ) . , FAST SEVENTH T s o bo v bo ...t p TO 1P HONORABLE) THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF sT. PAUL. 4JtLL IAM DA'WSON, 4 ILL IAM T3. DEAN , AMHERST H. WILDER AN L CHARLES H. BIGEL0"w, ALL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL II TEE -TATS OF MINNESOTA, 1.ESPECTFULLY REPRESENT NT THAT THEY ARE THE SOLE OWNERS OF THE FOLLOWING REAL ESTATE SITUATED IN THE CITY OF ST. PAUL, Tr: i1.A.2.I E;Y -COUNTY AND STATE OF MINNESOTA, TO- YtT, ALL OF brILLYAM 13. LEANS AI)DIT;ON TO T. PAUL, ACCOaDr L`NG TO THE PLAT THERE OF AS ItECO°RPEti IN THE OFFICE OF i ECISTE1t OF DEEDS OF SAID i AMS Y COUNTY; TEAT SAID ADDITION CONSISTS OF TWO BLOCKS ; THAT THERE I;> AN ALLEY LAID OUT ON' SAID PLAT Tf'w 3NTY PET 4II)E iFIT4EEN ME SAID BLOCKS ONE AND TWO EXTENDING CAST AND vii ST, THAT SAID BLOCK_ TWO IS SUBDIVIDED INTO LOTS, BUT SAI l) BLOCK ONE IS NOT SUBDIVIDED); THAT YOUR PETITIONERS DESIRE TO R, PLAT SAID Pi.OPTRTY OR TO A tRAME IT AND THAT THE VACATION OP SAID ALLEY IS NECESSARY TO CArt.AY` OUT THEIR PLAN AND INTERFERES ES y'ITH TEE USES PGA ;di7ICH TiiEY INTEND SAIL Pr;,OP_liTY, THAT SAID ALLEY IS OF NO BENEFIT TO THE PUBLIC AND WAS LAID OUT ON THE SAID PLAT S IMPLY FOR THE PURPOSES .OF THE OWNERS AND THEY THEREFORE LES I AE,�' THAT SAID ALLEY SHALL BE VACATED AND THAT NOTICE HI (.YIVEN AND PitOCEELINCS BE HAD IN THAT BEHALF IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CI,ARTI!:R or SAID CITY AND STATUTES IN THAT CASE MADE AND PROVIDED, AND YOUR PETTTIONERs PETITIONER HEREWITH ANNEX A PLAT OF SAID ADDITION SHOWING THE SAID ALLEY PROPOSEk TO BE VACATED. 9' /1-"e/ ' LATED ST. PAUL. MINN. ffi'I ; /7--t=4 aft. /1:7 (-Dre /'-e/o2 )\ AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF MINNESOTA, ss. County of Ramsey. " � being duly sworn, deposes and says that the annexed printed copy of notice of was taken from the ST. PAUL DAILY GLOBE, a newspaper which, during the whole time of the publication of said notice, — (OFFICIAL PUBLICATION.) hereinafter stated, has been and is printed and published Vacation of Alley in William B. Dean's Addition. in the £Sty of St. Paul, Ramsey County, and State of Minne- CITY CLERK'S OFFICE, ST.PAUL,Minn.,July 24,1888.} Whereas,A petition has been filed 11I sota. That the said notice was published in said newspaper this office, by order of the Common Council,as required by iaw,askin for the vacation of the alley between blocks fl, one(1)and two(2)of William B. Deans for the period of successive addition to St.Paul; and, p Whereas, The petitioners state that they are a majority of the owners of the k y of property affected by said proposed va- comm cin the day cation,and that the object and reason g on for the vacation asked for is for the pur- pose of replatting said William B. Dean's addition; and further state that day mentioned was on w 188.:-- .., pon da last mentid it first published, said alley is of no use to the public,etc.; p that Now,therefore,petition'R llibe heard and given con- sidered by the Common Council of the and ending on the day of city of St.Paul,Tuesday,the 4th day of g September,A.D.1888, at 7:30 o'clock p.m.. at the Council Chamber,in the City Hall. 188... on which da last mentioned it was last published, By order O the Common Council. , day P > • THOS. A.PItENDEIIGAST, jy25-5w-wed City Clerk. upon which days or times of publication aforesaid the said newspaper was regularly published, and that during the whole time of the said publication he was one of the printers and publishers of the said newspaper. • 1/19 Subscribed and sworn to'iefore me this day of k A. D. 188 /f1) Printer's Fee, $ WILL,\ Notary Public,Ramsey County,Minn.