1888 (10) 4NN.N.•N. "•,.^‘N.N.N.N.. SSS:SSW NN.'Nr yi, to tv to ti., co..7.,,41:47.F.y.....74:147,41%14:14.174,,, ,N4, /5 ,<.,....,,... „„..„,,,,,,, „.01„ OFFICE OF No P < > :>#( . . eit2 Zreazurer. ii. .1M 'SW 44'.>'S■cl i r‘W''k A 4‹1 I t 4 .., • e s 111 c ....., 4 ..., I \ C2 1 1 ., •A-- F■h, \ I 1.,.. I , \ I I I $ i 3 -\ 1 . N szt_ ? 4 • ct 1 1110- I I I N vi. , ■ . :• ... 4 -■, VA Ilki‘ ....,,,,, No ...,? , .....„, , ,..).,• ... t N 4 4 4 \ . ..- -. I ,,, cl; N., \\4° % I 2i rts....N.N.. N,N,N,N,".,•N., N., • 4,.".0'... •",.. ...N.'s,. ".... N.N.**\."‹.... " NoN, e `1111 1 \ i 41 i = 1 e t 7 ...:-.._ ,-. (....3 _ . 14011, .....y, I e ), IS e • I \l ' lit --S. 7) fS(- PW 43 * , I ,i , c5'C7 : e I in . \ 4 , C\1 ,. • I , tit 2 z, - , ,-, , __ „ . ,,, e ',_. N<1.0>, .c.izanotzscis 34.13 0> . .,1 „, ,ao oio _,, 1 nANN.4,,,V WA,44E• • .e, ct,,%,•%,t7e7enn741.7,1•7e7e-7,t7o7e7e7e7e7o7e:Vel,%el e>,t,el ,. ..:,. N.• ' Ti► the Honorable, The President and Common Council of the City of St.Paul, Gentlemen :- The undersigned respectfully represent that they are a majority of the owners of property on the line of Cedar str. eet, in said city,resident within said city,and they respectfully request your Honorable Body to vacate that portion of Cedar street,being triangular in shape,arid lying immediately west of Lots numbered 4, 5,6 and 7, in Block numbered 12 of Robert 8: Randall 's Addition to St.Paul,according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the register of deeds of said county of Ramsey,and being the piece colored red upon the plat of a portion of said street, hereto annexed and made a part of this petition. Your petitioners report that said triangular piece is of no use or benefit to the public ,and is outside the curb line and of said street . as paved,ndefaces said street by departing from its symmetrical form,and said street would be in a better condition when said vacation was completed,than it is now. All of which is respectfully submitted. (}// , 619444.....,,,,Th' '77/ 4.. Ciab p ff 1 (V*a-&/4) ,7-zle, /„ 9,44" (1)--co< //7, leak � a,t, L• " 9/ A 11 C'jltj/1 fi-22.24(.447/17 E;--/)/t-Iy17:7:6) _________.______.A ., �J � ' yj„, frte ' .-J.- ± *._____ - .-.ti27,... - . _7///5, 6'• ■S; 110 • '','• (TY''__ .. , "e--- 7 .. ree ir ././ \11.0 p ':.+- fla e tit 1 0 Diti/C?-- _rkVelj__ - ) .-e,-J..,?-72o p r-0-7---<7.70 -4,772--yo ra.....9 .- a y 79 cl„........,--,0----)--9e1/W /11.7 , _________"4_01--e-bV40 --? "2°723/ve rn-74 _,c "Al 12 Z.) Y ‘z- -- - , *. t-- j,vyANIMP,-- 7-61:: _ivo_36(..cw (--- _12_2_7/6 r ,,,v,i1.7.eqr ,___a_p__„ 07 0 0 l/ /4/ `_ , ,,' - . - . , -37-9 01 )2 "7"77) .,. ,- 79-/!-----.9 ----- ^ ///JJJ/A /, /� • 15 '' 717d*')? y , , r,r: 1 li --i-k -7( . -f „,.. a (7 Wit( ' 16/ / 7/7', - "Y,,,,._,„ • 22 . - 47,4" 7 / i i'-----'-"--- -47 7 --(' /2-7,Xs .OS e..fits /a�,,-I-.,. .-_....7.J-- �� -1- —_44111111111° • •. ' ' ".1,- )-' --k) / / • • ✓ I we "' ,, • sin Xvtu1' C z (\l% (It%; ;LI i . f ct ^ /lam' h, x chit, G, o,,. N t. \ , 7-i„, (.. , cNi . , 0, (--tik- L -(:-_ -e, i 0 \ . til-11 til \ CP 41 1 iiiiiii _reatit 067 , ik r 1 c..„ ' ...,..„..„...„.. .. .., ......... ...... ..,,......„.......,..... . ..\,..,,scs , ,„: INS F # p 1k, i ,,ay. r' I CI ,,N,,'11) ,. , ,s\i: O 1 r Akii ,,,,,S1'. A ol .. _.._._. ...._.-._.._.. _,11 g ,, A .0010', z a AD b 44414° II! , ; ' b , 4 1 ' " -3 .. ii. , .0110 ,IW Is" .Or .:• ■,--- , • *- , ' I • AV, k---' . \\ • . N • • 1 • =Y1,, N f\4k\ • S % .... .101,„ -. . .„ ,-.... \ , — -pl—, 7',2r.2 N 1 , • --c,, L.: • • P ‘ At .• ,--';:1 ,-, t •t 1,14‘‘ ''• :-..--•—• \ ik 11 1 \ L \ / \ , \ • t•--r - ' ""''-'' '..+: fa•rt•.,,r'; , :;',.,''''''''''''' `';'P.t4.1.4-'-'4,,,., '1,,4-..... -44444%,irr$0*** .- i ,. • - , s • . .r■ • •, 1 . "r 1111, W ft ■ s XI, ....e._ do -io /le/./1 /4/-----,' WviA e (1 , � ,--7 (/ / 0 J. ,,,,, . , (110...,z76-r-Q-7' ero ;Iiikvi (..14,) Y',...#•is . . . ... . . , , , , , . , . , AFFIDAVIT OF PUI-3LICATION STATE OF MINNESOTA, SS. County of Ramsey. Z d' ia.-j'e–"(■•■" ,,Isr being duly sworn, , (OFFICIAL PUBLICATION.] Vacation of a Triangular Strip deposes and says that the an xed printed copy of notice of Land on Cedar Street. of , ...-C., &ZVI' was taken CITY CLERK'S OFFICE,1 ST.PAUL,Minn., May 22,1888. Whereas, A petition has been filed from the ST. PAUL DAILY GLOBE, a newspaper which, in this office, by order of the Com- mon Council, as required by law, ask- ing for the vacation of a triangular strip of land on Cedar street,lying im- during the whole time of the publication of said notice, mediately west of lots 4, 5,6 and 7,in block 12,Robert&Randall's addition to St.Paul;and Whereas, The petitioners state that hereinafter stated, has been and is printed and published they are a majority of the owners of FilZ:rfUllisit4goftra asked to be the cated,and that the object and reason for in the Oty of St. Paul, Ramsey County, and State of Minne- • such vacation is,that said strip of land " is of no use or benefit to the public,is outside of curb line,etc.; Now, therefore, notice is hereby sota. That the said notice was published in said newspaper given that said petition will be hear.l and considered by the Cominon Council of the city of St.Paul on Tuesday, the , 3d day of July, A. D. 1888, at 7:2 1 for the period a .F.,2-(ze, successive zitec.4, o'clock p.m.at the Council Chamber i 1 the City Hall. commencing on the 2 4? .A.-0( day of 0(0. , By order of the Conlallitmcik. THOS. A. PRE wedCity Clerk. — – . may-23-5w- 188r, upon which day last mentioned it was first published, and ending on the •2 a -49 day of • 188bR , on which day last mentioned it was ast published, upon which days or times of publication aforesaid the said newspaper was regularly published, and that during the whole time of the said publication he was one of the printers and publishers of the said newspaper. Subscribed and sworn before me this _. day of • A. D. 188 11‘ - Printer's Fee, $ )1•3`-kCW\k A-*_(11 "\ kp Notary Public,Ramsey County,Minn.