1888 (4) AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION . STATE OF MINNESOTA, ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEY. V / y(7 being duly sworn, deposes a d says that the annexed printed copy of notice of deposes was taken from the ST. PAUL DAILY GLOBE, a newspaper which, during the whole time of the publication of said notice, herein- after stated, has been and is printed and published in the City , , ------ [OFFICIAL PUBLICATION.] of St. Paul, Ramsey County, and State of Minnesota. That .Vacation of Part of Alley in Block 5, Maca/ester Park. the said notice was published in said newspaper for the period CITY CLERK'S OFFICE,1 ST.PAUL,Minn., Feb.14,1888. ... Whereas,a pet .ion has been ale,d in of --------1,----04.... successive cr. ., ,i; ' commencing, this office, by order of the Common Council of the City of St.Paul, as re- ,/(- t."0„/ 188 Pupon quired by law,asking for the vacation of all that part of alley in block 5,Macales- on the day of ter Park, described as follows: Begin- ning at a point on the east line of lot 10, sixty-five(65)feet south of the northeast corner of said lot 10;thencesouth thir- which day last mentioned it was first published, and ending teen(13) feet; thence west eighty-lour • z feet; thence south sixteen (16) feet; z thence east one hundred (100) feet; on the // day of „,)7/1-VC 188(57, on which west sixteen(16)feet to the point of be- ginning;and Whereas, the petitioner's state they constitute a majority,of the owners of day last mentioned it was last published, upon which days or property abutting upon and along the line of said alley asked to be vacated, and that the object and reason for such vacation as asked for is,that petitioners times of publication aforesaid the said newspaper was desire to rearrange lots 6,7,8,9 and 10, in said block 5, Macalester Park, and I will dedicate to the use of the public in lieu of said land asked to be vacated a regularly published, and that during the whole time of the said tract of land containing 2,608 square feet; Now,therefore,notice is hereby given that said petition will be heard and con- publication he was one of the printers and publishers of the siderecl by the Common-Council of the City of St. Paul on Tuesday, the 3d day of April, A. D.'1888, at 7:30 o'clock p.m.,at the Council Chamber in said newspaper. the City Hall. By order of the Common Council. THUS.A.PRENDERGAST, / . feb15-5w-wed City Clerk. Subscribed ,nd s n to beff e me this .X..1 --- day of 6;4 188 Printer's Fee, $ r )(01k U-) t-“-\ tj CUM\ 4 niQ4 Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. q1V tfr; P&ee,(,, /v/ri (s ( 7 _ . ,(20, 62L.e_er tite.tA47 . .e(z /7e 6t._„c____c___0,--7„,„7-et • ./ A-- 4.a rfrte `?6 g%,e - - ce_v_t/ // / ' z‘ ze:e__ / /- vt& er_x_nert, (?a,r_e •% /�J o ,��Sri/ /3 , , )e(/7 /Zi'"` `D`O „/z /, #27 - /' f8 1 itZ 6e};(( W( ‘44ed.6-- ,--1, f ` / ‘ . i le "ZAA_-(-c ,e___(/-/(4/ 7! /4, 4„7/1 ist,, • de,- --e, te 0(7- ✓ .f‘ r or/--/ / Th, /- /err / r . wr _ 1J// //7e/(43 1 y C. /4 G l,,,7 ,f-/-__44_,,,-( / f-.( 4-- ,e-e-c-,-' '- , ', _,, ( (,.. A ket/2.-<ti."1 .4,,17. 47)1—/,4i/(-- //i---C-Ij 4/(/2--(Pa_ ,L/C--e ( 4 a- '-(L--,- / 7r--- /44- /t12-C,I__-e- -6--(76 14—/->--e- r , , , r e-zP-1, _ /-' A/, Gt-e/A- (ee, ( , ;(77--K7,e/(/ / a ---) t` } . t i. k aea. q co G •gb G as 7 /0 .� ��'•�.6 , ., JS u� ��, ` - ©_ _.) I. tl ,. .. .,..: 8 z 1 4., 4 3 F a , r' # W O' Avg I Lo -7-S 8 . 9 rc- /O t4,.., BLOCK- ,S P1'' h Mi9 CALEST ER PARK f j7— PAUL R AMSE Y CO M//✓N. y :4 ,..,.,�. ...-. '-'414**...,,*,-,..4.{.09.acv .4.^. ` It MORR,.SO N ro ti'caZe 6 sv�cvEro,es O,fC = ' re , '- `' ' --- (. --.-----7.-H---7- )(«//, AA) (? oi.v(A. . T� , , 7.,) . id\.....:/./ iirriVA"----- --- ; . ' J t. . ������_it| ( 4 1 / 1 ~r U •�� " � r � ' ' = ' = • i_ _ -__- ..... ...4 , \ kit" , ifilkit I ;. . 1 = a cn „ Ilk \ \1 a‘ n = ',AA\ , 114 i a'„=-4,,,y, \ ,, 'Nth. , ooritlii lik; f 1-,... g ,,,,,i,ii s N\l‘ \'L' ‘ I . k \ , , \$ \\ .,111 cl c 10.- -.041111111111 sti , \ 161 1,,"„:.N.,),,, ‘ .N, (r) . ,,....., , ,.. ,,,, , ■ \ • N k , ......) 4\ % \ , ,,. ... ,\:\ ,%* N....„ .... \ \ \\ \1 \\ , -\\1- \ _,, to r �� � ^ ' �, , �/ ) , \ �� � �� ` i".-- fr,--— tiv 7 TW"--- .",...2. -2.;/----.. 7(i-h,to,sw-i-pv7Amel.to,/ ■----1.7.:-.-....._.._.._ .._.. _. _ .. _ -2 s. oi 90." I I N z f r'ci • ) e • - ----- ____ \'b 1 . I 1 Pt Z9 ,59 , ese e 9 / G,4 7. + , '.4', v E I )[ g I I . . . , :I c' I • q•p., !.' .1 -------- __■ , - , , — .LS 5'W.7.9 117 11 tt) I ' 1 Air I i / WZEIM1 111111 II / I ,,, ■ mu •, / __ ,:i., . hl h OEM ...,1 •1 ril A - 12 . 111 I . co MEI I.. ...,.... 1 , .Is • I il \ ,i V14:1 4/ ;-;\- X 'I. ‘..14\>_---___Tv 0 __Hl°11 - , ---: , ,,. - = I 0 , , -*:- .:.:.,,,, - •,, ., 11 90 ^4 1 • • '' • ,t11 ________ ._ a 1 k 1 I x11\ I 349 . i I IS I : . . . .......--, 7 1 El 1 I -cre WAY'7/7 0£7.371 V I l IN PV/I.9---- - - ------ - --- -I Trc_-, li)iwTrDtpoN (/ •