1884 (6) r- —ya 'fit'' i t a; i° ".1, - s ,;�r�- _ �r �Ipr it 0r • r, _ k� q 1A U'/ . EL ,� vE K , .� r ' 112 ' r O , ✓ �0,�• ‘3 \( ;) \ r + / , f . - 0 14EW LING of L Rt. �� 4L \ E 11 10 ct\s \ I ,.... 4. 0 5 0N‘' I 4 I- Z IL 4 z z i a. z I o - I- I- < li 4 to o I W f- z o J z J- H W o 4 > Z Z I < 0 Z F- - O Z r o Y 0 - m H v Z 4 C 0 o Z 4 o J & W o D 4 Z IL lL - o I- > z U m It 4 W 0 - Cl r J- a, It • Z W W it > z p J O #,,, - C & t- o) E W lo- w W f- < E Z m 0 a o < W ►- 2 0 I - I- I- I- L N 41 0 N i a Z J Y m L 0 o 4 a Z 0 ✓ _J J ■ J o > > Z m Z 4 •• Z I a W Z I J- 2 0 ;i Z w > = J W 0 F- 4 I- -J r m z _i 2 o W 4 I- o- IL O W W I > I- Z o- L - y > 0 O 4 11 ! PAUL, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF ON FILE AND OF RECORD IN THE OFFICE OF THE REGISTER OF DEEDR OF RAMSEY COUNTY MINNESOTA,W HIGH LIES NORTHEASTERLY OF THE EASTERLY LINE OF LOTS 2,3 AND 4 IN SAID BLOCK EXTENDED SOUTHERLY ACROSS SAID ALLEY, BE VACATED,FOR THE REA• SGI'N THAT SAID ALLEY IS NO LONGER REQUIRED FOR PUBLIC USE,AS AN ALLEY HAS BEEN PROVIDED FROM THE LAST MENTIONED POINT TO NINA AVE- NUE, IN A MORE EASTERLY DIRECTION BY THE REARRANGEMENT OF A PORTION OF SAID BLOCK,KNOWN AS H.M.RICES REARRANGEMENT OF LOTS 10,8,9 AND 10 IN BLOCK 72 OF DAYTON & IRVINES ADDITION TO SAINT PAUL,WHICH HAS HERETOFORE BEEN APPROVED BY THE PLAT COMMISSION OF RAMSEY COUNTY AND ACCEPTED BY YOUR HONORABLE BODY. - /( T.44 PLAT IS HERETO ATTACHED SHOWING THE LINE AS ORIGINALLY LAID OUT THROUGH SAID BLOCK AND,ALSO, AS CHANGED BY SAID REARRANGE- ME NT. YOUR PETITIONERS FURTHER REPRESENT THAT THEY ARE THE OWNERS OF ALL THE PROPERTY FRONTING ON THE LINES OF SAID ALLEY PROPOSED TO BE VACATED AS WELL AS ALL W-E PROPERTY FRONTING ON THE NEW ALLEY AS SHOWN IN SAID REARRANGEMENT,AND THAT SAID ALLEY AS CHANGED WILL BE MORE SATISFACTORY TO THE OWNERS OF THE PROPERTY AFFECTED THEREBY. YOURS RESPECTFULLY, A/ A/ 1 LtA4smA , • \. . .. .si J n £� "! , —,t0."1 M o.Ong ,s ei. m 7 ° 171111 . p a ap aati w�y a �S�\\ rco w r a 'm `a ,,,QR h7 m C P ^t O [, \ Y ,7 w C C 5 Ev.# O G,i'b 5 10' O ,, o- M p n ■ --, c,, c�. a' O F t1b y Cn- m „ M p p \ ` O m n f> u,C O C 0 1 R, (2 m „. o . ZI roO ` x a 53 p,"' HP cry 1 1 \ ' V4' gt m m 2 g g :q-7,I P+0 - I✓`• ri m •. * K ti %i AS* 'v10S34Nin AIN1100 A3SAVU . 0118nd . AWVl$N op 41111 '- •17881 •(J•v Auvnw -83d d0 AV 4f S1Hl '3W 34104 717-)X W 4-7111 -38 01 NWOMS ON`I X738 1- JSeIS •30W1 Si N011113d ONIOS340d 3H1 IVRI AVS ONV 3SOd3O NUOMS Aln& SNI38 dyy�o%% ....aun nNV 4.s7lyss A3SWVy j0 A1Nn00 Y1OS3NN I W A0 31 YJS AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION 4 STATE OF MitifiESOTAt as. COUNTY OF RAMSEY. __being duly sworn, [Official Publication.] Vacation of Part of Alley in Bled 72, depose nd s ys tha the annex'd printed copy f notice of Dayton & Irvine's Addition to I. St. Paul. of A� - f �_.i. did was taken CITY CLERK'S OFFICE,Sr. PAUL,ISCIIII.,t Febuary,25,1884. s from th"ST. PAUL DAILY GLOBE, a newspaper er which Whereas a petition hos boon filed in this office, of p p by order of the Common Council of the City of Saint Paul,and as provided by law, asking for the vacation of that part of the alley running northeasterly through block 72, of Dayton & during the whole time of publication of said notice here- Irvine's addition to Saint Paul, which lies north- easterly of the easterly line of lots 2,3 and 4,in said block,extended southerly across said alley, and 't, inafter stated, has been and is printed and published in Whereas the petitioners state that they are the owners of all the property on the line of the va- cation asked for,and that the object of said vaca- tion is that the portion of said block, through the City of St. Paul, Ramsey County, and State of .MLnne- which said alley runs,has been re-platted,and that the said alley is of no further convenience or use to the public, etc,; Now, therefore, notice is hereby given that sota. That the said notice was published in said news- said petition will be heard and considered by the Common Council of the City of Saint Paul, on Tuesday, the 8th day of April, A.D.,1884,at ,� 7:30 o'clock p. m., at the council chamber,in paper for the period of , /LL/ successive.. the city hall in said city. By order of the Common Council. / / THOS.A. PRENDERGAST, Feb..26.5w-toes. City Clerk. commencing on the.--- - -7.__- -day ' ' --- !___________._#_______1_ 1882/upon, which day last mentioned it was firs pub- lisped, and ending on the 'day of...g� 188 , on which day last mentioned it was last published, upon which daps or times of publication aforesaid the said newspaper was regularly published, and that dur ing the whole time 91' the said publication he was one of the printers and publishers of thepsaidd newspaper. Subscribed and Sworn to before me, this �/ day of .64.44, d _..fl. D. 188 Printer's Fee, $ lid, Via Notary'l brio, Ramsey PP ty, Minn.