1883 .... i POP t• t r A-1 ik . ,Ce•F4;st so -.. ."....:".414... ' . • ;••,. c......_ �Fd¢ ak4 .. y , �i Carom° % ,,, ' '(.• illIt'. 4.° ,t 0 ro . ' m c. 0 \3 .. )1 (.. (..-''',' r\ 0 C) b° . . C—N.,..\\ . .. - fi c i. 2 • F -�. .. s. • i I r 6L(SCL92 4t _. _ _ I 1 i 1 i f i Ill ,r 1 i i a I — � I � r , ; : • i i U 1 1 ! Z jc:, 'i i Q l ; l �z Z i t --1--j--. J I I 1 h 0-7,-......Q-.0"-}-"r"4" r .,A.-- ______ i ! 1 I 7:1/2...127.,4 (.....izi-t-Z:Le..--a—a.td- . 77-e.- -th-e.. .,,,,e. I • • AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION . STATE OF MINNESOTA, ss COUNTY F RA SEY. X. . a& . being:duly.sworn, —__.____. [Official Publication.] deposes and says that the annexed printed copy of notice Vacation of Franklin, Hancock and ,; . Madrid Streets in Bell's Ad- of was taken dition to West St, Paul. • from the ST. Pd1 UL IMILY' GLOBE, a newspaper which Crxv Cr RK's Ornos, '� Sr.PADL,Feb.6,1883. during the whole time of publication of said notice here- Whereas, a petition has been filed in this l: Count s provided by law,byorder of the C.mmon Council of the City of St. Paul, asking'for_the vacation of Franklin, Hancock andg Madid. inafter stated, has been and is in inted and published in streets in Bell's addition to West St.Paul,and Wheeas,the petitioners state that Paul,a own all the property fronting on said streets; and. that the object of said proposed vacation is that the City of St. Paul, Ramsey County, and State of' JI.linne- the atr�te named dq not connect with any other streets,and if vacated cannot;posaebly be•to any one's detriment,and should said streets be va- cated,they,the petitioner<,propose to dedicate new streets and alleys so that the whole will be sofa. That the said notice was published in said news- more advantageously laid out,etc. � � / Now,therefore, notice is hereby given that said petition will be heard and considered bythe paper for the period of'. successive Common Council of the City of St Paul,or a / committee to be appointed by them on Tues ay: / `—� the 20th day of March, A. D. 1883, at 7;30 • h /�i / City Hall, m'' at the Council Chamber,in the commencing on the Ll ay Of.•• -•• •- • By order of CommonCouncil. THOS.A.PRENDERGAST, City Clerk. Feb.10-9 w-Sat 188 , upon which day last mentioned it was firs pub-. -a lisped, and ending' on the t f� day of.... t... 188 , on which day last mentioned it was lust published, upon which days or times of' publication aforesaid the said newspaper was regularly published, and that during the whole time of' the said publication he was one of the printers and publishers of the said newspaper... ACP/Ida . Subscribed and b'worn to before me, this < � day u iriti di. D. 158 Printer's Fee, $ ' Iii i i Notar°t Public, *inibligrounty, Minn. \ ■ _ ■ u ,.,■,, , "418.s. , . . I Z /, -.. -1• 4e ?Air iiiri 401•,- . _,,,,0. 11111er t /"............". .••••"/ ..:11:111‘,„./4.0 - , 111110 ,..."( or -</,' -i -e-e----e----c-- 4400" f yr" , 7,- - ter/ 0- .r.-.- ---"------4"-- --- it----4----- ------1"-"`"""-- . ,---s-g----)i ,,,---,--.•-0--- / ------"---g--...---- -----Z--,-------.._ .<._______,-e___, /1 V aj"...2 di" *. ,,e% ,.., ... ___ .01..icre- -, ..." .e.-----rt.--a_.--.--------/ A ir.,_.„: ,./.- --- --0----‘6". ■ Z‘----' ..---X 1 .---ke ( t./11LO-) -a°1111P.IIIIIkAl.11111.4141 - 0›././.. . \ , o . 0 rzil -.1001111/ . - • ca.b.', \ Ilei i ''-'• ,-, co INPridlirll■- - At, :-...,-t-, Iii g 1`.■ 0,1:L,P . ISPIfriril;/ , \ .411 . i A dk --,... ■44i ,.. „,' , • .. 114\,, CD co .--. . •-•0 • . ',, Al \ . • !• ,.., ,-. , .. ... III 6\ ''.'"`'''--''' ''1" -.< i I . „ . . N . _., , --- 1 • , . , J. . , ' • k„ 1 P i ■ . 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OAPA) , OW J 91 Wely , ,d4 1 i - -th) 1 / • ,. , tow) 'et(2, ffittiou, adwtAA --, , , / 62,e ota, , 7 ,.et.4. , , critoud,&qid: 0,,/(d, I i Otte4,14, i , - -stift,6 I ' IF 1 Ito 0, p1-011/ — , _ / 0 i,1 ,i____ -atie'l/VIAit ' ,F ITV1,0 b(AZ Cl& )L6- ) Mt/0)4UL 4 i / / 4 / i // C / / Ve .10 /// /e il /-71--- ./-Z &e-/Z/i--- Zae. eea-e-f ce--(r 6-eZet.--- ffe/f. k 1 s -- . --., / / / I / I i t . / W-1/1/ ' / ( ' / A A / W / i ' / / MO , / /4A , a.16 -6, / r 4 1 / , / qv ,/ ) pru, fr Aial/( led a , . / C i • / , t 1 9 40 / 1_1-7A, , Iny , ,H,L 4 ., , ., Rod-- Po (LL/' . ( ' r i , ? / i (D 1 / /'/ / ' Pi / , r , / . , // 6---4 &Nab , to , • /// ■ 1 C& y-- -(o, ■ / O ff ' I , de--d-m-ot .4------ 4f- , o y_e, at& 'Awry uo e i■ f . • .- / ,„,, , 40 Oh ' i ____ ; 1/ `&/( n Aden, :ii" 1 vzi-A 41) i -- OM,ip/i/t/ I I ()1At e 4 / ' .-6--- I , , • .. 4} --6----T1 • / /i ' CJ / # • / I arkLef , ad-at / ‘• ,A Q4_," 1-- / , / q/kt, • A / a / 41. , #(,t Off ' / • /i / ii 0 ' , 470:i ait6 daA6 At-6(2 r / oz frbir , II , 0,74.T 4_,, 0•; fr ' A r / dell °.ey 460LILO-i , /1, 'i_ i // (_,, / .1, di- 7/k_41 ! 1 4 I i # 1• , i 4.1 , 1)/01A4 , 0 (RS /3"' " ..Ot"%e-e-e.•-•c z:,k.-c_...), Gge....-4•- -- • , '4,c:ill:leg!. . \......7.'"— I 1 --- r 1 --i 1 --- ,277?"7 1 WHEREAS, The owners a majority o.,. o- f property i 1 :::: ••• ,: . .: : . : : • ditZ„...______.„4 ,9______4( „,„..7.ec-..,•_._.e..r.....•.:...:,..„(„ 1 • ,,..-, ,, e ... .,, .•. ,. .:. :.. -,. , — .6 ,-- 'together-with-tme-and-ofte-halfaeres- d- _Aid-‘...c.c, ' ----e-e------e-e---r----"-----:. • ..theseef,have petitioned the COMM on Council of the City of SL Paul to vacate ( / , -: .: .•- : . : :. . .: .I I .! i 40/ I ' a. s : 40 -I“ • • .::. .: O "al:, 8 (3) lea-ad- erroirrie—sirree4r-en " thaplart,..a_sai,c1.4eat4etss which said peti- --- 12"../..,11 i 10 tion duly, sets forth the facts arid reasons for such vacation and was duly , ac• -compamed by a plat thereof proposed,to— be vacated, which said petition was duly verified, and was upon the order /2f14 It --- 'of said Common Council°was duly filed of record withNovoaiawzr.aor2_Tthe Cit, Clork.of said cif on,1 day of , an , ------- ----..,- --4 WHESEA.8, Due notice by publication in hhe official paper of said city for four r pweeks once a week, cot:amen& , 12 --- —44- - ... . eigC1- /0 ..tIotyt sgedrzeXitnig hinadbteeefnitfisleodbwieiotth atnhde 7„......1,..1-9th 13 _/that the same would be heard and consid- ■ered by the Common Council of the City ---- of St.Paul,on Tuesday,the.frttrilay of-Y-ettz.,, l4 _ suat.y;A.D. 1883, at 730 o'cicck, at the Council Chamber,in the City hall; rr.n.d fr WHEREAS, At, the time and place des- 15 ignated for the investigating and Z--- . , ),.snlernag such 'e proposed ,,r -----— - ---" --- - ---.'-'-- - ------- ' ''rOf,said above named • ' ::,,z, ,g.i„, ..._ , . , .. . .• -. ,f ' i . 16 I Council t said lettain6it , after hearing - 7 d7 opinion that the, .,atne was necesstry and Ageft pro er• s af•'0, d _ 7 GL'* - -liZ-. ,-* L_ icS0/ced Tha ...-1,-1+.4.+44iw.r..14.1-- )44. in ) ,..1 as the same appears of record Regisicr of Deeds, in I and for the county of Ramsey,Minnesota, ' . ..• id be and the sante is hereby declared to be, (...-- vacated and discontinued,as asked for in Pt . 6 -e-a--- --•---...--, said petition. . ‘---,------t-- ' ....61i ; ,„ as 1 la 0'0111szo'ft•VEt,,._,___ _________ _ 21 -1 i 23 YEAS. i NAYS. P ?..4. Aid. DOWLAN, r"-- , 2!) 1 " O'CONNOR, ■-- 1 2t, " ROBERT, " FISCHER, — ,fts --, 27 _____ __ " OTIS, "26 1 ,_ 4 440 29 , t i 0.19R1448{.1 , 30 " JOHNSON, ._. 31 " VAN SLYKE, .-.-- -- 32 ! " STARKEY, 1 . II McCARTHY, MR. PRESIDENT, I . ....--°"40,, 7401111.1111105P- -.0. . .4pproved