1887 (10) r_... • 4. . „._. •-__._ =r------ 1 1 -1 c.,i. , , ■ 1+ N o 0 T `I i ‘ \ • . k . \ ■ t.' • -. - 4 t , ,,, ck • . + N. I' t '''•■• .0 o t ill 4 t t 1 4 + , . . c...:.c.,..,(-• , • :,0 e -- 4..„,_ f,..;14.7.. '• , le • ':\.:! •Jr &-,I . 0 1::::,`t.,,. :',L.:WI 4 ‘1■40\ . ' X ' + 4•% ' tilt•- . - - * --'-.'' '. .....''- .1,....-ITT7 • • AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION . STATE OF MINNESOTA, se. COUNTY OF RAMSEY. cif.. C /R ICA-- being duly sworn, deposes and says that the annexed printed copy of notice of / - was taken from the ST. PAUL DAILY GLOBE, a newspaper which, during the whole time of the publication of said notice, herein- after stated, has been and is printed and published in the Ggty _______ ___—_ (OFFICI AI, P13BLICATION.] of St. Paul, Ramsey County, and State of Minnesota. That Vacation of Aster Avenue, Fry Street and Alley the said notice was published in said newspaper for the period CITY CL&RK's OFFICE, � � � ST. PAUa,March 24,1887.` of - successive GC/VI-4 commencing Whereas,A petition has been tiled in this office by order of the Common Council of the �"ir day of upon City of St. Paul,as provided by law.asking On the . �CiL.- 188 , i] on fbr the,vacation of that part of Aster avenue between Pierce street and Snelling avenue, and that part Of'Fry street that lies between the northeast line of St. Anthony avenue which day last mentioned it was first published, and ending one Ascot ave°ne, and u,e lie,a in blocks p g ono(i)and two(e2,,of Roseville,according w recorded plats.etc.:and. Whereas. The petitioners state that they se 4 , are a majority f the owners of property on on the day of 18�, on which the line of eacho and all of the streets and alleys asked to be vacated, and that the reason and object for the vacations asked for is that said streets and alleys do not cor- day last mentioned it was last published, upon which days or respond with other streets and alleys in the {�qi bdring pt gerty and that the pet- t e s!will dedicate property in lieu of the times of publication aforesaid the said newspaper was � rrt.erefore, noti Now,therefore,notice is hereby given that said petition will be heard and considered by the Common Council of said city on Tuesday, the 3d day of May. A. D. 1887, at 7:30 regularly published, and that during the whole time of the said t; .p clock . ., at the Council Chaber,in the City Hall.' Chamber,By order of Common Council. THUS.A.PRENDERGAST, City Clerk. mar25-5w-fri publication he was one of the printers and publishers of the said newspaper. .., ,41r, Z __ Subscribed and sworn to be ore me this day of A. D. 18y Printer's Fee, $ ix.alc A 1.. A/i caku Notary Pub 'e, Ramsey ounty, Minn. • 1 al 1111 W. E . RLI RTON , Weal' ed,,,/, ai//vd - €6a7/7/4 REFERENCES. 379 JACKSON STREET. HON. ALEX. RAMSEY, ST. PAUL, MINN. HON. EDMUND RICE, It HON. H. M. RICE, SECOND NATIONAL BANK, °' BANK OF MINNESOTA, " /�, GERMANIA BANK, °` it _O� w,p ALEX. P. BROWN, PHILADELPHIA, PENN. _I� G7`Gt�(f/ 4/yJ/12 - 'cfcP izdec:, 4- Zde-t/2--- Z/a____-(_41111L- IP--) dit i-- /64, 1, -4, .3v — 6 (. 0 (F o . ` �/f, C'70/4- t� et, Z 3 3 O q 4C?- -7 /G � 7 o i-&„_ = / 3 p o t eY I&S.1 i g. 6 io , )74- - / / F -----76Z--- 6 of K 6 00 it -Z.,-,-7 6 p K 6 so /4 e e -71- 3----6 0 0 0 ,3--7 ,u- 0 t'77,1-. z 0 ti,z -.1-e- K' / CS ..q l a t( /o )( s-/0 r, 0--- Cr-C2 / 1 1 _ 0 0 ___ _ _ __ _ . __, ___ V 1.-1) 166 .I/C e•fr IP f N V N N -I' V V b w 40 O` 1 0.0 v ol "t: `K3 N • C. 14 N > 'J o ♦ �, ( Q a 4 'r -'r „ 04 ii' ,..... FRY SY T 6' 1 c,-.1 1 b . b li /J 1 1J J4 N Q..� o- 1 C^ I I• I jV z ,—„.....,--,—.....-1 1w p Ii I \ W -� I trl I --4 I oo --a I o o 1 i I ltu 1 GN 1 - 1_____I. - \� o , 1 w is / .., . . ! , 1) - ° 1 °9 ! v GN o .k W �' N .,, /.1, 1 i 1 I w 1 I .C` O ■ O p'L,SL 01' air I N r b 11 Ji I Ii P 4 O74 4;+y N. ill boo 1 I X � Ca. t•% O 1 o9 4 NI y 6N t') 'k w I Y, o w T 1 . . I _-1_ � 1 / ________ 3. SNELLIN kE i. 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