1888 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION . STATE OF MINNESOTA, ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEY. / _.,,,61 / 1 being duly sworn, v. deposes and says that the annexed printed copy of notice of ....... ..... 6 was taken from the ST. PAUL DAILY GLOBE, a newspaper which, [OFFICIAL PUBLICATION.] Vacation of Part of Alley in during the whole time of the publication of said notice, herein- Block 72,of Dayton&/rvine's Addition to St. Paul. • after stated, has been and is printed and published in the City CITY CLERK'S OFFICE,jj ST.PAUL,Feb.10,1888.i of St. Paul, Ramsey County, and State of Minnesota. That Whereas,A petition has been filed in this office, by order of the Common Council of the city of St. Paul,as pro- vided by law,asking for the vacation of the said notice was published in said newspaper for the period i that part of the alley running north- easterly, from"Western avenue to Selby avenue,in the city of St.Paul,throngh blocks 71,72,73 and 74, of Dayton & of '��-`--e- successive ' C� commencing Irvine's addition to nt.Paul,according to the plat thereof on file and on record in the office of the Register of Deeds of / Ramsey county,Minnesota,and known on the . ./U day of �/ Y$$ , upon as Maiden Lane. which lies in said p block 72, northeasterly of the westerly line of lot one(1)in block 72, as desig- nated on said original plat,extended which day last mentioned it was first published, and ending southerly on as uly accompanied ed by ia plat of the alley proposed to be vacated;and Whereas, The petitioners represent on the day of 2-it' C 1$h� on which that they are all owners of, and that J' they are a majority of the owners of property on the line of said alley,and. that the object and reason for such va- day last mentioned it was last published, u on which da s or of sal as asked for is,that the the por p y of said. block through which the por- tion of said alley asked to be vacated runs has been replatted,showing a new times of publication aforesaid the said newspaper was alley, did that said air convenience nveni to be P vacated is of no further convenience or use to the public; Now,therefore,notice is hereby given re ularl published, and that during the whole time of the said that said by petition Common Council and con- regularly P �'� s:dered by the Common Council of the city of St.Paul, on Tuesday,the 20th day of March,A.D.1888,at 7:30 o'clock publication he was one of the printers and publishers of the City Hall.at the Council Chamber in the By order of the Common Council. THOS. A. PRENDERGAST, Feb.10-5we-sat City Clerk. said newspaper. r Subscribed and sworn to lefore me this /( day of /Cep A. D. 188( Printer's Fee, $ 01-1/teA'CCeA/( 1 Notary Public, Rama County, Minn. . 444N ".N% � / \� ^ \ / �U t . 41,II . ^� . r / __-_- _�-_-� -^_- - --. . -__-_ • -`___- ______-� -___ -____ ---- -____-__ __ - _ _ -_ -_____ ' ` . - , • ~ , . � `� � ` , TO THE HONORABLE THE PRESIDENT AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: GENTLEMEN: THE COMMITTEE ON STREETS, SEWERS AND BRIDE GES TO WHOM WAS REFERRED THE PETITION OF HIRAM F. STEVENS AND OTHERS, ASKING THAT SO MUCH OF THE ALLEY RUNNING NORTH-EASTERLY FROM WESTERN AVENUE TO SELBY AVENUE, IN THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, THROUGH BLOCKS 71 , 72, 73 AND 74, OF DAYTON AND IRVINE' S ADDITION TO SAINT PAUL, ACCORD- ING TO THE PLAT THEREOF ON FILE AND OF RECORD IN THE OFFICE OF THE REG- ISTER OF--DEEDS OF RAMSEY COUNTY, MINNESOTA, AND KNOWN AS MAIDEN LANE, AS LIES IN SAID BLOCK 72 NORTHEASTERLY OF THE WESTERLY LINE OF LOT I IN SAID BLOCK 72, Aals DESIGNATED ON SAID ORIGINAL PLAT EXTENDED SOUTHERLY ACROSS SAID ALLEY, BE VACATED, REPORT THAT THEY HAVE EXAMINED INTO THE SUBJECT MATTER OF SAID PETITION, AND THAT THE VACATION ASKED FOR WILL NOT HAVE THE EFFECT TO DEPRIVE SAID BLOCK OF AN ALLEY, AS A REARRANG- MENT OF A PORTION OF SAID BLOCK THROUGH WHICH THE PART OF THE ALLEY ASKED TO BE VACATED OS LOCATED HAS BEEN DULY APPROVED BY THE PLAT COM- MISSION AND ACCEPTED BY THE COUNCIL SHOWING A NEW ALLEY IN PLACE OF THE PART ASKED TO BE VACATED, IN A DIRECTION MORE SATISFACTORY TO THE ABUTTING OWNERS. YOUR COMMITTEE THEREFORE RECOMMEND THAT THE MATTER OF SAID VACA- TION BE r'ROCEEDF_D WITH, THAT SAID PETITION BE FILED FOR RECORD WITH THE CITY CLERK, THAT A TIME AND PLACE BE FIXED FOR THE HEARING OF THE SUBJECT MATTER OF THE SAME_, AND THAT THE CITY CLERK GIVE NOTICE THEREOF BY PUBLICATION AS PROVIDED BY LAW. RESPECTFULLY, j/' CHRMAN♦ .. :::;:111! TI,• I AV. -.t' Y : I U _ I .' U 'i, i,,,i:) +Ire, TV:'ILI I:': 'I : .-I ( ..'0v'•„I ,1. '1%f- .T -.r,.`(,- -. ■ :-....•"t I, .. :r T .• . _ T. i r,, I -'0 •.'. . I : t -,-.c. .,'A'• .. . °11«Tc . . .. .•I Y _i! : ; , •■_ -. _.I I , 1• . _LIA -. - i' 31. , Cr' 1.. 1 i • I ',/, A It' :'w0 .1., r. !_11.;';,c, 11,E IHe? iv _ . I r_ 1 _ .,', ` a. _ _ 'IA ! r (-1(i,", c' ,/1. U,:,,.. a:- ,, Al : c.' t',- i - I ' ti r);.'_'S■ - ; _ 11"l I^O —O:"n: f TAIcI _ . I • -' ..'-'ii.-,..,.. !l'0 A-_.I"-U1"'..-r1" Pc1^^` r —71*±T"1 -_.! _ _ I I T(,.i , _ i .; V.1::_ T.':• , 7.,0 Y.Ir.__'Tr'/`:-HTi!?Vf r ' ?' .1t= (i 1AC' V I • : 1 .1 v'_I53r. 1OC;;' tl:t : . 1,\_ TA 19 -I:-,v Ii I>-O . IA:' NO 0:1TA1" :I.^•7t. 'vtx'r, !i.V F.:1O.1.. ti 1,„-. T OTN I ', 1 i..i; Y_. l TAHT TS ,' ,o:'TA:'AV :.'U lY:.1.iA C± IAi' r',:C)=:1`;∎ J.JIM% fi0 . .. i':•' a: ■ :r,;'.AV _HT TAH1 0-1A lN,.. ITIT.•ei . IA2 '10 `x211Af, 1:_':'4r'0t' -0APO-t; ,a_'S` A itr, !Y:'_1.::. VA "0 >':)0..I0 u IA2. :V15-1q70 OT TO:'aR? :H.' .7V;.1•, TOY Y: I_;-- -,'• I =tO T5<Ar1 ?HT H3 t H. ' HE)t'05IHT ):0JA C. I AP '0 00119,0e1 A '..0 10 It - 1;) 1(1 :;i1 Yt' U: VU> r'9A Y_1uo 0::•t. i.AH U_1AO0_1 20 t'_ T.'+ )AV "e; 0T Ci:•1!2A t tai •i ::JA..I'' 01 Y=1-IA IA:AA A £V IV(+i-' r{I ONU03 :HT Yfl 0. Tc._:):::. `'VA 00 1 0P IN: _!r; .;1 Y;- :;T3A7'..' I T-A.' :. .'i VC I T3:'57 I(1 A V I eC1:11AUAV _ ti ',+ '.:-)iPA TFAr1 ,?5 . IA. 0 7V I 1 TUt3A A3A',' .t I A:'. `,i'• :TTAh4 _HI TART C-, _44100:5; :co :'5 :'1+1 I 1 110\100 FI',C•Y HT I"• '.1 0_'t Y; 0_.11'i 3EI vie I T I1Jf ( 1A2 TAI-IT IHT I'iw Ct: ('. '_ )' 5 't? 001 T :HT RO c.,0 1 AA:H .... 0-: COX I=1 ?d 7OAJq (IVA :1.11 T A TART 045-.74_10 Y T 10 :-H -.,r)a5134T :Or.:01A . '1 I • :''f..7 _13 YT 10 : HT TA,H 1 (iVA ,31.`IAV HT RCS -.TTAi, TO:7401.1i: • 'A I Y13 UJO I VO5'R i..A VO I TA1I_It` I`-1 Yr' ',Y.I Rf=!TZ.1:.°-_",, _.__......,-....-w..s m .—.._ _ AFFIDAVIT OF PURLICATION• STATE OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY OF RAMSEY. 0? IY cl(I/�� ... �OlSiciaiYublicatton.J _ being duly sworn, Vacation of Part of Alloy in Block 72, of Dayton & Irvine's Addition to deposes and says that the annexed printed copy of notice t Paul, ..-_ a taken-No OPProx OP THE of..�C .... .... .. 0)(1.41� .!A!YV...�����(U-lll.d CITY CLERK, JST.PAUL,Minn.,October 21,A.D.1864- { i from the ST. PAUL DAILY GLOBE, WHEREAS,A petition has been flied in this office a newspaper which by order of the Common Council of the City of St. Penl,as provided by law, asking for the vacation of that part of the alley running Northeasterly from Western avenue to Selby av- during the whole time of publication of said notice here- enne,in the City of St. Paul,through blocks 71, 72,78 and 74 of Dayton.'t Irvine's addition to St. Paul,according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds of inaf ter stated, has been and is printed and published in Ramsey county.Minnesota,and known as Maiden Lane,which lies in said block 72 North-easterly of the Westerly line of lot one in block 72, as 1 l designated on said original plat,extended South- the City of ,'t. Paul, Ramsey County, and State of .Mrnne- erly across said alley.which petition was duly ac- companied by a plat of the alley proposed to be vacated and WHEREAS,The petitioners represent that they • sota. That the said notice was published in said news- arc all owners of and that they constitute a ma- jority of the property on the line of said alley, `fu^ / �� _tack /// resident within the said City of St.Paul,and that W Y� a • �/ the object of said petition' and the reason for paper for the period of `u �C/ successive.. GGL.� said vacation is that the portion of said block "° through which that portion of said alley which is asked to be vacated runs has been replotted showing a new alley, and that the said commencing on the _..2 day of alley asked to be vacated is of no further con- venience or use to the public, etc. Now,therefore,notice is hereby given, that said petition and the subject matter thereof 188 upon which day last men oned it was first pub- will n heard and considered by the p CommonConncilof the City of St. Paul, Minn., on Tuesday,the 2nd day of December,A.D.1884 fished, and ending on the at City o'clock p.m., at the Council Chamber in �f�/` the City Hall, in said city. day of v By order of Common Council. THOS.A.PRENDEROAST, 1 88�' City Clerk. on which day last mentioned it was last published, Oct. 22-Ow-Wed upon which days or times of publication aforesaid the said newspaper was regularly published, and that during the whole time of the said publication he was one of the printers and publishers of the said newspaper. )4_,--0 Ado Subscribed and sworn to before me, this aZ < — day of A. D. 188 Printer's Fee, $ t Notary Pub �, Ramsey ,u ty, Minn. .4'.1C\).\ Nit le I -.111111111141111111 W rip ...,. ... Z C� ... N .p ■ 7 • 'F 2400.. F r 4} J O -7 W-y 0 ...1, LI. 1. 111 RILL in NINA 1 16•.0 • o-- f ■LI •: • f A s. FA R. RINa I 0 N 4-- 'Ott•6., ill tt: I P�� 2°L1-1 , Pe 0 . 4. -#4 44011p —4 - . # ...... k WESTERN AVE, J ,l f I IPIPPIPPPPP-. • • Y } • • te • • r•- . • . t • • • • • .d • • • • • a.. r., • TO THE HONORABLE THE PRESIDENT AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: YOUR PETITIONERS RESPECTFULLY ASK THAT THAT PART OF THE ALLEY RUN- NING NORTH-EASTERLY FROM WESTERN AVENUE TO SELBY AVENUE IN THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL THROUGH BLOCKS 71 , 72, 73;6Y74 OF DAYTON AND IRVINES ADDITION TO SAINT PAUL, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF ON FILE AND OF RECORD IN THE OFFICE OF THE REGISTER OF DEEDS OF RAMSEY COUNTY, MINNESOTA, AND KNOWN AS MAIDEN LANE, WHICH LIES IN BLOCK 72 NORTH-EASTERLY OF THE WES- TERLY LINE OF LOT I , IN SAID BLOCK 72, AS DESIGNATED ON SAID ORIGINAL PLAT, EXTENDED SOUTHERLY ACROSS SAID ALLEY, BE VACATED, FOR THE REASON THAT SAID ALLEY IS NO LONGER REQUIRED FOR PUBLIC USE AS AN ALLEY HAS BEEN PROVIDED FROM THE LAST MENTIONED POINT TO NINA AVENUE IN A MORE EASTERLY DIRECTION BY THE REARRANGMENT OF A PORTION OF SAID BLOCK KNOWN$ AS H. M. R I CE' S REARRANGMENT OF LOTS I, 7, 8, 9, AND 10, I N BLOCK 72, OF DAYTON** AND IRVINE' S ADDITION TO SAINT PAUL, WHICH HAS HERETOFORE BEEN APPROVED BY THE PLAT COMMISSIOM OF RAMSEY COUNTY, AND ACCEPTED BY YOUR HONORABLE BODY; AND YOUR PETITIONERS FURTHER REPRESENT THAT THEY ARE ALL OWNERS OF AND THEY CONSTITUTE A MAJORITY OF THE PROPERTY ON THE LINE OF SAID ALLEY, OF WHICH A PART IS SO PROPOSED TO BE VACATED, RES- IDENT WITHIN THE SAID CITY OF SAINT PAUL, AND THAI THE PLAT HERETO ATTACHED CORRECTLY REPRESENTS SAID ALLEY KNOWN AS' MAI'DEN LANE; AND THAT THE DOTTED RED LINE REPRESENTS THAT PORTION THEREOF PROPOSED TO BE VACATED, AND THE DOTTED BLACK LINE REPRESENTS SAID NEW ALLEY, THAT THE" ENT RE AMOUNT OF PROP TY ON THE L i NE OF SAID ALLEY I S 36// '?; ,, - 9 A.7/c e( y .» zao G roc.. S�ac.P���. ' ✓ FEfET,, AND THAT THE FRONTAGE OF YOUR PETITIONERS RESPECTIVELY ON SAID ALLEY IS AS STATED OPPOSITE THEIR RESPECTIVE SIGNATURES, ain't:46M 4- Liviv,..s.A 1 cv.t..0.4,w4„, ,6- 4._0,,;,,,6, , __0-t.6 6 to_t_f,c_ _c__7/: ' �~ • 3 `` j� 72 � 4.4"".J 4.4"".J.;64 „„, /i: 41t 'i94 ./o k19 Anti) . k A/ iii1/- /1 7 44 ,, / // /2 i . , . tg 0 9Y /t: A-11/ r 7 / . /,' .J, a. y 0.--(__:6c) e--Y/ 7c.19‘4-1. 1,1__ 6 /PA i9L“. /i,,1 7 : ,47 e ..4e,_ e %/2 7 /r i . -, ,/ !d:,,__-,c_i ac---z-j j,---,----- ,____ 4,,,a — XI,- of, K. 7 vsii -- 7t3 , /2 ., t)c/ -%-, tX7i-Z- afi4) c4i- -,7‘?/-e-e"--, W- ( ,c,., z-_ 4-e, &ii, ,14(5r-oet7-A. ..2i2, 7/ ,,, a , .).-- / 0 , _ 6_,/ ,,,,- ,,,, ,,, , . , . or . ,....,. . . , , / . , (- / , . (of,,,, //'° '12 --/ ° € . ---6 Y/ A ‘=6"."-.L.: `k k• P /0._,/ D Z/ / � z x .w •40.‘°p'cp...4/ ,a_ . ,� ,:, 7, 1 .,�* " , <1,t7( d O C �'t 0 `n •�v a a ..,tr C c'O Cam a 8 „'r°r.'d a c c W C p t!., ,sr k; ccyc°c ''m mc�`' :.' a�mi�= omm=7.d9 ", ,e. 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