1883 ■ I. AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION . STATE OF MINNESOTA, Ss, COUNTY OF RAMSEY. [OFFICIAL PIIBLICATION.] �� being duly sworn, Vacation of Part of alley in Park Place deposes and says that the annexed printed copy of notice ....„..,.7 6,„.....,..er,--- 40 Ay- CIT:cLE!RR 5 O FEICE, ! u,a•S tiff e71 f T.PL, 41iIIn.,�Iay 17,18 Whereas,a pettion has been filed ine this office, • as provided by law,by order cf the Common which Council of the City of Saint Paul,asking for the PAUL P�jL y (LOBE a newspaper vacation of that part of the alley in Park Place ST. PA UL addition to St.Paul,as lies west of and• me- fi°om the ST diately in the rear of lute numbered Inignihtyo' t(e o het^G,_ and ni ne(9),of said Park Place additi Stthe who le time of publication of said notic Panl,Minn.; and Whereas, the pecked sire state that are during a majority of the owners of property on the line of the vacation asked for,and that the object minted and publl 'hed in ana reason for such vacation is,that that portion inafter stated, has been and is p of said alieyis of no practical bsnefit and ie not necessar, to the pnblie. Now,therefore, notice is hereby given that Y t 7 and State of Nf Lnn e- said petition will be heard and considered by the the City of St. Paul, Ramsey Coun, y, Common Council of the City of Saint Paul,or a committee to be appointed by them,on Tuesday, tdice third day of July, A. D. 1883, at 7:30 published in said' news- dclock p.m.,at the Council Chamber, in the That the said notice was city Mall• sota. By order of Common Council, V,�, THOS. A.PRE�IDERG9ST,page for th period o ...... ..... successive may,,-fry-5w City Clerk. ... ay of.................. . .. .......... commencing on the......../ ................. 18,a, upon which day last mentioned it was first pub- lished, and ending on the / ay o ......... . .... 185 , on which day last mentioned it i7 Or published, upon which days or times of publication aforesaid the said newspaper was regularly published, and that during the whole time of the said publication he was one of the printers and publishers of the said newspaper._ °.........v.....-.. ''°..� ................... Subscribed and Sworn to before me, this i/ of yo 1 - ....A. D. _m S Printer's Fee, $.............................. . .... ... Pr . .............. . Notary , lcblic, Rams- . County, Minn. • N , r , G �v �� - 1�C e sw, . 4 T �/ f l/�l vt PtiO ( e 1 ci) 'mil C� �l'/Y(G(� eyri e d ( AlicaleT-14,14) 'Yodo PIA a) ,A7_04 --a,,;,) I- ii# ..i/u,ei, a/ue I 1 gte(44.064.il ' 6 CO 4, LW at ate-1,6 ) of (e?,e--) ((Air- . 7 /4/4(1 14 a✓ �l/'' &11 e' . �A v�ief A. ` ° a c %ed f " 1 , Cwto(/ ? ii ed,44 9 �jQI ie/GUU P4 0, ,,,, c (t`Gw►ol/7l y Vait� l 10 A v1� Naet) add f l( e e w Gc c t� � a z -,w4 . ii t k I i i&t,e) plIJ a,1. -- aftvee 4 A77.40 12 / / '1 14(460 /4 7ra/e 2G ) �if m cl QjW,,t C at<C di 13 a (4 �UU#1,1/ vYl;' e�( 46 �axo.,J/ vG9- ela4, ) /al/fre c) a 1 $�� rte-/ 14 / 11 /I4IJ 4-4ra e lc c_ A014 ((JJ�W eiU G�/ ' 14� . 15 v It emA, W I Ei A/O-et , a RA-10 o# a / 6 / /ru) Q e ' ! w dtQ Mite° Qf / A A o/c.c.a/ 4�7(/ oa e arse 16 Pa- - r s i ,________, 17 , (t1/16U vv✓ 124c1( i`e t- , 4e)., Pr/eV v e'/, ` eicriA • ,..7\, P Jo )-ear atide4 18 -- 19 . .%!_,■ 0 /` , . . / - °/4C1 1-7 —_ SO e , y 21 - - _- 6, P-- 22 _i4, -dr.-i' -- — X— `X, d o 0, 04 `4/i- 4 24 t 1 1� t ■Nr oU e---' "i, 4 b jii44 1- 1U (0 . 4I '- - - ----- -, 9(//1/Zei-j-,20 ief N, 7 o/i/47Fc2/a< . 26 -_NO ' A#-,1__ Olt- 0 ver'i 74/ - 27 NA, C NO O DLO - (12c✓L- it, 284rK g 4t-/ 2_- . a /(i— ---1 29 1//_/Za -/ ;e / 1 . 30 . 1460:1'..g - - 4 31 " "bA4.JU 4 f(4//(t„ rl hIM.w, 04. 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