D002069CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR • AAMINISTRATIVE ORDER ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, . ���.i.� �. - � That the proper City officials aze hereby authorized and directed to pay Samuel Verdeja, Pazks and Recreation Commission Chair, for expenses incurred while attending the 2001 National Parks and Recreation Association (NRPA) Congress, October 2-8, 2001, in Denver, Colorado. Total expenses not to exceed $1,300.00. Funding code: 03103 C� APPROVED AS TO FORM iC�L\ � �\ /Y � AssistantCityAtto �y J�oo�� DEPAR7MEM/OFFICE/COUNCIL OATE INRIATED ParksandRecrea6on August30 GREEN SHEET /' � NO. 110030 200 RECEIVED � CO�ACTPERSONANDPHONE SEP O�?' ZIiU�'T�DA� �N�iW.IDATE Thompson 266�382 � � OEPAF27MEMDIRECTOR 4 CRYCOUNCIL UMBERFO 2d�AUO�E'��V_cmc�wc MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DA7E) �M�'' ��ryµCIAL SERVIC S IR � 5 Thomoson - 300 CHA 3 September 12, 2001 MAVOR(ORASSI5TANT) TOTAL#OFSIGNANREPAGES � (CLIPALLLOCATONSWRSIGNATURE) AGTION REQUES7ED: Signatures authorizing the expenditure of �ot more than $1,300 to cover the expenses of Samuel Verdeja, Chair of the Parks and Recreation Commission, for attending the 2001 National Parks and Recreation Association (NRPA) Congress in Denver, Colorado, October 2-8, 2001. RECOMMENOATIONS. Approve(A)wRejeG(R) pERSONALSERVICECAN7RACT5NUSTANSWERTNEFOLLOWINGQUE5710NS: _PLANNINGCOMMISSION _CIVILSERVICECOMMISSION 7, HasfhivpersoNlumeverworkedunderacontraCforNistlepartrnerit� _Cf8 COMMRTEE _ YES NO A STAFF _ 2 Has this perso�rm ever been a city amployee? DISTRICTCOUNCIL VES NO — — 3, Does this persoNfirm possess a skill not nMmally posses5e0 by any purent Gry employee� SUPPORTS WHICN COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? YES NO Ezplain all yes answars on sepa�ate aheet antl aMaeh to green Sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (NMO, 4Mat, When, Vvhere, Vvhy): This administrative order wili make it possible for Parks and Recreation Commission Chair S��w�,�eja to attend the annual NRPA Congress from October 2-8, 2001 in Denver, Colorado. SEP 5 200i ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED' MAYOR OFFICE Parks and Recreation Commission Chair Samuel Verdeja will be able to gain valuable information about a wide variety of topics and issues pertaining to parks and recreation at this annual national congress. OISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVEO None. OISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: This opportunity for the Ghair of the Parks and Recreation Commission to gain valuable information at a national parks and recreation congress will be lost. TOTALAMOUNTOFiRANSACTION.y �IOYtO@XC2EGI�..3O0.00 COST/REVENUEBUDGETED�CIRCLEONE) YES NO FUNDINGSOURCE Division of Parks and Recreation budqet ACTVIT'NUMBER 03103 FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) to but not more than $1,300.00 in funds to be expended from Parks and Recreation budget.