D002065.� , 7 �ved Copies to: - City Clerk (Originx{) - Finance Dept's Accounting Division - Poiice DePt. C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMIIVISTRA'I`IVE ORDER No: Date: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 � 23 24 25 26 27 28 24 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Police Department is seeking authority to pay for the related travel egpenses which include air fare, lodging, meals, etc. for one non-city employee from the Grand Island Police Department, Nebraska to present training on the subject of safe police motorcycle operation as it relates to enforcement of traffic laws using the departments motorcycles, and WHEREAS, this training will be conducted for local law enforcement in the White Bear Lake area from September 16, 2001 to September 22, 2001 to assist a local instructor with teaching Saint Paul officers and officers from other Minnesota police departments in a basic motorcycle operators training course, and WHEREAS, safe motorcycle training is specifically designed to assist local officers in working to enforce traffic laws in a safe and confident manner, and WHEREAS, techniqnes used to operate a motorcycle in heavy traffic can change and improve over fime, making this type of training a necessary component in the safe operation of motorcycles for law enforcement ofYicers, and WHEREAS, the public purpose of this training is to train local law enforcement officers in motorcycle operation, and BE IT ORDERED, that the proper city officials are hereby ordered to pay for the above mentioned travel expenses related to this training for one non-city employee, not to exceed $1,000 from account code 436-34117-025x-40017. J Ap d by: City Atto e Date motorcycletraining-9-16-Ot-a.o. DEP2R7iYlE ,"aFFICFJCOUNCIL DATEINITIATED (� Police s�zs�o� GREEN SHEET pf No 113553 � CONTA., PER N& PH NE INRIAIJDATE INRIAL/tlATE � ' WilliamFinney 292-3588 � �PNRNENfDiRECrOR_ CWNLiL MIiST BE ON C UNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) . ASAP ❑2 arvwTrow�er �� cmc�wc � J IFIxaNGRLSF3mCE5o�R_ ❑F�NMIGINLSERViACGiG L� � �wnYOR(ORA5515'tNM)_ �n�AWNRIGHlS L� TOTAL # OP SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCAT70NS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED Signatures requested on the attached admiuistrarive order zuthorizing the payment of travel e7cpenses for one non-city er�loyee, a Northwest Traffic Insfltute cer5fied :notor officer instructor, from the Cnand Island Police Department in Nebraska. RECOMMENDATION ApproVe (A) ol' RejeCt (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MU5f ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUES'�IONS: 1, Has this person/firtn ever worKed under a cont2ct for this depadment? PLANNING COMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2 Has thi5 person/firm ever been a city employae? CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION YES NO 3. Does this persoNfirtn possess a skill not nofmally possessed by any curreM ciry Employee? ' + YES NO �4. I� tF.�� oeruce!rrrn a tar�eted ventlor? YES NG i_;cplain all yes answcrs on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBlE9A ISSUE, OPPORTUNIN (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY) mission of the Saint Paul Police Professional Development Insritute's Basic Motorcycle Operators course is to train new motozcycle �ers from Saint Paul and other area depaxhnenu in the safe and confident operarion of a police motorcycle in ffie performance of uaffic and law enforcement duties on a specially designed police motorcycle. Motorcycle officers are exposed to many types of situarions that would not be experienced by civilian moYOrcycle operators. This 4aining is very intense and Northwestern Traffic Insritute officers are exposed to many tyges of situarions that would not be experienced by civilian motorcycle operators. This training is very intense and Northwestem Traffic Institute recommends that the ra6o of Certified Instructors be 6 to 1. The shident enrollment is currently over that rario and is expected to xeach 12 students at the beginning of the tcaining. This 4aining will greafly aid in the safety of new police motorcycle officers. ADVANTAGESIF APPROVED Approval of the adiuinistrarive order will allow the Saint Paul Police Deparhnent to pay 7ravel expenses for a certified instructor to assist the loeal certified instructor in training of up to 12 studenu in the elass. The two instructors will be able to exchange haiuuig tec}miques , and update each other on the basic cowse. Also ffie use of rivo instructors will greafly improve the information each student will receive and therefore aid them in improving ffie'u understanding of the motoxcycle instruction they will receive. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED IV�OIIO DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED The local instructor would have to teach more than the recommended amount of students and divert the amount of time he will have to work with each student. Tbis would make the coutse very difficult foi each student and could possibly be detrimental to theiu safe operation of a police motorcycle. AMCri�NT OF 7RANSACTION $ not t0 �ceBd $1,000.00 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE SpeCl� Fut1C1 (436� AC7IVIN NUMBER 436-34117 FINANCIAL INFORMATrON EXPLAIN motorcycletraining-9-16-01-ao-gs11355?